03-04-2012, 09:47 PM
I graduated from Santa Fe in 2010 and my last couple of years, I kept hearing staff say "we need a fourth high school" "we have too many students" etc. When do you think it will happen? Or will it?
View Full Version : When will Edmond see a fourth high school? GoOKC1991 03-04-2012, 09:47 PM I graduated from Santa Fe in 2010 and my last couple of years, I kept hearing staff say "we need a fourth high school" "we have too many students" etc. When do you think it will happen? Or will it? SoonerBoy18 03-04-2012, 10:49 PM I consider Deer Creek to be their fourth High School. West Edmond is growing extremely fast. Deer Creek and Piedmont is where its at and I dont even live there yet. Pete 03-05-2012, 09:35 AM Santa Fe only has 1,800 students which puts it right in the middle of the 6A schools. EN has 2,300 and Memorial has 2,150. Eventually, there may be the need for a HS east of I-35 as that area is just now starting to be developed. BrettM2 03-05-2012, 10:43 AM I read an article a few months ago saying that Edmond was beginning to talk about this need and it would be NW of the current core of high schools. It was an Oklahoman article, but can't remember when I read it or if it was more than just speculation. Debzkidz 03-05-2012, 11:44 AM I read an article a few months ago saying that Edmond was beginning to talk about this need and it would be NW of the current core of high schools. It was an Oklahoman article, but can't remember when I read it or if it was more than just speculation. I remember reading that article as well. I was going to post about it when I read the OP but I couldn't remember any of the details of the article. EdmondBrad 03-05-2012, 12:12 PM Santa Fe district already extends into "The Greens" neighborhood of OKC. I would think the only direction to go would be north or east...who knows. BrettM2 03-05-2012, 12:54 PM Santa Fe district already extends into "The Greens" neighborhood of OKC. I would think the only direction to go would be north or east...who knows. If they go NW, it has to be to keep some of the kids from going to Deer Creek. hipsterdoofus 03-06-2012, 01:04 PM I had always assumed it would be East of I-35 also, particularly after they annexed half of Arcadia. They may have the same problem finding a location for finding a location for a new HS that they do for a new library - that is that it would have worked out better if the current schools were in slightly different positions :). The library is right in the middle of Edmond, so to service the city better, it almost would been better to have one on different sides of the city. Oh well, I guess you get the hand you are dealt. cjohnson.405 03-06-2012, 07:06 PM There are not many people on the East side of Edmond and I'm not sure there will ever be alot of people. The cost to develop the land is much higher (trees and elevation changes) and there is not much existing infrastructure. They did annex Arcadia but that's just a few hundred people. I can see a high school next to I-35 itself (like OCS) but not really deep into the east side. rcjunkie 03-06-2012, 08:20 PM I have several teachers in my family, 4 in the Edmond district and 2 in Norman. While I think Edmond will see a 4th high school, I think Norman will have a 3rd one several years before Edmond has a 4th. hipsterdoofus 03-07-2012, 09:18 AM Yeah they did just recently finish the freshman academies at the high schools so I would think they would wait awhile before making any decisions beyond that. metro 03-11-2012, 05:18 PM I have several teachers in my family, 4 in the Edmond district and 2 in Norman. While I think Edmond will see a 4th high school, I think Norman will have a 3rd one several years before Edmond has a 4th. Normans a much bigger suburb population wise and has less HS. Hollywood 03-12-2012, 03:26 AM Edmond needs to decrease the reach of the school districts before it makes any new schools. I'd be interested to see the percentage of students at Santa Fe that actually live in Edmond and not OKC. Brett 03-18-2012, 09:01 AM A fourth high school won't happen. Wait about 5 years and the influx of Hispanics and blacks will cause white flight out of Edmond and into the rural areas of Kingfisher, Logan and Lincoln counties. The rich whiteys will place their kids in private school. wallbreaker 03-18-2012, 08:26 PM Normans a much bigger suburb population wise and has less HS. They may have more population (althout not sure that MUCH is accurate) but Edmond has almost 10k more enrolled students. Edmond Public Schools takes in OKC's and other city's students. School districts don't (and not sure they need to) reflect city limit signs. Plutonic Panda 01-07-2013, 04:11 PM Came upon this today. An 80million dollar bond package that purchases land rights for a future high school. Among other bond issue items is the purchase of land for a future high school site. Should growth trends continue, we anticipate within a decade, the need for a fourth high school to be built and operational. In the meantime, bond monies will be set aside to upgrade current high schools and to provide appropriate care for all existing Edmond schools. EdmondBrad 01-08-2013, 01:51 PM Edmond needs to decrease the reach of the school districts before it makes any new schools. I'd be interested to see the percentage of students at Santa Fe that actually live in Edmond and not OKC. It is a big school district. I know kids that go to Santa Fe High School that live in The Greens neighborhood over by Mercy hospital. Buffalo Bill 01-08-2013, 02:53 PM Keep in mind, too, that there is a disconnect in mailing addresses and city limits, ie 178th and Penn is in OKC; OKC water, sewer, trash, police, fire, etc., but will have an Edmond mailing address. Dubya61 01-08-2013, 04:07 PM How does Edmond fund their schools? Is property tax coded by school district? When I was growing up (and we used stone and chisels), schools were funded by the county where you registered your car. Pete 01-08-2013, 04:14 PM A lot of the revenue for schools come from real estate taxes within their districts. Buffalo Bill 01-08-2013, 09:21 PM How does Edmond fund their schools? Is property tax coded by school district? When I was growing up (and we used stone and chisels), schools were funded by the county where you registered your car. The Oklahoma county assessor website will show, for a particular address, the school district that it is within, and the millage rate for that district. Roughly 60% of the property tax goes to the school district. Another 15% or so goes to the vo-tech district and state colleges. The remainder goes to the city and county. Hollywood 01-09-2013, 10:18 AM It is a big school district. I know kids that go to Santa Fe High School that live in The Greens neighborhood over by Mercy hospital. Oh I know it's large. The problem is how far south it goes. We're bring a lot of problems into the city that we don't have with the other high schools. OklahomaNick 01-09-2013, 04:49 PM I really hope they do NOT build another Edmond High School. Sports wise, the three schools have only recently recovered from splitting from 1 to 3 high schools in the 90's. #DontSplitMyEdmondAgain Pete 08-21-2014, 05:07 PM In her chat today, the Oklahoman's Diana Baldwin said that EPS has bought land for a 4th high school at Boulevard & Sorghum Mill. Looking at an aerial, I would guess the NE corner: Chat recap: Edmond buys land for fourth high school | News OK ( Hollywood 08-21-2014, 05:45 PM That's another school, the new high school will be on the southeast corner of Covell and Air Depot. rezman 08-21-2014, 07:41 PM We owned a business in Arcadia for several years. We heard talk of Edmond wanting to build a new school east of I-35 for some time, so Covel & Air Depot makes sense. Especially with the develpment at Covel & I-35 and the Thunder Canyon coming on line. Some people in the Arcadia zip code go to Luther, some go to Edmond. Arcadia is still it's own town and has not been annexed by Edmond.... Yet. Plutonic Panda 08-21-2014, 07:51 PM Everything I have heard from reliable people have told me it will be east of I-35 |