03-06-2012, 04:07 PM
It looks like milk, what's up with that?
View Full Version : Mustang water Lurker34 03-06-2012, 04:07 PM It looks like milk, what's up with that? rickself 03-07-2012, 08:38 PM El Reno water used to look like iced tea! Fortunately, most of the old water pipes have been replaced. But milk - that's a twist. stick47 03-08-2012, 07:38 AM Department of Health:Health FAQs Yahoo search: If a glass of water appears milky, watch it for awhile. If the milkiness clears at the bottom first and gradually goes away, the milkiness was caused by air in the water. This condition has no health significance. Air in the storage tank or pressure tank (or well) has dissolved into the water. When the pressure drops (from in the pipe to in your glass) the air comes out (undissolves) forms tiny bubbles, floats to the top and rejoins the atmosphere. OKCNDN 03-22-2012, 07:56 PM El Reno water used to look like iced tea! Fortunately, most of the old water pipes have been replaced. But milk - that's a twist. HaHa!!! El Reno water sure was dirty wasn't it. This even after lots of money was poured into the treatment plant. The quality has improved a great deal but it still isn't up to being potable, IMO. The water still leaves a bunch of buildup in the shower. It's not good that people have to bath in it. El Reno reminds me of Mexico in one way-"Don't drink the water!!!". I don't care if it's not spring water but many people I know use the water dispenser in front of Beachler's for drinking water. Not bad at all at 25 cents a gallon. justjeff 03-28-2012, 01:30 PM Most of mustang water is full of air. Mel 04-13-2012, 07:09 PM The taste just seems a bit off to me. Plus a bit pricey. Lurker34 04-17-2012, 04:42 PM The taste just seems a bit off to me. Plus a bit pricey. Amen! Who the hell can afford to water their yards in Mustang? stick47 11-28-2012, 05:39 PM Moved North of Mustang and are on a well now. Our fridge water filter used to need changed 3X a year. Been up here one year and the filter is still clean. Snowman 12-04-2012, 05:08 AM It looks like milk, what's up with that? We use to have some points where there the amount of calcium carbonate would be high enough to be visible in the water to look like diluted milk, if that is the case here it is not a health issue but certainly not aesthetically pleasing. |