View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!
s00nr1 03-14-2013, 10:22 PM How is this not a surprise to most people?
+1 -- we are talking about an employee count in the thousands for this MLP and a tower that could come close to the size of Devon.
Plutonic Panda 03-14-2013, 10:26 PM +1 -- we are talking about an employee count in the thousands for this MLP and a tower that could come close to the size of Devon.Perhaps bigger.
s00nr1 03-14-2013, 10:27 PM Perhaps bigger.
Haha perhaps......but I would personally take 2 30-story towers instead of a 60-story tower.
"CenterPoint Energy will own 59 percent of the joint venture, OGE Energy will own 28 percent, and ArcLight will own 13 percent."
CenterPoint plans $11B midstream joint-venture MLP - Houston Business Journal (
So, in case i wasn't clear, in a limited partnership, the general partner basically runs things -- day to day management --that's why I flagged in my last post that it was weird that the general partner interests were 60% OGE, while the overall MLP interest was 59% CenterPoint.
PhiAlpha 03-14-2013, 10:34 PM The only thing that makes me think this is not the Stage Center tower is Steve saying the announcement of a new tower would be around this time. But this partnership could take months to finalize. And the news clearly states that the announcement of the headquarters would be at the close of the deal.
In response to a tower question, Steve said: "I believe an announcement will occur within the next 30 days." "An announcement" could just as easily mean an announcement that they are moving their HQ here as it could a new tower design or something.This could even be the extent of the announcement that we get within that time period. Also, Sid's article indicates that they want to close the deal in the second or third quarter of this year so that still could be pretty close.
DowntownMan 03-14-2013, 10:40 PM I now feel sorry for Steve as you know almost every question he gets tomorrow will be relating to this.
bchris02 03-14-2013, 10:40 PM Haha perhaps......but I would personally take 2 30-story towers instead of a 60-story tower.
I would take either, as long as the tower(s) are taller than the Chase tower.
A long time ago I heard OG&E was planning a tower taller than the Devon tower. Wouldn't it be something if OKC could get a 1,000 footer?
PhiAlpha 03-14-2013, 10:41 PM Please share more of your expert analysis.
Also see these maps of the US natural gas pipeline network to further support my last post. Especially interesting is the map showing major transportation lines overlaid on a map of major US has producing basins.
EIA - Natural Gas Pipeline Network - Combined Natural Gas Transportation Maps (
s00nr1 03-14-2013, 10:45 PM You're right, I wouldn't complain if it was only one supertall if it were 1,000 feet. Otherwise, give me 2 smaller towers :)
I would take either, as long as the tower(s) are taller than the Chase tower.
A long time ago I heard OG&E was planning a tower taller than the Devon tower. Wouldn't it be something if OKC could get a 1,000 footer?
HangryHippo 03-14-2013, 10:53 PM The challenge and strength of $CNP is that they can get our gas to market. So local companies with holdings will benefit from this. I really can't say more but there are likely more announcements forthcoming as companies capitalize on this. This will shake smaller companies free and if the MLP locates here, will attract more industry services to OKC. It will also simply keep more of the profits here as well.
Sid, we don't even know if they're coming here. Don't you think this is putting the horse in front of the cart?
s00nr1 03-14-2013, 10:55 PM I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when the Mystery Tower thread is left behind and a new "CNP/Enogex Tower" thread is created.
Zack232 03-14-2013, 11:01 PM I'm trying my hardest not to get excited about this, just in case it's nothing. But I've been anticipating an announcement for so long, and the fact this seems highly related is making me antsy. I know it's just a tower, but I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep. haha
Naptown12713 03-14-2013, 11:01 PM I would take either, as long as the tower(s) are taller than the Chase tower.
A long time ago I heard OG&E was planning a tower taller than the Devon tower. Wouldn't it be something if OKC could get a 1,000 footer?
Save the 1000 footer for that hip city of Tulsa!
OKCisOK4me 03-14-2013, 11:01 PM So, in case i wasn't clear, in a limited partnership, the general partner basically runs things -- day to day management --that's why I flagged in my last post that it was weird that the general partner interests were 60% OGE, while the overall MLP interest was 59% CenterPoint.
Dont' worry, I observed your post correctly, I just didn't know how to respond. ;)
I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when the Mystery Tower thread is left behind and a new "CNP/Enogex Tower" thread is created.
It will still exist..considering that there's the possibility of more towers.
Save the 1000 footer for that hip city of Tulsa!
Screw that!
Bellaboo 03-14-2013, 11:05 PM Here is another possibility - the oil industry is in the process of spinning off their midstream operations into seperate entities. I think CHK did this and moved them to the Central Park buildings.
Maybe it's possible that some big company is relocating their MLP to the SC site ??
I know I spew some crap some times, but I spewed the MLP possibilities 10 pages back.
Rover 03-14-2013, 11:08 PM Sid, we don't even know if they're coming here. Don't you think this is putting the horse in front of the cart?
Shouldn't the horse go before the cart?
s00nr1 03-14-2013, 11:13 PM Shouldn't the horse go before the cart?
I laughed. :)
OKCisOK4me 03-14-2013, 11:15 PM I know I spew some crap some times, but I spewed the MLP possibilities 10 pages back.
What does OG&E have to do with the Mississippi Lime Play?
bchris02 03-14-2013, 11:18 PM Save the 1000 footer for that hip city of Tulsa!
I think a couple of years ago there was talk of a 1200 footer in Tulsa but it never materialized.
The next building boom is in OKC. I don't see anything on the horizon in Tulsa.
Bellaboo 03-14-2013, 11:20 PM What does OG&E have to do with the Mississippi Lime Play?
Gas and Oil. Enogex is an energy production company. The Mississippi Lime is listed in their assets.
PhiAlpha 03-14-2013, 11:21 PM What does OG&E have to do with the Mississippi Lime Play?
MLP = Master Limited Partnership, but Enogex does likely transport gas from the Mississippian play.
Mississippi Blues 03-14-2013, 11:26 PM I think a couple of years ago there was talk of a 1200 footer in Tulsa but it never materialized.
The next building boom is in OKC. I don't see anything on the horizon in Tulsa.
Agreed. I also think it would be cool fior a 1000+ ft tower.
Soonerus 03-14-2013, 11:27 PM The announcement is next week...
Thundercitizen 03-14-2013, 11:29 PM The announcement is next week...
In 30 minutes, next week is 2 days away.
OKCisOK4me 03-14-2013, 11:34 PM Gas and Oil. Enogex is an energy production company. The Mississippi Lime is listed in their assets.
MLP = Master Limited Partnership, but Enogex does likely transport gas from the Mississippian play.
Thank you guys...I read that "Master Limited Partnership" part. I just didn't put one and one together. With all the Mississippi Lime Play talk and Chesapeake selling their assets in the area, this merger, the mystery tower talk and all, it's hard to keep everything straight. When I hear OG&E, I think of coal coming down the line from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and going straight to the Red Rock factory which then sends power through the transmission lines into my house. I guess that's the elementary view of OG&E, lol.
Praedura 03-15-2013, 12:04 AM Shouldn't the horse go before the cart?
Not if the cart had one of those rear-horse drives.
PhiAlpha 03-15-2013, 12:05 AM Since this is the speculation thread, I don't mind posting 'speculation' but I'm being told more announcements are coming.
From the same groups or others? Large or small?
s00nr1 03-15-2013, 12:09 AM Haha now sid is taking cues from Steve with the cryptic posts.
Since this is the speculation thread, I don't mind posting 'speculation' but I'm being told more announcements are coming.
Praedura 03-15-2013, 12:09 AM Since this is the speculation thread, I don't mind posting 'speculation' but I'm being told more announcements are coming.
wow... this is cool
Praedura 03-15-2013, 12:11 AM This is a VERY, VERY strange day!
Perhaps Stage Center will be the site for more than one tower. I think Steve mentioned that some plans for redevelopment went all the way down to Reno. That would be impressive. I think it would also be the final nail in the coffin for a new convention center to be on the southern border of the Myriad Gardens. The asking price for that land would skyrocket, and the temptation to eventually have all four sides of the park bordered by big nice towers would be to much to resist.
It's probably because I'm excited, but I could see this being a catalyst for a huge construction boom in OKC. I think even conservatively, we're looking at 3 or 4 new towers going up within the next 5 years or so. If that is the case, more companies will come.
s00nr1 03-15-2013, 12:19 AM You could always PM me with the info and then I could post it. Just a thought ;)
I'm in a difficult position because I don't want to breach trust. And it's family, so there you have it. But said person told me after this news broke that that person was told more news would break soon after this MLP was announced. Beyond that, I'm just going to leave it up to speculation. This is one of those situations where using my real name isn't handy. :)
I'm in a difficult position because I don't want to breach trust. And it's family, so there you have it. But said person told me after this news broke that that person was told more news would break soon after this MLP was announced. Beyond that, I'm just going to leave it up to speculation. This is one of those situations where using my real name isn't handy. :)
Send Pete a private message. In a few days he'll be like "oh I heard this from a source". And no one will ever know...
s00nr1 03-15-2013, 12:25 AM There are a couple of OKCTalk regulars who are going to wake up in the morning, see that this thread has exploded overnight, and then have a WTF moment.
Praedura 03-15-2013, 12:31 AM Ok, so CenterPoint Energy and OG&E are creating a NEW energy company that will start out with $11 billion in assets (ELEVEN BILLION!) and we are all expecting this new company to HQ here in OKC at the stage center site. And in the process, build a new tower at least the equal (if not bigger) than Devon Tower.
My head is spinning....
Still spinning...
My head has just spun 360 degrees around....
Praedura 03-15-2013, 12:33 AM You have now entered...
Thundercitizen 03-15-2013, 01:05 AM Ok, so CenterPoint Energy and OG&E are creating a NEW energy company that will start out with $11 billion in assets (ELEVEN BILLION!) and we are all expecting this new company to HQ here in OKC at the stage center site. And in the process, build a new tower at least the equal (if not bigger) than Devon Tower.
Whoa. Excellent. Another Thunder owner/sponsor to take Chesapeake's place...or add to it. Hello free agency and luxury tax!
Praedura 03-15-2013, 01:20 AM I thought I had a good imagination, but I did not think of this.
This development... surprises me...
Praedura 03-15-2013, 01:25 AM Excellent. Another Thunder owner/sponsor to take Chesapeake's place...or add to it. Hello free agency and luxury tax!
Heh, looking ahead there a bit? Remember, don't count your chickens before they're even zygotes!
shawnw 03-15-2013, 01:39 AM Does this new midstream thing with CLP/OGE create a sense of competition with Devon's recent midstream efforts and accelerate the possibility of them building a small tower for their midstream? Or do we think they have plenty of existing capacity for that?
Am I even making sense? I don't know the terminology in this business... sorry...
UnFrSaKn 03-15-2013, 07:18 AM Should be a good one.
I don’t have all the answers, but I don’t sense that Oklahoma City is about to enter into another 1980s oil bust tail spin. The experts I talk to say that even the worst case scenarios with SandRidge and Chesapeake, which are far from certain to take place, can be overcome and absorbed, much as the city was able to recover quickly from the once unthinkable demise of Kerr-McGee. The momentum downtown, from what I can tell, is still in good shape.
OKC Central Live Chat 10 a.m. Today | OKC Central (
G.Walker 03-15-2013, 08:03 AM Not to be a downer, but this new company can end up in Houston, they are building spec class A office space left & right, and CenterPoint Energy is headquartered there. I guess I am trying not to get my hopes up, until official announcement is made. I hope I am wrong...
Bellaboo 03-15-2013, 08:08 AM Not to be a downer, but this new company can end up in Houston, they are building spec class A office space left & right, and Centerpoint Energy is headquartered there. I guess I am trying not to get my hopes up, until official announcement is made.
If you look at the physical attributes of this new company, (pipelines, natural resources, etc) the majority if not all is more mid-continent. It would make better sense to be in OKC.
Bellaboo 03-15-2013, 08:10 AM Now i'm wondering if the new MLP with Devon will be Mystery Tower #2...?
tillyato 03-15-2013, 08:15 AM If you look at the physical attributes of this new company, (pipelines, natural resources, etc) the majority if not all is more mid-continent. It would make better sense to be in OKC.
Here is a map of the new MLP's combined assets:
From a geographic point of view, Oklahoma City would certainly be central to most of their assets. Also, A good deal of their customers are based out of Oklahoma City, such as Chesapeake and Devon, so maintaining a commercial presence here would make sense.
G.Walker 03-15-2013, 08:27 AM I have a feeling this might be the mystery tower & OGE tower people have been talking about. Steve mentioned that no one has guessed the right company for new tower, which makes sense because the company has not been created yet, lol. And we have pretty muched named every possible company it could be. People could have been confused that the rumored OGE tower was just for OGE and did not realize it could be part of a merger. So basically we knocked out two birds with one stone.
Decious 03-15-2013, 08:34 AM Well... gotta think the decision has already been made and that info is just being withheld because of various logistical reasons. I'm optimistic. Seems that the "tone" coming out of quotes from Enogex would be layered and colored a little differently if an exodus was planned. The people at Enogex know what this would mean for the city if a positive outcome arose and they know what it would mean were in a net negative. They've seen the way Devon and the other larger entities have been lauded and appreciated here. The overall tone fits in line with the hints that Steve has given... the confidence that Mark B has been speaking with etc. It also fits in terms of complexity. Multiple firms involved. I'm thinking a pseudo spec tower with an anchor tenant being this new MLP. I would think that they may already have commitments from other tenants as well. I have a good feeling about this. Why? Because as of yet there is no reason NOT to have a good feeling about it. IMO.
EDIT: Also... Steve has no doubt seen this thread since this came to light last night. He hasn't chimed in. That speaks volumes and is understandable... because ANYTHING he would say would be viewed as confirmation one way or another. He cannot give his voice to confirming something like this here. If correct, this is a story for the medium that employs him... from one or one hundred different angles. Just a thought. Maybe he's on strike concerning this thread. :-)
boitoirich 03-15-2013, 08:38 AM Right... What could possibly go wrong...
Decious 03-15-2013, 08:44 AM Right... What could possibly go wrong...
Only everything. Ha ha! But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Why live the emptiness twice? Lol! Happy now - disappointed later I'm cool with. Worrisome now - disappointed later is for the birds.
PhiAlpha 03-15-2013, 09:07 AM Not to be a downer, but this new company can end up in Houston, they are building spec class A office space left & right, and CenterPoint Energy is headquartered there. I guess I am trying not to get my hopes up, until official announcement is made. I hope I am wrong...
It just doesn't make sense from an operational prospective, the bulk of their combined pipeline infrastucture would be in Oklahoma and Oklahoma is centrally located to all of the oil and gas plays listed as having access to on the news release as well as other states that CenterPoints midstream group serves.
bchris02 03-15-2013, 09:34 AM Yeah I'm not getting my hopes up until its confirmed this new company will be in OKC. It makes sense that it would but if Houston is building towers left and right it might make sense from a cost standpoint to locate there.
HangryHippo 03-15-2013, 09:40 AM Shouldn't the horse go before the cart?
Haha, yes. Too much beer with dinner.
jccouger 03-15-2013, 09:43 AM I don't know why you guys are so worried. The rolls Royce was parked in OKC, not Houston (just ignore the fact that there are probably 10 Rolls Royce driving around Houston at any given time)
Its completely OK to have your hopes up at this point, if you can't see the writing on the wall then pick up a copy of hooked on phonics.
Anonymous. 03-15-2013, 09:44 AM Steve has been online while this thread errupted last night. And he was on again this morning. Looks to be avoiding it 8).
Anyways his Live Chat thing is now open for questions as of 9:44am.
Bellaboo 03-15-2013, 09:44 AM Yeah I'm not getting my hopes up until its confirmed this new company will be in OKC. It makes sense that it would but if Houston is building towers left and right it might make sense from a cost standpoint to locate there.
Disagree on this one. This midstream MLP is Mid-Continent, not Gulf coast. The asset base is 80% in Oklahoma, and the rest is close by, such as the Haynesville and Barnett shale plays. It makes more sense to be here, especially from an operational cost standpoint.
dankrutka 03-15-2013, 09:46 AM I don't know why you guys are so worried. The rolls Royce was parked in OKC, not Houston (just ignore the fact that there are probably 10 Rolls Royce driving around Houston at any given time)
Can't tell if kidding....
HangryHippo 03-15-2013, 09:51 AM Not expert analysis by any means, but I would say at least reasonably informed. It isn't the 80/90s, not every energy company is looking to move to Houston. It's a merger of subsidiaries and OKC is central to the core of both companies' pipeline assets, the natural gas industry, and the United States in general. When companies like ConocoPhillips and Kerr McGee moved to Houston, it was at least partially due to the rise of their international and Gulf of Mexico assets and refinery proximity as they were both integrated oil companies. OGE/Enogex and CenterPoint are natural gas transportation and utility companies dealing solely in a domestic asset with OKC being at the center of a heavy natural gas producing state in the middle of several natural gas producing states, and in the middle of the country's pipeline infrastructure. You could even through wind energy in there as OK is a leading generator of that as well. It would be cool if it was a complete relocation of CenterPoint and not just the pipeline spinoff, but I would gladly take it either way.
Phi, my apologies for being snarky earlier in the thread. I'm not optimistic about the chances of this MLP locating in OKC, but you've made very sound arguments. Thanks for the insight and I hope you're right.
Mississippi Blues 03-15-2013, 10:01 AM Can't tell if kidding....
UnFrSaKn 03-15-2013, 10:04 AM Guess which one is Steve.
UnFrSaKn 03-15-2013, 10:08 AM Sid you got an honorable mention on the live chat this morning. :)