02-16-2012, 10:05 AM
you always seem to to be everywhere at the right place and the right time...:sofa:
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G.Walker 02-16-2012, 10:05 AM you always seem to to be everywhere at the right place and the right time...:sofa: kevinpate 02-16-2012, 12:04 PM The first rule about Mystery Tower .. you must speculate about Mystery Tower semisimple 02-16-2012, 12:07 PM He's a nerd jerk from Nashville, hence the name cashville. He's been dogging OKC for years....he's sick (and jealous), take him with a grain of salt. Devon Tower really kicked his tail as if any of it matters. Those guys over there get on him pretty good though. He's just saying what many others are thinking--that the local enthusiasm about OKC's recent progress has hit extreme levels, and thus the speculation (and expectations) about future growth seems to have become detached from reality. Because OKC is a small city and has long been playing catch-up to similar cities (like Nashville) in terms of development, the recent "boom," highlighted by the Devon Tower, has been highly visible and well-publicized which has resulted in the rather warped perceptions some people evidently have about how OKC has grown and will grow relative to other cities. I seem to remember a similar phenomenon with MAPS and the canal. Years ago there were grand visions and expectations for lower Bricktown and many people were eager to fuel the fire--the rumor mill was on overdrive. IIRC, the DOK provided a rare dose of sanity by running a front page article on the greatly exaggerated portrayals of future canal-side development by the water taxi drivers. I think the newfound civic pride is a great thing, but now that the rumor mill is abuzz again and has the DOK for a mouthpiece, don't be surprised to see plenty of outsiders--particularly from equally or even more dynamic locales--happy to provide a reality check. Of Sound Mind 02-16-2012, 12:10 PM He's just saying what many others are thinking--that the local enthusiasm about OKC's recent progress has hit extreme levels, and thus the speculation (and expectations) about future growth seems to have become detached from reality. I would agree, especially when reading this forum and some of it's hyperbolic prognosticators. However, where that "nerd jerk" OKC-hater is most egregiously wrong is his characterization of Steve Lackmeyer. If anything, it shows he simply doesn't have a clue and should be summarily disregarded on that reason alone. MikeLucky 02-16-2012, 12:17 PM Another bad reaction from http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?p=5592986#post5592986 from username Cashville: "Lackmeyer is a sunshine pusher and everything he says should be taken with a grain of salt. If you listen to him OKC will be adding 8-10 300+ foot towers in the next 5 years and attracting a fortune 100 company or two along the way. He seems to not really grasp reality and run with any rumor he hears. Maybe there will be a new 'tower' built, but I assure you it wont be in the 700 foot range". I guess with a name like Cashville, you shouldn't be disrespecting anyone. I remember when people swore up and down Devon Tower would never happen, now look! I hope this joker Cashville gets proved wrong. Yeah that cashville idiot has to spew at skyskraperpage because his incessant OKC hate actually got him banned from skyscrapercity long ago... He's a sad little man. Bellaboo 02-16-2012, 12:49 PM He's just saying what many others are thinking--that the local enthusiasm about OKC's recent progress has hit extreme levels, and thus the speculation (and expectations) about future growth seems to have become detached from reality. Because OKC is a small city and has long been playing catch-up to similar cities (like Nashville) in terms of development, the recent "boom," highlighted by the Devon Tower, has been highly visible and well-publicized which has resulted in the rather warped perceptions some people evidently have about how OKC has grown and will grow relative to other cities. I seem to remember a similar phenomenon with MAPS and the canal. Years ago there were grand visions and expectations for lower Bricktown and many people were eager to fuel the fire--the rumor mill was on overdrive. IIRC, the DOK provided a rare dose of sanity by running a front page article on the greatly exaggerated portrayals of future canal-side development by the water taxi drivers. I think the newfound civic pride is a great thing, but now that the rumor mill is abuzz again and has the DOK for a mouthpiece, don't be surprised to see plenty of outsiders--particularly from equally or even more dynamic locales--happy to provide a reality check. Don't give that jerk too much credit.... he's a complete AZZ.... Teo9969 02-16-2012, 01:03 PM He's just saying what many others are thinking--that the local enthusiasm about OKC's recent progress has hit extreme levels, and thus the speculation (and expectations) about future growth seems to have become detached from reality. Because OKC is a small city and has long been playing catch-up to similar cities (like Nashville) in terms of development, the recent "boom," highlighted by the Devon Tower, has been highly visible and well-publicized which has resulted in the rather warped perceptions some people evidently have about how OKC has grown and will grow relative to other cities. I seem to remember a similar phenomenon with MAPS and the canal. Years ago there were grand visions and expectations for lower Bricktown and many people were eager to fuel the fire--the rumor mill was on overdrive. IIRC, the DOK provided a rare dose of sanity by running a front page article on the greatly exaggerated portrayals of future canal-side development by the water taxi drivers. I think the newfound civic pride is a great thing, but now that the rumor mill is abuzz again and has the DOK for a mouthpiece, don't be surprised to see plenty of outsiders--particularly from equally or even more dynamic locales--happy to provide a reality check. A couple thoughts: 1. The local enthusiasm has not seemed to hit extreme levels to me. Being in my early-mid twenties, I still hear PLENTY of people who are ready to "get the hell out of Oklahoma"...and still complain about the place being boring, etc. etc. Certainly OKC is seeing some really cool things go on, particularly if you're close to or in the Urban Core, and people are excited about that, but I haven't noticed some major shift in thought process locally. 2. The local enthusiasm, if it genuinely exists and is exaggerated, is being driven by non-local entities. All the articles including OKC as "#1 Recession Proof", "Top 5 place to start a business", etc., all the talks on national radio declaring the great things about OKC, the glamour sometimes associated with the Thunder...are all things that are feeding any pride that OKC residents are carrying. Again, I don't think it's some major amount of pride, but what is there can be blamed as much on Forbes as it can Chesapeake. 3. I have seen nobody make unreasonable predictions about OKC's demographics, economics, or infrastructure. The people who are most excited about this city (people who post on this forum, and those like them) are often the most critical about even the best things happening in the city. Just because people aren't predicting the worst case scenario, doesn't mean they aren't being unreasonable. If people were saying OKC is going to have 3 million people with 2 more professional sports franchises, 6 total fortune 500 companies, and 10 more towers, I'd be inclined to agree with the assessment that the current "speculation...(is) detached from reality". Pete's 5 point post (#322) (http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.php?t=28630&p=508454#post508454), minus the percentages, is as optimistic and lofty of an outlook as I have seen about the skyline speculation in this thread. I think most would agree with the percentages Pete gave, which is pretty cool. The unique position that OKC is in over against many other cities is that OKC's economy is not running parallel to the National economy. OKC is likely to continue to excel over against the National economy, either direction that the National economy takes has the potential to make OKC a more attractive option: If it goes down, OKC is relatively insulated. If it goes up, OKC's growth seems likely to be more pronounced. G.Walker 02-16-2012, 01:10 PM Outside of the OKCTALK family, most people are not this enthused about skyscrapers coming to OKC, or its economic development. Most of my co-workers didn't know about Devon Tower until they saw cranes in the area, and even then, someone said "man, Chesapeake is building new skyscraper downtown", all I could do is laugh. But it goes to show most people don't care about the economic development of Oklahoma City or skyscrapers. adaniel 02-16-2012, 01:31 PM You cannot observe what is said on "da interwebz" and automatically conclude that this is what's going on in real life. This board is but a snapshot of the community, and people here in general will probably be more excited about the goings on than the average joe. There have definitely been some hyperbole here lately, like the declarations that OKC will be the next Dubai. But in a weird way I really don't see it as a bad thing. I mean, people for so long, both in and outside of OKC, use to s**t on this town so bad, and many still do. Now, there is a general sense of pride and excitement in this city, especially among my generation (20 somethings). It wouldn't surprise me if people are defensive when others rehash old stereotypes. A little overenthusiasm can get on your nerves, but considering our past its a good problem to have. G.Walker 02-16-2012, 01:40 PM Exactly, Oklahoma City has been through some hard times, and received harsh criticism. It's our time now, it's our time to shine, we deserve everything we having coming us. And if someone says we are getting 1, 2, 3, or 4 new skyscrapers, I will support it. Oklahoma City is the only city I know that turned itself around like it has. Let's Go! UnFrSaKn 02-16-2012, 01:41 PM There have definitely been some hyperbole here lately, like the declarations that OKC will be the next Dubai.) "For the spirit of Thunder endured..." progressiveboy 02-16-2012, 02:26 PM Outside of the OKCTALK family, most people are not this enthused about skyscrapers coming to OKC, or its economic development. Most of my co-workers didn't know about Devon Tower until they saw cranes in the area, and even then, someone said "man, Chesapeake is building new skyscraper downtown", all I could do is laugh. But it goes to show most people don't care about the economic development of Oklahoma City or skyscrapers. I have to agree with you. When I did reside in OKC, I was always perplexed as to the average resident of OKC did not know what was happening in their community and did not care. My experience was alot of complacency and apathy among "some" of OKC residents. It is great that many great things are occuring in OKC and reinforces by belief that OKC has the "potential" to become a city that residents are proud to call it home. My attitude has changed for the better of my hometown as there was a time when I was "guilty" bashing OKC. mrktguy29 02-16-2012, 05:27 PM I have to agree with you. When I did reside in OKC, I was always perplexed as to the average resident of OKC did not know what was happening in their community and did not care. My experience was alot of complacency and apathy among "some" of OKC residents. It is great that many great things are occuring in OKC and reinforces by belief that OKC has the "potential" to become a city that residents are proud to call it home. My attitude has changed for the better of my hometown as there was a time when I was "guilty" bashing OKC. I work on Memorial and we always joke that some of our associates never go south of 63rd Street and then when presented with information about happenings downtown its like "tower?!?! Where did that come from?" UnFrSaKn 02-16-2012, 06:46 PM For all the positive changes to our image to the rest of the country, there's always something that balances it out... (http://www.history.com/shows/mudcats) Not to be confused with.... (http://animal.discovery.com/tv/hillbilly-handfishin/) ZYX2 02-16-2012, 06:50 PM I actually really like "Hillbilly Handfishin'." UnFrSaKn 02-16-2012, 06:51 PM Mudcats is actually on now. It seems to be all in Oklahoma... Anyway, this shouldn't get off topic. jbrown84 02-16-2012, 07:12 PM Really enjoying the speculation. Definitely a thread to watch. I'd like to see the Preftakes block get some residential. Either in a second tower or one big mixed-use tower. lasomeday 02-16-2012, 11:04 PM Really enjoying the speculation. Definitely a thread to watch. I'd like to see the Preftakes block get some residential. Either in a second tower or one big mixed-use tower. I like the Mixed-Use Tower idea! I do hope they are thinking of a residential tower. I think the location of the school across the street is due to some planning by the people in the Know! It would be cool if we could have a combination of new towers with the Charlotte corporate towers and the Austin residential towers. The best of both worlds! I think the ACM will have more impact on downtown/bricktown in the next few years and more 20 and 30 somethings will want to live downtown. Just like in Austin with the live music venues on 6th street and the surrounding area. Bellaboo 02-17-2012, 07:38 AM I'll put 20 bucks on one of the two Chinese oil companies. Kind of makes sense, they are involved with both CHK and Devon on lease holdings, and they obviously have cash. lasomeday 02-17-2012, 09:19 AM I'll put 20 bucks on one of the two Chinese oil companies. Kind of makes sense, they are involved with both CHK and Devon on lease holdings, and they obviously have cash. I'll take your twenty and put ten on Midfirst and ten on American Fidelity! MDot 02-17-2012, 09:51 AM I'll take your twenty and put ten on Midfirst and ten on American Fidelity! And I'll take Bellaboo's twenty and your double ten's and go to a Thunder game. =) RadicalModerate 02-17-2012, 10:02 AM I can't believe that nobody has picked up on the fact that this "Mystery Tower" was built long ago, but downward instead of upward and is supplied with water from that pipe under Lake Hefner. You think that old cartoon in Playboy magazine showing a foreman, hollering at workers way down in a deep hole--apparently immediately after consulting with an architect, an engineer, and a couple of other suits up at street level: "Stop digging! The plans are upside down!!" was just a joke? Bellaboo 02-17-2012, 10:27 AM And I'll take Bellaboo's twenty and your double ten's and go to a Thunder game. =) I'll put the second tower as MidFirst or AFA, I'll take both 20's for the Chinese Oil Co, and I'll go to the Thunder game.... I'm going anyway though..........have club level season tickets. MDot 02-17-2012, 10:32 AM I'll put the second tower as MidFirst or AFA, I'll take both 20's for the Chinese Oil Co, and I'll go to the Thunder game.... I'm going anyway though..........have club level season tickets. Sounds like you're in good shape all around homie. Wish I was you, or at least friends with you. =/ lol Bellaboo 02-17-2012, 11:29 AM Sounds like you're in good shape all around homie. Wish I was you, or at least friends with you. =/ lol MDot, If for some reason my wife and I can't go to a game sometime this year, I'll PM you and give you our tickets. I've lived a blessed life so far. MDot 02-17-2012, 11:39 AM MDot, If for some reason my wife and I can't go to a game sometime this year, I'll PM you and give you our tickets. I've lived a blessed life so far. Wow, thank you, Bellaboo. Even if that never happens, thank you for even suggesting it. mrktguy29 02-17-2012, 12:06 PM MDot, If for some reason my wife and I can't go to a game sometime this year, I'll PM you and give you our tickets. I've lived a blessed life so far. If for some reason MDot can't make it I'll be happy to put them to good use! :) Bellaboo 02-17-2012, 12:11 PM Wow, thank you, Bellaboo. Even if that never happens, thank you for even suggesting it. Last year I gave them away once. You never know when something comes up and you can't go. BDP 02-17-2012, 12:12 PM In the early stage of these rumors, a lot of the sources were tied to construction workers working on the Devon tower. I think the suggestion was that they should prepare to stay a bit longer, alluding to that the resources would simply be reallocated to the new project(s) rather than be moving on. If this is the case, then wouldn't it stand to reason we'll see an official announcement sooner rather than later. With both Devon cranes coming down, it seems the bulk of the heavy lifting is complete and, with that, some of the resources will be moving on soon. If there is some sort of synergy play here, it's probably getting close to putting it into action, yes? Bellaboo 02-17-2012, 12:15 PM I'd go with sooner rather than later. I don't think the real estate people would make a bold comment about a new headquarters if it wasn't close. Pete 02-17-2012, 12:25 PM I'm sure a lot of the guys that worked on the tower in the initial stages are already done. They moved on to the "trades" for the final finish out of the interior some time ago. It's not like these are big teams that stay together... They are hired as needed for particular jobs for their particular skills. I would imagine a good number that worked on the Devon project have moved on to SandRidge, CHK, Project 180, highway work or the dozens of other big construction jobs around town. There have been thousands of construction workers on this project but it certain hasn't been the same people the entire time. G.Walker 02-17-2012, 01:01 PM In the early stage of these rumors, a lot of the sources were tied to construction workers working on the Devon tower. I think the suggestion was that they should prepare to stay a bit longer, alluding to that the resources would simply be reallocated to the new project(s) rather than be moving on. If this is the case, then wouldn't it stand to reason we'll see an official announcement sooner rather than later. With both Devon cranes coming down, it seems the bulk of the heavy lifting is complete and, with that, some of the resources will be moving on soon. If there is some sort of synergy play here, it's probably getting close to putting it into action, yes? A good way to monitor progress on an announcement of a potential skyscraper, is to monitor the OCEDT agenda every month. They only meet once a month, and researching their agenda would give hints to what company is moving here and other developments. I think we will get an official announcement before FY12 comes to a close, which is June 30, 2012. I am sure they will announce a big project like this before the end of the fiscal year. Patrick 02-18-2012, 03:13 AM Speculation is all good and fine, but it all becomes a little silly when you happen to know what's really going to happen. When you know reality, hearing comments about Canadian and Chinese corporations building skyscrapers in downtown Oklahoma City just sounds a little crazy, because there's no truth to it at all. When you're a shareholder in a group of local corporations there's a lot of things you learn that the general public simply isn't aware of. I'll make it simple for you: lasomeday's comment is about the most on target of any I've read here, and I think he/she would win the bet he/she wagered, if indeed the economy continues to improve. I wouldn't bet $1 on a Chinese oil company. But I would bet $1,000 on either Midfirst or AFA. KayneMo 02-18-2012, 05:19 AM Did a little SketchUp-ing :-) http://i42.tinypic.com/296f244.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/30k3s5z.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/25ugv0w.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/14m53lv.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/w051z4.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/21l0pbm.jpg UnFrSaKn 02-18-2012, 09:02 AM That really would be a great addition to the skyline. Perfect height. That Preftakes block is the perfect place. Pete 02-18-2012, 10:26 AM Could you make a version of those with the tower on Gaylord on the grass lot? And with a 20-story building just east of Sandridge Tower and a 30-story convention hotel just west of the CHK Arena? And I agree, a 40-story building at Main/Hudson would really round out our skyline. KayneMo 02-18-2012, 02:08 PM Something like this? http://i42.tinypic.com/9h77zm.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/abghlw.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/xbi70m.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/2zi5tp1.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2aq2py.jpg Oil Capital 02-18-2012, 02:14 PM Wondering whether a group is a tourist group or a business group is a big step from speculation and even a bigger step from some sort of breathless pronouncement. Especially since I didn't say I had interviewed any of the groups members or their sister's brother's babysitter's manacurist to determine their intent. ;-) I realize your post was far removed from a breathless pronouncement. Nevertheless, the speculation is comparable, and amusing. Just having a little fun here... no need to get defensive. lasomeday 02-18-2012, 02:21 PM Something like this? http://i42.tinypic.com/9h77zm.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/abghlw.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/xbi70m.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/2zi5tp1.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2aq2py.jpg Maybe one more residential tower about 30 stories in the Preftakes block! Thundercitizen 02-18-2012, 02:25 PM Did a little SketchUp-ing :-) Great visualization "fuel". Thanks! Kokopelli 02-18-2012, 02:59 PM Unless you have changed your name, it wasn't your posting I was referring to. Go back and review the posts if you like... Oil Capital no I haven't changed my name, I did go look you should do the same as it was my post. Right there on page 19 post # 460 2-15-12 at 4:00 pm and in case you can't find it I copied it here for you. Re: Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here! Originally Posted by Kokopelli During the Fox post game show for the Thunder game last night you could see in the background behind the announcers a group of Asians, most dressed in blue, taking pictures on the court. Made me wonder if it was a tourist group or perhaps a business group. Some of these speculations are reminding me of the breathless pronouncements we enjoyed a couple years ago someone's sister's brother's babysitter's mother had seen the board of directors and senior management in town, and therefore Hertz must be moving their headquarters to OKC. ;-) Pete 02-18-2012, 03:30 PM [QUOTE=KayneMo;510172]Something like this?/QUOTE] Yes!! Thanks so much -- very cool. And I love the way all these proposed locations and buildings are placed/spaced. I hope at least some of them come into being because any would make a big impact on our skyline. dmoor82 02-18-2012, 06:01 PM If in 20 years the OKC skyline looks like this,I will be ecstatic!This rendered skyline of OKC would put us on par with MUCH LARGER city skylines!http://i42.tinypic.com/2aq2py.jpg Oil Capital 02-19-2012, 09:19 AM Oil Capital no I haven't changed my name, I did go look you should do the same as it was my post. Right there on page 19 post # 460 2-15-12 at 4:00 pm and in case you can't find it I copied it here for you. Re: Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here! Originally Posted by Kokopelli During the Fox post game show for the Thunder game last night you could see in the background behind the announcers a group of Asians, most dressed in blue, taking pictures on the court. Made me wonder if it was a tourist group or perhaps a business group. Some of these speculations are reminding me of the breathless pronouncements we enjoyed a couple years ago someone's sister's brother's babysitter's mother had seen the board of directors and senior management in town, and therefore Hertz must be moving their headquarters to OKC. ;-) I initially misunderstood your post. Please read my edited response. (Your response to my unedited post must have been made nearly simultaneously with my edit.) sroberts24 02-19-2012, 12:03 PM I would LOVE something like this building proposed in Austin to go where Stage Center is... I know that prolly not a popular option to place a high rise on this site but I hate Stage Center and always have http://utorange.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/on-the-rise-new-hotels-expected-to-accommodate-out-of-towners/ Architect2010 02-19-2012, 01:34 PM In my perfect scenario, the Preftakes Block would be saved/augmented with a parking garage and the mystery tower built where the Stage Center stands now. Keep the old and increase density on the adjacent block where it does not exist. silvergrove 02-19-2012, 02:12 PM From unsubstantiated rumors about the mystery tower, I'm not sure if we're going to like this new mystery company relocating here... http://i.imgur.com/ENfhA.jpg kevinpate 02-19-2012, 02:30 PM From unsubstantiated rumors about the mystery tower, I'm not sure if we're going to like this new mystery company relocating here... http://i.imgur.com/ENfhA.jpg LOL. My 2nd thought at this was 'oh great, who moved the Legislature over there' Architect2010 02-19-2012, 07:39 PM I also think that the Century Center Plaza site would be perfect for a skyscraper taller than the Chase and shorter than Devon. It would do wonders for the skyline, visually connecting the isolated Chase with our other tallest. It would also block the ugly southern facade of the First National Bank complex. [Not the tower itself] Pete 02-19-2012, 07:59 PM The City said they were in talks to sell the Century Center Garage but I'm afraid it's probably to the Sheraton people who have done absolutely nothing with the Century Center itself. plmccordj 02-19-2012, 09:37 PM I disagree with putting a building where there is already a building. I am not sure where this feeling is coming from that we have to keep downtown in a six block square. How about leaving the buildings that are there alone and just find an empty block on the edge? Just the facts 02-19-2012, 10:01 PM I disagree with putting a building where there is already a building. I am not sure where this feeling is coming from that we have to keep downtown in a six block square. How about leaving the buildings that are there alone and just find an empty block on the edge? After seeing Cooper's pictures of downtown I decided to make a map of Oklahoma City's core showing the extent of continuous urban development. I tried to keep it to blocks that are completely covered by buildings of 2 stories or more and has buildings pushed out to the sidewalk. I agree we should try and focus on expanding the coverage. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x378/KerryinJax/CoreOKC.jpg Architect2010 02-19-2012, 11:00 PM I disagree with putting a building where there is already a building. I am not sure where this feeling is coming from that we have to keep downtown in a six block square. How about leaving the buildings that are there alone and just find an empty block on the edge? In the perfect world, a lot of buildings shouldn't have been built in the first place. IE Stage Center, Century Center, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing those sites could return to something more grand as they had been in the past and could be in the future. However, that definitely will not happen in their current forms. This is a speculation thread btw. wsucougz 02-20-2012, 01:52 AM The take on the ground amongst the Devon crew smokers is that there are two more towers on the way - one slightly taller than Devon. Done deal, according to them. Take it for what it's worth. I'm certainly taking it with a grain of tabaccy. edcrunk 02-20-2012, 02:40 AM The take on the ground amongst the Devon crew smokers is that there are two more towers on the way - one slightly taller than Devon. Done deal, according to them. Take it for what it's worth. I'm certainly taking it with a grain of tabaccy. Dang Cougz.... that'd be outta control! Or maybe you're just being sarcastic. I can't tell on the internet. plmccordj 02-20-2012, 06:45 AM In the perfect world, a lot of buildings shouldn't have been built in the first place. IE Stage Center, Century Center, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing those sites could return to something more grand as they had been in the past and could be in the future. However, that definitely will not happen in their current forms. This is a speculation thread btw. I don't disagree with you at all on that building. Where I differ is that new skyscrapers are very very hard to come by. I would hate to waste that opportunity by putting it right in the middle of an already teeny tiny footprint that is our downtown. I would rather expand the area on these opportunities. Heck, That Century Center is so small that you cannot even see it five miles away. That building could be removed separately from a new skyscraper. Patrick 02-20-2012, 08:38 AM The City said they were in talks to sell the Century Center Garage but I'm afraid it's probably to the Sheraton people who have done absolutely nothing with the Century Center itself. The Sheraton people plan on buying it and turning it into more ballroom and meeting space. They've had these plans for sometime now, but they've just been delayed. Patrick 02-20-2012, 08:41 AM In the perfect world, a lot of buildings shouldn't have been built in the first place. IE Stage Center, Century Center, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing those sites could return to something more grand as they had been in the past and could be in the future. However, that definitely will not happen in their current forms. This is a speculation thread btw. I don't know if I'd go as far as saying that they shouldn't have been built. Stage Center and Century Center both served their purpose for some time. It's just now the purpose they were originally built for isn't needed anymore. wsucougz 02-20-2012, 09:01 AM Dang Cougz.... that'd be outta control! Or maybe you're just being sarcastic. I can't tell on the internet. No sarcasm. That's what one of the supervisors told me. edcrunk 02-20-2012, 09:44 AM No sarcasm. That's what one of the supervisors told me. That is so ill! |