03-01-2013, 02:23 PM
Just looked it up...
Texas property tax rate is about 2 - 2.5 times (!!) that of Oklahoma.
Texas property tax rate is about 2 - 2.5 times (!!) that of Oklahoma.
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Pete 03-01-2013, 02:23 PM Just looked it up... Texas property tax rate is about 2 - 2.5 times (!!) that of Oklahoma. MikeLucky 03-01-2013, 02:26 PM The have higher state sales and excise taxes. In terms of total taxes, the two states are very close: CNN/Money: Taxes state by state ( Also, I believe Oklahoma's property taxes are lower. I'm not sure when you consider all taxes paid -- especially as a property owner -- that Oklahoma doesn't have a lower total tax rate. Yeah, and their property taxes usually more than make up for the lack of state income taxes. We've done all the math and with the majority of their retirement being a federal government retirement (which also exempts them from state income taxes here in Oklahoma), and their age (which gives them a good break on the property taxes in Texas to Oklahoma levels), there really was almost no difference between the cost of living there versus here in Oklahoma. The surprising difference we DID discover is that homes in the price range they are looking for, the north Houston suburb area actually has more home for the money than even here in OKC. Add in the fact that they have some pretty specific things they are looking for in a home, there is a much larger inventory for them to choose from down there. Combine that with warm weather year round, and that's why they are really focusing on ending up there. MikeLucky 03-01-2013, 03:05 PM Just because there is no income tax doesn't mean the government doesn't get their money some way or another. In that light, make sure they completely understand the property tax structure down there. As a rule, property taxes run about 3-3.5% of assessed value down there. It could vary wildly depending on what county or school district you are in. There's also MUD taxes if you live in a new development or outside the city limits. And homestead exemptions are not a given. So in a 250K home, even with a 15K exemption you are paying close to 8K in property taxes, if not more. For these reasons and more you see a lot of people leave Houston when they retire, usually to the Hill Country or East Texas. Sounds like your parents will make due but just make sure they understand it. I didn't see your post since I was typing up my reply to Pete... but yeah, we've done all the math. As retired folk, they get a really good break on the taxes. The homes they are looking at have normal tax bills of something like $8,000 to $12,000 a year depending on which house they go with... the break they get will bring them down to something like $5,000 to $8,000. Here in Oklahoma, the taxes for the same range of house is about the same as the reduced amount for them in Texas... maybe a little bit lower. But, here in OK only my Mom's retirement is exempt from state income tax, but all of my Dad's is still subject to the taxes. So, all in all, it comes out about the same either way for their particular situation. And, my Dad's brother lives in Tyler in a very similar sized home with pretty much the same things that my parents house will have. My folks think it's okay out there, but they really prefer the Woodlands/Conroe area more and even if it is going to cost them a tad more, they are okay with that. progressiveboy 03-01-2013, 05:53 PM Houston is the 4th largest city in the U.S. and the city and MSA are about 4-5 times the size of OKC. So, they are worlds apart but I would also say that Houston has tons of problems (traffic, polution and sprawl being chief among them) and thus I could see why companies might prefer the easy lifestyle offered by Oklahoma City. Houston is one of my least favorite cities... It's got all the problems of L.A. and almost none of the benefits. I know I'm biased, but I would much, much rather live in OKC and I'm sure I am not alone. Was traveling to Galveston last week and drove through Houston. To say the least, Houston traffic is horrendous. On the way back stopped in Houston driving on Loop 610 West traffic was god awful and this was in the evening around 8pm. However, lots to see and do in the city! progressiveboy 03-01-2013, 06:08 PM I looked at the blog in question and they sound a little defensive. I guess that is normal. After all what would I expect them to say.....OKC is a great place to livve and by the way we may lose some of our corporate community to them! They don't want to hear that in Houston. It did sound a little defensive, however, Houston or Texas for that matter is in no way jealous of Oklahoma City. Living in Dallas, my friends poke fun of me and say how could I have ever lived in a State like Oklahoma. To them, Oklahoma is a vast wasteland full of people who feel of the turnip truck. Texas has a better mindset for attracting businesses and has a great business climate. I wish Oklahoma could emmulate Texas in luring big companies and making the State more wealthy and diverse! Just 2 weeks ago, Amazon announced a major facility to open in the suburb of Coppell. Also, lots of California companies opening and moving offices to Texas. Pete 03-01-2013, 06:08 PM Here is more from today's chat with Steve. He seems to think an announcement is imminent for the Stage Center site: Q. What's the latest on Mystery Tower? Now you can say there's nothing new and we can get the repeat questions started. A. I believe an announcement will occur within the next 30 days. Q. Question about who is going to build an office tower downtown ... just kidding. With all the speculation about the Stage Center site, how would a redevelopment of it affect the Arts Festival? A. Redevelopment of the Stage Center site could very well have a significant impact on the annual Festival of the Arts. I cannot say whether the bid now under consideration by the owner of Stage Center, the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, calls for incorporation of the surrounding arts plaza and properties. But I can say that at least one of the original proposals did require clearance of the entire block. Don't be surprised if that ends up to be the case with the winning bid as well. The good news is that the Myriad Gardens, revamped as part of Project 180, is much better suited to incorporate more of the festival than it was in prior years. Of course, we could see an entirely different outcome where Stage Center stays in place. But that would be a big surprise to me. Q.Is there a deadline on when the Stage Center offers and concepts are due? I heard they have narrowed it down to 3-5 different developments. A. Negotiations are under way with a single party. UnFrSaKn 03-01-2013, 06:16 PM Steve Lackmeyer: Announcement of new downtown OKC tower may come in the next 30 days | News OK ( Pete 03-01-2013, 06:30 PM If negotiations are underway for the entire block, perhaps this is why everything has been "complex", to use Steve's term. The City controls that entire block except for the little bit in blue, which is a small building held by a local man. Snowman 03-01-2013, 06:48 PM BAHAHAHA @ them saying "Light Rail is not the will never get used". Realistically, if they do light-rail or commuter rail they will probably need to pair that with a major sustained push for dense development near the stops for it to be well utilized. bchris02 03-01-2013, 09:50 PM It did sound a little defensive, however, Houston or Texas for that matter is in no way jealous of Oklahoma City. Living in Dallas, my friends poke fun of me and say how could I have ever lived in a State like Oklahoma. To them, Oklahoma is a vast wasteland full of people who feel of the turnip truck. Texas has a better mindset for attracting businesses and has a great business climate. I wish Oklahoma could emmulate Texas in luring big companies and making the State more wealthy and diverse! Just 2 weeks ago, Amazon announced a major facility to open in the suburb of Coppell. Also, lots of California companies opening and moving offices to Texas. Agreed. Houston is on an entirely different level than OKC. Comparing OKC to Houston is like comparing Poteau to OKC. OKC should compare itself to peer cities like Louisville, Memphis, Jacksonville, Richmond, etc. If Houston were to lose a HQ (or two) to OKC, Houston is so large and diverse it could easily absorb it. The positive effect it would have on OKC would be exponentially higher than the negative effect it would have on Houston. We are talking about a metro of 1.3 million vs one of 6 million. The Houston metro is one single entity unlike DFW which is a metroplex, with Dallas and Ft Worth being two completely different yet connected entities. That along puts Houston ahead of DFW and the only larger beasts in the US are Chicago, LA, and New York. okcpulse 03-01-2013, 09:57 PM I didn't see your post since I was typing up my reply to Pete... but yeah, we've done all the math. As retired folk, they get a really good break on the taxes. The homes they are looking at have normal tax bills of something like $8,000 to $12,000 a year depending on which house they go with... the break they get will bring them down to something like $5,000 to $8,000. Here in Oklahoma, the taxes for the same range of house is about the same as the reduced amount for them in Texas... maybe a little bit lower. But, here in OK only my Mom's retirement is exempt from state income tax, but all of my Dad's is still subject to the taxes. So, all in all, it comes out about the same either way for their particular situation. And, my Dad's brother lives in Tyler in a very similar sized home with pretty much the same things that my parents house will have. My folks think it's okay out there, but they really prefer the Woodlands/Conroe area more and even if it is going to cost them a tad more, they are okay with that. The Woodlands/Conroe area housing costs aren't going to stay at these levels for long. Exxon is building a major corporate campus near the Hardy toll road split. The campus will house 12,000 of its employees, some of which are being relocated to the area from other parts of the country. Include the general rapid growth Texas normally experiences, and the congestion is going to get bad. It already is unbearable. If your parents are willing to deal with that, more power to them. Please note that in 5-10 years, their property taxes will increase to the point where they will be protesting their property taxes on an annual basis. okcpulse 03-01-2013, 10:11 PM It did sound a little defensive, however, Houston or Texas for that matter is in no way jealous of Oklahoma City. Living in Dallas, my friends poke fun of me and say how could I have ever lived in a State like Oklahoma. To them, Oklahoma is a vast wasteland full of people who feel of the turnip truck. Exactly what turns me off about Texas. It is filled with the stench of elitism. However, there are people in Houston who do long for the different QOL Oklahoma City offers. I can say for a matter of fact that in Houston, it is not about jealousy. They can't seem to digest the reverse migration of some jobs to Oklahoma. They get the dear in the headlights look. I wish Oklahoma could emulate Texas in luring big companies and making the State more wealthy and diverse. We are trying, and it would be much easier for us to succeed if some media outlets in other parts of the country will stop characterizing Oklahoma as the inexperienced junior college grad. Thankfully, there are media outlets that are taking notice and doing there homework. To them, let me quote Sam Kenison in 'Back to School' when he harshly asked Rodney Dangerfield about how President Truman handled the communist movement in China... "Good answer. Good answer. I like the way you think. I'll be keeping my eye on you." okcpulse 03-01-2013, 10:16 PM Here is more from today's chat with Steve. He seems to think an announcement is imminent for the Stage Center site: This is good news! I will be keeping a close eye on The Oklahoman. Need to renew my subscription. Mississippi Blues 03-01-2013, 10:37 PM Reading all this stuff & realizing just how close we may be, it makes me excited! I love the momentum in this city. Just the facts 03-01-2013, 10:59 PM I noticed the 1,000 residential unit question appeared in the "Mystery Tower" section of Steve's recap of today's chat. Hmmm. Steve Lackmeyer: Announcement of new downtown OKC tower may come in the next 30 days | News OK ( lasomeday 03-02-2013, 09:46 AM I noticed the 1,000 residential unit question appeared in the "Mystery Tower" section of Steve's recap of today's chat. Hmmm. Steve Lackmeyer: Announcement of new downtown OKC tower may come in the next 30 days | News OK ( I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the Stage Center site will have two towers on it, one office tower and one residential, or just one huge tower with both! Just the facts 03-02-2013, 10:33 AM I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the Stage Center site will have two towers on it, one office tower and one residential, or just one huge tower with both! If they buy the whole area from Reno to Sheridan there is enough room to get far more than 2 towers. The Stage Center block alone could easily fit 4 to 6 residential towers. Residential towers don't have near the footprint of an office tower. Bellaboo 03-02-2013, 11:19 AM I think it'll be the international corporate relocation that was anticipated in 2012. It could be a complex only second to Devon. Hopefully we'll find out within the next 29 days. Praedura 03-02-2013, 12:33 PM I think it'll be the international corporate relocation that was anticipated in 2012. It could be a complex only second to Devon. Hopefully we'll find out within the next 29 days. That's positive thinking. I like it! HOT ROD 03-03-2013, 12:46 PM I think it'll be the international corporate relocation that was anticipated in 2012. It could be a complex only second to Devon. Hopefully we'll find out within the next 29 days. I agree, that site would be quite attractive to a large Int'l Corp HQ but I say make it a supertall! I do want to say; after reading the first few posts from Steve's OKC Central posting, Im beginning to believe it is OG&E that is the buyer/developer in play for Stage Center. Look at the third, fourth, and fifth postings: * an announcement will be made when it is ready for Prime Time, * Mystery Tower to be corp HQ -OR- corp HQ + residential? an announcement to be made in Prime Time, * Is OG&E consolidating, could it be Stage Center? when I have something ready for Prime Time, I PROMISE I'll do so :) * Negotiations under way with a single party * * Perhaps MORE than one Mystery Tower, sites Anyway, it is fun to speculate nonetheless! and I totally agree that this is great for OKC's renaissance momentum. Mississippi Blues 03-03-2013, 01:46 PM I agree, that site would be quite attractive to a large Int'l Corp HQ but I say make it a supertall! I do want to say; after reading the first few posts from Steve's OKC Central posting, Im beginning to believe it is OG&E that is the buyer/developer in play for Stage Center. Look at the third, fourth, and fifth postings: * an announcement will be made when it is ready for Prime Time, * Mystery Tower to be corp HQ -OR- corp HQ + residential? an announcement to be made in Prime Time, * Is OG&E consolidating, could it be Stage Center? when I have something ready for Prime Time, I PROMISE I'll do so :) * Negotiations under way with a single party * * Perhaps MORE than one Mystery Tower, sites Anyway, it is fun to speculate nonetheless! and I totally agree that this is great for OKC's renaissance momentum. Steve said it was someone other than OG&E -- & Continental -- that is planning to build on the Stage Center site if I recall correctly. Praedura 03-03-2013, 01:53 PM If negotiations are underway for the entire block, perhaps this is why everything has been "complex", to use Steve's term. ( :) hoya 03-03-2013, 03:14 PM If discussions are underway to use the entire block, then we're looking at a massive investment. Steve still referred to it as a "tower", otherwise I would think a company might consider a series of smaller buildings. Stage Center is on a huge piece of land, you could put three or four Devon towers there (though not the accompanying buildings) without problem. So... we're looking at at least one tower, with probably a parking structure and smaller amenities buildings, I would say. The idea that they were considering purchasing all the way down to Reno indicates that there are many buildings in the plan. We'd have to look at a significant corporate relocation to need that much space, I would say. lasomeday 03-03-2013, 04:00 PM If discussions are underway to use the entire block, then we're looking at a massive investment. Steve still referred to it as a "tower", otherwise I would think a company might consider a series of smaller buildings. Stage Center is on a huge piece of land, you could put three or four Devon towers there (though not the accompanying buildings) without problem. So... we're looking at at least one tower, with probably a parking structure and smaller amenities buildings, I would say. The idea that they were considering purchasing all the way down to Reno indicates that there are many buildings in the plan. We'd have to look at a significant corporate relocation to need that much space, I would say. The only company that hasn't been said in a while is Midfirst Bank/Midland Mortgage. They have the money and the people to build a massive tower..... Just the facts 03-03-2013, 04:07 PM If discussions are underway to use the entire block, then we're looking at a massive investment. Steve still referred to it as a "tower", otherwise I would think a company might consider a series of smaller buildings. Stage Center is on a huge piece of land, you could put three or four Devon towers there (though not the accompanying buildings) without problem. So... we're looking at at least one tower, with probably a parking structure and smaller amenities buildings, I would say. The idea that they were considering purchasing all the way down to Reno indicates that there are many buildings in the plan. We'd have to look at a significant corporate relocation to need that much space, I would say. When Steve said "mystery towers" a bet a lot of us took it to mean "mystery sites" as well, but maybe he meant multiple towers on one site. They could easily build towers for OG&E, Continental, Mid-First, Relocation, and a Spec tower - and have room for 2 or 3 residetial/hotel towers. catch22 03-03-2013, 06:03 PM When Steve said "mystery towers" a bet a lot of us took it to mean "mystery sites" as well, but maybe he meant multiple towers on one site. They could easily build towers for OG&E, Continental, Mid-First, Relocation, and a Spec tower - and have room for 2 or 3 residetial/hotel towers. Doubt it. I don't think anyone would ever build with that much density in OKC. Just the facts 03-03-2013, 06:50 PM Doubt it. I don't think anyone would ever build with that much density in OKC. At least not now, but they did at one time. Could - should - would. All different. catcherinthewry 03-03-2013, 07:06 PM The only company that hasn't been said in a while is Midfirst Bank/Midland Mortgage. They have the money and the people to build a massive tower..... Unfortunately, it is not going to be Midfirst. I've heard they are in the process of buying 3-5 buildings from CHK(not on the campus). They are busting at the seams in their Grand Blvd location, but this purchase should alleviate that problem. Easy180 03-03-2013, 07:27 PM Unfortunately, it is not going to be Midfirst. I've heard they are in the process of buying 3-5 buildings from CHK(not on the campus). They are busting at the seams in their Grand Blvd location, but this purchase should alleviate that problem. They are also renovating the operations center at Hefner and Rockwell...We can pretty much rule them out jn1780 03-03-2013, 07:43 PM Yeah, a Midfirst tower went out the widow when CHK pretty much went bust. There's a lot of CHK carcass's for Midfirst to feast on and there maybe more in the future. progressiveboy 03-03-2013, 08:27 PM I am hoping it is a major out of state relocation! OKC can use another Fortune 500 company headquartered in the CBD. OKC needs new blood and new companies along with new forward thinking residents. To me, this will add wealth to the city with HQ's firmly planted and more philanthrophic money flowing into the city! Lets hope this is the case. Thundercitizen 03-03-2013, 08:34 PM To me, this will add wealth to the city with HQ's firmly planted and more philanthrophic money flowing into the city! Lets hope this is the case. The more corporate sponsors for the Thunder, the better! Pete 03-03-2013, 10:06 PM Unfortunately, it is not going to be Midfirst. I've heard they are in the process of buying 3-5 buildings from CHK(not on the campus). They are busting at the seams in their Grand Blvd location, but this purchase should alleviate that problem. Yes, with Chesapeake opening almost 700,000 square feet of new office space this year (Building 14 just opened, Building 15 is close, as is Building #1, the RTC Lab, the new Data Center and Central Plant plus two huge parking garages) I've speculated for a while that they would like sell off the former Grand Park buildings along I-44 and next to Midland/Midfirst. CHK is selling off assets, laying off employees and contractors and will almost double the amount of square footage on their campus. Makes sense they would start consolidating back from the Grand Park sites, as they are somewhat separate from the main campus. They have already sold Caliber Center and the Harvey Parkway and sold the business that occupies the two Central Park buildings. So, not only is CHK no longer a buyer for the MidFirst properties adjoining their campus, their buyer/seller roles have completely reversed. And that means MidFirst is not a good candidate to be moving downtown. HangryHippo 03-04-2013, 09:04 AM That really sucks. I always thought MidFirst Bank would be a nice addition to the downtown rolls, and I really think Jeff Records messed up by not taking what CHK offered. No matter now though, I hope they continue to grow and do well. metro 03-04-2013, 09:54 AM I think it'll be the international corporate relocation that was anticipated in 2012. It could be a complex only second to Devon. Hopefully we'll find out within the next 29 days. Heck, why not think bigger, how about the 1st intergalactic corporate relocation! Pete 03-04-2013, 10:05 AM That really sucks. I always thought MidFirst Bank would be a nice addition to the downtown rolls, and I really think Jeff Records messed up by not taking what CHK offered. No matter now though, I hope they continue to grow and do well. At least there is a ready buyer to take over those surplus CHK buildings and fill them with employees. I've been worried for a while about the consequences of Chesapeake dumping a lot of their properties on the market at the same time, but at least in the office segment that no longer seems to be a risk. Will be very, very interesting to see what they do with all their vacant land and retail properties. Hopefully they will trickle into the market as well and find buyers who will do good things. catcherinthewry 03-04-2013, 12:45 PM I really think Jeff Records messed up by not taking what CHK offered. From what I heard JR likes having his office 10 minutes from his house and doesn't want to move downtown. Just the facts 03-04-2013, 01:32 PM From what I heard JR likes having his office 10 minutes from his house and doesn't want to move downtown. I can buy that. Most people would prefer to live close to work and if you have the power to make work close to home then it would make sense to do so. OKCbrew 03-04-2013, 02:51 PM Doubt it. I don't think anyone would ever build with that much density in OKC. Speaking of density, did you know OKC is apparently the least dense city of the 50 largest cities in the US? Oh, and also that Tulsa is WAAAAY denser than OKC? Check out this Wikipedia edit that happened a couple of days ago - Someone must have been really compelled that some information was missing from that first paragraph! OKCbrew 03-04-2013, 02:58 PM Holy crap! That same dude changed the height of the Devon building to 644 feet, made BOK the tallest building again, bumped up Tulsa's population and made Will Rogers the second busiest airport next to Tulsa's: User contributions for Fciman06 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( BoulderSooner 03-04-2013, 03:00 PM Speaking of density, did you know OKC is apparently the least dense city of the 50 largest cities in the US? Oh, and also that Tulsa is WAAAAY denser than OKC? Check out this Wikipedia edit that happened a couple of days ago - Someone must have been really compelled that some information was missing from that first paragraph! such a flawed stat ... the reason okc is the least dense is because it is the biggest city in America (not counting city counties) OKCbrew 03-04-2013, 03:06 PM such a flawed stat ... the reason okc is the least dense is because it is the biggest city in America (not counting city counties) I'm not even sure it's correct now that I've seen the other edits by the same user. I'm looking to see if I can find actual numbers. OKCbrew 03-04-2013, 03:21 PM Weird. Oh well - looks like some of yous have corrected the stuff already. I know it had nothing to do with the "mystery tower" but I just happened to have this thread open when I noticed. :tongue: Plutonic Panda 03-04-2013, 03:29 PM Is Wikipedia building a new tower here???? jk.. lol adaniel 03-04-2013, 03:32 PM Speaking of density, did you know OKC is apparently the least dense city of the 50 largest cities in the US? Oh, and also that Tulsa is WAAAAY denser than OKC? Check out this Wikipedia edit that happened a couple of days ago - Someone must have been really compelled that some information was missing from that first paragraph! Tulsa haters are cute. Don't let those facts get in the way. The Village, Bethay, and Warr Acres are the densest cities in the state. We are the least dense top 50 city, though. That is a fact, although very misleading. The OKC and Tulsa urbanized area density is pretty much the same. List of United States urban areas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( OKCbrew 03-04-2013, 03:38 PM I think the Taco Tower should go on there, 60 stories, 900 feet. Also a rendering complete with flowing salsa fountains! Interesting - a bit of googling suggests the rogue editor is a Tulsa firefighter. :eek: jedicurt 03-04-2013, 04:09 PM i guess this shows the difference between living in reality and living in wikiality okcpulse 03-04-2013, 04:58 PM Holy crap! That same dude changed the height of the Devon building to 644 feet, made BOK the tallest building again, bumped up Tulsa's population and made Will Rogers the second busiest airport next to Tulsa's: User contributions for Fciman06 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Oklahoma City Will Rogers World Airport passenger traffic in 2011: 3.56 million Tulsa International Airport passenger traffic in 2011: 2.79 million Man, this guy has a vendetta, or an odd sense of humor. Snowman 03-04-2013, 07:27 PM Holy crap! That same dude changed the height of the Devon building to 644 feet, made BOK the tallest building again, bumped up Tulsa's population and made Will Rogers the second busiest airport next to Tulsa's: User contributions for Fciman06 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Looks like he feels like keeping up trolling, he is making more edits on OKC's wiki, apparently the only page they edited (may just create a new account each time wants to troll) mcca7596 03-04-2013, 07:48 PM I can buy that. Most people would prefer to live close to work and if you have the power to make work close to home then it would make sense to do so. I think you are underestimating the amount of people that enjoy and have to have a mental and literal distance between their home and work lives to stay sane. kevinpate 03-04-2013, 07:55 PM OKC is rumored to host a truly impressive level of density ... with an epicenter near 23rd and Lincoln OKCbrew 03-04-2013, 09:17 PM Looks like he feels like keeping up trolling, he is making more edits on OKC's wiki, apparently the only page they edited (may just create a new account each time wants to troll) Unless this is some kind of elaborate attempt to throw people off his trail, he used the same name for the twitter account that Sid found, complete with his first and last name. I'm pretty sure I found his facebook page full of Tulsa photos and a comment about Will Rogers being busy because folks are leaving OKC. It all looks a bit weird. Decious 03-04-2013, 09:24 PM Looks like he feels like keeping up trolling, he is making more edits on OKC's wiki, apparently the only page they edited (may just create a new account each time wants to troll) I "undid" some of the edits(under the handle nondorkokc) the troll made and gave reasoning for doing so. Unfortunately, he seems really motivated and "purposed". Crusade-like. Lol! So... I won't distract from this thread any more but from Sid's twitter link, he may be miffed regarding the sorting facility in Tulsa since it is scheduled for closure in deference to the facility here. If so... he won't stop and I don't have time or any desire to monitor our Wiki page. :-) May be best to just let him get it out of his system and then go back and clean it up in a couple of weeks. Also... I check this thread every single day. Can't wait for an announcement! Snowman 03-04-2013, 09:25 PM Weird. Oh well - looks like some of yous have corrected the stuff already. I know it had nothing to do with the "mystery tower" but I just happened to have this thread open when I noticed. :tongue: I thought cluttering up the wiki page for OKC was odd till I read some of the twitter feed, if I had seen it with no idea about odd compulsive behavior to change our wiki page I would have thought the twitter account was hacked Bellaboo 03-04-2013, 09:36 PM Back to topic - I wonder if the announcement will be one of those 'in awe' announcements or if it will be one of 'well we expected this' type of deals. I know the SC site was being put out for bids about a year ago, and statements have been made that a dozen groups have looked at the site.. thoughts anyone ? Decious 03-04-2013, 09:42 PM I vote 'in awe'. If we've gleaned the amount of info we have via tidbits collected here and there... you'd think that the main players have maybe been able to find some synergy to build into... and maybe we'll see that manifested at the SC site. I have no idea, but I'm thinking I'll be shocked in a good way. Another one of those "I can't believe this is happening in OKC... maybe I need to start viewing my town in a different way type moments." Here's to hoping. catch22 03-04-2013, 09:43 PM Back to topic - I wonder if the announcement will be one of those 'in awe' announcements or if it will be one of 'well we expected this' type of deals. I know the SC site was being put out for bids about a year ago, and statements have been made that a dozen groups have looked at the site.. thoughts anyone ? I'm telling myself we're getting a 15 story midrise. That way I won't be disappointed if it is, and I will be shocked if it's something much greater. OKCbrew 03-04-2013, 09:49 PM I'm telling myself we're getting a 15 story midrise. That way I won't be disappointed if it is, and I will be shocked if it's something much greater. I know how that is. I get psyched every time I go up 235 and can see the new Hilton sprouting up under that crane even if it is only 11 stories. I'm hoping there will be two cranes simultaneously when the Holiday inn starts going up! Just the facts 03-04-2013, 09:53 PM I'm telling myself we're getting a 15 story midrise. That way I won't be disappointed if it is, and I will be shocked if it's something much greater. I would be happy with a 15 story mid-rise. I only care about the first 5 floors anyhow. jedicurt 03-05-2013, 09:24 AM I would be happy with a 15 story mid-rise. I only care about the first 5 floors anyhow. i would be happier with a 15 story over nothing... but it being a cooperate tower, i would hope more for the 20-40 story range. I think 15 would be great for a mixed-use, or full residential tower. that i would be very happy with. But i am also just hoping for more places downtown to buy... as i am tired of renting, and having no equity, and would like the move downtown... |