03-17-2012, 09:21 PM
That is the ship from the original Alien movie. Sweet!
That is the ship from the original Alien movie. Sweet!
View Full Version : Aliens Fans: Prometheus Full Trailer HewenttoJared 03-17-2012, 09:21 PM http://io9.com/5894241/watch-the-full-trailer-for-prometheus That is the ship from the original Alien movie. Sweet! Dustin 03-17-2012, 09:49 PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHcHYisZFLU&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Richard at Remax 03-18-2012, 08:06 PM This is my second most anticipated movie behind dark knight rises. Im glad Ridley decided to come back Easy180 03-18-2012, 08:44 PM One word...IMAX Dustin 03-18-2012, 09:03 PM One word...IMAX Just saw John Carter at the Warren IMAX an hour ago... Words cannot describe how amazing it is. I can't wait to see Prometheus there. HewenttoJared 03-18-2012, 09:40 PM John Carter is worth seeing? I was was waiting on Katniss to visit the IMAX this year... Dustin 03-18-2012, 10:10 PM John Carter is worth seeing? I was was waiting on Katniss to visit the IMAX this year... I loved it... Is there something I'm missing? I was glued the entire time. Also, when I said "Words cannot describe how amazing it is" I meant the theater. Guess I should of been more clear. Roadhawg 03-19-2012, 08:09 AM I usually don't go out to the movies but this one I want to see at the Imax. Richard at Remax 03-19-2012, 08:18 AM I took my god son to see John Carter in 3D. I wasn't expecting much but was actually entertained. The graphics were as good as anything Ive ever seen. FritterGirl 03-19-2012, 09:57 AM Can NOT wait! Also looking foward the new Snow White and the Huntsman. Finally, a girl protagonist! jn1780 03-19-2012, 11:37 AM http://io9.com/5894241/watch-the-full-trailer-for-prometheus That is the ship from the original Alien movie. Sweet! Will this movie take place in the Alien universe? I know that was the original idea, but I heard it won't directly be related to the Alien movies. HewenttoJared 03-19-2012, 02:57 PM Yea that's what he kept saying, but... HewenttoJared 05-06-2012, 09:37 AM http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2012/05/06/i-dont-even-know-what-this-movie-is-about-anymore-but-i-still-want-to-see-it/ Richard at Remax 06-11-2012, 08:51 AM So I went and saw this last night at the Warren. I felt very disappointed after I left. Without spoiling anything I just felt it wasn't very original and was just a rip off of the other movies and there were too many unanswered questions and unanswered explainations. Visuals were amazing, even though I with some of the creatures didn't need to be CGI cause it seemed to cheapen it. FIrst hour good then falls flat. 7/10 HewenttoJared 06-11-2012, 03:51 PM I thought it answered some really pressing questions from Alien, but it definitely opened up a lot more good questions. I liked it. BBatesokc 06-11-2012, 07:25 PM I saw it Sunday morning in 3D at Tinseltown with my wife. We both liked it good enough. I'm really glad I saw it in 3D. To me, this is a good example of how 3D could go mainstream successfully with lots of movies and not just the typical 3D action movies. I'm normally not a huge 3D fan, but the 3D in this movie was subtle IMO and helped to bring the viewer into each scene without corny 3D effects. Actually, I'm of the mind that in 2D I might have gotten bored with the movie. 3D aside, the story was okay, the pace was a bit slow and the suspense was non-existent. Pete 06-11-2012, 08:04 PM I believe the plan is to slot another movie between this and the first Alien, which might explain some of the open issues. I hate it when movies don't stand completely on their own, but such is the nature of big Hollywood these days. Prequels and sequels revenue is much more predictable than a completely new film, and with today's big budgets, nobody wants another John Carter. Roadhawg 06-12-2012, 07:46 AM I saw it Sunday morning in 3D at Tinseltown with my wife. We both liked it good enough. I'm really glad I saw it in 3D. To me, this is a good example of how 3D could go mainstream successfully with lots of movies and not just the typical 3D action movies. I'm normally not a huge 3D fan, but the 3D in this movie was subtle IMO and helped to bring the viewer into each scene without corny 3D effects. Actually, I'm of the mind that in 2D I might have gotten bored with the movie. 3D aside, the story was okay, the pace was a bit slow and the suspense was non-existent. I think it would be hard to match the suspense of the first Alien movie. The previews look good and I would like to see it in 3D too. Richard at Remax 06-12-2012, 08:17 AM If you have seen the movie this article pretty much sums up my thoughts on the movie. http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/ridley-scotts-prometheus-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly-20120611 RadicalModerate 06-12-2012, 08:34 AM I agree with Roadhog about the original Aliens film but I was hoping that just maybe Promethius would meet or exceed the quality and was actually planning to make a trip to the theater to see it. (The first movie in a while that I felt even vaguely tempted to see first-run.) I'm sorry that this--the level of quality--doesn't seem to be the case. Guess I'll just wait for it to show up on Netflix. HewenttoJared 06-12-2012, 09:29 PM If you have seen the movie this article pretty much sums up my thoughts on the movie. http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/ridley-scotts-prometheus-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly-20120611 Yea I can see some of that but SPOILERS I think it was obvious that he spiked his drink because the guy said he was willing to die to get his answers and it didn't appear that they would find their answers otherwise. Roadhawg 06-13-2012, 08:27 AM Looks like I'll be waiting for this one to come out on DVD Richard at Remax 06-14-2012, 03:22 PM Weird but funny video of guy trying to make sense of the movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?client=mv-google&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&v=-x1YuvUQFJ0&gl=US&nomobile=1 |