Dave Cook
04-25-2005, 04:42 AM
I have to say I've sort of enjoyed reading some of these threads about the single life (or lack thereof) in OKC.
Question.....does it seem most of the singles in OKC that have reached a certain age have nothing but married friends? Has this had a big effect on your social life?
Reason I ask, I'll be possibly moving back to OKC later this year after being gone since 1997. Since that time, all of the folks I used to hang out with (and still keep in touch with) have married and gone the way of mortgages and mini-vans.
So I'm sort of looking forward yet dreading moving back at the same time.
Is this dread warranted?
04-27-2005, 11:18 AM
I've been out of the state for the past 10 years. During those years, I enjoyed a healthy social life, had lots of friends to do things with, and just had a great time all around.
Since returning in July last year, I have been sorely disappointed. My social life is nil. (Actually, I recently got a part time job so I could socialize with the general public and get paid to do it.) Never mind the dating scene (or lack thereof). I'm no wall flower, but I've had an incredibly difficult time finding people out there to hang out with that have the same kind of personal situation as I do.
Perhaps if I was marginally athletic I could join some sort of public team sport, but I stand by my opinion that people who play sports get injured (that's a whole other thread, though). Otherwise, I'm really not impressed with the OKC offerings. Sorry to all of you who think OKC is the best ever...
I have to admit I like it here in Oklahoma City. Sure the singles scene is lousy but, its home.
I really don't care anymore if find that special someone or not. I have other aspects of my life that are going well that I can focus on. Such as getting in better shape, completing my degree, spending time with my family and my job etc, etc.
Don't get me wrong I am not giving up on love. I am just not letting it be the focus of my life. I am playing the old singles game this way. If I see someone I am interested in I will ask them out. If they say no so be it. If they say yes and the date is lousy so be it. If the date goes well and I find something real so be it.
I love my life and I think I have many, many, many things to be thankful for. Therefore I don't need to worry about rather or not I will be single forever. If it was meant for me to find someone it will happen. If it isn't meant to be life will goes on.
Okay, I have been complaining myself about getting back into the "dating scene" and like my coolest aunt told me "you have to put yourself out there" so I decided to do volunteer work instead of bar hopping, which to me can be PRETTY scary! Anyway, maybe that is an option some of you hadn't considered. Been on my pity pot for four years now and decided it was time to get off and get out.
Dave Cook
04-28-2005, 05:24 AM
Interesting responses.
I think I gave the wrong impression that I was seeking a life partner. That's not the case at all. I'm more interested in what Daisy has directly touched upon...a major adjustment in a social life. We shall see.
Suzi...FWIW....I think volunteering is a great idea. Will meet some great folks that way.
04-28-2005, 08:35 AM
Just so you know, I have also done the volunteering thing, too. I was very active in my community when I lived in MI, so I thought I'd give it a try here. Again, the social circles here seem to be pretty tight. I wasn't sure if this was a problem that was "self-induced", but I've spoken with other folks who were transplanted here, and received the same response from them. Bascially, if you're not already in a social circle, you may have a difficult time getting into one.
Most everyone I know has said "you need to get involved with a church if you want to meet people".