05-21-2014, 07:37 AM
ok... let's stay on topic, people. the topic isn't mustang. -M
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Martin 05-21-2014, 07:37 AM ok... let's stay on topic, people. the topic isn't mustang. -M ABryant 05-21-2014, 07:51 AM What about the rumor that the mystery tower will actually be a 50 story tower that is actually a sculpture of a mustang? Urbanized 05-21-2014, 07:54 AM Plutonic Panda 05-21-2014, 07:55 AM So what happened to that news on Reno and Walker(I think?). Someone said something like "possibly big news coming this week" and I was curious if anything came out of it. Bellaboo 05-21-2014, 07:55 AM Here's a fact - the artist that built this Broncho at DIA died in the process - it actually fell on him during the process leading to his death. Urbanized 05-21-2014, 08:00 AM Yep. Sad story. The original sculpture - the model for this one - sits inside the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in Norman. PhiAlpha 05-21-2014, 11:04 AM Here's a fact - the artist that built this Broncho at DIA died in the process - it actually fell on him during the process leading to his death. And for a long time there was a smaller scale replica of it in front of the Fred Jones Art Museum in Norman. ...Urbanized beat me to it. bchris02 05-23-2014, 11:26 AM Steve Lackmeyer: Am I worried that if I confirm talks are getting serious for a tower at Main and Hudson that this chat will get crazy again? Anonymous. 05-23-2014, 11:41 AM He posted the same story/information almost one year ago exactly about the Preftakes tower. Gotta see something to get excited anymore. However, last week Steve said he isn't sure about the Preftakes tower rumor. Then today says that. So perhaps some new development took place this past week. Pete 05-23-2014, 11:48 AM One big change on the Preftakes block: They are in the process of forcing everyone out at the old Hotel Black by this summer. That will leave the City building and Coney Island as the only open buildings on that entire block. Something is about to happen there, but it could still develop very slowly. But I really do think something is set to pop there soon... Just too much smoke everywhere lately. maverickbroncho 05-23-2014, 11:58 AM Someone in the chat also stated their source said it'd be within 10-15 floors of Devon. Steve responding by calling the source interesting. All cryptic and not first hand, but still intriguing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk G.Walker 05-23-2014, 12:48 PM Steve Lackmeyer: Am I worried that if I confirm talks are getting serious for a tower at Main and Hudson that this chat will get crazy again? Yea, yea, yea...we've heard this same song and dance for years now, with nothing solid to ride on. We have been fed the same updates for years, with nothing substantial coming to fruition. I wouldn't put any stock in any sources at this point, when it happens it happens. DoctorTaco 05-23-2014, 12:50 PM Yea, yea, yea...we've heard this same song and dance for years now, with nothing solid to ride on. We have been fed the same updates for years, with nothing substantial coming to fruition. I wouldn't put any stock in any sources at this point, when it happens it happens. Also Steve engineered the Serge Ibaka announcement just to set us up for a let-down. Typical OKC. Bellaboo 05-23-2014, 12:56 PM Also Steve engineered the Serge Ibaka announcement just to set us up for a let-down. Typical OKC. DailyThunder is now reporting Serge may play in game 3. Let's hope so. DoctorTaco 05-23-2014, 01:03 PM DailyThunder is now reporting Serge may play in game 3. Let's hope so. I know. All promises until the day they cancel the plan. Typical OKC. This kind of thing would never happen with the Charlotte Hornets. :P Pete 05-23-2014, 01:04 PM Yea, yea, yea...we've heard this same song and dance for years now, with nothing solid to ride on. We have been fed the same updates for years, with nothing substantial coming to fruition. I wouldn't put any stock in any sources at this point, when it happens it happens. Then stop reading and posting on this thread. It's really that simple. Bellaboo 05-23-2014, 01:14 PM Someone in the chat also stated their source said it'd be within 10-15 floors of Devon. Steve responding by calling the source interesting. All cryptic and not first hand, but still intriguing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Let's speculate a bit - I could see where this floor count could be realistic due to the footprint of the corner of Main & Hudson. It's not like the Stage Center site where they can stretch it out for half a block. G.Walker 05-23-2014, 01:29 PM Then stop reading and posting on this thread. It's really that simple. I am entitled to posting my own opinion, hence the title of this thread. BrettM2 05-23-2014, 01:45 PM I am entitled to posting my own opinion, hence the title of this thread. And he's entitled to tell you to stop posting nothing of substance. You don't have to listen but I'll sure as hell second him. dankrutka 05-23-2014, 02:11 PM Steve Lackmeyer: Am I worried that if I confirm talks are getting serious for a tower at Main and Hudson that this chat will get crazy again? Anyone have a link to the chat transcript. I can't find it on their website? Bellaboo 05-23-2014, 02:19 PM Anyone have a link to the chat transcript. I can't find it on their website? OKC Central Chat transcript, May 23, 2014 | News OK ( Pete 05-23-2014, 03:12 PM I think I mentioned this elsewhere, but I've heard from an excellent source that Pickard Chilton (of Devon Energy Center fame) will be the architect for the rumored BOK/Devon tower at Main & Hudson. That's a very exciting sign... Also, the footprint in this area is pretty small so anything built is likely to be somewhat tall. 35-40 stories is a good estimate IMO. This is a project P/C is doing for Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee. It's a 32-story tower that is bridged into a historical structure as well: hoya 05-23-2014, 04:54 PM I'd really love it if they could keep the auto hotel, even if it's just the exterior and they redo everything inside. It's such a cool looking building and I think it would be a tremendous save. Any word on what might go on the south part of that block, where the Lunch Box was? I'd presume a parking structure. Pete 05-23-2014, 06:20 PM ^ There will have to be a large parking structure on that site, I presume along Sheridan with retail on the ground level. Spartan 05-23-2014, 06:50 PM How do you know BOK and DVN would team up? Smells of Burns. Pete 05-23-2014, 06:55 PM How do you know BOK and DVN would team up? Because I've heard it from more than one credible source. DelCamino 05-23-2014, 07:01 PM ^ There will have to be a large parking structure on that site, I presume along Sheridan with retail on the ground level. Pete, not so sure I agree. Unless a large parking facility has been announced, or your source is telling you, why would they need it. The City is providing a new 500+(?) garage right across the street. I've long thought this garage has been part of the long term/behind the scene plans for pending development along Main. There's not been demand in that area to warrant that capacity unless they've been planning for new structures all along. Pete 05-23-2014, 07:06 PM Del, the spaces in that new garage are pretty much spoken for... Downtown garage occupancy is well over 100%. No way is there anywhere close to enough spaces for a 30-40 story building plus whatever else will be built / renovated on that block. Plus, Devon is already out of parking spaces in their massive garage. And finally, I've heard from a couple of different people there will be a sizable garage on this block. DelCamino 05-23-2014, 07:11 PM ^ Thanks for clarifying, Pete. Spartan 05-23-2014, 07:28 PM Because I've heard it from more than one credible source. What kind of credible source? (I'm not asking who) Pete 05-23-2014, 07:34 PM What kind of credible source? (I'm not asking who) The same people who have provided tons of advance info that has thus far been 100% correct. I'm not saying this is a done deal, just saying it's in progress. Spartan 05-23-2014, 07:36 PM Well are these design people, finance people, government officials, energy people... Pete 05-23-2014, 07:38 PM Well are these design people, finance people, government officials, energy people... Yes. :) Construction, design, government agencies, energy companies, and other entities I can't mention. mugofbeer 05-23-2014, 09:23 PM Here's a fact - the artist that built this Broncho at DIA died in the process - it actually fell on him during the process leading to his death. AND it has glow in the dark red eyes............ ljbab728 05-24-2014, 12:37 AM Yes. :) Construction, design, government agencies, energy companies, and other entities I can't mention. Good answer Pete. That sounds exactly like what Steve often says to similar questions. HOT ROD 05-24-2014, 01:56 AM Im thinking this new tower could have frontage that stretched along Main Street encompassing the theatre and adjacent shops to the OKC office tower. That'd be a nice wide tower without infringing on the Auto Hotel or Hotel Black, and a parking garage could be built on the Sheridan frontage between Hotel Black and the Bus Station - if so, this would be tremendous infill and appropriate reuse of that block!! And if it is 40-storeys at say 17 feet, that would make a nice 700 foot tower, maybe more with a spire on top considering P/C is the architect. Oklahoma's 2nd tallest - I'm super excited. UnFrSaKn 05-24-2014, 10:13 AM I used to get excited about this sort of thing since it's how I ended up finding this forum in the first place but I've joined the ranks of those who say show me first, then I'll get excited. SOONER8693 05-24-2014, 10:17 AM I used to get excited about this sort of thing since it's how I ended up finding this forum in the first place but I've joined the ranks of those who say show me first, then I'll get excited. Ditto. Jeepnokc 05-24-2014, 11:20 AM This thread is like buying a lottery ticket. Each new ticket purchased give you a day or two of dreaming what if? Then it doesn't pan out but we still buy another ticket for the next go around because the moments of dreaming and hoping are kind of exciting. Each new rumor brings us some hope and What If? dreaming until it doesn't pan out and we do it all over again with the next one. edit......but you know.....sometimes those lottery tickets do hit and pay off Fantastic 05-24-2014, 11:26 AM but you know.....sometimes those lottery tickets do hit and pay off Not always a jackpot, but sometimes you get a little something to help you out... Jeepnokc 05-24-2014, 11:29 AM Not always a jackpot, but sometimes you get a little something to help you out... Very true...may only be a 14 story building instead of 30. :Smiley122 kevinpate 05-24-2014, 11:37 AM I've decided that, for a spell anyway, I'm going to take the dollar movie approach to downtown development. Sure, I'll hear a lot of spoilers and won't be the first in the know about nothing, but if there's a flop, I won't have a lot of time invested that I can't get back. Oh, and I'm bringing my own candy too. Pfffffft. :) modernism 05-24-2014, 11:37 AM I wish we could get something like this: New Office Tower in Downtown Houston Awarded LEED V4 Platinum ? a New LEED Category | Realty News Report ( Capitol Tower’s sustainable features include: · a high-performance building façade that significantly reduces solar gain; · daylight harvesting technology that can significantly reduce energy usage; · 90 percent access to daylight and views for tenants; · a garage with occupancy lighting sensors and a green rooftop; · alternative vehicle charging stations; · a rainwater collection system for reuse in landscape irrigation and water closets; ·bicycle racks, lockers and showers to encourage commuting. Spartan 05-24-2014, 01:12 PM We don't need rainwater collection and reuse systems as much as Houston, and if I had my druthers the LEED scale would change to reflect each urban ecosystem. UnFrSaKn 05-24-2014, 03:18 PM That's the Pickard/Chilton tower in the background right? modernism 05-24-2014, 03:35 PM That's the Pickard/Chilton tower in the background right? Yes, BG Group Place, 46 Stories, completed 2011, LEED Platinum Just the facts 05-25-2014, 02:21 PM We don't need rainwater collection and reuse systems as much as Houston, and if I had my druthers the LEED scale would change to reflect each urban ecosystem. The LEED neighborhood rating would deduct points for having a parking garage. Getting an award for environmental design that requires the users to drive a car to get to it is like a woman buying a $10,000 ring that is marked down 5% and she braggs about how much money she saved. Spartan 05-25-2014, 04:36 PM I think it's also important that LEED works in not just NYC but also the Springfields. lasomeday 05-28-2014, 01:53 PM I think something other than Stage Center is getting ready to pop soon... The chatter and info is definitely picking up. It's been two weeks? Anything new? Pete 05-28-2014, 01:56 PM Nope, I haven't heard anything new. When I said 'soon', I meant in the next few months. Jesseda 05-28-2014, 02:08 PM Here we go again. :doh: bombermwc 06-02-2014, 09:06 AM Well I'm not sure I'd go as far as to say "here we go again", since we know that the development will happen. The question with this one is, when will we see things actually start? When will all the court bull settle enough to get the wrecking ball in? The sooner the better for me. I, like others, just wish they would have pushed the height up about twice the amount. I can appreciate OG&E not wanting to become a leasing company, but it's a bit short-sighted too. If you need a new building, it means you probably need some growing room. If you add some space on to the building now, you'll have that room to grow into later. Can't exactly add another 10 floors on later if you need OKCisOK4me 06-02-2014, 12:55 PM Here we go again. :doh: Basically y'all need to check back on this thread come end of October. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 Rover 06-02-2014, 05:41 PM Nope, I haven't heard anything new. When I said 'soon', I meant in the next few months. Pete...don't you know by now, "soon" means "by midnight" on this board. Short term = this week. Medium term = this month. Long term, anything more than 30 days. :D David 06-02-2014, 08:43 PM More like on the internet as a whole. modernism 06-07-2014, 07:33 AM I know its hard to swallow, but the fact remains, downtown OKC has no major developments announced so far in 2014. Everything coming to fruition now like The Metropolitan, LIFT, and the GE Research Center we knew about several months ago, and some almost a year. Somebody in yesterdays chat with Steve asked what happened to major corporate relocations that was supposed to happen for downtown, he brought up the GE Research Center and Continental Resources, lol, that was reaching. Continental Resources has been downtown for a few years, and we knew about GE Research Center for a while now, and its technically not downtown. What happened to all the rumored big corporate relocations that were supposed to take place downtown? Where are these major office towers, game changers for downtown? Yes we had some small, infill projects, but when we start using energy to discuss gas stations and restaurants, something is wrong, lol. The momentum as slowed, lets hope the second half 2014 is better than the first, its been quiet so far. bchris02 06-07-2014, 08:09 AM I know its hard to swallow, but the fact remains, downtown OKC has no major developments announced so far in 2014. Everything coming to fruition now like The Metropolitan, LIFT, and the GE Research Center we knew about several months ago, and some almost a year. Somebody in yesterdays chat with Steve asked what happened to major corporate relocations that was supposed to happen for downtown, he brought up the GE Research Center and Continental Resources, lol, that was reaching. Continental Resources has been downtown for a few years, and we knew about GE Research Center for a while now, and its technically not downtown. What happened to all the rumored big corporate relocations that were supposed to take place downtown? Where are these major office towers, game changers for downtown? Yes we had some small, infill projects, but when we start using energy to discuss gas stations and restaurants, something is wrong, lol. The momentum as slowed, lets hope the second half 2014 is better than the first, its been quiet so far. I know it. Going into December, Steve hinted that tons of game-changing developments would be announced that month but it never materialized. I understand deals take time though, but it seems as if there has been more negative recently than positive. Hopefully whatever was planned was just delayed and will be announced before the end of 2014. PhiAlpha 06-07-2014, 12:02 PM I know it. Going into December, Steve hinted that tons of game-changing developments would be announced that month but it never materialized. I understand deals take time though, but it seems as if there has been more negative recently than positive. Hopefully whatever was planned was just delayed and will be announced before the end of 2014. What "negative" has there been? There just hasn't been more additional information announced yet, no one has cancelled or killed a project so far this year. The only real negative news downtown recently announced was last year with the Stage Center Tower being less than expected and that "negative" news will still likely result in a 16 story building and hotel being built. catch22 06-07-2014, 12:20 PM Bchris... Sometimes the market needs a breather. A lot of these investment about to start construction or are in construction are done by a small group of developers. They can't do 10 projects each at once. They also want to see how these new projects perform financially and how the market responds before making the next investment. soonerguru 06-07-2014, 02:30 PM I'm more concerned with the failure of a "major international company" to announce an OKC presence than I am the lack of new towers downtown. There has been discussion of this for about three years. There was also a rumored competition between OKC and Houston for an HQ. Has this been lost? Steve didn't hint about any new corporate announcements in his chat Friday. This has me more concerned than anything. |