View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!

Just the facts
06-27-2013, 12:28 PM
The large generation in their 20's will start having kids in the next ten years so this comment is just ridiculous

That is not my stat. That comes from the US census. Currently only about 34% of all households have children.

Census reveals plummeting U.S. birthrates - (

Oklahoma homebuilders are figuratively and literally building homes for a dying breed.

06-27-2013, 12:34 PM
EVERY thread has to turn into the same drum beat. Sheesh.

06-27-2013, 12:42 PM
That is not my stat. That comes from the US census. Currently only about 34% of all households have children.

Census reveals plummeting U.S. birthrates - (

Oklahoma homebuilders are figuratively and literally building homes for a dying breed.

Nice article but is does NOT say that "(i)n 20 years 80% of households won't have children" as you have claimed.

Just the facts
06-27-2013, 12:50 PM
Fair enough Rover. The point has been made so back to a mystery tower.

Some people think downtown towers will come from companies and some of us think it will be driven by population changes.

06-27-2013, 12:52 PM
Creative interpretation. LOL

If you look at the map of forecasted growth in children, OKC is in the +2.6 to +30 percent growth. So, if the discussion is about OKC, it REALLY doesn't apply.

Much of the negative growth area is in rural and low population areas, except for the far northeast. We will have more than enough children to fill all these super-tall towers in OKC downtown. Lots of tricycles on the sidewalks in all the great mixed use urban areas downtown.

Hope the new tower has a Toys R Us on the ground floor.

06-27-2013, 02:29 PM
I'm still betting the over on a tower announcement if my vacation (late July-early August) is the over under. I'm better it will be announced before major colleges start school back up though.

Just the facts
06-27-2013, 03:16 PM
At this point I would be happy if the year started with a '2'.

06-27-2013, 03:22 PM
At this point I would be happy if the year started with a '2'.

You mean the month? Lol

06-27-2013, 06:07 PM
We were supposed to have announcement back in March, but now we are looking at August, next thing you know, they will say we will have announcement before the end of the year, lol. I don't think no one really knows when announcement will be made, so that's why I don't feed into timelines anymore, when it happens, it happens.

06-27-2013, 08:53 PM
We were supposed to have announcement back in March, but now we are looking at August, next thing you know, they will say we will have announcement before the end of the year, lol. I don't think no one really knows when announcement will be made, so that's why I don't feed into timelines anymore, when it happens, it happens.

Logged on hoping to seem that AT&T was building a 700 ft+ tower in downtown okc,but....

I guess we wait another month to hear about the next possible landlord.

06-28-2013, 07:26 AM
Back to the thread topic - so i heard that now someone's going to build a tower to hold all the bull that people put on forums. It's gonna be massive!!!!

06-28-2013, 07:34 AM
Back to the thread topic - so i heard that now someone's going to build a tower to hold all the bull that people put on forums. It's gonna be massive!!!!
That will probably be the only tower built. At this point, I don't think there was ever going to be another tower. This nonsense is a line of "BS" that has been perpetuated by a few, including SL, to keep people hanging on their every word and message boards and blogs. If these individuals actually knew something, they could give out something more than "I'm not worried" or "I have it from a reliable source". Tell people what you really know and quit dicking around about it, so others can go on with other real business or dummy up.

06-28-2013, 07:45 AM
That will probably be the only tower built. At this point, I don't think there was ever going to be another tower. This nonsense is a line of "BS" that has been perpetuated by a few, including SL, to keep people hanging on their every word and message boards and blogs. If these individuals actually knew something, they could give out something more than "I'm not worried" or "I have it from a reliable source". Tell people what you really know and quit dicking around about it, so others can go on with other real business or dummy up.
Dude...Chill. Pill. I can now see why Steve has boycotted this board.

06-28-2013, 07:49 AM
Ok, everyone who actually postponed doing some real business so you could hang out here in hopes of tower news, raise your hand.
C'mon now, don't be shy.

Popping into this thread is a bit like getting a 1/2 price Sonic shake after 8. i don't need, it, I can live without it, my day isn't revolving around it, but sometimes it just hits the spot and brings on a smile all the same.

06-28-2013, 09:00 AM
That will probably be the only tower built. At this point, I don't think there was ever going to be another tower. This nonsense is a line of "BS" that has been perpetuated by a few, including SL, to keep people hanging on their every word and message boards and blogs. If these individuals actually knew something, they could give out something more than "I'm not worried" or "I have it from a reliable source". Tell people what you really know and quit dicking around about it, so others can go on with other real business or dummy up.

No one is making you click on this the title again, 'speculation, news and ideas'.

06-28-2013, 09:17 AM
That will probably be the only tower built. At this point, I don't think there was ever going to be another tower. This nonsense is a line of "BS" that has been perpetuated by a few, including SL, to keep people hanging on their every word and message boards and blogs. If these individuals actually knew something, they could give out something more than "I'm not worried" or "I have it from a reliable source". Tell people what you really know and quit dicking around about it, so others can go on with other real business or dummy up.

Well, the good news is that what's actually happening downtown is much cooler and more varied than an office tower. Certainly an office tower would help with density while adding even more support for the all amenities in place and planned, and another true relocation to OKC involving a few thousand good jobs would be amazing. But all of the additional housing, shopping, entertainment, and education being added is significant, not to mention the improved infrastructure and impending MAPS 3 projects. These the things that are really breathing life back into the core and making Oklahoma City a more desirable place to live, work, and visit.

06-28-2013, 09:17 AM
You will continue to see young families buy in Edmond for quite some time. A nice, relatively new house can be had for under $200K. For most of the young families buying there, it's familiar, and similar to what they grew up with. Many of these houses may not hold up that well, but the young families buying them now will be long gone before that's a problem. This will continue until it's unsustainable (by which I mean that they actually feel that it is unsustainable, not the recognition that it will be unsustainable at some point in the future).

Me? I'm 28, married, and just bought a 75 year old house in a beautiful urban core neighborhood. I work downtown, and my wife just took an excellent job inside the urban core. We plan on sending our children to our excellent neighborhood public elementary school, and working hard to utilize the best charter schools the city has past there (my wife's excellent new job will be a big help here...). We're young, and we've gone all in. We don't plan to leave the city center, and if the bus system improved I would ditch my car in a hurry. Reaction from our friends has been mixed: some are scared to see a billboard in Spanish on their way to our house, others love the historic details our home has and the easy access to everything.

There's a shift happening, but it's very slow - especially in places like OKC with a long history of sprawl and a perceived lack of affordable quality options inside the core. If the Mystery Tower brings new jobs downtown, hopefully we'll see more families choosing to live near their great job in a beautiful new building.

Same situation with us, go all in (urban), or go to boring suburbia.

06-28-2013, 09:26 AM
We have an Edmond set at my office in Midtown. They are constantly complaining about traffic and how bad it is getting and say things like, "if it weren't for my kids I wouldn't be doing this."

I've always found it funny that someone would live 15-20 miles from their job in a city and expect to not experience traffic, especially in a city with no other commuter options. I wonder how these people would react to living in Plano and working in Dallas. They'd probably never see their kids. In LA, half the distance can take you three times the amount of time it takes to drive from Edmond to downtown during "rush hour".

I've said it before, but I think the only people who complain about traffic in Oklahoma City live in Edmond. The irony is that traffic is worse in Edmond than it is in the core of Oklahoma City.

Richard at Remax
06-28-2013, 09:36 AM
I do think you are right about Edmond commuters are some of the most vocal. However, they do have to deal with probably the worst bottleneck in the city every morning with no end in sight for the next 4 years. I take it northbound from Edgemere to Edmond to work every day and see it.

06-28-2013, 09:42 AM
I have a friend who lives in a subdivision on 178th and Portland. He is constantly complaining about the roads and asking haven't they widened 74/Portland. I would always tell him it is in the process, but will take several years since we work as the money is available. He doesn't care, he wants it done tomorrow since there are so many people in that outlying area, why didn't they do it sooner? I always tell him because 10 years ago, the furthest north most people lived was around 150th. Now, I have friends who off of Coffee Creek who drive 40 minutes/per day to get to work. I told him if he doesn't like it taking so long, he shouldn't live that far north. I live 10 minutes from my job. the only time it takes me more time than that is when there is a wreck.

06-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Steve just said in his chat he expects an announcement sometime in July.

I'm also continuing to hear we are very close to an announcement on the Stage Center site.

06-28-2013, 11:41 AM
Steve just said in his chat he expects an announcement sometime in July.

I'm also continuing to hear we are very close to an announcement on the Stage Center site.

I'm assuming you feel these are for the same project.

06-28-2013, 12:00 PM
I'm assuming you feel these are for the same project.

Yes I do.

06-28-2013, 12:02 PM
I'm sorry, there is nothing new here. Another month, and one set of sources say to expect an announcement in July (the next month), and another set of sources say we are very close to an announcement.

Rinse. Wash. Repeat. The mystery tower enigma.

06-28-2013, 12:03 PM
July is very close. :)

06-28-2013, 01:45 PM
The farther away the mystery tower announcement, the longer I get to enjoy looking at the Stage Center. I'm in no hurry at all. ;)

06-28-2013, 04:16 PM
July is very close. :)
T minus 2 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes until the announcement of the 700 ft tower.

What obsessive compulsive disorder?

06-28-2013, 08:43 PM
T minus 2 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes until the announcement of the 700 ft tower.

What obsessive compulsive disorder?

Will there be fireworks in july? I promise you all there will be.

06-28-2013, 09:22 PM
Same situation with us, go all in (urban), or go to boring suburbia.

we're caught in no man's land right now. probably just gonna try and get ours into the downtown charter and stay put in our Lake Hefner area home

Mississippi Blues
06-28-2013, 09:55 PM
Will there be fireworks in july? I promise you all there will be.

Why would there be fireworks in July? There's nothing significant about July.

06-29-2013, 12:15 AM
T minus 2 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes until the announcement of the 700 ft tower.

What obsessive compulsive disorder?
OR... it could be compulsive obsessive disorder... depending upon if you ring your hands before you wash them.
:Smiley173 Just kidding.

06-29-2013, 01:43 AM
The farther away the mystery tower announcement, the longer I get to enjoy looking at the Stage Center. I'm in no hurry at all. ;)

I agree, betts. Let's go give it a group hug. :)

06-30-2013, 02:38 PM
Why would there be fireworks in July? There's nothing significant about July.

I am starting to hear fireworks on the horizon. Getting closer everyday.

The grande finally will soon be here.Sparks will fly and bombs bursting in air and all that jazz. Big news around these parts. Downtown will be exploding.

Of course this is all speculation on my part.

Mississippi Blues
06-30-2013, 05:02 PM
I am starting to hear fireworks on the horizon. Getting closer everyday.

The grande finally will soon be here.Sparks will fly and bombs bursting in air and all that jazz. Big news around these parts. Downtown will be exploding.

Of course this is all speculation on my part.

Sounds like we're going to have a war downtown.

06-30-2013, 08:14 PM
The farther away the mystery tower announcement, the longer I get to enjoy looking at the Stage Center. I'm in no hurry at all. ;)

That was my favorite building when I was a kid. It was so futuristic to me.

07-01-2013, 11:17 AM
so I have been lout of the loop for awhile. Was their a scheduled announcement on a tower for July? also anymore rumors or possible number of towrs in the works? Sorry I havent been keeping up on all the new info

07-01-2013, 11:25 AM
so I have been lout of the loop for awhile. Was their a scheduled announcement on a tower for July? also anymore rumors or possible number of towrs in the works? Sorry I havent been keeping up on all the new info

Sorry, I do not believe so.

07-01-2013, 11:36 AM
There isn't a scheduled announcement for July but it seems very likely we'll have official news on the Stage Center site very soon, hopefully within the next month.

07-01-2013, 11:46 AM
so I have been lout of the loop for awhile. Was their a scheduled announcement on a tower for July? also anymore rumors or possible number of towrs in the works? Sorry I havent been keeping up on all the new info

No, there's no scheduled announcement for any time. And I doubt that you've missed anything substantial. We've been in the same pattern for a long time. Goes like this:

1. Enticing new tidbits about possible tower are leaked to this board
2. A possible date by which announcement might be made is offered
3. Board goes nuts with excitment, speculation becomes rampant to the point of ridiculousness
4. Date guessed at in #2 arrives with no news, so a new possible date a month or two down the line is mentioned
5. Some folks grumble that it's all a hoax, other say come on now, have faith and hang in there
5. GOTO 1

I assume that this stops at some point. But on my more somber days, I fear that it's an infinite loop, like an old 8-track cartridge.

07-01-2013, 01:34 PM
I don't know if this information has anything to do with an office tower, mystery tower, or Stage Center location, but I just heard from an official source that he does not have an exact date, but additional details regarding corporate headquarters and senior management for the new Centerpoint/Enogex MLP "should" be out in a couple weeks, and he told me to "stay tuned".

Just the facts
07-01-2013, 01:45 PM
No, there's no scheduled announcement for any time. And I doubt that you've missed anything substantial. We've been in the same pattern for a long time. Goes like this:

1. Enticing new tidbits about possible tower are leaked to this board
2. A possible date by which announcement might be made is offered
3. Board goes nuts with excitment, speculation becomes rampant to the point of ridiculousness
4. Date guessed at in #2 arrives with no news, so a new possible date a month or two down the line is mentioned
5. Some folks grumble that it's all a hoax, other say come on now, have faith and hang in there
5. GOTO 1

I assume that this stops at some point. But on my more somber days, I fear that it's an infinite loop, like an old 8-track cartridge.
I don't know if this information has anything to do with an office tower, mystery tower, or Stage Center location, but I just heard from an official source that he does not have an exact date, but additional details regarding corporate headquarters and senior management for the new Centerpoint/Enogex MLP "should" be out in a couple weeks, and he told me to "stay tuned".

LOL - we just went from 5 to 1.

In 20 years a new tower will be built and someone from the last 189 pages will say, "See, I told you the mystery tower was coming."

07-01-2013, 01:46 PM
The Enogex/CenterPoint deal closed in early May and they said they wanted to do an IPO within 6-12 months, so they need to announce where they will set up shop, the new entity name, etc.

The deal closed only a couple of months after being announced and this whole thing seems to be moving pretty quickly.

07-01-2013, 01:56 PM
In 20 years a new tower will be built and someone from the last 189 pages will say, "See, I told you the mystery tower was coming."

One announcement is eminent and there may be a second before the end of the year.

There has been hard information all along in this process, such as there were multiple bidders for the Stage Center site and the winning party WILL build a new office tower.

Yes, there is a lot of wild speculation but there is also a great deal of good info and it's really not that hard to distinguish between the two.

Frankly, people that get their hopes up too high and have unrealistic expectations are always going to end up disappointed. Case in point: AT&T job announcement thread.

I posted exactly what was going to happen, about 100 new jobs to be announced within a week. Also said several times I did not think it was in any way related to a downtown office tower. When an announcement a few days later confirmed all of that, the overwhelming reaction was not only disappointment but in some cases, anger.

It's fun to speculate, especially in this thread. But if people would merely sift through the pie-in-the-sky(scraper?) dreaming and focus on concrete information, it's pretty easy to anticipate what is going to happen.

07-01-2013, 02:16 PM
I completely agree, Pete. It's not hard at all to figure out which information is more solid and temper one's expectations to reality. However, some seem to be emotionally invested to the point that they've lost focus of the complexity of such a deal. This isn't SimCity. Things are complicated and deals take time to finalize.

07-01-2013, 02:36 PM
Let's take stock of where we are at this point regarding the Mystery Tower(s).

Here's what I know:

About a year ago I became aware that OG&E had employed national real estate consultants to help them evaluate a site for a new downtown headquarters.

American Fidelity and MidFirst were both very interested in building a new downtown HQ but AF ended up out-bidding MF for the OPUBCO campus and has since purchased that property and started to move some of it's employees from 22nd & Classen.

MidFirst's situation changed when Aubrey McClendon was forced out at Chesapeake and thus they no longer had a buyer willing to pay a big premium for their I-44 & Grand properties. (BTW, OKCTalk broke the story about American Fidelity buying the OPUBCO properties and as far as I know, we are the only ones that have reported about MidFirst making a bid.)

The Stage Center site was formally put up for sale several months ago and immediately received interest from multiple parties. Almost certainly one of those involved was Continental Resources but it seems they have pulled back due to the uncertainty around Harold Hamm's divorce and the possible impact on the company.

Stage Center has received at least one firm offer and my understanding is they have accepted a deal pending details with the city, planning, etc.

With AF, MF and CLR more or less out of the running, the attention shifted back to OG&E. I had heard that initially OG&E was shying away from the Stage Center site because 1) it is very high-profile and 2) there will be controversy when the existing structure is demolished. Neither of these things are good for a utility company that has to receive political support for setting it's rates among other things.

In the midst of all of this, the ultra-prime grassy lot at 4th & Broadway was acquired by a shadowy LLC. It now appears that is a group headed by Tom Ward & family for personal investment / future development, not expansion of SandRidge or some other large possible tower-builder. (And of course, everything has changed dramatically at SD since this purchase).

About a month ago I heard from a very reputable source that a deal on the Stage Center was done, a building of approximately 40 stories will go on that site with some retail/restaurant space on the first floor or two, and that “it won't be as tall as Devon but close”. I was also told this was a local company consolidating existing employees.

At the same time I learned there was a second entity looking to build a downtown tower and that they would be bringing new jobs to OKC.

I was also told the Stage Center announcement will happen very soon, as a few complexities (such as the easement on the now-closed California street) needed to be hammered out.

We also know that the Enogex (partially owned by OG&E) and CenterPoint merger was finalized in early May and that they will soon be announcing where that company will be headquartered. Several sources are saying that Oklahoma City is the front-runner.

Now, based on all of that, here is some educated speculation:

I believe OG&E will be acquiring the Stage Center site and will make an announcement within the next month or two. I believe they will build a 40-story tower that will be the second tallest in OKC and perhaps the second tallest in the state.

They may be waiting to make an announcement to coincide with the plans for Enogex/CenterPoint. That entity may be the one rumored to bring lots of new jobs to OKC.

It could also be that the E/C MLP will occupy the southern half of the Stage Center block (all the way to Reno) and that that would help diffuse any flak OG&E may receive around the SC site.

07-01-2013, 02:52 PM
What would be really cool is if we got two towers announced at the same time.

07-01-2013, 02:56 PM
Thanks, Pete! That's a nice recap. Should answer Jesseda's question.

07-01-2013, 04:10 PM
What would be really cool is if we got two towers announced at the same time.

And if they were twin towers.

Just the facts
07-01-2013, 04:14 PM
Is there going to be a press conference about the tower or will it just be a press release?

07-01-2013, 05:04 PM
I'm sure there will be a big announcement, just like when Devon announced their tower.

07-01-2013, 07:55 PM
Thanks, Pete for the very nice summary!

Much appreciated.

07-03-2013, 10:23 PM
Well, Chevron just announced their new 50-story tower for downtown Houston. Hopefully that means the announcement of our new one is on the horizon.

Chevron to build downtown tower ? UPDATED | Prime Property | a blog (

07-03-2013, 11:38 PM
Why would Chevron's announcement be related to one in OKC?

07-04-2013, 06:39 AM
Why would Chevron's announcement be related to one in OKC?

It wouldn't......just wishful thinking :)

07-04-2013, 06:59 AM
Well, Chevron just announced their new 50-story tower for downtown Houston. Hopefully that means the announcement of our new one is on the horizon.

Chevron to build downtown tower ? UPDATED | Prime Property | a blog (

Wow, I like it, very nice Houston. Houston, Austin, and Dallas are moving at an amazing clip, it seems like they are announcing new towers every month, while Oklahoma City is still "speculating". Austin is going to start looking like Dubai here in the near future, lol.

07-04-2013, 11:41 AM
Well, Chevron just announced their new 50-story tower for downtown Houston. Hopefully that means the announcement of our new one is on the horizon.

Chevron to build downtown tower ? UPDATED | Prime Property | a blog (

They're getting $12 million from the Texas enterprise fund and more money from Houston. My goodness.

07-04-2013, 11:51 AM
They're getting $12 million from the Texas enterprise fund and more money from Houston. My goodness.

Texas has big slush funds available to attract business.....

07-04-2013, 12:24 PM
Texas has big slush funds available to attract business.....

They will easily recoup that $12M with the addition of 1700 new Chevron jobs.

07-04-2013, 12:54 PM
They're getting $12 million from the Texas enterprise fund and more money from Houston. My goodness.

That is chump change for getting this magnitude of an economic development.

Plutonic Panda
07-04-2013, 11:26 PM
Well, Chevron just announced their new 50-story tower for downtown Houston. Hopefully that means the announcement of our new one is on the horizon.

Chevron to build downtown tower ? UPDATED | Prime Property | a blog (, for those who don't know, I love Texas as well as Houston, and Dallas is one of my favs, but I'm not really impressed by these buildings. To me, they're boring glass towers. I wouldn't mind having them here, but I like Devon better and this won't really add much to Houston's skyline, esp. concerning diversity. Just my two cents. I like the propose tower in Midland better.