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venture 03-19-2012, 06:05 PM Looks interest Pete. Some nice changes!
Looks like the menu options for the post editor aren't displaying right now, but you may know that. Don't see many other bugs just yet.
Does this mean we might be able to get a poster reputation voting option activated soon? :)
OKCisOK4me 03-19-2012, 06:14 PM Does this mean we might be able to get a poster reputation voting option activated soon? :)
+1 for this option.
I like the idea of reputation as well.
Jim Kyle 03-19-2012, 06:25 PM +1 from here too
I've admin-ed on sites with the reputation function it has only led to problems.
Why do you guys want it?
venture 03-19-2012, 07:52 PM I look at it as a way to both self police ourselves but also reward those that actively contribute quality content to the site. This lets new people or guests lurking to get a decent idea quickly who some of our quality posters are. While it is pretty subjective on who is better for who, it would help encourage those that don't seem to contribute much to step up a bit. Also if a new person comes across a poster that gets under their skin, but has noticed they have many neg votes against them, they can easily identify the type of poster it is and move on.
Another option could be individual post/response votes that would essentially gray out low quality posts and also highlight high quality posts. That might be a better option around. People can down vote poor posts that are either flamebait or outright trolls and bury them from view, but also highlight the posts that are of superior quality.
Fantastic 03-19-2012, 09:25 PM Define "low quality posts." I think Pete is right, it would eventually lead to problems. Just because nobody agrees with what someone says, doesn't mean that person's opinion isn't valuable or important. It may be annoying having to read the ideas of all those Negative Nancys, but they should be allowed to express it without the negative connotations of some popularity vote... Just my opinion, and I'm sure if there was a "reputation vote," this reply would be in the negative, because I doubt you guys agree with it :(
Fantastic 03-19-2012, 09:29 PM I will say I do like the idea of a "like" button for posts, kind of like on Facebook. I think that would work pretty well.
HewenttoJared 03-19-2012, 09:59 PM I think the number of low-quality posters is high, so the number of low-quality voters would also be high.
kevinpate 03-19-2012, 10:00 PM Just my opinion, but of late the first sign of a not so great idea would include any phrase similar to 'like they have on Facebook'
As for a reputation switch, more potential headache than benefit (again, just my opinion.)
Fantastic 03-19-2012, 10:07 PM Just my opinion, but of late the first sign of a not so great idea would include any phrase similar to 'like they have on Facebook'
As for a reputation switch, more potential headache than benefit (again, just my opinion.)
I only mentioned the "like" button on Facebook because it's a kind of positive version of what was suggested... agree with you about the headache
OKCisOK4me 03-19-2012, 10:35 PM Hey Pete, I thought if you paid the ads wouldn't show. Is that only for the $99 pledge?
Hey Pete, I thought if you paid the ads wouldn't show. Is that only for the $99 pledge?
No, I never said that... I said that in addition to subscriptions I would still be adding advertising to the site.
I'm just trying out the Google ads to see if they are worthwhile. If it works out, I may try and figure out a way to block them from those that subscribe.
Spartan 03-19-2012, 11:30 PM Oh no, please no reputation button... :-D lol
Oh no, please no reputation button... :-D lol
Why not, Sparty? ;-)
OKCisOK4me 03-20-2012, 12:09 AM No, I never said that... I said that in addition to subscriptions I would still be adding advertising to the site.
I'm just trying out the Google ads to see if they are worthwhile. If it works out, I may try and figure out a way to block them from those that subscribe.
Oh, no, I wasn't implying that. Just wondering. Personally I don't have a problem with them. Thanks!
venture 03-20-2012, 04:47 AM Define "low quality posts." I think Pete is right, it would eventually lead to problems. Just because nobody agrees with what someone says, doesn't mean that person's opinion isn't valuable or important. It may be annoying having to read the ideas of all those Negative Nancys, but they should be allowed to express it without the negative connotations of some popularity vote... Just my opinion, and I'm sure if there was a "reputation vote," this reply would be in the negative, because I doubt you guys agree with it :(
It all depends on the community and how it would work out. I think we have a very strong one here, but we also have a strong showing of people that are just here to argue and cause problems. Sure there will be some kind of bias at times as far as what gets voted up and what gets neg'd, but if people start seeing their posts get buried time and time again maybe they'll do better. There are many times when specific posters draw a certain reaction due to their short, inflammatory posts and carry on that reputation. However, I've also seen those same posters start to get some level of respect when they actually type out their views/opinions instead of just going for the quick jab. So it can work both ways.
Would this reply get a neg vote? Maybe one or two, but not from me. It is contributing to the discussion with a well thought out post. It isn't a short "No shouldn't be done, stupid idea." So perhaps looking at this from that point of view you can see where I'm coming from.
Now I don't disagree with your like button idea here. There is a mod out there where each post can be "thanked" by readers. That could be an option that eases things in that direction. However, I still feel the community as a whole needs some way to hold each other accountable because we can't expect Pete and Mmm to be monitoring the forums 24/7 actioning people.
Of course if the Politics forum was reserved for only Gold/Plat level members it would probably be easier on them consider the number of high volume posters that aren't even bothering helping out with the cost of the site.
SoonerDave 03-20-2012, 08:07 AM Pete,
For what its worth, I'll vote against the reputation capability. Been on a few sports boards and those that have it really start to cause problems. I remember one board started up and the mods told everyone up front "we will NOT rate posters here," and that's when more of the details came out. Conceptually its a great idea, but in practice it causes headaches, hard feelings, gets abused, etc etc.
I surely appreciate the intent, and I'll freely admit I've never moderated any kind of site like this, but from what I can tell it introduces its own level of moderating effort that quickly outstrips its benefit. Just my $0.02.
One other note - thought I'd mention that the revisions to the editor have fixed an ongoing problem on my Android phone trying to post here. The editor would frequently lock up my phone's browser, get stuck, just plain not work. So far, since the new editor has been set up, that's stopped happening.
White Peacock 03-20-2012, 01:33 PM With the widely divergent mindsets present on this forum, especially in the Politics section, a member rating system would be an unnecessary circle jerk. Downvote those on the other side of the aisle every chance you get, upvote those with whom you agree whenever possible. It's not likely to be a genuine merit system, in the end.
MadMonk 03-20-2012, 01:58 PM I'm not a fan of the idea because it becomes a juvenile popularity contest, but why not put it to a poll to see how everyone feels.
woodyrr 03-20-2012, 02:52 PM Two forum features that, in my opinion and experience, cause more harm than good are: "membership levels" tied to post count i.e "noob" and "super poster" which encourages frivolous posting merely to increase post count. The other is a "reputation" system which I agree by its nature causes juvenile behavior even among adults and ultimately results in numbers that are not meaningful.
I do notice that as I am composing this, a little yellow box with the words "Auto - Saved" appears periodically in the lower right corner of of this entry screen. I hope that means that if I forget to copy this text before posting so that I don't lose it if I have been timed out, most of it will be retrievable. That would be a definite improvement for me. That is apparently what, in fact, happened as when I tried to preview this message, I was sent to the login screen. After logging back in, the text was still there.
I do notice that as I am composing this, a little yellow box with the words "Auto - Saved" appears periodically in the lower right corner of of this entry screen. I hope that means that if I forget to copy this text before posting so that I don't lose it if I have been timed out, most of it will be retrievable. That would be a definite improvement for me. That is apparently what, in fact, happened as when I tried to preview this message, I was sent to the login screen. After logging back in, the text was still there.
Yes, the auto-save feature is new and part of the latest version of vBulletin software.
MikeLucky 03-20-2012, 03:18 PM Pete, as you know, I have quite a history with message boards... and in my experience, the reputation feature will lead to problems of some kind. But, this you already know. lol. But, I do like, for instance, on Landthieves, how you can "thank" a certain post. In my mind that saves a lot of posts that are merely a quote with a "+1" following it.... now, maybe you want more posts or maybe you don't... lol. Just my observations.
The one thing I feel most strongly about is the need to bring more and more people into the conversation. It seems simple but it's easy to forget: forums are worthless unless you can engage discussion.
The best thing about OKCTalk is we get so much good information from so many people. We've really reached critical mass where the things discussed here do have an impact and certainly seem to draw the attention of key people.
But to newbies, a forum like this can be intimidating, as the regulars seem to know everything and you are afraid to ask a question or join in. And too often when that happens, people aren't as friendly and welcoming as they could be. And let's face it, there are so many topics here it can be hard to find what you are looking for.
So, I'm opening a new sub-forum called "Ask Anything About OKC":
venture 03-20-2012, 03:50 PM Pete, as you know, I have quite a history with message boards... and in my experience, the reputation feature will lead to problems of some kind. But, this you already know. lol. But, I do like, for instance, on Landthieves, how you can "thank" a certain post. In my mind that saves a lot of posts that are merely a quote with a "+1" following it.... now, maybe you want more posts or maybe you don't... lol. Just my observations.
It seems that overall we all want some sort of recognition system to highlight quality contributions. Initially I suggested one that focuses on recognizing people directly and can agree it can go wrong. So refocusing on making it about the posts directly would be better. Right now there is a voting thing, but it is for the thread and doesn't really represent he quality posts others make. If we could could see a system where each post can be liked/thanked or voted for (good/bad) that would help. Bad posts after a certain threshold would get over-shaded with gray to show their low quality and then high quality posts would get highlighted with like a light blue or another color to draw attention to it.
venture 03-20-2012, 03:52 PM But to newbies, a forum like this can be intimidating, as the regulars seem to know everything and you are afraid to ask a question or join in. And too often when that happens, people aren't as friendly and welcoming as they could be. And let's face it, there are so many topics here it can be hard to find what you are looking for.
So, I'm opening a new sub-forum called "Ask Anything About OKC":
Very true. Great idea!
Pete, can we have a book club forum?
Only if we get a weather forum. ;-) LOL
SoonerQueen 03-24-2012, 03:30 AM Very true. Great idea!
Only if we get a weather forum. ;-) LOL
I'd love for you to add a weather forum.
OKCisOK4me 03-24-2012, 09:18 AM I like the badges on the front page ;-)
I like the badges on the front page ;-)
Still playing with them a bit but trying to make the site less generic.
plmccordj 03-24-2012, 02:16 PM Oh no, please no reputation button... :-D lol
I agree with Spartan here. This option is not only subjective but can degenerate into a "group think" page like After a while, no one else can get their word out because a group controls things. Even if you only have +1's and not -1's, people can bury legitimate information simply based on clique's. That may not happen but if you have spend any time on you will find many people that brag about their power as bringing sites down with the Digg affect.
I realize people are only talking about applying +1 to user's reputations instead of actual stories but I still think it can end up driving people away.
venture 03-24-2012, 11:44 PM Going back to my tongue in cheek weather forum comment...would it at all be possible to get a thread label for weather specific threads and really any other major topics that tend to get lumped in with others (in more generic forums)? Or maybe something that can be used for Weather, Earthquakes, Space, etc...since they all can kinda be related.
SoonerQueen 03-25-2012, 03:07 AM I love the new things you have added to the message board. I might suggest that you add a weather forum and also one that deals with local crime. It might also be cool to have a place to report all those awful potholes and bumpy roads in the city area.
Going back to my tongue in cheek weather forum comment...would it at all be possible to get a thread label for weather specific threads and really any other major topics that tend to get lumped in with others (in more generic forums)? Or maybe something that can be used for Weather, Earthquakes, Space, etc...since they all can kinda be related.
I added a post icon for weather.
kevinpate 03-25-2012, 10:12 AM I love the new things you have added to the message board. I might suggest that you add a weather forum and also one that deals with local crime. It might also be cool to have a place to report all those awful potholes and bumpy roads in the city area.
Wouldnt the potholes be an item for actionline or other direct city contact point?
I thought I heard a psa on the radio this past thursday when i came into okc to make a no seat belt donation to the cause. Well that was not the reason i rolled into town ... Just one of the perks of tge trip.
venture 03-25-2012, 04:34 PM I added a post icon for weather.
Woot. Ty so much sir!
Does that mean we will get a book forum? =)
Would you settle for a book icon? Already made.
venture 03-26-2012, 04:10 PM I could see if certain topics got really popular that subforums could be the metro area cities. All in all a lot of good changes to help refresh the look of the site.
You may remember that we consolidated a number of forums a couple of years ago because traffic was spread too thinly among them.
Since then, things have been much more balanced and people seem to be able to find things relatively easily.
I really want to add an alpha index to the site in the near future but that will take development time and money. Also,perhaps a Okla-pedia wiki function that would allow people to create and maintain articles on the thousands of OKC-specific topics discussed here.
venture 03-26-2012, 06:59 PM A wiki would be cool. I've set up a few over the years and they take some work but the end result is great setup to allow others to contribute.
Spartan 03-29-2012, 01:20 PM Hey Pete,
A wiki might actually be the best format to chronicle urban development. Problem though is that they might remove some photos for copyright infringement issues, despite that these developers obviously do want us to spread their renderings around.
We're in the process of installing MediWiki on the site. It's the same software used by Wikipedia.
The wiki will look just like Wikipedia but there will be a tab that links directly to a discussion thread, and vice versa.
If we run into any copyright issues I'll get notified and we can adjust accordingly. Typically when someone puts something out on the Internet they want it seen, as long as proper credit is given.
venture 03-31-2012, 03:56 PM MediaWiki is definitely very easy to install and manage, so good choice. If you need help just let us know since I'm sure several of us are use to working with it.
Actually, we are going to be using something other than MediaWiki because it doesn't integrate well with vBulletin.
There is another tool that looks and acts just like it but made specifically for vB.
Hope to get it up and running in about a week.
betts 04-03-2012, 03:11 PM Are there smart ads on this site? I'm slightly creeped out by the fact that what I've been shopping for online or the stores I've visited seem to show up in the ads at the top of the forum. Or is it random and I'm paranoid?
kevinpate 04-03-2012, 03:22 PM You mean you haven't noticed the google car following you around town or sitting outside your place in the evenings? You really need to step away from the keyboard more, hehehe.
woodyrr 04-05-2012, 11:32 AM Advertisements at the top of the page are OK as are advertisements between posts if absolutely necessary. I am not enthused to find advertisements for products or services that I may or may not endorse embedded in the body of my posts.
kevinpate 04-05-2012, 06:02 PM I apparently reset something in Firefox as I no longer see the ads at all. Odd thing is, I don't usually forget when I switch a setting and I don't tend to have anything set to auto update in my sleep. It's a mystery at the moment.
woodyrr 04-05-2012, 06:14 PM My computer blocks them too. I was surfing with my iPhone this afternoon and saw an ad in one of my posts.
The first post in this thread by Venture has an ad for "BE NAUGHTY" "START DATING" "JOIN NOW!" I can only imagine the first time Steve Lackmeyer posts and finds an ad for the Oklahoma Gazette nestled in among the wisdom.
Not gonna speak for Venture or Steve, but as far as I'm concerned that kind of crap has got to go.
Ads are only embedded when you visit as a guest. If you log in, you see them as a banner.
If you come across ads you think are inappropriate, please forward the details to me and I can have them blocked.
venture 04-05-2012, 09:54 PM My computer blocks them too. I was surfing with my iPhone this afternoon and saw an ad in one of my posts.
The first post in this thread by Venture has an ad for "BE NAUGHTY" "START DATING" "JOIN NOW!" I can only imagine the first time Steve Lackmeyer posts and finds an ad for the Oklahoma Gazette nestled in among the wisdom.
Not gonna speak for Venture or Steve, but as far as I'm concerned that kind of crap has got to go.
Umm...giggity? :-P lol
kevinpate 04-06-2012, 10:36 AM Ads are only embedded when you visit as a guest. If you log in, you see them as a banner. ...
Not even getting banners anymore here. I did for a bit. I'm speculating this relates to an update to FireFox 11 I now realize has taken place. I don't even recall doing that update. Guess I need to stay off the computer when I am tired.
Just so you guys know, the whole purpose of the ads is to help fund the site; not only the misc. expenses but also future improvements.
If you block them, that doesn't help us.
corpsman 04-06-2012, 09:02 PM I'm still getting banners and have the same Firefox update.
Not even getting banners anymore here. I did for a bit. I'm speculating this relates to an update to FireFox 11 I now realize has taken place. I don't even recall doing that update. Guess I need to stay off the computer when I am tired.
Fantastic 04-06-2012, 11:41 PM Pete, could we get a forum for photography where those of us who just randomly walk around taking pictures of stuff can post them?
I've been working on setting up a photo hosting tool... There was one installed when I bought the site years ago but is no longer functional after all the software upgrades.
I'd like to get the current version and have it installed properly, but all this takes money and there a few other upgrades we need to do first.
But I agree that photography should be an important part of this site. We'll get something setup soon.
ljbab728 04-08-2012, 02:10 AM I've been working on setting up a photo hosting tool... There was one installed when I bought the site years ago but is no longer functional after all the software upgrades.
I'd like to get the current version and have it installed properly, but all this takes money and there a few other upgrades we need to do first.
But I agree that photography should be an important part of this site. We'll get something setup soon.
Pete, that would be a major enhancement. I hope that works out.
MikeOKC 04-08-2012, 03:03 AM Pete, The photography gallery is a great idea. What was being used before? Was it PhotoPost (
The full version would be just less than $200 installed or $129 w/out installation. If that's something you want PM me.
MikeOKC 04-08-2012, 03:26 AM By the way, even though it says here on the site that you don't need a PayPal account to use PayPal with a credit card - it's not set-up for that and I don't do PayPal.
Have you considered a GoFundMe page ( You could make a banner and with a single-click users could go to the payment page. They take all credit/debit cards, PayPal & a couple of others. It's a 5% hit for you, but there's no other costs and that's nothing when you figure in the simplicity of people clicking a link or ad straight to the big "donate" button and an easy and quick transaction.
Look at how this random forum I found has some kind of donate plugin - as soon as you hit donate it takes you directly to the PayPal page that accepts credit cards without an account required. Nice and slick integration. or even the way it's done here where they're also very transparent about the site costs listing them and where they are in their needed donations (same PayPal situation as the other).
Sorry to ramble - just some ideas. I know you need some money to do what you really want with the site.
Pete, The photography gallery is a great idea. What was being used before? Was it PhotoPost (
The full version would be just less than $200 installed or $129 w/out installation. If that's something you want PM me.
When I purchased the site, there was an install of PhotoPost, so we own an older license. I'm hoping just to pay the upgrade/install fee to get the most current version.
By the way, even though it says here on the site that you don't need a PayPal account to use PayPal with a credit card - it's not set-up for that and I don't do PayPal.
Have you considered a GoFundMe page ( You could make a banner and with a single-click users could go to the payment page. They take all credit/debit cards, PayPal & a couple of others. It's a 5% hit for you, but there's no other costs and that's nothing when you figure in the simplicity of people clicking a link or ad straight to the big "donate" button and an easy and quick transaction.
Look at how this random forum I found has some kind of donate plugin - as soon as you hit donate it takes you directly to the PayPal page that accepts credit cards without an account required. Nice and slick integration. or even the way it's done here where they're also very transparent about the site costs listing them and where they are in their needed donations (same PayPal situation as the other).
Sorry to ramble - just some ideas. I know you need some money to do what you really want with the site.
Working on creating a "subscribe" tab with multiple options. Thanks for your input and you aren't the only one that doesn't want to use PayPal.