11-30-2012, 10:17 PM
Gotcha. Exactly where on the Preftakes block, btw?
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KayneMo 11-30-2012, 10:17 PM Gotcha. Exactly where on the Preftakes block, btw? Pete 12-01-2012, 09:04 AM Gotcha. Exactly where on the Preftakes block, btw? Yes please update your model! The most likely spot on the Preftakes block is the SW corner of Main & Hudson. Bellaboo 12-01-2012, 09:23 AM Duplicate post. OKCisOK4me 12-01-2012, 10:02 AM I still have the SketchUp model of downtown OKC I did a while ago with the conceptual, new towers. Shall I do an update? For example, a tower at the Stage Center site? Where else? Be sure to put a 400' tower on Devons open lawn so we can see how that would ruin their vision of tying their complex into MBG. Just the facts 12-01-2012, 10:19 AM Be sure to put a 400' tower on Devons open lawn so we can see how that would ruin their vision of tying their complex into MBG. See post 2336. catch22 12-01-2012, 10:20 AM Be sure to put a 400' tower on Devons open lawn so we can see how that would ruin their vision of tying their complex into MBG. They did an excellent job of creating a sense of place on their lawn. JTF thinks that in order for something to be urban, the buildings MUST be pushed to the sidewalk. That is false, you can create a sense of place with trees and landscaping. The row of trees along Sheridan wall in the street, and define the public space and wall the public space off from the street. Devon and MBG is a terrific example of using trees to define public space instead of buildings. One or the other can be used, or both. Devon uses both. They define the corner of Sheridan and Hudson with the performance theater, and they define the public space in front of the Garden Wing with trees and landscaping. JTF, your opinion of Devon's complex will change when you experience it at street level, not from satellite view or from pictures we take. It truly is a world class complex. The only drawback I have is the superblock. But even then, the front facing Sheridan is extremely walkable and has no feeling of "superblock", and the north side of the block is also very walkable. OKCisOK4me 12-01-2012, 10:26 AM See post 2336. Yeah...you said S A N D R I D G E. I double checked before I posted Kerry. KayneMo 12-01-2012, 10:56 AM Something like this? 3002300330043005 Just the facts 12-01-2012, 11:57 AM Yeah...you said S A N D R I D G E. I double checked before I posted Kerry. Oops - you're right. I meant Devon. Those oil companies all look the same to me :) Just the facts 12-01-2012, 12:01 PM JTF, your opinion of Devon's complex will change when you experience it at street level, not from satellite view or from pictures we take. It truly is a world class complex. The only drawback I have is the superblock. But even then, the front facing Sheridan is extremely walkable and has no feeling of "superblock", and the north side of the block is also very walkable. I'll see it in 2 weeks. Last time I saw it the building was still under construction. Who knows, I might change my mind. jccouger 12-01-2012, 12:08 PM They did an excellent job of creating a sense of place on their lawn. JTF thinks that in order for something to be urban, the buildings MUST be pushed to the sidewalk. That is false, you can create a sense of place with trees and landscaping. The row of trees along Sheridan wall in the street, and define the public space and wall the public space off from the street. Devon and MBG is a terrific example of using trees to define public space instead of buildings. One or the other can be used, or both. Devon uses both. They define the corner of Sheridan and Hudson with the performance theater, and they define the public space in front of the Garden Wing with trees and landscaping. JTF, your opinion of Devon's complex will change when you experience it at street level, not from satellite view or from pictures we take. It truly is a world class complex. The only drawback I have is the superblock. But even then, the front facing Sheridan is extremely walkable and has no feeling of "superblock", and the north side of the block is also very walkable. I walk by the Devon Center nearly every single day and I think that grass lawn is a huge waste of space. It just doesn't look good to me. Don't get me wrong, I love everything about the structures that Devon built. I just think that somethign could go in that space and still have it function and look great. I had no idea so many of you would get so defensive about some grass in the middle of our downtown. Especially after so many of you got mad at sandridge for their forest. catch22 12-01-2012, 12:16 PM I walk by the Devon Center nearly every single day and I think that grass lawn is a huge waste of space. It just doesn't look good to me. Don't get me wrong, I love everything about the structures that Devon built. I just think that somethign could go in that space and still have it function and look great. I had no idea so many of you would get so defensive about some grass in the middle of our downtown. Especially after so many of you got mad at sandridge for their forest. Devon's ties into an existing park. It blends from park to the building wonderfully. SandRidge is surrounded by buildings and is trying to create a park. That's the difference. OKCisOK4me 12-01-2012, 04:08 PM Something like this? I like that first angle the best ;-) Looks well balanced from the SE. Pete 12-01-2012, 05:35 PM Love it! Thanks KayneMo! http://www.okctalk.com/attachments/other-urban-development/3003d1354380977-mystery-tower-speculation-news-ideas-post-here-oklahoma-city2.jpg http://www.okctalk.com/attachments/other-urban-development/3002d1354380974-mystery-tower-speculation-news-ideas-post-here-oklahoma-city.jpg CaptDave 12-01-2012, 10:14 PM Nicely done KayneMo - the building on the Stage Center site looks like a small version of Willis (Sears) Tower. Spartan 12-03-2012, 08:31 AM Reminds me more of the Museum Plaza in Louisville. OKCNDN 12-03-2012, 08:59 AM How many employees are working in the new Devon tower? How about average employee capacity in any tower in OKC? Bellaboo 12-03-2012, 10:07 AM How many employees are working in the new Devon tower? How about average employee capacity in any tower in OKC? You should probably ask this in the Devon Tower thread. Jesseda 12-04-2012, 12:53 PM So the speculation is still going on.. So how many towers are still a mystery, I thought it started with one then moved to two. How many total tower rumors are running around and how many do you think are true? hoya 12-04-2012, 02:42 PM So the speculation is still going on.. So how many towers are still a mystery, I thought it started with one then moved to two. How many total tower rumors are running around and how many do you think are true? 2nd Devon tower Continental Resources tower OG&E tower -- all these are probably true 2nd Sandridge tower Convention Hotel tower -- these are supposed to be true as long as money holds out New Oil Co HQ moving in from out of town tower -- keep your fingers crossed but don't hold your breath Jesseda 12-04-2012, 02:58 PM 2nd Devon tower Continental Resources tower OG&E tower -- all these are probably true 2nd Sandridge tower Convention Hotel tower -- these are supposed to be true as long as money holds out New Oil Co HQ moving in from out of town tower -- keep your fingers crossed but don't hold your breath so any predictions on when something might be announced? also who do you think will announce first? Bellaboo 12-04-2012, 03:21 PM Since the crystal ball is still a little dim, it's all just guessing at this point. My, not in the know prediction is - 1) - Continental Resources 2) - OG&E 3) - 2nd Sandridge Tower 4) - Devon 5) - New HQ 6) - CC Hotel If half of these come true it would be wonderful. jedicurt 12-04-2012, 03:26 PM so any predictions on when something might be announced? also who do you think will announce first? I have been hearing word that IF Continental announces anything it wouldn't be until the second quarter of 2013 at the earliest. OG&E... i have a friend who would be in the know about this and has said that he has yet to hear anything internally other than just dreams and future ambitions. Granted he has told me that it could change at anytime once a decision were to be made by the higher ups... but that he would definitely be in the loop once that decision was made. as for Devon... that i don't know. my information about them comes 3rd and 4th hand as for a new Energy company moving here... i still keep hearing something about Williams (and it was previously mentioned on here that it might be Williams Partners). But IF they are the company, who knows when they would announce And i can't completely rule out XTO. They are spread out among several buildings in downtown Fort Worth, and while i know that they are currently looking at what they can do to stay in Fort Worth, there is a single proposal to look into elsewhere around the country to find their best options for consolidating all of their office space. (i really don't think that they are the company that is rumored, even if they do end up moving here... and i think they are a real long shot, because they seem very happy in Fort Worth and seems like staying there is their first priority if feasible) And please take all of this as just my opinions based upon what i have heard talking to friends who either work for these companies in positions that they would atleast have some knowledge, or are people that i trust when it comes to what they decide to share from sources that they have talked to G.Walker 12-04-2012, 03:45 PM I think its safe to say we can close the "Mystery Tower" window for the next couple months, if something was going to be announced this year, they would have done it by now. The good thing is that more sources are coming out stating towers are in the works, more than a year ago. I would suspect either Devon or Continental to announce first, as they are the most logical choices to build big, the others I am still very skeptical. Bellaboo 12-04-2012, 03:54 PM Let's fan the flames here a bit - Williams CEO is Alan Armstrong, he became CEO this past January. He also obtained a bachelors degree from Oklahoma City University in 1985. He has ties to OKC. jedicurt 12-04-2012, 04:07 PM Let's fan the flames here a bit - Williams CEO is Alan Armstrong, he became CEO this past January. He also obtained a bachelors degree from Oklahoma City University in 1985. He has ties to OKC. my info on Williams kind of caught me off guard as it was brought up to me over dinner awhile back saying that they have been hearing rumors that they were looking to build in OKC. This was not something that i asked about and we weren't even talking about downtown or development. They has worked in the energy industry for over 40 years... and because of that has close connections to a lot of people in a lot of energy companies. And they aren't one to just pass a rumor along. typically they don't say anything about something they have heard unless they believe it to be true. PhiAlpha 12-04-2012, 04:36 PM Heard from a VP for a large O&G company in Houston that ConocoPhillips is still discussing moving to OKC in some way. Pretty vague but interesting none the less. lasomeday 12-04-2012, 08:58 PM And i can't completely rule out XTO. They are spread out among several buildings in downtown Fort Worth, and while i know that they are currently looking at what they can do to stay in Fort Worth, there is a single proposal to look into elsewhere around the country to find their best options for consolidating all of their office space. (i really don't think that they are the company that is rumored, even if they do end up moving here... and i think they are a real long shot, because they seem very happy in Fort Worth and seems like staying there is their first priority if feasible) Seriously doubt it is XTO. They are owned by Exxon. I am hoping we can lure an oil company from California. Oxy and Chevron both will be seeing their taxes sky rocket. I don't see a reason why they would want to stay there! I doubt ConocoPhillips is moving, but Phillips 66 just split off of ConocoPhillips and is stuck in Houston. They both have offices in Bartlesville..... It would be great if we could lure Phillips 66 back to Oklahoma! Williams would be a great addition, but I don't see them leaving Tulsa..... I hope I am wrong! Continental and Devon are just a matter of time..... Hopefully we can have them going up at the same time! Dale 12-04-2012, 09:18 PM Seriously doubt it is XTO. They are owned by Exxon. I am hoping we can lure an oil company from California. Oxy and Chevron both will be seeing their taxes sky rocket. I don't see a reason why they would want to stay there! I doubt ConocoPhillips is moving, but Phillips 66 just split off of ConocoPhillips and is stuck in Houston. They both have offices in Bartlesville..... It would be great if we could lure Phillips 66 back to Oklahoma! Williams would be a great addition, but I don't see them leaving Tulsa..... I hope I am wrong! Continental and Devon are just a matter of time..... Hopefully we can have them going up at the same time! I have a friend in Fort Worth who'd be tickled to death if XTO consolidated in a new tower, in Fort Worth. Do you suppose that's a possibility ? CaptDave 12-04-2012, 09:34 PM I have a friend in Fort Worth who'd be tickled to death if XTO consolidated in a new tower, in Fort Worth. Do you suppose that's a possibility ? I recall hearing Chesapeake is selling a building in Ft Worth. Not sure about size but it may be possible. Plutonic Panda 12-04-2012, 09:37 PM Seriously doubt it is XTO. They are owned by Exxon. I am hoping we can lure an oil company from California. Oxy and Chevron both will be seeing their taxes sky rocket. I don't see a reason why they would want to stay there! I doubt ConocoPhillips is moving, but Phillips 66 just split off of ConocoPhillips and is stuck in Houston. They both have offices in Bartlesville..... It would be great if we could lure Phillips 66 back to Oklahoma! Williams would be a great addition, but I don't see them leaving Tulsa..... I hope I am wrong! Continental and Devon are just a matter of time..... Hopefully we can have them going up at the same time!TBH I would actually like Williams to build a new tower in Tulsa. Hopefully if any "out of towner" comes into OKC it will be "out of state". I think all these other possibilities are good enough. Just the facts 12-04-2012, 09:40 PM CNBC said this afternoon that oil could be about to have the bottom fall out of it because of decreasing demand in the US, fiscal cliff concerns, and the likelyhood that we go back into recession next year. That won't bode well for any new oil-related towers. Pro: Oil Is a Sell On 'Fiscal Cliff' Deal (http://www.cnbc.com/id/100277049) PhiAlpha 12-04-2012, 10:04 PM CNBC said this afternoon that oil could be about to have the bottom fall out of it because of decreasing demand in the US, fiscal cliff concerns, and the likelyhood that we go back into recession next year. That won't bode well for any new oil-related towers. Pro: Oil Is a Sell On 'Fiscal Cliff' Deal (http://www.cnbc.com/id/100277049) True, but the bottom fell out in 2008 right after Devon announced their tower plans and they still built it. Same goes for Sandridge and Chesapeake with their construction projects that have continued despite less than ideal pricing. I doubt CP would relocate as well, but CP would be more likely to move than Phillips 66. CP is an upstream company and has a lot more in common with other companies here than phillips 66, which is primarily a downstream company. There is a lot more refining in the Houston area than here so it wouldn't seem to make sense for them to move from Houston. XTO tried to consolidate in to one Large tower in ft worth a few years ago but something fell through and they didn't build one. They have bought and renovated several buildings downtown and seem to be continuing that strategy. I think they are up to 5 or 6 now. G.Walker 12-05-2012, 08:54 AM I agree, I think having the capital to engage in a massive project like a new tower is the least of Devon's and Continental's worries, they have money that has money, lol. Just the facts 12-05-2012, 09:38 AM Having money to do it is one thing - having people to put in the building when you are done is another. Devon was already in 5 other buildings so they needed a space for all of them. Continental and Sandridge are building based on expected growth. If the expected growth goes away so does the need for the building. I'm not arguing for or against, I'm just relaying the economics of the day. Bellaboo 12-05-2012, 10:25 AM Having money to do it is one thing - having people to put in the building when you are done is another. Devon was already in 5 other buildings so they needed a space for all of them. Continental and Sandridge are building based on expected growth. If the expected growth goes away so does the need for the building. I'm not arguing for or against, I'm just relaying the economics of the day. Continental is already in the Chase 'Cotter Ranch' Tower, and I believe the Corporate Tower also. sgt. pepper 12-05-2012, 10:36 AM I think its safe to say we can close the "Mystery Tower" window for the next couple months, This thread will never close. Once another tower is built, another mystery tower will come along...once that one is built....another mystery tower will be mentioned. i guess it will have to end sometime. skanaly 12-05-2012, 12:03 PM Does anybody else remember the article that started this thread? "Preftakes said a new headquarters will be built starting this year"... HangryHippo 12-05-2012, 12:05 PM Does anybody else remember the article that started this thread? "Preftakes said a new headquarters will be built starting this year"... Looks like he was wrong. skanaly 12-05-2012, 12:07 PM Looks like he was wrong. Ha, your right! The disapointing thing though was that he was a reliable source G.Walker 12-05-2012, 12:33 PM It wasn't Preftakes, it was Mark Beffort. He started the speculation with his comments made at the 2012 Forecast Conference of the Commercial Real Estate Council of Oklahoma City back in February. But you have to remember a lot of things have changed since then, Stage Center property coming available, OPUBCO going up for sale, and new companies looking at downtown. Deals are in the works, its just things got sidetracked with those three things I have just stated. Did Beffort jump the gun with his comments, maybe, but I am sure he is reliable source. Bellaboo 12-05-2012, 12:34 PM Does anybody else remember the article that started this thread? "Preftakes said a new headquarters will be built starting this year"... Not that it matters much, but it wasn't Preftakes, it was Beffort. I believe both are credible folks. HangryHippo 12-05-2012, 01:01 PM Looks like Beffort was wrong too, haha. Pete 12-05-2012, 01:08 PM It seems there are several companies taking a bit of wait-and-see approach before making an official announcement. I bet we here something no later than 2Q of next year. dankrutka 12-05-2012, 03:27 PM But you have to remember a lot of things have changed since then Things almost always change. That's why some of us were a little more hesitant into buying into the hype until there was something more solid. A new corporate headquarters could still move here or one of the local companies could build new, or the rumors that started much of this could have never panned out. It's good to be optimistic, but you have to expect possible change of plans and/or false rumors also. Hopefully something still happens soon... Bellaboo 12-07-2012, 08:21 AM This probably isn't the correct thread, but just a paragraph in the DOK today about Equal Energy relocating it's substantial operations from Calgary to OKC. Pete 12-07-2012, 08:26 AM Here's the blurb... Not sure how many employees this will be: EQUAL ENERGY LOOKS TO OKLAHOMA Equal Energy Ltd. plans to strengthen its presence in Oklahoma after it concluded a strategic review, the Canadian company announced last week. Equal intends to relocate its technical leadership team from Calgary to Oklahoma City, while adding financial and other specialists focused on its U.S. operations. “The strategic review and our plans for the future are based on a balanced and prudent approach,” CEO Don Klapko said. “We foresee an increase in commodity prices as the global economy improves, but we also need to be mindful of the risks involved in the volatile sector in which we operate.” Equal sold its last western Canadian assets last month, leaving its holdings in central Oklahoma’s liquids-rich Hunton natural gas field as its principal remaining asset. Pete 12-07-2012, 08:43 AM Looks like Equal Energy has about 125-150 employees but I'm sure some of those are out in the field and not all in the corporate HQ. And from that blurb, it doesn't sound like they are moving all their operations, just "technical, financial and other specialists". Just the facts 12-07-2012, 08:53 AM They already have an office in OKC out in the Memorial area. Bellaboo 12-07-2012, 08:54 AM Looks like Equal Energy has about 125-150 employees but I'm sure some of those are out in the field and not all in the corporate HQ. And from that blurb, it doesn't sound like they are moving all their operations, just "technical, financial and other specialists". No complaints here, but lets hope the international HQ rumored is more than 100 jobs. But we'll take what we can get. HangryHippo 12-07-2012, 09:05 AM No complaints here, but lets hope the international HQ rumored is more than 100 jobs. But we'll take what we can get. I'm with you, Bellaboo. But every little bit helps. Spartan 12-07-2012, 01:28 PM I love their name. Yeah they're gonna have to change that if they want cred in this Cowtown :P metro 12-12-2012, 10:20 AM Not to mention their white collar jobs. G.Walker 12-13-2012, 10:56 AM Today is the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber Annual meeting highlighting Oklahoma City's accomplishments in 2012, and what Oklahoma City can look forward to in 2013. Something to note, is that OG&E is the signature sponsor of the event, and Pete Delaney, CEO of OG&E, is being named the new Chairman of the Chamber at this event, there is not a better stage for OG&E to announce a new tower, or at least hint to it! Anonymous. 12-13-2012, 11:05 AM I think the meeting is happening right now, isn't it? [posted ~11:00am] Pete 12-13-2012, 11:28 AM Today is the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber Annual meeting highlighting Oklahoma City's accomplishments in 2012, and what Oklahoma City can look forward to in 2013. Something to note, is that OG&E is the signature sponsor of the event, and Pete Delaney, CEO of OG&E, is being named the new Chairman of the Chamber at this event, there is not a better stage for OG&E to announce a new tower, or at least hint to it! Today is their Annual Meeting: Local leaders from all walks of life will be informed and motivated about our great city as we look forward to 2013. Chamber Chairman Carl Edwards with Price Edwards & Company will share highlights from 2012 as he passes the gavel to incoming Chairman Pete B. Delaney with OGE Energy Corp On January 24 they will hold their State of the City event: Mayor Mick Cornett will share key initiatives and visions for Oklahoma City's future. Additionally, Chamber Chairman, Pete Delaney, OGE Energy Corp., will share highlights of the Chamber's major strategic objectives. OKCisOK4me 12-13-2012, 01:30 PM If OG&E builds new digs I don't think it'll be that one we want to see fill the gap between Chase and Devon. It'll be more like a Frost Tower in Austin--which is still fine by me. As long as it's on the fringe of the CBD to extend it. Buffalo Bill 12-13-2012, 01:53 PM If OG&E builds new digs I don't think it'll be that one we want to see fill the gap between Chase and Devon. It'll be more like a Frost Tower in Austin--which is still fine by me. As long as it's on the fringe of the CBD to extend it. If it's Frost Tower size, both height and gross square footage, it will be between Devon and Chase. OKCisOK4me 12-13-2012, 02:06 PM If it's Frost Tower size, both height and gross square footage, it will be between Devon and Chase. Nevermind, lol. I thought it was 430 feet...but alas, it is 15 feet taller than Chase--still not enough in my book to fit the bill (no pun intended). That fantasy tower people are looking for needs to be like the BOK Tower in Tulsa. GaryOKC6 12-13-2012, 02:26 PM Today is their Annual Meeting: On January 24 they will hold their State of the City event: I was at the Chamber's Annual Meeting today. It was a good event but no mention of a Tower. The State of the City event next month would be perfect. That is usually a forum for looking ahead at the city's future development. I guess we will have to go there and find out. |