View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!
HangryHippo 05-13-2014, 12:12 PM Because it's completely unlikely to happen, and on the small chance it does, it will most likely disappoint. We've been teased about corporate relocations and skyscrapers and big projects and we saw renderings for a disappointing corporate mid-rise. So I'm unapologetically skeptical that we see any of these big projects actually happen, much less at a high level.
bchris02 05-13-2014, 12:21 PM Yeah its not people are disappointed its they are skeptical, and rightly so. Nobody would have ever guessed that the Rainey Williams tower would end up being such a small deal considering the hype and rumors out there.
Bellaboo 05-13-2014, 12:29 PM Ye of little faith. I think you all are probably right, best be a little cautious or hesitant and not be disappointed. But this thread is all about speculationn news and ideas.
I had a feeling when Rainey said they would design the building to run North and South (wide), that it wouldn't be as tall. It's also a matter of economics.
shawnw 05-13-2014, 12:53 PM We're not disappointed, we just have that "pics or it didn't happen" attitude, which is tempering and totally fine.
Teo9969 05-13-2014, 12:56 PM Ye of little faith. I think you all are probably right, best be a little cautious or hesitant and not be disappointed. But this thread is all about speculationn news and ideas.
I had a feeling when Rainey said they would design the building to run North and South (wide), that it wouldn't be as tall. It's also a matter of economics.
For me, it's not about height…it's about spending barely $100M dollars on one of the Top 3 most important sites available in all of downtown…The convention center is going to beat that for crying out loud.
DoctorTaco 05-13-2014, 01:14 PM Man, this site really experienced mystery tower fatigue. We get some really exciting news on a new lead and there is barely any chatter about it.
I know! I feel like I am taking crazy pills that I didn't wake up to five new pages in this thread!
OKVision4U 05-13-2014, 01:34 PM Okay,
Potential sites that seem to be in play for towers here.
1) Stage Center (OG&E)
2) Northeast corner of Preftakes block (Bank of OK)
3) BOA drive through - North of MOA (Possibly Enable Midstream)
4) Convention Center with Hotel
5) Reno & Walker ?
The west and south side of downtown could be 'under construction' for the next few years.
... and the Lumber Yard ( 43 ) story Tower & ( 2 ) Mid-rise Towers.
adaniel 05-13-2014, 01:44 PM Some of you on this thread=
Bellaboo 05-13-2014, 02:14 PM ... and the Lumber Yard ( 43 ) story Tower & ( 2 ) Mid-rise Towers.
Not sure if the Lumber Yard has a lot of substance, for that matter, it's all speculation until it's coming out of the ground.
PhiAlpha 05-13-2014, 04:00 PM I also feel like there are a lot more exciting general developments going on now that are taking peoples minds off the potential of another tower being built. There may not actually be a great deal more projects going on now than 2 years ago when this thread started, but it sure seems that way.
The lending market has changed pretty dramatically in just the last couple of years.
Up until recently, they only big office projects that could get done were those that were either self-financed (Devon) or that had all the space pretty much pre-leased. Virtually no spec space, which is why there is suddenly so little vacancy in the Class A category.
The combination of the loosing financial market and the growing confidence in local economies makes it at least feasible to build something in advance of the anticipated demand.
Particularly important when it takes 2-3 years to get these buildings open for business.
MFracas84 05-13-2014, 08:19 PM I don't think people want to be negative but I have to admit that over the last couple of years, I've seen promises of this new building and that new building. Two years later, zero evidence other than "a friend of a friend said" that any buildings other than OG&E. I think most of us are hopeful but just do not allow our hopes to get raised over comments from someone's brother's babysitter. I've decided to take everything on this thread as speculation just as the title says until I see a press conference.
I think something other than Stage Center is getting ready to pop soon... The chatter and info is definitely picking up.
bombermwc 05-14-2014, 08:48 AM Yeah well we even heard Steve create a whole video for the Oklahoman that was based on rumor rather than fact. And it wasn't even about the OG&E structure. All the so-called "buzz" means nothing. If buzz was it, then we'd have a Preftakes block tower already built before Devon.
People tend to confuse business moves with construction. They often forget that, like Continental, moving usually means leasing existing space, not building a new tower. So we hear about some company wanting to open an office here, people blow it up to "they're moving their HQ here and gonna build a 50 story building". Not only is that not what any of those companies ever said, but extremely unlikely in any situation.
All the so-called "buzz" means nothing. If buzz was it, then we'd have a Preftakes block tower already built before Devon.
Then stop reading this thread and wait for an official announcement.
This thread was specifically created to consolidate all the various rumors and bits of information.
bchris02 05-14-2014, 12:02 PM I don't think people want to be negative but I have to admit that over the last couple of years, I've seen promises of this new building and that new building. Two years later, zero evidence other than "a friend of a friend said" that any buildings other than OG&E. I think most of us are hopeful but just do not allow our hopes to get raised over comments from someone's brother's babysitter. I've decided to take everything on this thread as speculation just as the title says until I see a press conference.
True. It's the same way with other developments as well as retailers possibly coming to OKC. Chatter will begin in OKCTalk years before something is officially announced. A lot of people who are in the know leak information to this site even if its in its very early stages. Some of it comes to fruition, some does not.
BillyOcean 05-14-2014, 12:12 PM not sure if it means anything or not, but i always use the atm at The BOA site just north of museum cafe. i went there yesterday to deposit a check and the machine is now gone.
shawnw 05-14-2014, 12:13 PM there's been buzz about something going on that site for some time.
shawnw 05-14-2014, 12:15 PM (unrelated: I do wish we'd get a "consolidated drive thru ATM site" for downtown so that so much real-estate wasn't taken up by them...)
Some of it comes to fruition, some does not.
Wanted to point out when I post something, it comes from a trusted source.
It's important to distinguish between fun talk and conjecture (which is great and valuable in it's own right) and the things I post personally.
If I'm just thinking out loud or speculating, I'll make that clear. If I report something, I stand behind it and if there is any element of uncertainty, I state those qualifiers as well.
I keep a list of all the news we've broken first, and it's now at 200+ items.
(unrelated: I do wish we'd get a "consolidated drive thru ATM site" for downtown so that so much real-estate wasn't taken up by them...)
Those facilities date back to the days where OK banking laws limited a drive-thru to only a short distance from your bank (the old anti branch banking legislation).
Unfortunately, most those downtown locations are small and hard to develop as stand-alone properties.
I don't think the service is really even needed, it's a simple matter of finding a higher and better use for the property.
Of Sound Mind 05-14-2014, 12:26 PM Wanted to point out when I post something, it comes from a trusted source.
It's important to distinguish between fun talk and conjecture (which is great and valuable in it's own right) and the things I post personally.
If I'm just thinking out loud or speculating, I'll make that clear. If I report something, I stand behind it and if there is any element of uncertainty, I state those qualifiers as well.
I keep a list of all the news we've broken first, and it's now at 200+ items.
Shame on you for being so reasonable and well-grounded... and shame on you for allowing people to be disappointed even when no guarantees are made... and shame on you for having a forum where people must read every thread — even those that disappoint, disgust and distress them — and forcing them to regurgitate again and again all the negative things they must point out.
jccouger 05-14-2014, 01:37 PM I keep a list of all the news we've broken first, and it's now at 200+ items.
Post that list Pete!!!
Post that list Pete!!!
I'm saving it for the right time. :)
Anonymous. 05-14-2014, 01:58 PM Anniversary!
I'm far from shy but have always been uncomfortable with self-promotion and since this site is in many ways tied to me, I don't like to blow our own horn too loudly. I've only recently started using Twitter and Facebook to promote items of interest, for example.
On the other hand, I keep very good notes and records which come in handy when proper credit is denied or usurped or when someone wants to play games with the truth.
And when I say records, I mean a comprehensive database, not a bunch of post-its and undocumented conversations.
NWOKCGuy 05-14-2014, 03:00 PM You mean like when other people say they broke the Tapstone Energy location?
A better example is the large distribution center that went to Owasso and ultimately revealed itself to be Macy's.
One way to look at that is to say that I had assumed and posted that I thought it was Amazon and that proved to be incorrect.
But the truth is that if we had not posted about this subject -- and we ultimately got the Macy's part right long before it was in the papers -- that apart from a few people connected with economic development, no one would never have even known they looked at OKC and how close we were to landing it, to the point of having a specific location identified.
Look it up... Other than OKCTalk there was no mention of this project anywhere, that is until there was an official announcement in the Tulsa paper. And even then it was never mentioned OKC was one of the finalists, let alone the various details that we documented.
So, you can either give us credit for putting together an amazing amount of information and detail that never would have come out otherwise -- and doing so months in advance of any news release -- or you could fixate on not getting absolutely everything correct until the story evolved.
There are plenty of things that have followed a similar path and I'm 100% fine with taking that approach and being honest about it all along the way.
I've just learned the hard way to document things in great detail.
OKCRT 05-14-2014, 07:18 PM A better example is the large distribution center that went to Owasso and ultimately revealed itself to be Macy's.
One way to look at that is to say that I had assumed and posted that I thought it was Amazon and that proved to be incorrect.
But the truth is that if we had not posted about this subject -- and we ultimately got the Macy's part right long before it was in the papers -- that apart from a few people connected with economic development, no one would never have even known they looked at OKC and how close we were to landing it, to the point of having a specific location identified.
Look it up... Other than OKCTalk there was no mention of this project anywhere, that is until there was an official announcement in the Tulsa paper. And even then it was never mentioned OKC was one of the finalists, let alone the various details that we documented.
So, you can either give us credit for putting together an amazing amount of information and detail that never would have come out otherwise -- and doing so months in advance of any news release -- or you could fixate on not getting absolutely everything correct until the story evolved.
There are plenty of things that have followed a similar path and I'm 100% fine with taking that approach and being honest about it all along the way.
I've just learned the hard way to document things in great detail.
I think that Rainey Williams let the wind out of the sails with his project. 1st he tells us a 28 story tower would be built. Well that wasn't really tall enough for the masses as most wanted 35+. But then he comes out and shows us that he isn't really building a tower,as I don't consider what he is building a tower. And now it seems that most people are not falling for anymore bait but rather just sitting back and waiting and if it happens,it happens.
zookeeper 05-14-2014, 07:33 PM And when I say records, I mean a comprehensive database, not a bunch of post-its and undocumented conversations.
You are nothing if not organized. You amaze me with this. What do you use to keep all that information? Any specific software (like OneNote) or just roll-your-own?
bombermwc 05-15-2014, 08:50 AM Then stop reading this thread and wait for an official announcement.
This thread was specifically created to consolidate all the various rumors and bits of information.
You just shot yourself in the foot. My point was, I agree with the type of info you put here. It's qualified and has grounding. What I think is stupid, is the random crap that has no basis that people pull from their butt and then it blows up into something fake that people start peeing their pants over.
There's honest journalistic interest, and there's smoke-up-the-butt stuff. I just prefer my information to have some grounding outside of hearsay.
Of Sound Mind 05-15-2014, 09:02 AM You just shot yourself in the foot. My point was, I agree with the type of info you put here. It's qualified and has grounding. What I think is stupid, is the random crap that has no basis that people pull from their butt and then it blows up into something fake that people start peeing their pants over.
There's honest journalistic interest, and there's smoke-up-the-butt stuff. I just prefer my information to have some grounding outside of hearsay.
Then do what Pete says, "stop reading this thread and wait for an official announcement" in the journalism institution(s) you choose to rely on.
Mississippi Blues 05-15-2014, 11:08 AM You just shot yourself in the foot. My point was, I agree with the type of info you put here. It's qualified and has grounding. What I think is stupid, is the random crap that has no basis that people pull from their butt and then it blows up into something fake that people start peeing their pants over.
There's honest journalistic interest, and there's smoke-up-the-butt stuff. I just prefer my information to have some grounding outside of hearsay.
How did he shoot himself in the foot? He told you to not check this thread and wait for an official announcement since this thread is mainly about speculation and you yourself just said that you don't want to hear speculation, you want grounded information. It makes perfect sense to me.
A large portion of the stuff in this thread is fantasy (for a lack of better wording) and for the sake of your honest journalistic interests, he's advising you that most of this thread is piecing things together, which may or may not be accurate or come true.
OKCisOK4me 05-15-2014, 12:23 PM I think mwcbomber wants a BS Mystery Tower thread and a Credible Information Mystery Tower thread so we don't have to drown in all the fantasies...
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread was named to include "speculation, news, and ideas". Those are three different things, but clearly all are welcome.
If there's any issue, it may be that some have a hard time distinguishing between the three.
OKCisOK4me 05-15-2014, 12:44 PM Dear lord..I don't have an issue, lol. I'm merely pointing out that that may be his reasoning.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
PhiAlpha 05-15-2014, 03:00 PM How did he shoot himself in the foot? He told you to not check this thread and wait for an official announcement since this thread is mainly about speculation and you yourself just said that you don't want to hear speculation, you want grounded information. It makes perfect sense to me.
A large portion of the stuff in this thread is fantasy (for a lack of better wording) and for the sake of your honest journalistic interests, he's advising you that most of this thread is piecing things together, which may or may not be accurate or come true.
For over two years now the thread has been labeled Mystery Tower (speculation, news, and ideas); the reasoning behind coming here and complaining about the lack of facts or the rampant speculation is beyond me. It's semi annoying that it has had to be explained so many times when it's right there in the title.
Bellaboo 05-15-2014, 08:54 PM Thats why I have not posted in over a year... hey Big news coming in The Reno and Walker block possibly next week.
Reno & Walker - where are you ?
How about some cryptic tease ?
bombermwc 05-16-2014, 08:53 AM Hey, don't get your panties in a twist people. I think you're putting more effort in commenting on my view of the thread than into discussing buildings.
Of Sound Mind 05-16-2014, 09:03 AM Hey, don't get your panties in a twist people. I think you're putting more effort in commenting on my view of the thread than into discussing buildings.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
And you came back to this thread that cause you so much distress... glutton for punishment, I guess.
Mississippi Blues 05-16-2014, 12:22 PM Hey, don't get your panties in a twist people. I think you're putting more effort in commenting on my view of the thread than into discussing buildings.
Since you're a man of facts, we're just getting the facts straight. :)
Back to your regularly scheduled speculation.
G.Walker 05-17-2014, 09:17 AM I think the fascination for towers is downtown OKC has dropped. Think this has much to do with underwhelming announcements. We still have yet to have a major tower announcement since Devon tower finished. Even though we have had numerous articles, rumors, and speculation to elude to such, nothing still has came to fruition. Most answers from sources now are very vague, like, "we should hear something soon", or "I expect to hear tower announcement next year", or "I expect we will see a new tower build in the next 5 to 10 years", lol. That is as vague as you can get, nothing substantial or solid. I for one have jumped off the tower train a long time now. When it happens it happens...and I have realized most sources really don't know what's going on or have any more inside information that the next person.
Mississippi Blues 05-17-2014, 10:58 AM Yeah, I'd say I'm off the tower train as well. I still want to see towers and love the thought of having more projects like the conceptual lumber yard project, but I find myself more and more rooting for closer to mainland earth projects like LIFT, Metropolitan, Steel Yard, and so on.
SOONER8693 05-17-2014, 11:18 AM I think the fascination for towers is downtown OKC has dropped. Think this has much to do with underwhelming announcements. We still have yet to have a major tower announcement since Devon tower finished. Even though we have had numerous articles, rumors, and speculation to elude to such, nothing still has came to fruition. Most answers from sources now are very vague, like, "we should hear something soon", or "I expect to hear tower announcement next year", or "I expect we will see a new tower build in the next 5 to 10 years", lol. That is as vague as you can get, nothing substantial or solid. I for one have jumped off the tower train a long time now. When it happens it happens...and I have realized most sources really don't know what's going on or have any more inside information that the next person.
Agree 100%. I believe the Devon tower was an abberation. Apparently OKC just got lucky with the Devon tower. We've been given the "chicken little" runaround too many times now.
OKCRT 05-17-2014, 03:55 PM Agree 100%. I believe the Devon tower was an abberation. Apparently OKC just got lucky with the Devon tower. We've been given the "chicken little" runaround too many times now.
Rainey Williams rained on our parade and let all the wind out of our sails and popped the balloon and just killed all future speculation for a real tower downtown.
After he fabricated the facts about the tower and when the real facts came out it seemed to kill enthusiasms around here. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice,shame on me. Thank you Mr. Williams
Now please sell the stage center property to a developer that has a real vision for downtown okc and move your project up north somewhere before it's too late..
bombermwc 05-20-2014, 08:33 AM I'm with G. Walker
Just the facts 05-20-2014, 10:41 AM I think the fascination for towers is downtown OKC has dropped.
This is what is for me. I have zero interest any floor count above 10.
lasomeday 05-20-2014, 10:59 AM This is what is for me. I have zero interest any floor count above 10.
I have 0 interest in any floor count lower than 20.
OKCisOK4me 05-20-2014, 11:02 AM I have 0 interest in any floor count lower than 20.
So if four projects make up 21 stories then you're interested? ;-)
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
I have 0 interest in any floor count lower than 20.
No one expects you to. You live in Yukon, so downtown livability doesn't really matter to you. :wink:
lasomeday 05-20-2014, 01:03 PM No one expects you to. You live in Yukon, so downtown livability doesn't really matter to you. :wink:
For the millionth time! I LIVE IN OKC! And if I can't see it from my office window, it doesn't matter to me.
OKCisOK4me 05-20-2014, 01:04 PM For the millionth time! I LIVE IN OKC! And if I can't see it from my office window, it doesn't matter to me.
I sense hostility...
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
lasomeday 05-20-2014, 01:12 PM He knows its all about my view. I see trees at home and downtown from my office, so I want my office view to improve.
For the millionth time! I LIVE IN OKC!
Oh, I could have sworn it was Mustang.
lasomeday 05-20-2014, 01:44 PM Oh, I could have sworn it was Mustang.
I wish. Mustang is very nice.
OKCRT 05-20-2014, 06:26 PM I wish. Mustang is very nice.
And growing. Was driving down 1-52 the other afternoon and it was bumper to bumper. Maybe Mustang needs a tower to call their own.
Spartan 05-20-2014, 06:39 PM Let's talk about Mustang
OKCisOK4me 05-20-2014, 09:34 PM Mustang Brewing is on Meridian
Just the facts 05-20-2014, 10:19 PM Let's talk about Mustang
Mustang could use a little urbanization. How about a nice little Main St with some 3 to 5 story building built out to the sidewalk, a few roundabouts, some shopping (besides the Walmart), and 3 or 4 sidewalk cafes. In short - there is no 'there' there. If someone said "take me to the center of Mustang" would there be anything worth seeing when they got there?
ljbab728 05-20-2014, 11:38 PM Mustang could use a little urbanization. How about a nice little Main St with some 3 to 5 story building built out to the sidewalk, a few roundabouts, some shopping (besides the Walmart), and 3 or 4 sidewalk cafes. In short - there is no 'there' there. If someone said "take me to the center of Mustang" would there be anything worth seeing when they got there?
Actually, Kerry, I moved to Mustang in the late 60's. Downtown was on Main street south of Highway 152 and I walked that area often. It's changed of course for better or worse. When I was there, everyone who moved there hoped they were the last ones. Mustang will never be urban, so that is a pipe dream. Speculation about a mystery tower in Mustang will get you nowhere, :)