View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!

02-26-2013, 06:02 PM
IIRC some posters who work in Chase have said that CLR is renting space there.

02-26-2013, 06:13 PM
Harold Hamm's investment group rents (rented?) space in Chase Tower. This may be what people are referring to. I'm not so sure Continental itself has employees anywhere but their tower.

02-26-2013, 06:25 PM
One question... Who owns the building? If it is the owner that wants to destroy the building then it is no one's business if he or she wants to tear it down. This whole line of thinking is right out of the Soviet Union. Who are you to say what another person does with THEIR OWN property? If yo don't want a building destroyed then make an offer, buy it and save it. Despite this Communist way of thinking, you have zero right to another person's property. If Sandridge owns 10 buildings around their big one, it is their property and no one should have ANY say whatsoever on whether it gets saved or not. This whole topic just pisses me off. There is a reason that most Conservatives label liberals, Progressives, Socialists etc as Communists. (Yes! I know the difference) They all are rooted in this twisted collectivist mentality that makes them think they (community) has authority over individual rights. If the owner of the building wants to tear their building down and put in a shoe shine place, as long as it falls within zoning laws, it is their property.

You seem angry -- and clueless about land use rights. Not a good combination.

Something tells me you would NOT be cool if I bought up all the houses on your street, razed them, and opened strip bars in their place. Just a hunch.

Mississippi Blues
02-26-2013, 06:43 PM
Something tells me you would NOT be cool if I bought up all the houses on your street, razed them, and opened strip bars in their place. Just a hunch.

I have a feeling that a few strip bars on his street is what he needs. He seems quite upset & perhaps needs a "breather" from the stress of no one taking his trolling seriously.

02-26-2013, 07:05 PM
I think that space in chase tower might just be the old Devon Mail room in the basement of chase tower. I saw some continental people there a few weeks back.

02-27-2013, 10:45 AM
Wow, I go out of town for a week and come back to this mess.

02-28-2013, 06:47 PM
Here's another name for the rumor mill, ConocoPhillips.

02-28-2013, 07:02 PM
Pics or it didn't happen. :)

That name has been tossed around several times. Why are you tossing it again? New news?

I'll say just say it was very drunken, unreliable source :tongue: but still no less credible then a lot of the other rumors on here.

02-28-2013, 07:32 PM
Now, the word is that it is NOT Continental (or OG&E) that is in the process of trying to work a deal on the Stage Center site, but a third company...

Still hoping for CLR & OG&E but if/when they build, it's not going to be at Stage Center.

Have no idea who this new company is, so this will be very, very interesting news when it finally breaks.

Sounds like all types of deals are being worked on in the background, which is why this is slow to develop.


02-28-2013, 11:22 PM

Was it just me or did Steve mention a developer proposing a new development with 1,000+ apartments overwhelming the market??? Maybe its not a company but a mixed use high rise with retail on the bottom and 40 stories of condos/apartments? How awesome would that be? I would definitely look at moving there!

03-01-2013, 03:39 AM
Not to turn this political but there is no way our government should allow our energy resources to be sold to China or any other foreign entity. China has publically stated they want to be the world power and destroy the US. I am not typically for regulation but to me, this will jeopardize our national defense.

FYI to the prior conversation a few pages back with everyone freaking out about exportig oil to china, etc... This article supports what I was trying to say. Hate to stray from the topic again but at one point it was relavent.

Wilmoth: Foreign partnerships benefit domestic energy companies | (

Just the facts
03-01-2013, 07:19 AM

Was it just me or did Steve mention a developer proposing a new development with 1,000+ apartments overwhelming the market??? Maybe its not a company but a mixed use high rise with retail on the bottom and 40 stories of condos/apartments? How awesome would that be? I would definitely look at moving there!

With Steve you have to sometimes put things together and follow clues but I read what you read - a single development with 1000 units. That would be the equivalent of two Deep Deuces. A development like that would take 5 or more years to finish and there is no way 1,000 units could all open on the same day. If they were all tower units that would be around 5 highrises.

03-01-2013, 07:40 AM
Hopefully Steve gives some more clues about the Mystery Tower in today's chat, or at least some more teasers...

03-01-2013, 08:02 AM
Hopefully Steve gives some more clues about the Mystery Tower in today's chat, or at least some more teasers...

Give the man his 45 days for goodness sakes! We're killing him!

03-01-2013, 08:25 AM
Give the man his 45 days for goodness sakes! We're killing him!

Actually, it's 34 days, 23 hours, 38 minutes...

Generic Calendar/Clock - Countdown to Apr 5, 2013 9:04 AM in Oklahoma City (


03-01-2013, 09:33 AM
Steve's Blog:

You know the routine; you can begin logging in with questions and comments on the Business page at NewsOK at 9:30 a.m., the chat begins at 10 a.m., and somewhere in the first 30 minutes, someone will ask again about the mystery tower…. - See more at: OKC Central Live Chat 10 a.m. Today | OKC Central (

03-01-2013, 10:18 AM
Will you be handling the updates today Sid? It's a pain on an iPad.

Just the facts
03-01-2013, 10:36 AM
Good stuff Sid. I guess we will know in 30 days or so.

03-01-2013, 10:37 AM
"You keep referring to Stage Center as "the mystery tower site." How do you know it's not just "one of the mystery tower sites"?" - Steve Lackmeyer

I believe the Stage Center site will be the first new tower development to be announced; probably in the next 2-3 months.

But as stated elsewhere, there are clearly other projects in the works.

03-01-2013, 10:38 AM
Wow, there's a lot of butthurt in the Houston thread over OKC. They don't seem to want to admit that there big companies were mostly taken from Oklahoma.

I wish we could have kept them here in the first place though.

03-01-2013, 10:51 AM

There is a lot of wishful (delusional) thinking on that board about companies moving to OKC and building new skyscrapers in downtown OKC. There have been similarly fact-challenged "rumors" in that same thread about ConocoPhillips moving its HQ to OKC and Phillips 66 moving its HQ to OKC and BHP Billiton movings its North American HQ to OKC and the latest was Linn Energy (which very recently expanded its HQ lease in downtown Houston). Cemex was another one. The thread is fed by a hyper-cheerleading business reporter for the local paper.

03-01-2013, 10:55 AM
That was good for a laugh or two.

Why not? ;) Question about Shell NA Headquarters - Downtown - HAIF - Houston's Leading News Forum (

03-01-2013, 11:17 AM
Not wanting to go off topic but huge, sprawling, traffic-choked cities like Houston are full to the brim with people like that and the reason I would never live in such cities. The hilarious thing is that some Tulsans think the exact same way about OKC yet they are an even smaller city.

Ok back on topic.

03-01-2013, 11:21 AM
Wow, there's a lot of butthurt in the Houston thread over OKC. They don't seem to want to admit that there big companies were mostly taken from Oklahoma.

I wish we could have kept them here in the first place though.

I agree with some of the posters on that forum that Houston's size and talent base dwarfs that of OKC. Last time I was in Houston I thought to myself "compared to this, OKC is a small town." I disagree with them that its all delusional thinking though. We have concrete evidence something is in the works and it isn't just a wish. I really like Houston but they also have an advantage due to their size and economic diversity to absorb the loss of a corporate HQ while OKC's gain would be monumental.

03-01-2013, 11:42 AM
Houston is the 4th largest city in the U.S. and the city and MSA are about 4-5 times the size of OKC.

So, they are worlds apart but I would also say that Houston has tons of problems (traffic, polution and sprawl being chief among them) and thus I could see why companies might prefer the easy lifestyle offered by Oklahoma City.

Houston is one of my least favorite cities... It's got all the problems of L.A. and almost none of the benefits. I know I'm biased, but I would much, much rather live in OKC and I'm sure I am not alone.

03-01-2013, 11:50 AM
We should have guessed - Steve says March will more than likely be the revealing month (30 days).......such as was for Devon and the relocation announcement for CLR.

03-01-2013, 11:56 AM
I agree with some of the posters on that forum that Houston's size and talent base dwarfs that of OKC.

There's no arguing this, but as the United States' 4th largest city, of course their size and talent base dwarfs us. But it was funny that little ole' OKC might gain one of their big companies. I emphasize might, but it would just irk them to no end.

03-01-2013, 11:57 AM
Double post

03-01-2013, 11:59 AM
This may be insignificent, but a couple things have changed in OKC's favor the last couple of years over Houston. One, the drilling has been slowed in the Gulf for reasons other than the deepwater rig explosion and pollution that followed, and the most significant is the fact that the Woodford shale is 400 feet thick, and very wet with oil. This is why I believe E&P offices will come into OKC more than ever.

03-01-2013, 12:01 PM
There's no arguing this, but as the United States' 4th largest city, of course their size and talent base dwarfs us. But it was funny that little ole' OKC might gain one of their big companies. I emphasize might, but it would just irk them to no end.

It probably irked them when Devon closed up shop in Houston.

03-01-2013, 12:01 PM
We should have guessed - Steve says March will more than likely be the revealing month (30 days).......such as was for Devon and the relocation announcement for CLR.

March madness! :Smiley259

03-01-2013, 12:04 PM
I would much rather put up with our temporamental winter weather than Houston's dreadful 3 months of horrible summers. It's like you'd have to change underware more than once daily down there.

03-01-2013, 12:12 PM
I would much rather put up with our temporamental winter weather than Houston's dreadful 3 months of horrible summers. It's like you'd have to change underware more than once daily down there.

No kidding. I personally love the cold so our winters don't bother me much, but the humidity in Houston is unrelenting. What a horrible city.

03-01-2013, 12:15 PM
My step son has lived down there for 4 years now, and I can testify to their summer season humidity, among other things. Not to fool ourselves, there some great things about the place too.

03-01-2013, 12:16 PM
I looked at the blog in question and they sound a little defensive. I guess that is normal. After all what would I expect them to say.....OKC is a great place to livve and by the way we may lose some of our corporate community to them! They don't want to hear that in Houston.

Just the facts
03-01-2013, 12:16 PM
I would much rather put up with our temporamental winter weather than Houston's dreadful 3 months of horrible summers. It's like you'd have to change underware more than once daily down there.

And this just from the morning freeway commute.


Talk about 2 guys that don't get it.

03-01-2013, 12:25 PM
Anybody have a link to today's chat archive?

03-01-2013, 12:26 PM
Boy, the traffic really sucks down there too, and no those guys don't get it. Houston added the camera system to catch 'red light' runners 2 years back. After less than a year, they removed them due to the increase in accidents involving 'rear-ending' when people would slam on their brakes not to get the ticket.

03-01-2013, 12:26 PM
There isn't one up yet.

03-01-2013, 12:27 PM
Anybody have a link to today's chat archive?

Usually they get it posted mid-afternoon.

03-01-2013, 12:30 PM
And this just from the morning freeway commute.


Talk about 2 guys that don't get it.

BAHAHAHA @ them saying "Light Rail is not the will never get used".

03-01-2013, 12:34 PM
Folks don't like it when their world view is challenged. A lot of people enjoy thinking OKC is a dusty little town with old guys on porches and spittoons and like to make sure we know it should stay that way. It's not something I really understand, I rather enjoy an ever changing view of the world, especially since it is an ever changing world. Likewise, this city is nothing like it was just a few years ago, and accepting that might require a bit of mental dexterity - even for some of our own Oklahomans. :P

03-01-2013, 12:42 PM
You have to keep in mind that most (but not all) Texans were brainwashed from birth that they are better by being bigger. They were butt hurt in 1958 when Alaska showed up, and it hurts so much when their football teams looses to any school from an inferior state.
I have a good friend from the DFW area, who worked up here in the late '90's before marrying an Okie girl and moving back. He always had nothing good to say about OKC until they visited this past summer. He made comments how the downtown was very pretty, well done and quite impressive since he'd left 15 years ago.

I couldn't believe it.....he'd seen the light, that there is life outside of Texas.

03-01-2013, 12:58 PM
I would much rather put up with our temporamental winter weather than Houston's dreadful 3 months of horrible summers. It's like you'd have to change underware more than once daily down there.

Personally I would rather put up with the brutal summers than the ever-present threat of an F5 tornado here during the spring months. That said, I agree with the poster above that Houston has all the problems of LA but few of the benefits. I like Houston, but can see why cities the size of OKC offers a better quality of life. The traffic is probably one of the worst downfalls of Houston. I-45 is a parking lot from downtown to the Woodlands. If you live in Houston there is a feeling of being trapped there due to how difficult it is to leave town with the traffic. Overall, Houston and OKC are completely different places with their own benefits and I could live in either.

Plutonic Panda
03-01-2013, 01:05 PM
Houston is not a bad city. I prefer OKC over it and of course you are going to have some people talk bad about OKC from there, but Houston is a massive city and last I heard it was expected to overtake Chicago pretty soon in terms of population. Texas is a very nice state and has some of the nicest freeways and cities I've seen so far. Houston's downtown is massive and has great projects going on. I like Houston a lot, however I agree with Pete that L.A. is better and if funds were not an issue I would choose L.A. over Houston, but this notion that Houston is a horrible awful city doesn't sit right with me. Houston is obviously doing something right as fast as it is growing. To each and their own. I'm sure there is thousand reasons not to like any city.

03-01-2013, 01:06 PM
Corporate offices aren't going to leave Houston for OKC for three main reasons.

1. Corporate tax structure is better in Texas than in Oklahoma.
2. Direct international flights are more abundant in Houston and Dallas.
3. Most see the mass of companies as an advantage to attacting experienced employees. (We are getting better at this one.)

The first one will take an act of congress! OK not federal and the second probably will never happen, but with #1 changing it could help #2 as US companies would be inclined to move here.

03-01-2013, 01:12 PM
Corporate offices aren't going to leave Houston for OKC for three main reasons.

1. Corporate tax structure is better in Texas than in Oklahoma.
2. Direct international flights are more abundant in Houston and Dallas.
3. Most see the mass of companies as an advantage to attacting experienced employees. (We are getting better at this one.)

The first one will take an act of congress! OK not federal and the second probably will never happen, but with #1 changing it could help #2 as US companies would be inclined to move here.

Just out of curiosity, how is #1 changing? And what makes the tax structure in OK less attractive? I ask because I don't know. All I know is that in Sim City you lower the $$$ commercial tax to get tall buildings! ;)

03-01-2013, 01:13 PM
You have to keep in mind that most (but not all) Texans were brainwashed from birth that they are better by being bigger. They were butt hurt in 1958 when Alaska showed up, and it hurts so much when their football teams looses to any school from an inferior state.
I have a good friend from the DFW area, who worked up here in the late '90's before marrying an Okie girl and moving back. He always had nothing good to say about OKC until they visited this past summer. He made comments how the downtown was very pretty, well done and quite impressive since he'd left 15 years ago.

I couldn't believe it.....he'd seen the light, that there is life outside of Texas.

As a reformed Texan myself, this is so true its not even funny. I can't even tell you the crap I got when I decided to first attend OU, then stay in OKC after graduation. The arrogance some have down there is unreal. I remember a girl here who moved here from Amarillo and would not shut up about "Texas is so much better blah blah blah..." and I was like, "Um, need I remind you that you are from Amarillo"

Considering that Oklahoma is a net receiver of Texans now, I'm sure there has been plenty of exploding heads when people confront the reality that there is a world north of the Red River.

Personally I would rather put up with the brutal summers than the ever-present threat of an F5 tornado here during the spring months.

The vast majority of people in this state have never personally experienced a tornado, much less an F4/5 one. Now the hailstorms on the other hand.....

In addition to all that humidity, Houston can have some very frightening flash flooding, since its pretty much a concrete slab built on a swamp. I've experienced it myself. I would much rather worry about tornadoes than that.

03-01-2013, 01:25 PM
I like Houston, but their downtown seems to experience similar problems with downtown OKC. After 5pm, it's a ghost town when compared to daytime. I took a picture of the downtown Macy's hours, 9:30-6:00 M-F, 9:30-5:30 Sat, & Closed on Sunday. It's all about the suburban life style in this part of the country. I will say to Houston's credit, with its flaws, at least it's not Dallas. Dallas has a "Trashy Texas" feel which is complete with the Dale Earnhardt "Gone to Race in a Better Place" collection dinnerware, where Houston doesn't and I appreciate that about Houston. Keep it classy Houston!

03-01-2013, 01:30 PM
Actually, it's 34 days, 23 hours, 38 minutes...

Generic Calendar/Clock - Countdown to Apr 5, 2013 9:04 AM in Oklahoma City (


How soon will Okctalk (Pete or someone else) have the real inside scoop to the "Mystery"?

03-01-2013, 01:33 PM
He actually said within the next '30 days', so the clock is a little late being April 5th.

03-01-2013, 01:38 PM
I like Houston, but their downtown seems to experience similar problems with downtown OKC. After 5pm, it's a ghost town when compared to daytime. I took a picture of the downtown Macy's hours, 9:30-6:00 M-F, 9:30-5:30 Sat, & Closed on Sunday. It's all about the suburban life style in this part of the country. I will say to Houston's credit, with its flaws, at least it's not Dallas. Dallas has a "Trashy Texas" feel which is complete with the Dale Earnhardt "Gone to Race in a Better Place" collection dinnerware, where Houston doesn't and I appreciate that about Houston. Keep it classy Houston!

I too prefer Houston to DFW, though many would disagree with you that Houston is classier. Houston and Dallas within Texas has somewhat of an OKC/Tulsa relationship on a larger scale. Houston is considered the larger but more down to earth, working class city while Dallas is known to be white collar, pretentious, culturally superior. Both cities however are large enough and well-balanced enough there is little need to go to DFW if you live in Houston and vice versa.

I found uptown Houston to be more active than downtown. One has to remember Houston has several "downtowns" scattered throughout the city, most of which have skylines larger than OKC's CBD. In Houston, you don't have to be downtown to find dense, urban living.

03-01-2013, 01:52 PM
I too prefer Houston to DFW, though many would disagree with you that Houston is classier. Houston and Dallas within Texas has somewhat of an OKC/Tulsa relationship on a larger scale. Houston is considered the larger but more down to earth, working class city while Dallas is known to be white collar, pretentious, culturally superior. Both cities however are large enough and well-balanced enough there is little need to go to DFW if you live in Houston and vice versa.

I found uptown Houston to be more active than downtown. One has to remember Houston has several "downtowns" scattered throughout the city, most of which have skylines larger than OKC's CBD. In Houston, you don't have to be downtown to find dense, urban living.

Dallas may think they are culturally superior, but I have not seen that that is the case in the arts at all. I also think Houston's food is better.

03-01-2013, 01:56 PM
Dallas may think they are culturally superior, but I have not seen that that is the case in the arts at all. I also think Houston's food is better.

This has been my experience as well.

03-01-2013, 01:58 PM
Corporate offices aren't going to leave Houston for OKC for three main reasons.

1. Corporate tax structure is better in Texas than in Oklahoma.
2. Direct international flights are more abundant in Houston and Dallas.
3. Most see the mass of companies as an advantage to attacting experienced employees. (We are getting better at this one.)

The first one will take an act of congress! OK not federal and the second probably will never happen, but with #1 changing it could help #2 as US companies would be inclined to move here.

Don't forget that since they don't have state income tax, that helps them also attract more employees... That also hurts us in a comparison with any of the Texas metros...

My parents are currently selling their house in Wichita and getting ready to retire in the Houston area. When they first told me they were considering it, I groaned... But, for them it's a little different. They are looking in the Woodlands/Conroe area, and it's a definite given that they MIGHT drive south of the Woodlands maybe once or twice a year. Being retired, they will have everything they need within 5-10 miles of their house. And, I guess my folks and I are strange people, because we all LOVE the heat and humidity. Everytime we go down there for a weekend to look at real estate, we enjoy the weather.

Personally, I don't really want to live anywhere but OKC metro area, but my Dad is looking for somewhere with a good buyer friendly housing market where he can also play golf year round... so, it fits the bill for them. And, honestly I was really surprised by how nice the Woodlands area is.

03-01-2013, 01:59 PM
How soon will Okctalk (Pete or someone else) have the real inside scoop to the "Mystery"?


probably not :(

But yeah, I'm hoping "the scoop" happens earlier than March 30. Surely somebody in-the-know will mess up along the way and accidentally reveal something. :)

03-01-2013, 02:11 PM
Don't forget that since they don't have state income tax, that helps them also attract more employees... That also hurts us in a comparison with any of the Texas metros...

Texas has higher state sales and excise taxes.

In terms of total taxes, the two states are very close:

CNN/Money: Taxes state by state (

Also, I believe Oklahoma's property taxes are lower and I know gasoline taxes are lower. I'm not sure when you consider all taxes paid -- especially as a property owner -- that Oklahoma doesn't have a lower overall tax rate.

03-01-2013, 02:15 PM
OK, the verdict is out, the mystery tower will be a Houston shaped parking lot.

03-01-2013, 02:19 PM
Texas has higher state sales and excise taxes.

In terms of total taxes, the two states are very close:

CNN/Money: Taxes state by state (

Also, I believe Oklahoma's property taxes are lower and I know gasoline taxes are lower. I'm not sure when you consider all taxes paid -- especially as a property owner -- that Oklahoma doesn't have a lower total tax rate.

My sister has lived in the Ft Worth area for 20 years, she has half the house that I do and pays 4 times the property tax.

03-01-2013, 02:21 PM
Don't forget that since they don't have state income tax, that helps them also attract more employees... That also hurts us in a comparison with any of the Texas metros...

My parents are currently selling their house in Wichita and getting ready to retire in the Houston area. When they first told me they were considering it, I groaned... But, for them it's a little different. They are looking in the Woodlands/Conroe area, and it's a definite given that they MIGHT drive south of the Woodlands maybe once or twice a year. Being retired, they will have everything they need within 5-10 miles of their house. And, I guess my folks and I are strange people, because we all LOVE the heat and humidity. Everytime we go down there for a weekend to look at real estate, we enjoy the weather.

Just because there is no income tax doesn't mean the government doesn't get their money some way or another. In that light, make sure they completely understand the property tax structure down there.

As a rule, property taxes run about 3-3.5% of assessed value down there. It could vary wildly depending on what county or school district you are in. There's also MUD taxes if you live in a new development or outside the city limits. And homestead exemptions are not a given. So in a 250K home, even with a 15K exemption you are paying close to 8K in property taxes, if not more.

For these reasons and more you see a lot of people leave Houston when they retire, usually to the Hill Country or East Texas. Sounds like your parents will make due but just make sure they understand it.