View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!
betts 10-16-2012, 03:46 PM I wish I could say more, but you would all be simply amazed by who frequents this site. And human nature being what it is, people want to tell SOMEBODY what they know and once engaged, we get the benefit of lots of people who really *know*.
Yes. I walked by Le Cep today - which unfortunately still hasn't opened - and I noticed they'd taken down the maligned iron work on the walls. I don't know if they got the idea here, but it wouldn't surprise me. At least it looks less like a tapas bar at this point.
dankrutka 10-16-2012, 04:23 PM All kidding aside, the collective knowledge of this on-line community is pretty powerful as long as you learn to cut through the crap, recognize when people really know something, then piece it all together using logic and common sense.
I honestly believe this board has had a tremendous impact in putting pressure on OKC decision-makers while also providing a source for ideas. If you want OKC to be a better city this board is a great place to start. Props to Pete.
OKCisOK4me 10-16-2012, 05:18 PM Wonder what next week will bring. hopefully something exciting. I have a feeling that we are going to be getting a couple tall :) buildings that will be announced soon. Fingers crossed.
I bet there was some 30 year olds in the early 80s that got together, in person, and drempt up ideas like this too. I'm not gonna let the joy swirl until I see an article ;-)
I bet there was some 30 year olds in the early 80s that got together, in person, and drempt up ideas like this too. I'm not gonna let the joy swirl until I see an article ;-)
I was one of them, although I was only in my early 20's.
Before I even graduated college, I went into the shiny-new One Galleria Building to personally view the model of that entire project, which included a 50-story building where the Norrick Library now sits, as well as an enclosed mall where there is now structured parking. I remember how exciting that all was and the leasing agents were very nice to me.
I was also a commercial real estate broker from '82-'89 and watched Leadership Square and Two Galleria (now Oklahoma Tower) from inception to move-in. In fact, my company was the first to move into Leadership Square.
Even for those in the RE business, information was much, much harder to come by.
In today's on-line chat, Steve mentioned he would have an article in Sunday's Oklahoman touching on the future of the skyline.
I know one subject will be the infamous Preftakes block, Stage Center, etc.
I wouldn't expect a lot of specifics but probably some interesting information about where all this may be headed.
CaptDave 10-19-2012, 11:32 AM Steve was being rather coy - as usual. :rolleyes:
I hope something is announced that is on the same level as the Devon announcement three years ago.
G.Walker 10-19-2012, 03:26 PM In today's on-line chat, Steve mentioned he would have an article in Sunday's Oklahoman touching on the future of the skyline.
I know one subject will be the infamous Preftakes block, Stage Center, etc.
I wouldn't expect a lot of specifics but probably some interesting information about where all this may be headed.
I hope its not another skyline speculation article like he did back in February Downtown Oklahoma City skyline is set for more growth | (, touching on what MIGHT be in store for the skyline, we already know about this information. I am hoping he comes with something a little more solid this time. But with the article being saved for the Business section of the Sunday Oklahoman, means its an featured/important article, so we just have to wait and read...
metro 10-20-2012, 12:36 AM I hope its not another skyline speculation article like he did back in February Downtown Oklahoma City skyline is set for more growth | (, touching on what MIGHT be in store for the skyline, we already know about this information. I am hoping he comes with something a little more solid this time. But with the article being saved for the Business section of the Sunday Oklahoman, means its an featured/important article, so we just have to wait and read...
This, unless he announces more than we figure out here on our own in OKCTalk, it's not worth the read.
1972ford 10-20-2012, 02:04 AM Watch Devon buy the first national building
skanaly 10-20-2012, 04:02 PM ^They would clean it up sooo nice
CaptDave 10-20-2012, 07:16 PM Watch Devon buy the first national building
With their track record of supporting OKC, I would not be surprised in the least. They would probably be better than 95% of any other possible buyer. Their facilities are certainly top tier and there is no reason to doubt they would not do a fantastic job with FNC.
ljbab728 10-20-2012, 11:02 PM Anyone else staying up late tonight wearing out their refresh button trying to see Steve's article as soon as it is published? :D
Of couse not, Sid. You're the only one. LOL
betts 10-20-2012, 11:16 PM Anyone else staying up late tonight wearing out their refresh button trying to see Steve's article as soon as it is published? :D
I was definitely thinking about it.
plmccordj 10-20-2012, 11:25 PM I am
Bellaboo 10-20-2012, 11:28 PM I am
I thought about running to walmart to check out the business section in the early edition.....
catch22 10-20-2012, 11:29 PM It's like waiting for Christmas as a child! Hurry 12:00!! (Or 11:35 like most nights it updates!)
catch22 10-21-2012, 12:10 AM Oklahoma City's downtown skyline is set for more growth | (
ljbab728 10-21-2012, 12:10 AM Oklahoma City's downtown skyline is set for more growth | (
LOL, we have a tie.
catch22 10-21-2012, 12:15 AM Up to 3 new buildings? Devon Chesapeake and Sandridge?
Bellaboo 10-21-2012, 12:18 AM Up to 3 new buildings? Devon Chesapeake and Sandridge?
Up to 3 new headquarters. I think these will be related energy companies, but I just don't see Chesapeake moving considering their situation.
And it was an affiliate of SandRidge who bought the OPUBCO property......
ljbab728 10-21-2012, 12:20 AM Up to 3 new headquarters. I think these will be related energy companies, but I just don't see Chesapeake moving considering their situation.
And it was an affiliate of SandRidge who bought the OPUBCO property......
I agree. This has nothing to do with Chesapeake.
catch22 10-21-2012, 12:20 AM I bet Midfirst is still in the deck somewhere. They are tied in very closely with the OKC power players.
Bellaboo 10-21-2012, 12:21 AM I bet Midfirst is still in the deck somewhere. They are tied in very closely with the OKC power players.
I'd guess MidFirst, OG&E and Continental. And Devon may be doing something on the Preftakes block.
Steve 10-21-2012, 12:24 AM Up to 3 new headquarters. I think these will be related energy companies, but I just don't see Chesapeake moving considering their situation.
And it was an affiliate of SandRidge who bought the OPUBCO property......
Read the story twice. If you read the story carefully, you will realize there is more in that story, between the lines, than you might realize... I've been saying for a while that we're likely looking at multiple towers.... I'm really not trying to be coy. I'm delivering as much accurate information as I can. My challenge is I can't get into speculation with these stories. And there are A LOT of moving pieces at play here. American Fidelity was indeed once serious about moving downtown. That changed when the OPUBCO property was bought. Keep in mind American Fidelity wasn't the only company that sought to buy the OPUBCO property. Again, I emphasize, there is are a lot of moving pieces at play. If I were to name names, there would be just too much risk that something would change (as it did with American Fidelity) and then people would be questioning my credibility.
ljbab728 10-21-2012, 12:27 AM If I were to name names, there would be just too much risk that something would change (as it did with American Fidelity) and then people would be questioning my credibility.
Steve, that's not possible. No one here would ever question your credibility. LOL
Bellaboo 10-21-2012, 12:27 AM Read the story twice. If you read the story carefully, you will realize there is more in that story, between the lines, than you might realize... I've been saying for a while that we're likely looking at multiple towers.... I'm really not trying to be coy. I'm delivering as much accurate information as I can. My challenge is I can't get into speculation with these stories. And there are A LOT of moving pieces at play here. American Fidelity was indeed once serious about moving downtown. That changed when the OPUBCO property was bought. Keep in mind American Fidelity wasn't the only company that sought to buy the OPUBCO property. Again, I emphasize, there is are a lot of moving pieces at play. If I were to name names, there would be just too much risk that something would change (as it did with American Fidelity) and then people would be questioning my credibility.
I guess Chesapeake could be considered an affiliate of SandRidge, at least they had common ownership. I'll go read it again. Also, could OPUBCO be moving back after being absent 22 years ?
ljbab728 10-21-2012, 12:29 AM Even if OPUBCO was moving back downtown there is no possibility that they would need enough space to consider a new tower.
Bellaboo 10-21-2012, 12:36 AM I read it again, and the only thing I saw between the lines is that Devon is holding space for affiliates in Corporate Tower. Maybe Devon would build another tower for these affiliates ?
Bellaboo 10-21-2012, 12:40 AM Read the story twice. If you read the story carefully, you will realize there is more in that story, between the lines, than you might realize... I've been saying for a while that we're likely looking at multiple towers.... I'm really not trying to be coy. I'm delivering as much accurate information as I can. My challenge is I can't get into speculation with these stories. And there are A LOT of moving pieces at play here. American Fidelity was indeed once serious about moving downtown. That changed when the OPUBCO property was bought. Keep in mind American Fidelity wasn't the only company that sought to buy the OPUBCO property. Again, I emphasize, there is are a lot of moving pieces at play. If I were to name names, there would be just too much risk that something would change (as it did with American Fidelity) and then people would be questioning my credibility.
I think MidFirst also bid on that property.
1972ford 10-21-2012, 12:55 AM I hope to see a Huston or Colorado company move their headquarters here. Maybe we will.see one of the big hospital build a headquarters but I'm sticking to a 30 to 40 story Devon tower maybe a 20 to 30 story continental anouncement in early 2014 if growth keeps outpacing projections I have been hearing rumors of a mostly residential tower maybe breaking ground in 2015 along with that I hear they are just waiting to see if downtown headquarters keep expanding and adding new names as well. A developer I know says a lot has to do with cheasapeake waiting to see if it can overcome its cash crunch before an out of state company buys it out. Guess they have alot to do.with people waiting to put their money into downtown. We need something downtown outside of oil something big to give investors more confidence in building downtown on a larger scale.midfirst does not count to to its exposure to our oil companies. Basically they want more diversity in business downtown just as the people want diversity in residential office and commercial downtown.
Hopefully we get out of state companies moving here orout of country would be better having companies move from within the state is not enough. Oklahoma city has to prove that we can attract those companies and not just the ones based in small towns.
Only time will tell but at least we do know that we have a crapton of midrise hotels going up in the downtown vicinity while we wait
Also elections matter not just the presidential but congress too a lot of people are tired of gridlock on capital hill I think one party or the other grab both the congress and the presidency. Many just want to see some form of unity on capital
hill at least then those with money can know what to expect of the government for a couple years
betts 10-21-2012, 04:50 AM Up to 3 new headquarters. I think these will be related energy companies, but I just don't see Chesapeake moving considering their situation.
And it was an affiliate of SandRidge who bought the OPUBCO property......
So while I said I was told this was purchased by Sandridge to (sadly) build a parking garage, and my information as to the purchaser wasn't 100% accurate, it was close enough that I worry the second half of the info was also correct. As I said then, the source was an excellent one. A parking garage would be a terrible waste of that prime real estate, IMO.
Just the facts 10-21-2012, 05:15 AM I don't think Sandridge would create an LLC to build a parking garage considering they just bought a parking garage under the Sandridge name. That lot is also pretty big and could house multiple structures including a parking garage along the tracks. It is bigger than their current block which not to long ago had 8 buildings on it.
betts 10-21-2012, 06:57 AM I don't think Sandridge would create an LLC to build a parking garage considering they just bought a parking garage under the Sandridge name. That lot is also pretty big and could house multiple structures including a parking garage along the tracks. It is bigger than their current block which not to long ago had 8 buildings on it.
I hope you're right.
G.Walker 10-21-2012, 07:40 AM This, unless he announces more than we figure out here on our own in OKCTalk, it's not worth the read.
Again, just another skyline speculation article, similar to the one in February, nothing solid. We still only know what we knew almost a year ago. The only difference now is that we have 3 mystery towers now instead of 1. Somebody wake me up when this is all over, lol.
UnFrSaKn 10-21-2012, 08:21 AM I'm glad they're taking the proper time. A lot goes into building skyscrapers and they will stand in place for the life of the city.
plmccordj 10-21-2012, 08:56 AM While you could say "We don't know anymore than we did" I think there is one thing that we did learn. We learned that this 71 page thread has not been a waste of time. We learned that our suspicions and hopes are real. To me it was a subtle message to us that not only was our thoughts correct but that it could be better than we thought. I completely understand Steve's reluctance to start throwing out names because to do that would make him lose access to the news makers. If he were to start naming names, he would likely not be invited to those meetings, leaks, etc. If he were to leak this information with specifics, those involved would deem him as non trustworthy and not tell him anything in the future. The mere action of writing a second piece, eight months later with his name attached tells me there is substance to our suspicions. He is staking his reputation to this and in that business, I suspect that carries a lot of weight. Throwing us a bone is good enough for me considering the circumstances.
I am content to know that something is likely coming. Of course, I would like more information but I also understand the environment where these deals are made. I know one of the Mayor's of one of the suburbs and have seen how he is entrusted with potential developments and too is unable to tell anyone until the allowed to. Thank you Steve for keeping us in mind on this story.
UnFrSaKn 10-21-2012, 09:24 AM
At the start of construction on Devon Energy Center, Kimker was among a few veteran downtown observers who pointed to the experience of Charlotte, N.C., which saw its downtown skyline expand with construction of the Bank of America headquarters in the late 1980s. He questioned three years ago whether the emergence of Devon Energy Center might lead to future growth of downtown Oklahoma City.
Now, he's more hopeful such growth will occur.
“The building Hugh McColl (then chairman of North Carolina National Bank) built, now the Bank of America, they told him he could only fill half of it when it was built,” Kimker said. “But he anticipated growth with Bank of America (the eventual successor to North Carolina National Bank). And he anticipated it would jump-start the economy of Charlotte when it was built.”
Kimker notes that a couple of years later, the downtown Charlotte skyline did grow with the addition of towers built by Wachovia and Duke Energy.
“So there is precedent for my hope that will be the case here,” Kimker said. “I'm optimistic we'll see some change.”
G.Walker 10-21-2012, 09:28 AM I can see how this article would be intriguing to readers not in OKCTALK network, but for us it's like, eh. However, it seems like now we are in the home stretch of all this speculation with solid announcements around the corner.
UnFrSaKn 10-21-2012, 09:38 AM If the dice fall perfectly and we get three new headquarters, then possibly a residential highrise, then we could look a lot like the photo of Charlotte. That's not including separate buildings like the convention center building, future Devon buildings, Continental Resources etc.
Gary Pierson, chief executive officer of the Oklahoma Publishing Co., said the company has sold land it owned at NW 4 and E.K. Gaylord to an affiliate of SandRidge Energy. Representatives of SandRidge declined to comment on the purchase.
Looks like at least all the speculation around Midfirst and this property has now been refuted.
But remember, the City still owns the surrounding property and they are not going to sell unless they feel whatever SandRidge has in mind will be a good use for that very key piece of land.
After all, the Chamber of Commerce was ultimately shot down in their attempts to build a low-rise, big-setback building.
vaflyer 10-21-2012, 10:17 AM Looks like at least all the speculation around Midfirst and this property has now been refuted.
But remember, the City still owns the surrounding property and they are not going to sell unless they feel whatever SandRidge has in mind will be a good use for that very key piece of land.
After all, the Chamber of Commerce was ultimately shot down in their attempts to build a low-rise, big-setback building.
If SandRidge plans on building on that property to expand their campus, why use the LLC? Maybe it is possible that SandRidge is acting as a middleman for someone else (i.e. Midfirst) on this property just like Chesapeake did for them when SandRidge purchased their current property. Aren't Jeff Records and Tom Ward (co-owners of the Thunder) old friends? Just a thought (no insider information).
If SandRidge plans on building on that property to expand their campus, why use the LLC? Maybe it is possible that SandRidge is acting as a middleman for someone else (i.e. Midfirst) on this property just like Chesapeake did for them when SandRidge purchased their current property. Aren't Jeff Records and Tom Ward (co-owners of the Thunder) old friends? Just a thought (no insider information).
I agree that is a possibility and that is also my hope. Considering SR's big plan for a new building on their own campus is only a mid-rise, I can't imagine they'll need much more space any time soon and if they do build, it would like be something not very tall.
This whole one-company-fronting-for-another has become the norm in OKC and I don't doubt it's due at least in part to this site, which researches and exposes the smallest move.
Just recently we have had: Chesapeake buying the old KM properties and working a deal to SandRidge; CHK using a multitude of ever-changing and oddly-named LLC's for their own expansion; a real estate firm holding the old Devon building for Continental; Nick Preftakes obviously holding properties for someone else (most likely Devon); this new LLC formed just for holding the 4th & EKG property in secrecy, etc.
No doubt Tom Ward and Jeff Records know each other well but Midfirst could just as easily acquire this property through their own LLC and have it registered to an attorney. But then again, if they had, I guess we'd be reading today about the property being sold to one of their subsidiaries since OPUBCO outed SR anyway.
And, I am confident in the information I received that Midfirst had made a bid on the OPUBCO properties on Broadway Extension, but were topped by AF.
We also know CHK continues to expand all around the existing Midfirst/Midland properties which are already completely maxed out with employees.
Something is almost certain to happen with Midfirst.
Since Steve can't speculate -- which is to his eternal credit -- I'll be happy to do so.
I still think we are looking at a new building on the Preftakes block (likely Main & Hudson) that will tie in with the Devon complex. They are going to need the space themselves, may want to provide space for affiliates and vendors, and/or might want to provide ample space for more energy companies in their attempt to build OKC into a legitimate alternative to crazy, traffic-strangled Houston. That's one.
Something is going to happen at 4th & EKG. Possibly MidFirst? I really do believe that MF along with AF were the companies Beffort has been referencing in terms of a new downtown HQ.
We know SandRidge has plans for at least one mid-rise. We also know there will likely be a convention hotel.
Beyond that, it seems our next big player is Continental. But it's hard to imagine them announcing a new tower next year, as Beffort said there may be as many as three. On the other hand, if it takes at least two years (and more like three) for a new building to house employees after ground-breaking, Continental may be planning that far ahead given their projected growth. You've got to believe they are at least thinking about it.
Ordinarily, you would think in terms of a speculative tower (remember those??) with some sort of anchor tenant in tow. But virtually none are being built these days and it's hard to imagine that changing in the next year.
catch22 10-21-2012, 11:27 AM If all three come to fruition, I am putting money on Devon, MidFirst, and Continental. Devon on Preftakes, Continental on Stage Center, and MidFirst on 4th/EKG.
SOONER8693 10-21-2012, 11:39 AM Again, just another skyline speculation article, similar to the one in February, nothing solid. We still only know what we knew almost a year ago. The only difference now is that we have 3 mystery towers now instead of 1. Somebody wake me up when this is all over, lol.
UnFrSaKn 10-21-2012, 11:54 AM
Photo from 2009 with Duke Energy.
BTW, not sure if Belaboo has posted this elsewhere but James Cotter (of Chase / Cotter Tower fame) recently bought a $3.2 million mansion near Lake Arcadia. Seems like he may be moving his permanent residence from Texas to the Edmond area.
He's always been an investor/buyer and not a developer, but it's still an interesting development.
Naptown12713 10-21-2012, 01:19 PM BTW, not sure if Belaboo has posted this elsewhere but James Cotter (of Chase / Cotter Tower fame) recently bought a $3.2 million mansion near Lake Arcadia. Seems like he may be moving his permanent residence from Texas to the Edmond area.
He's always been an investor/buyer and not a developer, but it's still an interesting development.
Hopefully, this will influence him to reinvest in the building that carrys his name.
OKCisOK4me 10-21-2012, 01:58 PM I think we'll hear something more concrete from all of this after December 21st. I laugh because I'm sure time will continue on as always, but there are a lot of people that keep this date in the back of their head...
G.Walker 10-21-2012, 03:08 PM If all three come to fruition, I am putting money on Devon, MidFirst, and Continental. Devon on Preftakes, Continental on Stage Center, and MidFirst on 4th/EKG.
You would think if Devon was going to announce a new tower or future expansion it would be Tuesday at their grand opening ceremony, I mean it makes sense, right? Furthermore, isn't it ironic Steve would right such a story so close to Devon's grand opening ceremony? Seems like a lead story to an official announcement from Devon, the article was written in such a way he was practically telling us what companies were building a tower, but not actually telling us.
Teo9969 10-21-2012, 03:18 PM Plus he has Beffort upping the ante:
“I still believe, absolutely, we will see a new building announced,” Beffort said. “It just hasn't happened yet. But there are multiple people looking, and there are opportunities for one, maybe up to three buildings to be announced in 2013.”
Read more: Oklahoma City's downtown skyline is set for more growth | (
While Beffort doesn't say that one will be announced by the end of the year, if he's making that statement in the context of his previous "before 2012 is over" it seems as if Beffort expects at least one to be announced this year, and maybe one or two more next year.
Teo9969 10-21-2012, 03:20 PM
Photo from 2009 with Duke Energy.
Seeing this makes me really appreciate the density of our skyline.
kevinpate 10-21-2012, 03:57 PM Maybe it's just me, but if I were deciding announcements from Devon, I wouldn't do anything during a grand opening event of the biggest office structure and multiple great eateries on site that would detract or minimize in any way having the bright spotlight on those awesome accomplishments.
Plenty of time to add a "But Wait! There's more!" presser later this year without redirecting well deserved accolades prematurely.
G.Walker 10-21-2012, 04:03 PM Maybe it's just me, but if I were deciding announcements from Devon, I wouldn't do anything during a grand opening event of the biggest office structure and multiple great eateries on site that would detract or minimize in any way having the bright spotlight on those awesome accomplishments.
Plenty of time to add a "But Wait! There's more!" presser later this year without redirecting well deserved accolades prematurely.
But how many ceremonies and featured articles can Devon have. They had a groundbreaking ceremony, a topping out ceremony, a moving in ceremony, and now a grand opening ceremony. Not to mention numerous featured articles in The Oklahoman over the past couple years, I think now would be the perfect time for Devon to announce a new tower, letting the public know they are continuing their momentum.
I wouldn't be surprised if they make a soft announcement on Tuesday, nothing with specific details, but just letting the public know they will be expanding next door...
Thundercitizen 10-21-2012, 04:06 PM Seeing this makes me really appreciate the density of our skyline. I certainly like the photo. Much more impressive, to me, if there isn't the equivalent of a large pyramid or Borg cube in the middle of the city. This type of development allows the character, for better or worse, of each structure to be seen and enlarges the skyline.
UnFrSaKn 10-21-2012, 04:11 PM Steve just told me that Devon will be very tight on who gets in for the ceremony. They were even that way with The Oklahoman staff. I took the day off and I'll be down there but I'm not expecting to get in. Just FYI.
G.Walker 10-21-2012, 04:16 PM Between Devon announcing moving all Houston operations here, Steve's article, and Devon's ceremony on Tuesday, it's all starting to make sense.
kevinpate 10-21-2012, 04:18 PM I have no issue with a GO ceremony that is focused on, well, a grand opening.
In similar fashion I have no issue with later down the road, be that a week, or ten, with the same company taking a RonCo(ish) moment and delivering still more good news to the metro. Nor with later having a ground break ceremony, a top out ceremony, etc., etc.
And if 3-4 companies end up needing to schedule around each other because they are all building on a similar timeline, I'll be good with that too. What a neat problem for the local media to have to contend with.
king183 10-21-2012, 04:23 PM My source, when I contributed to these rumors at the very beginning, told me a headquarters being built downtown would be that of a financial company, which could have been either Midfirst or AF. My source was higher up at the OKC Chamber of Commerce at the time (he no longer works there), so I put a lot of weight into his information. I'm just hoping it was Midfirst and not AF's aborted effort.
I think Pete has guessed best: there's going to be something Devon-related on the Preftakes block and then there will probably be a headquarters built downtown. I'm guessing the other of the three Beffort is referring to is Sandridge's building.
Easy180 10-21-2012, 04:31 PM Thinking the logical choice is MidFirst since their locations are so spread out (I44 & Western, Rockwell & Hefner and Shepherd Mall)...Have video conferencing for sure but it is much more efficient to have your groups within an elevator ride of each other especially in a crisis