View Full Version : Favorite Actor/Actress of All Time
OKCisOK4me 02-25-2012, 12:33 AM TyDude started it with favorite movie of all who is your favorite actor and/or actress of all time?
A lot goes through my head.
I'm a more modern movies fan so I'd have to say Actor - Bruce Willis, actress - its hard cause I'm an action genre fan. If I had to say it'd be............I can't think of anyone...but I'll think about that one.
How bout it?
I've got a few.
Actor: Morgan Freeman; Michael Douglas; Liam Neeson
Actress: Diane Lane; Ashley Judd
kevinpate 02-25-2012, 03:20 PM 1. James Earl Jones
2. Mark Harmon
2. Sam Elliot
3. Tommy Lee Jones
1. Julianne Moore
1. Julia Ormond
2. Whoopi Goldberg
soonerliberal 02-25-2012, 04:09 PM Tom Hanks or Morgan Freeman
Meryl Streep or Annette Bening
Harrison Ford is one of the few true movie stars of the modern era and I love almost everything he's in. George Clooney has really come into his own and he was fantastic in Michael Clayton and The Descendants. Colin Firth is another personal favorite and Ryan Gossling is one of best younger actors.
I know Meryl Streep is a cliche choice but she is fantastic. Of the newer crop, I love Amy Adams and she's already done a wide variety of roles. Lesser known but another personal fave is Frances McDormand.
We have very similar tastes. I would add Paul Bettany and Tom Hanks.
Nice. I would add Tom Hanks, too. He's one of those actors we've all grown older with.
OKCisOK4me 02-25-2012, 11:24 PM I'm watching Demolition Man right now and I believe I could say that Sandra Bullock is a great actress. To think that she has gone from her performance in this movie to a roll in the movie The Blind Side... yeah, she's a pretty good leading lady.
ljbab728 02-25-2012, 11:30 PM I'm watching Demolition Man right now and I believe I could say that Sandra Bullock is a great actress. To think that she has gone from her performance in this movie to a roll in the movie The Blind Side... yeah, she's a pretty good leading lady.
That's not unusual. Jane Fonda gained fame from starting out in movies like Barbarella and Cat Ballou before winning Oscars for Klute and Coming Home.
OKCisOK4me 02-26-2012, 09:44 AM I wasn't saying it was unusual. In post #1 I stated that I couldn't think of an actress. I was coming to a realization of her talents by watching a movie with her in it last night. :-)
RadicalModerate 02-26-2012, 05:52 PM Another difficult question (there are so many excellent performers to choose from) but the question is "favorite" not necessarily "best" at the craft. So, all things considered:
Jack Nicholson
Helen Mirren
HewenttoJared 02-26-2012, 07:30 PM Walken
RadicalModerate 02-27-2012, 07:54 AM Is that Christopher "The Continental" Walken?
HewenttoJared 02-27-2012, 07:57 AM Who else?
RadicalModerate 02-27-2012, 08:01 AM =) But of course . . . =)
(How long do you suppose it will be until Lady Gaga begins referring to herself as Gaga?)
White Peacock 02-27-2012, 09:24 AM I'm an odd one. My favorite actor is Crispin Hellion Glover, probably followed by some badass like Kurt Russell. I love the pre-Pirates/pre-Wonka Johnny Depp, but he's really lost me recently. I hope he kicks ass as Barnabas Collins in the Dark Shadows film.
I'd have to ponder more to figure out my favorite actress(es). I dig Zoey Deschanel, but probably more for the cute factor than for actual acting ability (since she acts the same in every role).
My least favorite actress is a definite, though: Kristen Stewart.
Among the young turks, Edward Norton should also be mentioned.
ctchandler 02-27-2012, 10:27 AM I do enjoy Jack Nicholson but I think Paul Newman, Yul Brynner, plus too many of the older ones to mention should be on a list. It would be interesting to see a top 10 or 20 for a critic. Some performers can carry a bad movie and that is obviously talent, some just have a style that is very popular with limited talent, kind of like a "one hit wonder" in popular music. With the right song and arrangement, an average singer/group can reach number one. And it might be the only hit song they ever sing. Now, down to 1 actor, I think I would say Paul Newman. A lot of versatility, not great but very good and if money (based on inflation rates), or box office (attendance) means anything he has been at the top most of his career. I can probably think of several with more talent but this is just a popularity contest so that's my vote.
C. T.
RadicalModerate 02-27-2012, 11:18 AM Jack Nicholson stood on the shoulders of giants.
(Like Walter Huston . . . And where is DeNiro in this picture? =)
(Topic: "Favorite". Not necessarily "best"..... Jeff Bridges? =)
White Peacock 02-27-2012, 12:02 PM (Topic: "Favorite". Not necessarily "best"..... Jeff Bridges? =)
Well that's just, like, your opinion man.
RadicalModerate 02-27-2012, 12:11 PM The Dude Abides, Bro . . . =)
(Jeff Bridges has not only overcome the kelp and sliced air-lines entangling his dad's legs and providing, like, breathing, during the Sea Hunt . . . But also has authentically out-Duked The Duke in the True Grit remake . . . plus I think he was in that movie with Robin Williams a while back . . . The one that Dustin Hoffman wasn't in. Ya' know? Just don't be pissin' on the red carpet on account of the way it brings together the room... Not necessarily the room that studio set down in Archer City, TX. In fact, I'm not really sure that Jeff Bridges was even IN "the last picture show".... =)
Edited to Add: Which is why I also appreciate the talent of Walken.
(especially the forthcoming movie featuring a soundtrak by Beck)
(or his--that is, Beck's--hack/hick backup band....the flaming lips? Of TFLAlley fame?)
ctchandler 02-27-2012, 12:45 PM RadicalModerate,
As I said, a popularity contest. It's all about who(m) floats your boat. I don't think there is a wrong candidate in this forum.
C. T.
(Topic: "Favorite". Not necessarily "best"..... Jeff Bridges? =)
RadicalModerate 02-27-2012, 12:53 PM Absolutely Correct, Mr. Chandler.
There are no "wrong" answers.
What a blessed relief from all that "political stuff" . . . eh? =)
(not counting the notoriously what-EVer Orson Welles . . . or even your mention of the c-word [candidate] =)
White Peacock 02-27-2012, 12:55 PM The Dude Abides, Bro . . . =)
(Jeff Bridges has not only overcome the kelp and sliced air-lines entangling his dad's legs and providing, like, breathing, during the Sea Hunt . . . But also has authentically out-Duked The Duke in the True Grit remake . . . plus I think he was in that movie with Robin Williams a while back . . . The one that Dustin Hoffman wasn't in. Ya' know? Just don't be pissin' on the red carpet on account of the way it brings together the room... Not necessarily the room that studio set down in Archer City, TX. In fact, I'm not really sure that Jeff Bridges was even IN "the last picture show".... =)
Edited to Add: Which is why I also appreciate the talent of Walken.
(especially the forthcoming movie featuring a soundtrak by Beck)
(or his--that is, Beck's--hack/hick backup band....the flaming lips? Of TFLAlley fame?)
He was killer in True Grit!
My favorite Walken movie is an obscure one: Communion.
RadicalModerate 02-27-2012, 01:06 PM i guess we agree . . .
(not that i need "external validation" =)
I was sorta sorry that I had to leave Kenneth "Henry V" Brannagh and Russell "British Ship Captain/SouthParkParody" Crowe off my list, yet Jack Nicholson--from pre-Easy Rider to at least The Witches of Eastwick--with "Goin' South" in between--(not to mention "That Stephan King Thing in The Rockies") is probably still "my favorite actor",
OKCisOK4me 02-27-2012, 02:32 PM I'm going to have to add Tom Hardy to my list of up and coming actors. He did really well in Warrior and I've enjoyed his other roles he's played. Looking forward to his portrayal of Bane!
White Peacock 02-27-2012, 06:48 PM ... The Witches of Eastwick ...
I always like a little p***y after lunch.
One of the greatest lines in cinema history.
drumsncode 03-03-2012, 02:45 PM For some reason, Keifer Sutherland has a unique ability to hold my attention. Seems like any show he's in is hard to walk away from. As for actresses, I'm still thinking about that one.
boscorama 03-04-2012, 10:18 PM Beau Bridges.
Dennis Hopper.
MikeOKC 03-04-2012, 10:48 PM Jeff Bridges (One of the best ever!)
Robert Duvall
Michael Douglas
George Clooney
Matt Damon
Ingrid Bergman
Meryl Streep
Mia Farrow
Scarlett Johansson
Audrey Hepburn