View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!
Just the facts 04-17-2014, 08:22 AM Interesting side topic about date format. I prefer the international style
2014/4/17 9:21:00
Time measured biggest to smallest across the board.
shawnw 04-17-2014, 09:06 AM Interesting side topic about date format. I prefer the international style
2014/4/17 9:21:00
Time measured biggest to smallest across the board.
I use essentially that format when naming files/directories I need to be in the right order...
David 04-17-2014, 09:15 AM Speaking as a programmer that is the format I always use.
I always laugh to myself when I see the debates about the European standard vs. the US standard, from my perspective neither are acceptable in any situation where the format itself matters. And in situations were the format doesn't matter, then who cares.
Bellaboo 04-17-2014, 09:27 PM I had a system I wrote that was international, all North American dates were MM-DD-YYYY while the rest of the world was carried as YYYY-MM-DD. Bosses orders.
Plutonic Panda 04-17-2014, 09:36 PM So lets look at what we have
Most likely
Stage Center Tower 15 stories - downtown
Lumber Yard 43 stories - brick town
Preftakes Block 20-40 stories
Bank of America - super tall? would be nice lol
4 possible new towers... very nice. Not to mention the possible ones out in the suburbs (possible dense development in Norman 20 stories? and one or two along Broadway Ext. 15-20 stories)
catcherinthewry 04-17-2014, 09:40 PM I'm not sure I'd put the Lumber Yard under Most Likely. I'm hopeful that it will happen, but it is still in the very early stages. Fingers crossed though.
Plutonic Panda 04-17-2014, 09:44 PM Perhaps you're right. I keep thinking I am missing one under speculation though....
Dustin 04-17-2014, 10:47 PM Bank of America?
Where did you hear that?
Teo9969 04-17-2014, 10:49 PM Bank of America?
Where did you hear that?
Bank of America site…not Bank of America as the builder/tenant
ljbab728 04-17-2014, 11:06 PM Perhaps you're right. I keep thinking I am missing one under speculation though....
Convention Center hotel?
Plutonic Panda 04-17-2014, 11:33 PM Convention Center hotel?That's riiiiight. Knew I was forgetting something :p
Plutonic Panda 04-17-2014, 11:33 PM Bank of America?
Where did you hear that?Sorry, meant the BOA drive through area....
Dustin 04-17-2014, 11:34 PM Bank of America site…not Bank of America as the builder/tenant
Ok. That makes a whole lot more sense.
bchris02 04-18-2014, 01:50 PM Steve Lackmeyer 10:40 a.m. We have a lot of in-fill projects coming throughout downtown that can often be under-estimated in their overall impact. We have some big, big deals coming. And yeah, I'm still tracking a tower in the Central Business District beyond what's already announced for the Stage Center site. And no, I've not seen anything to indicate the towers project on the lumber yard site in Lower Bricktown is anything but a fantasy. Whenever you have a developer with no related experience, no financing for a $100 million-plus investment and they don't own the land, I find myself hard-pressed to understand why some renderings posted on an architect's website get people excited.
This brings good news and bad news. Good news is there is still a mystery tower beyond the Rainey Williams tower that has already been announced. Bad news is it looks like it isn't likely going to be the Lumber Yard project.
Bellaboo 04-18-2014, 02:04 PM Steve mentioned today he's still tracking another Mystery Tower beside the Stage center site. I'd guess the BOA drive through, and I'd also guess Enable as the tenant. I've thought that Tom Ward would hold onto his triangle over on EKG and 3rd for his HQ after they outgrow the Mideke Bldg in 5 or so years.. just thoughts.
HangryHippo 04-18-2014, 02:12 PM Steve mentioned today he's still tracking another Mystery Tower beside the Stage center site. I'd guess the BOA drive through, and I'd also guess Enable as the tenant. I've thought that Tom Ward would hold onto his triangle over on EKG and 3rd for his HQ after they outgrow the Mideke Bldg in 5 or so years.. just thoughts.
Is Enable not going into the OG&E Tower?
Although there was some confusion when that property on EKG changed hands, the County Asserssor site shows the owner as SandRidge Realty LLC with a mailing address of 123 RS Kerr, the SandRidge HQ. It's now pretty clear that it's owned by SandRidge and not Tom Ward.
Also remember, the City still owns the southern half of that grassy triangle.
Bellaboo 04-18-2014, 04:07 PM Is Enable not going into the OG&E Tower?
I wouldn't think so, they had to be spun off as an MLP, just like Access was spun off of Chesapeake and moved over on Lincoln. Devon spun their midstream off and it merged with Crosstex in Dallas. I think that is part of the rules, but I wouldn't bet on it. It makes sense that their lease in Leadership Square is up in about 4 years.....there has also been core samples taken over at the BOA drive thru which is just to the west of the OG& E parking garage, I think.
HangryHippo 04-18-2014, 04:41 PM I wouldn't think so, they had to be spun off as an MLP, just like Access was spun off of Chesapeake and moved over on Lincoln. Devon spun their midstream off and it merged with Crosstex in Dallas. I think that is part of the rules, but I wouldn't bet on it. It makes sense that their lease in Leadership Square is up in about 4 years.....there has also been core samples taken over at the BOA drive thru which is just to the west of the OG& E parking garage, I think.
Okay, for some reason I had it in my head that Enable had signed up (for lack of a better term) to be a part of the new tower. I wouldn't be surprised if they look at the BofA lot. I remember the core samples being taken, but haven't seen anything else since.
catcherinthewry 04-18-2014, 06:35 PM And no, I've not seen anything to indicate the towers project on the lumber yard site in Lower Bricktown is anything but a fantasy. Whenever you have a developer with no related experience, no financing for a $100 million-plus investment and they don't own the land, I find myself hard-pressed to understand why some renderings posted on an architect's website get people excited.
Interesting that Steve used the term fantasy. Seems like I've heard that term from someone else about this project.:tongue: How does he know they have no financing? Last I recall, they wouldn't return his phone calls. So they have told someone else that they want to develop this parcel, they've done renderings and they've done plans and they have the land under contract. These guys must have a lot of extra time and money on their hands to be wasting it like this on a fantasy.:)
soonerguru 04-18-2014, 07:01 PM "Fantasy" seems like strong wording. Punchy even.
Plutonic Panda 04-18-2014, 07:50 PM If you go on their website, you'll see a ton of projects they have done.
HangryHippo 04-18-2014, 09:06 PM Interesting that Steve used the term fantasy. Seems like I've heard that term from someone else about this project.:tongue: How does he know they have no financing? Last I recall, they wouldn't return his phone calls. So they have told someone else that they want to develop this parcel, they've done renderings and they've done plans and they have the land under contract. These guys must have a lot of extra time and money on their hands to be wasting it like this on a fantasy.:)
Didn't Steve say earlier in the chat that he had received information that led him to believe this is nothing more than leaked rumors trying to drum up interest?
CuatrodeMayo 04-18-2014, 09:49 PM I have a lot of respect for Steve and the work he does. HOWEVER, I get annoyed with the occasional potshots towards this site. There were quite a few in the chat today.
Reno and Walker 05-10-2014, 10:47 PM Thats why I have not posted in over a year... hey Big news coming in The Reno and Walker block possibly next week.
catcherinthewry 05-11-2014, 08:48 AM Thats why I have not posted in over a year... hey Big news coming in The Reno and Walker block possibly next week.
I've heard that a new tower is coming to the Preftakes block and that Bank of Oklahoma will likely be the main tenant.
Probably on the SW corner of Main and Hudson and to be built by out of state developers, not Preftakes.
Not sure of the height but somewhere around 30 stories. Also unsure of the timing.
catcherinthewry 05-11-2014, 08:55 AM I've heard that a new tower is coming to the Preftakes block and that Bank of Oklahoma will likely be the main tenant.
Probably on the SW corner of Main and Hudson and to be built by out of state developers, not Preftakes.
Not sure of the height but somewhere around 30 stories. Also unsure of the timing.
Wow! That would be awesome as well. It sounds like some exciting stuff is right around the corner. This news along with the NBA playoffs provide a lot of excitement and momentum to OKC!
OKCisOK4me 05-11-2014, 10:56 AM Thats why I have not posted in over a year... hey Big news coming in The Reno and Walker block possibly next week.
Big news like bigger than other mystery "tower" news? Sorry...gotta add fuel to the fire ;-)
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bchris02 05-11-2014, 11:06 AM Maybe a Burj Khalifa replica is being built here.
OKCisOK4me 05-11-2014, 11:39 AM Maybe a Burj Khalifa replica is being built here.
Like a mini mini mini junior?
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adaniel 05-11-2014, 10:59 PM I've heard that a new tower is coming to the Preftakes block and that Bank of Oklahoma will likely be the main tenant.
Probably on the SW corner of Main and Hudson and to be built by out of state developers, not Preftakes.
Not sure of the height but somewhere around 30 stories. Also unsure of the timing.
Does BOK have that many employees in OKC? Is this a HQ relocation situation?
Does BOK have that many employees in OKC? Is this a HQ relocation situation?
They have a decent amount of space in BOK Plaza but it's not huge.
I believe they would be consolidating from elsewhere in the City and expanding in general.
I'm very sure their HQ would stay in Tulsa, but there may be other tenants already lined up for the new tower.
soonerguru 05-12-2014, 12:28 AM George Kaiser just made a big play with the Thunder. One wonders if he is trying to boost his profile in OKC. Maybe he's tired of trying to help Tulsa only to be rebuffed by the tea-bagging loons.
PhiAlpha 05-12-2014, 01:40 AM Thats why I have not posted in over a year... hey Big news coming in The Reno and Walker block possibly next week.
Is this news related to Pete's comment?
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Plutonic Panda 05-12-2014, 01:44 AM I've heard that a new tower is coming to the Preftakes block and that Bank of Oklahoma will likely be the main tenant.
Probably on the SW corner of Main and Hudson and to be built by out of state developers, not Preftakes.
Not sure of the height but somewhere around 30 stories. Also unsure of the timing.So that would put it around the height of the Chase Tower(excluding spiral if there is one)?
OKVision4U 05-12-2014, 08:53 AM Thats why I have not posted in over a year... hey Big news coming in The Reno and Walker block possibly next week.
What kind of news... another Tower ? ... or CVS adding another store? ... or the kind of news that will make Dallas & KC jealous?
What kind of news... another Tower ? ... or CVS adding another store? ... or the kind of news that will make Dallas & KC jealous?
I believe this is related to the large property he has for sale at the intersection that coincides with his screen name.
OKVision4U 05-12-2014, 09:02 AM "Alrighty then". thanks Pete.
shawnw 05-12-2014, 09:43 AM So if BOK builds a tower on Preftakes at that location, what does Devon do when they need a second tower?
So if BOK builds a tower on Preftakes at that location, what does Devon do when they need a second tower?
BOK would only be a tenant. There would be room for others.
shawnw 05-12-2014, 09:49 AM What happens to the current BOK tower? I was under the impression it was renovated somewhat recently...
I'm sure BOK wouldn't have a problem leasing out their old space, especially with at least two years lead time.
lasomeday 05-12-2014, 10:12 AM I'm sure BOK wouldn't have a problem leasing out their old space, especially with at least two years lead time.
BOK already leases out a lot of the space. Most of the building that I know of is leased out. I think BOK only has three floors taken up. The top two floors are a very nice law firm.
Remember, Rainey Williams owns BOK Plaza in OKC.
BOK leases several floors in that building but they have several other tenants.
Perhaps they are looking to take an ownership interest in this new building?
coov23 05-12-2014, 10:33 AM George Kaiser just made a big play with the Thunder. One wonders if he is trying to boost his profile in OKC. Maybe he's tired of trying to help Tulsa only to be rebuffed by the tea-bagging loons.
Why do you make everything political? Stay on topic, please.
BOK would only be a tenant. There would be room for others.
Perhaps Devon wants a different company to be the anchor tenant, so it's not so obvious that they're behind any new tower. They can say that the tower was for BOK and they just ended up leasing space in it.
The point about George Kaiser buying into the Thunder is a good one.
Also, we had heard rumors about BOK upping their presence in OKC some time ago, so all this seems to be fitting together.
OKVision4U 05-12-2014, 03:12 PM BOK would only be a tenant. There would be room for others.
... have they selcted an architect ?
... have they selcted an architect ?
I don't know.
OKVision4U 05-12-2014, 03:29 PM I hope they get a firm that really knows how to make a statement.
I'd be fine with a big box like Chase Tower as long as it gets built.
bchris02 05-12-2014, 05:22 PM I'd be fine with a big box like Chase Tower as long as it gets built.
Agree, although it would likely be more modern and aesthetically pleasing than the Chase Tower. Cotter Ranch Tower is actually a staple of 1970s architecture and you don't see very many being built in that style.
Bellaboo 05-12-2014, 09:25 PM Okay,
Potential sites that seem to be in play for towers here.
1) Stage Center (OG&E)
2) Northeast corner of Preftakes block (Bank of OK)
3) BOA drive through - North of MOA (Possibly Enable Midstream)
4) Convention Center with Hotel
5) Reno & Walker ?
The west and south side of downtown could be 'under construction' for the next few years.
jccouger 05-13-2014, 11:35 AM Man, this site really experienced mystery tower fatigue. We get some really exciting news on a new lead and there is barely any chatter about it. I blame the OGE tower, which was the original "mystery tower", that fell well below expectations on this problem.
bchris02 05-13-2014, 11:47 AM Man, this site really experienced mystery tower fatigue. We get some really exciting news on a new lead and there is barely any chatter about it. I blame the OGE tower, which was the original "mystery tower", that fell well below expectations on this problem.
Totally agree. I know at least I found myself so underwhelmed by the Rainey Williams tower that its difficult to get as excited about other mystery towers. It wasn't all hype either; early rumors from Steve seemed to support a 30-40 story tower and OKC ends up with a 14-story midrise that may yet be scaled back further.
Anonymous. 05-13-2014, 11:53 AM Yup. Until plans are displayed that show the most likely product. The excitement just isn't there. Devon spoiled us.
Bellaboo 05-13-2014, 12:04 PM It's just a crying out loud shame that we could be on the verge over the next 5 years to have multiple, as in 2 or 3 or 4 major projects going on at the same time..... and we're disappointed.
Anonymous. 05-13-2014, 12:09 PM I think disappointed is the wrong term. I think more leary is the correct verbage.
jccouger 05-13-2014, 12:10 PM I don't think people are disappointed in what could happen, I think people are just a lot more hesitant to raise their hopes after what happened with the Rainey tower. People literally spent years on this website tracking the would be stage center tower, only to have have all that dedication & time spent on a tower that was worth no where near the amount of energy spent waiting for it to unfold. There is just a lot more "wait & see" approach going on with these other "mystery towers" due to this fact.