View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!

Plutonic Panda
05-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Austin's population is around 2.3 million as well. But, I think OKC could support of 50 story res towerExcuse me, I was notified Austin's pop. was only at 1.7 and that is correct and I was wrong about that. Just fyi.

I still believe OKC could support a 50 story residential tower, I have absolutely no evidence to back that up and as any logical person, if I had the hundreds of millions of dollars required for such a project, my opinion could change and I would look into it further, but at this time, I think it would be a success.

05-01-2013, 04:18 PM
OKC *could* support a 50 story residential tower...probably even several 50 story residential towers. The question is *would* it?

If I had to guess...we won't see one of that magnitude until the Cox site opens up for development. I don't see anything remotely close to 50 stories going up around the Park, there's no draw as of now to build residential in the Arts District/Film Row, and 50 stories doesn't seem at all likely anywhere north of 4th.

Now, I could see some 15 to 30 story residential in really any part of the downtown area, but most likely surrounding the park, but I'd guess that unless there is high-rise residential on the Stage Center block(s), then it's not happening before Union Park is finished.

05-01-2013, 06:28 PM
...then it's not happening before Union Park is finished.

I see what you did there... and I approve. :)

... I think we need to see Union Park, new CC, StreetCar, FilmRow, etc.....

I see what you did too... and I still approve. :)

05-01-2013, 07:10 PM
The Regency had a penthouse for lease when we moved down here last fall. I wanted it and it was within our budget. I wanted it mostly because of the view. I just couldn't get myself to commit to the neighborhood, especially with kids.

I think the issue with high-rise residential is people start to get picky when they are paying the rates common with those types of offerings. I think we need to see Union Park, new CC, StreetCar, FilmRow, etc...all make significant progress or even be completed before you will see the critical mass of interest needed to support a tower.

If one was built today in that neighborhood, I'd probably stay put in Deep Deuce. Just not enough going for the area.

Which brings up an important point. Something I hope developers really sink their teeth into in Downtown. Urban dwellers really have a keen eye for neighborhood they want to settle in. It isn't all about the finishes or the appliances. People who want to buy a condo or lease an apartment in a high-rise downtown, have lifestyle needs that Oklahoma developers need to not just be aware of - but cater to and assist the city in providing. It isn't enough to just plop a tall building with really nice stuff inside. People who will be drawn to that building are going to want local amenities and a competitive, urban street-life.

I'm not actually sure I'd like to see a mystery high-rise right now. Not for 'new urbanists' reasons but for those I've already stated, I'd rather see a few mid-rise buildings come in and do some valuable infill and get more people in the area. Right now, we just need people. Lots more people. Tall buildings in the middle of no-where aren't good at attracting them.

Agreed, and that's what I was alluding to with the "though OKC *could*, *would* it?" I think the answer is no as of now.

But Deep Deuce will be at the 1,000 units mark in the next 3 years (assuming Mosaic, Maywood Phase II, and The Hill's next phase are finished) and both MidTown and Bricktown will have more residential in the next 5 years. So hopefully by 2020 those amenities that are needed (Grocery AND Convenience Store, Daycare, Transportation, Entertainment) will be finished or announced.

If all that is around by 2020, then I think the 15 to 30 story developments start looking more attractive and profitable.

The only reason I think that residential high-rise on Stage Center site would work now is because of its central location and what immediately surrounds it: Devon, Elementary, Myriad Gardens...and it's proximity to both Union Park, 'Peake and the Civic Center, with the likelihood that a residential tower in that spot easily brings several amenities along with it (either through the developer of the tower, or other developers who see the opportunity).

05-01-2013, 09:53 PM
Agreed, and that's what I was alluding to with the "though OKC *could*, *would* it?" I think the answer is no as of now.

But Deep Deuce will be at the 1,000 units mark in the next 3 years (assuming Mosaic, Maywood Phase II, and The Hill's next phase are finished) and both MidTown and Bricktown will have more residential in the next 5 years. So hopefully by 2020 those amenities that are needed (Grocery AND Convenience Store, Daycare, Transportation, Entertainment) will be finished or announced.

If all that is around by 2020, then I think the 15 to 30 story developments start looking more attractive and profitable.

The only reason I think that residential high-rise on Stage Center site would work now is because of its central location and what immediately surrounds it: Devon, Elementary, Myriad Gardens...and it's proximity to both Union Park, 'Peake and the Civic Center, with the likelihood that a residential tower in that spot easily brings several amenities along with it (either through the developer of the tower, or other developers who see the opportunity).

I definitely get what you are saying, but why can Little Rock of all places support mid-rise residential but OKC can't? How can Charlotte, which is a tier above OKC but not that far ahead, support several high-rise developments while OKC can't support any? I don't know if I necessarily believe that it couldn't support it.

05-01-2013, 10:33 PM

...or, im-mobile homes.

Mississippi Blues
05-01-2013, 10:36 PM
I don't know what those have to do with the mystery tower, but I'm gonna ask my question anyway. What city(ies) are those renderings / pictures from?

05-01-2013, 10:41 PM
Primarily San Francisco and New York City....high rise residential seemed to be a recent trend in this thread.

Mississippi Blues
05-01-2013, 10:48 PM
Primarily San Francisco and New York City....high rise residential seemed to be a recent trend in this thread.

Ahh, I can see it now that you say it. But I was thinking that it was London in some of the pictures. In some of the London development threads it seems that the same architectural style is very similar to those in the pictures above.

05-02-2013, 12:29 AM
An update on OGE and CenterPoint Energy.

Deal closes for Enogex, CenterPoint master limited partnership for midstream assets | News OK (

05-02-2013, 09:50 AM
Things are happening, it looks like we may rounding 3rd base on this whole thing, shouldn't be too much longer before we have a clearer picture of how the mystery tower will play out.

05-02-2013, 12:12 PM
I posted #3937, that some info regarding the merger was to be announced to the Enogex employees in July. I was also told another announcement regarding Enogex/CNP would be made next January.......that was all the info I was told.
I think were on the cusp of a major announcement soon for the Stage Center site.

05-02-2013, 01:25 PM
I definitely get what you are saying, but why can Little Rock of all places support mid-rise residential but OKC can't? How can Charlotte, which is a tier above OKC but not that far ahead, support several high-rise developments while OKC can't support any? I don't know if I necessarily believe that it couldn't support it.

Like I said OKC *CAN* support it. I just don't see that OKC for sure will. How long have the brownstones been available and people haven't purchased them, same thing with the Hill? Both of those developments slow starts don't help developers trust the market. And I get that you can't *really* compare single-family townhouses to high-rise residential, but that's the market OKC comes from. I don't know much about Little Rock or Charlotte, but is downtown living (on any scale) something that has been part of the fabric of those cities for a long time...because it's essentially less than a decade old for OKC.

It's coming, but it's going to take some time...I also think that once the first developer builds and is successful, then we'll get several more really soon thereafter. The skyline may look entirely different in 2025 because of new residential development.

05-02-2013, 01:33 PM
....The skyline may look entirely different in 2025 because of new residential development.

A tantalizing thought.

05-02-2013, 01:50 PM
Final piece

05-02-2013, 02:07 PM
How long have the brownstones been available and people haven't purchased them, same thing with the Hill?

This is no longer true. They started slow, but that was more about the general economy as it was for any lack of market demand for downtown living. Over half the brownstones have sold and all will be sold if a pending deal goes through. The Hill is now on Phase II.

Also, when you combine downtown apartment lease rates in general and occupancy of the few high rise residential buildings we have, it seems the demand is already there. Everything else being equal, I can't imagine that many of those living in Level, Deep Deuce, or soon to be living in the Edge would prefer those low rise blocks over a high rise. I think it has more to do with the abundance of undeveloped land downtown and the lower expense of building three store complexes compared to 30 story complexes.

05-02-2013, 02:20 PM
This is no longer true. They started slow, but that was more about the general economy as it was for any lack of market demand for downtown living. Over half the brownstones have sold and all will be sold if a pending deal goes through. The Hill is now on Phase II.

Also, when you combine downtown apartment lease rates in general and occupancy of the few high rise residential buildings we have, it seems the demand is already there. Everything else being equal, I can't imagine that many of those living in Level, Deep Deuce, or soon to be living in the Edge would prefer those low rise blocks over a high rise. I think it has more to do with the abundance of undeveloped land downtown and the lower expense of building three store complexes compared to 30 story complexes.

Yeah, if you can make a good return on your investment with a 3 story complex, why go through the trouble of building a 30 story high-rise? Even if you make more on the high-rise, you can just build additional 3 story buildings to make up the difference. We're going to need to see a lot of the vacant land disappear before someone becomes adventurous enough to build taller.

05-02-2013, 02:50 PM
Yeah, if you can make a good return on your investment with a 3 story complex, why go through the trouble of building a 30 story high-rise? Even if you make more on the high-rise, you can just build additional 3 story buildings to make up the difference. We're going to need to see a lot of the vacant land disappear before someone becomes adventurous enough to build taller.

It's possible we see it happen before its all developed, mainly because a lot of it is already owned by developers and there may not be much land for a new player to do anything but a high rise. But, yeah, I think it's more likely to happen after we see more in fill and some of the fill may be (or should be) more like 6-7 story mixed use type stuff. I could see that in Midtown below 10th.

05-02-2013, 02:52 PM
I think were on the cusp of a major announcement soon for the Stage Center site. Excellent…I certainly hope that's the case!

05-02-2013, 06:50 PM
Were i a betting man, I'd say oge/enogex/CPT are building a tower.

05-03-2013, 01:19 PM
From todays chat on the Mystery Tower -

Steve - 'Still not worried'.

05-03-2013, 02:37 PM
From todays chat on the Mystery Tower -

Steve - 'Still not worried'.

If Steve's not worried, I'm not worried. Time and patience is all we need.

05-03-2013, 06:49 PM
From todays chat on the Mystery Tower -

Steve - 'Still not worried'.

That quote is not a real indication of anything "firm" with regards to a new corporate presence in OKC or Tower. He may not be worried, but I am "not sold"

05-03-2013, 07:47 PM
That quote is not a real indication of anything "firm" with regards to a new corporate presence in OKC or Tower. He may not be worried, but I am "not sold"

Exactly. I feel the same way.

05-04-2013, 05:57 PM
I trust Steve.

05-04-2013, 09:33 PM
DC, you find ways to take jabs at okc any chance you can. I live in the same area as you-- between Balt/DC and Philly-- and love it. The difference is I have pride and faith in a community where I grew up. OKC has had a great transformation. Pessimistic attitude, like yours, is not the reason why. I trust Steve has the inside source. You should too.

05-04-2013, 11:16 PM
DC, you find ways to take jabs at okc any chance you can. I live in the same area as you-- between Balt/DC and Philly-- and love it. The difference is I have pride and faith in a community where I grew up. OKC has had a great transformation. Pessimistic attitude, like yours, is not the reason why. I trust Steve has the inside source. You should too.

He's just a hater !!! LOL

I think he's actually wanting to be proven wrong on the Mystery Tower.

05-05-2013, 08:10 PM
Nope, just a hater. Just shake 'em off...dcsooner has been saying ridiculous, inflammatory, and insulting things at least since I've been a regular poster. For an area he seems to have a disdain for, he sure is on here a lot. Oh well.

And for what its worth, I've heard from at least 3 other people that tell me something is brewing on the stage center site. Of course I am assuming these people are not actual posters on this site, but they pretty much tell me the same thing that Steve has said.

05-06-2013, 06:06 AM
Nope, just a hater. Just shake 'em off...dcsooner has been saying ridiculous, inflammatory, and insulting things at least since I've been a regular poster. For an area he seems to have a disdain for, he sure is on here a lot. Oh well.

And for what its worth, I've heard from at least 3 other people that tell me something is brewing on the stage center site. Of course I am assuming these people are not actual posters on this site, but they pretty much tell me the same thing that Steve has said.

It is obvious that many on this forum misunderstand my oft stated reservations with regards to some of the "major announcements" forthcoming for OKC. You could not be more wrong to suggest that I am a "hater", or taking jabs at anything OKC. Chill out people, I am just relying on history in taking a cautious approach to these possible announcements. If you have been in Oklahoma/Oklahoma City for any length of time, you know the checkered history of potential OKC economic wins.

Boeing Jobs is a win !, GE is a win! I as you are am estactic about these major wins, however, I cannot remember one MAJOR corporation that has moved to OKC from ouside the State and established a HQ presence and I am in my 50's. I hope this will change, but show me evidence that should cause me to be "all in" because Steve is 'not worried". OKC has made tremendous strides over the last 20 years and I am as proud of that progress as any of you, but, I also know of Oklahomas "boom and bust" cyclical economic history. Example, two of our largest Corporations are in leadership flux, one with large undeveloped real estate parcels in the NW and the other with one part of DT OKC depending on what its new board of directors decide.

Just know that when OKC announces a major economic coup, I am celebrating, but, I also know to not spike the ball before you cross the finish line.

05-06-2013, 07:52 AM
He's not a hater...... he wants the Mysery Tower to happen.

Even though small but growing, Flogistix did move their HQ from Texas to downtown OKC last year......if you watch the Thunder games, they advertise all the time.

05-06-2013, 08:08 AM
Even though small but growing, Flogistix did move their HQ from Texas to downtown OKC last year......if you watch the Thunder games, they advertise all the time.

Oh yeah, baby, that's what I'm talkin' about! lol

Here's a video about the making of those commercials by VI Marketing:

Behind the Camera - The Making of Flogistix Commercials - YouTube (

Plutonic Panda
05-06-2013, 11:40 AM
It is obvious that many on this forum misunderstand my oft stated reservations with regards to some of the "major announcements" forthcoming for OKC. You could not be more wrong to suggest that I am a "hater", or taking jabs at anything OKC. Chill out people, I am just relying on history in taking a cautious approach to these possible announcements. If you have been in Oklahoma/Oklahoma City for any length of time, you know the checkered history of potential OKC economic wins.

Boeing Jobs is a win !, GE is a win! I as you are am estactic about these major wins, however, I cannot remember one MAJOR corporation that has moved to OKC from ouside the State and established a HQ presence and I am in my 50's. I hope this will change, but show me evidence that should cause me to be "all in" because Steve is 'not worried". OKC has made tremendous strides over the last 20 years and I am as proud of that progress as any of you, but, I also know of Oklahomas "boom and bust" cyclical economic history. Example, two of our largest Corporations are in leadership flux, one with large undeveloped real estate parcels in the NW and the other with one part of DT OKC depending on what its new board of directors decide.

Just know that when OKC announces a major economic coup, I am celebrating, but, I also know to not spike the ball before you cross the finish line.I agree with you. I want this tower to happen, and at this time, I do trust Steve just because of the fact he predicted the Devon tower, or from what I've heard on this board and Skyscraper forum. He seems knowledgeable and confident that this will happen, so I trust him. But, in my everyday mindset, I go about as we're not getting a tower and it will come to a shock to me when/if they announce one.

I also hate to say this, but, it would really be a tough choice for most it seems like building a huge tower here with Dallas just down the road lol. . . So, if a major corporate does decide to relocate here, that's better than the Thunder, imo. That would signify OKC as a true boom city and would really boost our already up and coming city by HUGE proportions!!! I really hope this happens.

05-06-2013, 01:33 PM
dc and plutonic,

The assumption made by Steve and many others should not be thought of in any way, shape, or form as a corporate relocation. OKC is not stealing anything from anywhere with the deal that is being assumed as a possibility...a local OKC company is teaming up with a Houston company to form a new company which the local OKC company will operate.

05-06-2013, 02:38 PM
dc and plutonic,

The assumption made by Steve and many others should not be thought of in any way, shape, or form as a corporate relocation. OKC is not stealing anything from anywhere with the deal that is being assumed as a possibility...a local OKC company is teaming up with a Houston company to form a new company which the local OKC company will operate.

Yea I am not sure why people keep posting in this thread saying how "it's never going to happen, keep dreaming" etc. It is pretty blatant that this CenterPoint/Enogex/OGE thing is the mystery, that was no longer a mystery since mid-March.

Patience is something that is helpful when anticipating anything in the future. Learn it.

05-07-2013, 01:02 AM
People that say they don't care, really do care. People that dish out the most love are usually the ones that need more love than anyone. People that live their lives alone really want to be with everyone. I think Steve says he's not worried, but in reality he's worried. He just doesn't want to cause major panic amongst those of us on here or his readers on newsok or in the actual print of the paper.

05-07-2013, 01:31 AM
People that say they don't care, really do care. People that dish out the most love are usually the ones that need more love than anyone. People that live their lives alone really want to be with everyone. I think Steve says he's not worried, but in reality he's worried. He just doesn't want to cause major panic amongst those of us on here or his readers on newsok or in the actual print of the paper.

This is just silly. Tell you what...if you can find a modicum of evidence that demonstrates this is a tendency of Steve's, I'd consider this line of thought. Otherwise it's just platitudinous and baseless.

05-07-2013, 01:33 AM
This is just silly. Tell you what...if you can find a modicum of evidence that demonstrates this is a tendency of Steve's, I'd consider this line of thought. Otherwise it's just platitudinous and baseless.

So, it's baseless that he wouldn't want OKCtalk to go into meltdown mode? Look at the cookey for cocoa puffs this thread is and has become... This thread itself is baseless. Tell me you don't agree with that, lol...

05-07-2013, 01:49 AM
So, it's baseless that he wouldn't want OKCtalk to go into meltdown mode? Look at the cookey for cocoa puffs this thread is and has become... This thread itself is baseless. Tell me you don't agree with that, lol...

Yes. It's baseless. I pretty much guarantee Steve does not put the possibility of this thread going "into meltdown mode" above his credibility (which, by the way, is kind of important for a journalist). Besides, what does meltdown mode even mean? This thread would just die and people would move on to posts with substance.

This thread has many absurd comments, many guesses, and some leads that might or might not pan out, but its not entirely baseless.

05-07-2013, 02:03 AM
So, it's baseless that he wouldn't want OKCtalk to go into meltdown mode? Look at the cookey for cocoa puffs this thread is and has become... This thread itself is baseless. Tell me you don't agree with that, lol...

To answer your question, unequivocally YES it is baseless that Steve is concerned about OKCTalk going into meltdown mode over an unannounced tower. And yes I think 95% of this thread is baseless (I'm pretty sure I've read almost every word of it).


The thread got a shock of "OH...this is probably what we've been talking about for a year now" in early march when the Centerpoint/Enogex MLP was announced. The baseless was taken out of the equation when articles outright said (something along the lines of): "This partnership will be funded more by Centerpoint and operated more by OGE/Enogex". The assumption, which seems particularly rational, is that the headquarters will be where the operating company is located.

Furthermore, I think it's safe to say that if this were going to be built in Houston, we'd be hearing BAD news that Enogex employees are leaving the state...that's really the only option: OKC gets a new HQ (probably a tower) or OKC loses employees to Houston.

What boggles my mind is that for all the bright people on this board, people are letting their impatience get in the way of very simple realities: An $11Billion company (which is bigger than the market caps of SD and OGE combined) doesn't just happen overnight. In fact, the dealings started behind closed doors well before March I'm sure...Long enough that not many people know that ACMP (formerly Chesapeake Midstream now Access Midstream) was involved in the deal early on to help the two companies figure out how to set up an MLP. With that piece no longer in the picture, it may be that they're behind schedule because of unforeseen issues in setting up the company correctly. Or any number of ducks that must all be perfectly in a row for an $11,000,000,000 company to just appear out of thin air...

And smart people on this board are worried about a 90 day "setback"?

05-07-2013, 02:13 AM
Most smart people on this board just stay away from this thread. The lunacy is enough to drive a sane person mad. Speaking of... lol.

05-07-2013, 07:49 AM
Most smart people on this board just stay away from this thread. The lunacy is enough to drive a sane person mad. Speaking of... lol.

Nah. This thread is like a puzzle. It's kind of fun watching it come together, how the pieces are starting to fall into place. Just this past week the Enogex/CNP MLP finally got government approval. This process takes time.

Just the facts
05-07-2013, 08:16 AM
Since I have a disdain for tall out of scale building anyhow, if the Mystery Tower never materialized I would be just as happy. However, I would like the additional downtown employment such a headquarters would bring. I actually wouldn't mind if OKC adopted a 400' height limit for anything that doesn't cover 100% of the lot.

05-07-2013, 08:56 AM
To answer your question, unequivocally YES it is baseless that Steve is concerned about OKCTalk going into meltdown mode over an unannounced tower. And yes I think 95% of this thread is baseless (I'm pretty sure I've read almost every word of it).


The thread got a shock of "OH...this is probably what we've been talking about for a year now" in early march when the Centerpoint/Enogex MLP was announced. The baseless was taken out of the equation when articles outright said (something along the lines of): "This partnership will be funded more by Centerpoint and operated more by OGE/Enogex". The assumption, which seems particularly rational, is that the headquarters will be where the operating company is located.

Furthermore, I think it's safe to say that if this were going to be built in Houston, we'd be hearing BAD news that Enogex employees are leaving the state...that's really the only option: OKC gets a new HQ (probably a tower) or OKC loses employees to Houston.

What boggles my mind is that for all the bright people on this board, people are letting their impatience get in the way of very simple realities: An $11Billion company (which is bigger than the market caps of SD and OGE combined) doesn't just happen overnight. In fact, the dealings started behind closed doors well before March I'm sure...Long enough that not many people know that ACMP (formerly Chesapeake Midstream now Access Midstream) was involved in the deal early on to help the two companies figure out how to set up an MLP. With that piece no longer in the picture, it may be that they're behind schedule because of unforeseen issues in setting up the company correctly. Or any number of ducks that must all be perfectly in a row for an $11,000,000,000 company to just appear out of thin air...

And smart people on this board are worried about a 90 day "setback"?

Actually this is one of the more sensible comments that I have seen on this thread. I had lunch with several OG&E execs last week and they all act like the new company will be here. Of course when I tried to pin them down on specifics they were all very tight lipped.

05-07-2013, 08:58 AM
To answer your question, unequivocally YES it is baseless that Steve is concerned about OKCTalk going into meltdown mode over an unannounced tower. And yes I think 95% of this thread is baseless (I'm pretty sure I've read almost every word of it).


The thread got a shock of "OH...this is probably what we've been talking about for a year now" in early march when the Centerpoint/Enogex MLP was announced. The baseless was taken out of the equation when articles outright said (something along the lines of): "This partnership will be funded more by Centerpoint and operated more by OGE/Enogex". The assumption, which seems particularly rational, is that the headquarters will be where the operating company is located.

Furthermore, I think it's safe to say that if this were going to be built in Houston, we'd be hearing BAD news that Enogex employees are leaving the state...that's really the only option: OKC gets a new HQ (probably a tower) or OKC loses employees to Houston.

What boggles my mind is that for all the bright people on this board, people are letting their impatience get in the way of very simple realities: An $11Billion company (which is bigger than the market caps of SD and OGE combined) doesn't just happen overnight. In fact, the dealings started behind closed doors well before March I'm sure...Long enough that not many people know that ACMP (formerly Chesapeake Midstream now Access Midstream) was involved in the deal early on to help the two companies figure out how to set up an MLP. With that piece no longer in the picture, it may be that they're behind schedule because of unforeseen issues in setting up the company correctly. Or any number of ducks that must all be perfectly in a row for an $11,000,000,000 company to just appear out of thin air...

And smart people on this board are worried about a 90 day "setback"?

This is, by far, the most persuasive case that has been made for why the Mystery Tower might be the Centerpoint/Enogex MLP. Great post, Teo. I have my doubts, but I hope you're right.

05-07-2013, 08:59 AM
People that say they don't care, really do care. People that dish out the most love are usually the ones that need more love than anyone. People that live their lives alone really want to be with everyone. I think Steve says he's not worried, but in reality he's worried. He just doesn't want to cause major panic amongst those of us on here or his readers on newsok or in the actual print of the paper.

No. I say I'm not worried because I'm not worried. From what I'm seeing, hearing, everything is moving forward with development of the Stage Center site. It's not my job to try to cause or not cause panic. It's my job to navigate all the information I get, maintain confidentiality when required, and balance all that to try to keep readers informed.

05-07-2013, 09:39 AM
...This thread has many absurd comments, many guesses, and some leads that might or might not pan out, but its not entirely baseless.

That is simply not anti-untrue. I have many a thus floundered the light fantastic and that which behooves us. What's the frequency, fnord? Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down.
And don't forget to floss your elephant.

Long live cabbage!

05-07-2013, 10:48 AM
That is simply not anti-untrue. I have many a thus floundered the light fantastic and that which behooves us. What's the frequency, fnord? Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down.
And don't forget to floss your elephant.

Long live cabbage!

Now someone is talking sense.

05-07-2013, 11:18 AM
This process takes time.

I'm not unaware of that like some people on here. I do realize that the world today is an instant society. I do realize that the whole Devon process probably took 6+ years to go from an idea in one man's head to a reality.

05-07-2013, 11:31 AM
I agree with you. I want this tower to happen, and at this time, I do trust Steve just because of the fact he predicted the Devon tower, or from what I've heard on this board and Skyscraper forum. He seems knowledgeable and confident that this will happen, so I trust him. But, in my everyday mindset, I go about as we're not getting a tower and it will come to a shock to me when/if they announce one.

I also hate to say this, but, it would really be a tough choice for most it seems like building a huge tower here with Dallas just down the road lol. . . So, if a major corporate does decide to relocate here, that's better than the Thunder, imo. That would signify OKC as a true boom city and would really boost our already up and coming city by HUGE proportions!!! I really hope this happens.
hello, he's a journalist, he he has first hand access by default to the story, it's not coincidence.

Plutonic Panda
05-07-2013, 12:06 PM
hello, he's a journalist, he he has first hand access by default to the story, it's not coincidence.Ummmmm, yeah, I understand that. what's your reasoning behind that response??????? (on a cowboy boot). . . said by Steve Brule, "FOR YOUR HEALTH!"

Mississippi Blues
05-07-2013, 12:15 PM
Ummmmm, yeah, I understand that. what's your reasoning behind that response??????? (on a cowboy boot). . . said by Steve Brule, "FOR YOUR HEALTH!"

What you said in the post metro quoted looks like you're saying Steve doesn't have inside information, just that he's good at predicting & he seems confident on this prediction. I know that's not what you meant, but it still comes across that way. Especially if someone is just glancing through the posts and reads that.

Plutonic Panda
05-07-2013, 01:29 PM
What you said in the post metro quoted looks like you're saying Steve doesn't have inside information, just that he's good at predicting & he seems confident on this prediction. I know that's not what you meant, but it still comes across that way. Especially if someone is just glancing through the posts and reads that.Oh, no no. . . Yeah, that's not what I meant at all haha. . . I believe Steve does have inside info on this and I firmly think he is in the know and I trust him no doubt. :) Sorry about that misunderstanding. I have a hard time explaining my thoughts on the internet sometimes haha :p

05-07-2013, 01:34 PM
Oh, no no. . . Yeah, that's not what I meant at all haha. . . I believe Steve does have inside info on this and I firmly think he is in the know and I trust him no doubt. :) Sorry about that misunderstanding. I have a hard time explaining my thoughts on the internet sometimes haha :p

Steve, without naming names/providing hints (whatever you need to do to maintain confidentiality), can you confirm if you have inside information on the proceedings for the Stage Center site or are you basing your lack of worry on hearsay? I mean, are you that close to the proceedings and know what's likely in the pipeline (I'm here all week!) or are you dealing in rumors just like we are?

05-07-2013, 02:20 PM
Not to speak for Steve, but...........

Steve is more 'fact than fiction'......

05-07-2013, 02:21 PM
Anything Steve knows is hearsay unless he's the one negotiating the deal. That said, he's not testifying in court on this. His sources are certainly better than mine.

05-07-2013, 04:30 PM
I'm not dealing with rumors or hearsay. What I tell you is based on what I know.

05-07-2013, 04:38 PM
I'm not dealing with rumors or hearsay. What I tell you is based on what I know.

Thank you for answering.

05-07-2013, 04:40 PM
Steve could easily give a hint at some concrete information as opposed to just saying "I'm not worried" "I'm not worried" "I'm not worried" every time a question is brought up about the tower whether on here or on his Friday morning chats. There's going to be 15,000 more "I'm not worried" quotes by him between now and any story he releases on the subject which is why this thread should be

Mississippi Blues
05-07-2013, 04:59 PM
Steve could easily give a hint at some concrete information as opposed to just saying "I'm not worried" "I'm not worried" "I'm not worried" every time a question is brought up about the tower whether on here or on his Friday morning chats. There's going to be 15,000 more "I'm not worried" quotes by him between now and any story he releases on the subject which is why this thread should be

I wish it was as simple as he could easily give away hints. People try to make reality a lot more simple than it truly is.

& we shouldn't lock a read because of an answer that Steve gives in his Friday chats. Here's been a lot more "rumors" in this thread than Steve saying "I'm not worried". I don't see a need for this thread to be closed when no one has said "gotcha, the mystery tower never existed. Jokes on you".

Jim Kyle
05-07-2013, 05:18 PM
People try to make reality a lot more simple than it truly is.I like the quote from Einstein: "Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler."