View Full Version : Mick Cornett to be a round table guest on Real Time with Bill Maher this Friday.

03-15-2012, 12:32 PM
Should be very interesting to see what he has to say.

03-16-2012, 04:18 AM
Interesting indeed...Will definitely check it out

03-16-2012, 09:44 AM
Totally shocked by him getting asked to be a guest. He has a panel of 3 guests on each show, usually 2 liberal leaning guests and 1 conservative. Obviously I am assuming Cornett will be the conservative leaning guest but not sure what he will talk about. I would have rather seen a state legislator from OK be a guest. Maher definitely can be brash but if you can ignore that you can come away with a different perspective on some issues, mostly conservative social issues.

03-16-2012, 11:35 AM
I'm actually really excited about this. Cornett is a very intelligent man. Maher is a lot of things and whether or not you agree with his view points he's a very smart man too. It will be interesting to see how they interact with each other. I'm also excited because I think he will represent OKC well.

03-28-2012, 08:33 PM

He did an admirable job in a very hostile environment (even for a moderate Republican like the Mayor).

03-29-2012, 12:35 AM

He did an admirable job in a very hostile environment (even for a moderate Republican like the Mayor).

It didn't seem hostile at all.

03-29-2012, 07:11 AM
Those of you with HBO On Demand should be able to see this interview for the next couple of weeks. I have just finished watching the program & Mayor Mick did represent our city very well, even though his time was limited.

03-29-2012, 08:30 AM
Those of you with HBO On Demand should be able to see this interview for the next couple of weeks. I have just finished watching the program & Mayor Mick did represent our city very well, even though his time was limited.

Did it already air? I thought it was airing Friday night for the first time, DVR is set to record it for me.

04-01-2012, 07:35 PM
It didn't seem hostile at all.

When he mentioned "increasing oil production in the US," the audience was pretty quick with the "boos" even before he could finish his point. Regardless of which side of the aisle you prefer, you must admit that Bill Maher's audience is a little predisposed to dislike anyone with an (R) next to their name. Much like fans of Hannity are against the (D).

04-08-2012, 06:03 PM
When he mentioned "increasing oil production in the US," the audience was pretty quick with the "boos" even before he could finish his point. Regardless of which side of the aisle you prefer, you must admit that Bill Maher's audience is a little predisposed to dislike anyone with an (R) next to their name. Much like fans of Hannity are against the (D).

Maybe they're just predisposed to boo people who claim fossil fuels are the way forward.

04-08-2012, 06:23 PM
Maybe they're just predisposed to boo people who claim fossil fuels are the way forward.

They are the way forward. Other technologies haven't proven to be consistent sources besides hydro, which is reliable, but there is only so much of it.

04-08-2012, 09:47 PM
When he mentioned "increasing oil production in the US," the audience was pretty quick with the "boos" even before he could finish his point. Regardless of which side of the aisle you prefer, you must admit that Bill Maher's audience is a little predisposed to dislike anyone with an (R) next to their name. Much like fans of Hannity are against the (D).

And I'll bet most all of them got to Mahers show driving cars.........

04-09-2012, 07:22 AM
And I'll bet most all of them got to Mahers show driving cars.........

NAH ... riding in cabs and griping about the traffic the whole way