View Full Version : development at I-40 and Sooner Rd

02-21-2012, 11:14 AM
I was out driving around on sunday and noticed that they are building a little strip mall (looks to be about 4 or 5 shop locations) just south of the creek and carls jr.

02-21-2012, 11:16 AM
wow....let me get out my camera!

02-21-2012, 02:01 PM
haha, i never said it was an amazing development, i am just glad to finally see that huge open lot being used for something. i'm hoping this is a start of developing that whole field back there, but i won't get my hopes up

02-22-2012, 07:49 AM
There's a thread about "The Shoppes at Del City" in the Mid-Del thread. It's a whole development, not just a little strip's just taken a very long time to get things moving. There's a whole site masterplan that covers from I-40, south to the random house in the middle of now where, and Sooner west to the creek/school lot.

02-24-2012, 12:31 AM
I spoke with the owner of the Hibdons over in the Crossroads Mall area, and he said they may be moving to this exact location. He mentioned the city is looking at adding a cloverleaf at the I-240 and I-35 junction, and that surveyors have been coming out frequently to the area.

02-27-2012, 07:32 AM
I spoke with the owner of the Hibdons over in the Crossroads Mall area, and he said they may be moving to this exact location. He mentioned the city is looking at adding a cloverleaf at the I-240 and I-35 junction, and that surveyors have been coming out frequently to the area.

city is not thinking about it .. that entire enterchange is being redone ..from 2016-2019

02-28-2012, 08:01 AM
Hibdons won't be moving to Sooner and i-40....they're already there.

02-28-2012, 08:30 AM
Hibdons won't be moving to Sooner and i-40....they're already there.

Perhaps they are an act first, think about it later kind of company.

02-29-2012, 11:05 PM
I was out driving around on sunday and noticed that they are building a little strip mall (looks to be about 4 or 5 shop locations) just south of the creek and carls jr.

Based on what I've been told from someone on the Planning Commission....and summarizing what has been posted in the other thread....

The Discount Tire on the south end is open for business. The next building is a strip-type building with seven retail spaces in the middle, a quick service restaurant on the south end and a sit-down restaurant on the north end. Moving north, a building has been proposed that will be fifteen retail spaces with large sit-down restaurants on each end. Across the bridge over the creek are Buffalo Wild Wings and Carl's Jr, both of which are open and far exceeding sales projections.

The back includes a number of parcels that are already sold, including a large parcel for a full service hotel (including restaurant and banquet/conference facilities), another parcel that will be more retail/restaurants, and another that is rumored to be a mix of small retail and professional offices. The last remaining parcels are in the far back (by the small creek and the school) and those are reserved for anchor-type mid-box stores and smaller associated retail spaces.

As for the project delays, blame the feds. The whole area was floodplain, and it took years to get the flood work done and then get the feds to approve it. Then there were issues with an Air Force protection zone at the end of the crosswind runway, so a bunch of the plans needed to be changed (building heights had to be lowered, the site layout had to be redesigned, certain uses had to be prohibited, etc.) Then, right after the initial dirtwork was done, issues came up with the two large petroleum pipelines that run through the property. I guess those were solved, because there are buildings out there going up now. Apparantly the last big problem to be overcome has to do with the federal highway people refusing to allow a curb cut on the service road that would allow traffic from the bridge to exit onto the access road.

03-01-2012, 10:17 AM
I get so tired of the Air Force people holding things back on Sooner. And with building height, it's just stupid. When was the last time you saw an airplane that was so low that even a 6 story building would be too tall. If the thing is that low, then the pilot should be slapped. Go check out any regular airport and see what height their own parking garages are on the flight path....hello, San Diego has a 6 floor one that you drop down if you land in one direction! It's just overly cautious crap...and if they had it their way, all of Mid-Del would be a ghost town for the safety zone. It's a bunch of bullcrap.

Anyway, i'm glad they continue to push forward though. I knew about the floodplain issue, but hadn't heard about the pipe. I can say I understand why they don't want to give access on the frontage road though. That exit is SUPER busy...that whole intersection is insane at rush-hour. It can take 3 lights to go north through there. So i would agree with not letting them use the frontage road for access. The way the ramp is oriented there and the amount of traffic, is just asking for a big wreck. And if one happens there, it becomes a pile-up quickly and causes a 1/2 mile long backup instantly. But i have to say, there would only be two businesses, and really only BWW since CJ has a cut on Sooner already) that it would even effect. I doubt anyone would take the bridge toward the frontage road to get out. If you look, you can see that have mounting points installed already for stoplights on Sooner (not that i'm very happy about that for sooner traffic). So it's going to be easier to go in/out on the Sooner side anyway. Hopefully the I-40 intersection lights will get re-timed when they put the center's light in so you don't just have a green light to turn north and can't move because sooner is full.

03-01-2012, 11:38 AM
I get so tired of the Air Force people holding things back on Sooner. And with building height, it's just stupid. When was the last time you saw an airplane that was so low that even a 6 story building would be too tall. If the thing is that low, then the pilot should be slapped. Go check out any regular airport and see what height their own parking garages are on the flight path....hello, San Diego has a 6 floor one that you drop down if you land in one direction! It's just overly cautious crap...and if they had it their way, all of Mid-Del would be a ghost town for the safety zone. It's a bunch of bullcrap.

It has to do with the instrumentation and interference of that. Not the airplane directly hitting something, but the radio signals the provide alignment and approach information rely on line of sight (for obvious reasons). If it weren't for the base, MWC would be a ghost town. Don't completely throw the base under the bus, it provides a ton of revenue and business to the city it's not even located in.

03-01-2012, 12:30 PM
Hibdons won't be moving to Sooner and i-40....they're already there.

I spoke with the owner of the Hibdons over in the Crossroads Mall area, and he said they may be moving to this exact location. He mentioned the city is looking at adding a cloverleaf at the I-240 and I-35 junction, and that surveyors have been coming out frequently to the area.

It's probably I-240 and Sooner not I-40 and Sooner. The Oklahoma Heart Hospital is probably attracting some retail and business interest over in that area. I am surprised Walgreens, CVS or Braums have not opened in that area. A drug store would do well with the hospital patient and visitor traffic.

Either would clean up pretty well because the closes grocery store is the Walmart on I-240 or the Homeland on 29th and Sunnylane.

Hibdon's/Tires Plus already has two locations in the area. Air Depot and just up the street on the service road east of Sooner.

03-02-2012, 08:12 AM
AMEN - Copper Creek was supposed to build on the SE corner before the Heart Hospital, but Sooner Investments pulled out "due to the economic downturn". I call BS on them. They also funded the refurb of Uptown in MWC. Each section they did looked a little cheaper than the last until the last section they did only got a coat of horrible poop colored paint. It's always annoyed me that the one section that actually HAD tenants, got the short end of the stick. All the while they poured money into their old Dad's (Atkinson) paper building (Oklahoma Journal), and it still sits emtpy years later. UGH.

I would rather see someone else buy up the land so we can see someone move on it. With the new apartments going in on 240/Air Depot, it only makes sense to have some of the services around. I get really tired of having to go way up to 15th for Walmart, or Douglas for Crest.