View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!
jn1780 04-15-2012, 11:38 PM The MidFirst rumors are still running strong and it seems it's just a matter of time before they announce a downtown tower. However, I don't think it will be on the Pretakes block (immediately west of Devon).
I'm also hearing things about American Fidelity but that is less firm.
Its hard to sort through all of the Midfirst rumors because as long as the Cheaspeake expansion continues at a rapid pace, everyone and their mother will be spreading Midfirst relocation rumors.
Spartan 04-16-2012, 02:02 AM Ha, lots of people including myself, (based on the information that was given) said there would probably be an announcement sometime about now..
Over mystery tower, or new headquarters?
catcherinthewry 04-16-2012, 09:00 AM Its hard to sort through all of the Midfirst rumors because as long as the Cheaspeake expansion continues at a rapid pace, everyone and their mother will be spreading Midfirst relocation rumors.
Let me contribute another MF rumor. I've heard they have looked at the OPUBCO complex.
G.Walker 04-16-2012, 09:18 AM I can't wait until we hear something solid.
LuccaBrasi 04-16-2012, 10:13 AM To add to the "for what's it's worth" department, a colleague of mine is friends with someone who would definitly be "in the know" at AF, and during a recent lunch, he inquired about it the rumored tower. The AF person said it was most definitly not them and it was likely going to be MF for many of the speculative reasons already posted on this thread.
catch22 04-16-2012, 10:24 AM To add to the "for what's it's worth" department, a colleague of mine is friends with someone who would definitly be "in the know" at AF, and during a recent lunch, he inquired about it the rumored tower. The AF person said it was most definitly not them and it was likely going to be MF for many of the speculative reasons already posted on this thread.
Don't say that! The people of this thread can only handle positive space speculation!
Patrick 04-16-2012, 10:43 AM One thing to consider about AF as well....they already own a big chunk of land at Santa Fe and Wilshire.
Patrick 04-16-2012, 10:45 AM And one thing to consider about Midfirst....they own the large chunk of land directly behind their current building.
catcherinthewry 04-16-2012, 11:04 AM And one thing to consider about Midfirst....they own the large chunk of land directly behind their current building.
....which Chesapeake has been trying to buy for quite a while along with their two buildings.
Patrick 04-16-2012, 11:06 AM ....which Chesapeake has been trying to buy for quite a while along with their two buildings.
Don't say that! The people of this thread can only handle positive space speculation!
And some can't handle any of it at all.
dankrutka 04-16-2012, 02:46 PM I can't wait until we hear something solid.
It seems like there are enough sources recently that point to the possibility of there being no tower in OKC's immediate future. So "if" should be a part of this statement too. Hopefully, the positive info is right.
G.Walker 04-16-2012, 03:29 PM It seems like there are enough sources recently that point to the possibility of there being no tower in OKC's immediate future. So "if" should be a part of this statement too. Hopefully, the positive info is right.
I was meaning something solid either way, so some people can find some closure with this whole thing. For every rumor stated that there is no new tower, there are 3 rumors that there will be a new tower, so who knows what will happen.
okcpulse 04-16-2012, 05:00 PM It seems like there are enough sources recently that point to the possibility of there being no tower in OKC's immediate future. So "if" should be a part of this statement too. Hopefully, the positive info is right.
If this is the case, then why would a major real estate player go on record in The Oklahoman discussing a new tower? This thread reminds me of how quickly people forget.
king183 04-16-2012, 05:08 PM I've been one who has passed on "positive" information from those I know who would be aware of such a tower, so let me also pass on some "negative" information I received pretty recently. I had drinks with a guy heavily involved in downtown commericial real estate. He says Mark Beffort says only a new HQ will be moving downtown and there won't be a new tower. Further, he said there are plans for something like a 5-8 story building for this HQ--again, not a tower.
Now, I spoke with Pete about this in more detail awhile ago because this same guy said some stuff that caused me to question the depth of his knowledge (e.g., some stuff clearly wrong about Sandridge) and made me think he was probably just trying to sound important to me. Pete raised some excellent points that call into question what the guy is saying, despite his alleged closeness to the situation. Given everything I've heard, I remain optimistic, but since we're reporting on speculation, I wanted to include the good speculation with the bad.
Just the facts 04-16-2012, 07:34 PM To be honest - I would be more than happy with 5 to 8 stories.
Meanwhile, there continue to be secret/hidden documents and agenda items for both the Economic Development Trust and City Council.
G.Walker 04-16-2012, 08:58 PM First of all, why would a company build only a 5-8 story building downtown, when there is clearly available space for that size? Second, remember Beffort talked about 200,000+ sqft being soaked up after Devon completes their move. Third, remember there is the possibility of two towers being built, therefore, while one person is hearing a rumor about a particular tower situation, another person might be hearing a rumor about a totally different possible new tower situation. Fourth, Lackmeyer went on record to state a 40 story is possible, so with that being said, there is something going on, but we just don't know all the facts.
Midtowner 04-16-2012, 09:14 PM Meanwhile, there continue to be secret/hidden documents and agenda items for both the Economic Development Trust and City Council.
There's an AG opinion directly on point as to whether not-for-profit corps can hold onto documents pertaining to public-private partnerships. Goes back to the old OIA days, which Alliance is basically replicating. Trouble is--now we have an AG who has zero interest in public accountability.
Oil Capital 04-17-2012, 02:03 PM If this is the case, then why would a major real estate player go on record in The Oklahoman discussing a new tower? This thread reminds me of how quickly people forget.
Perhaps there were legitimate "plans" that are just not coming to fruition. You work in downtown Houston. Remember the "ground-breaking" for 6 Houston Center?
BoulderSooner 04-17-2012, 02:16 PM There's an AG opinion directly on point as to whether not-for-profit corps can hold onto documents pertaining to public-private partnerships. Goes back to the old OIA days, which Alliance is basically replicating. Trouble is--now we have an AG who has zero interest in public accountability.
are not ongoing negotiations in exec council/board whatever exempted from open records??
We certainly didn't see anything in public records about Continental even for a long time after 20 N. Broadway was sold.
There must have been tons of discussion before that time that were never included in any agendas or minutes.
Midtowner 04-17-2012, 03:20 PM are not ongoing negotiations in exec council/board whatever exempted from open records??
9. All nonprofit foundations, boards,
bureaus, commissions, agencies, trusteeships,
authorities, councils, committees, public trusts,
task forces or study groups supported in whole
or part by public funds or entrusted with the
expenditure of public funds for purposes of conferring on matters pertaining to economic
development, including the transfer of property,
financing, or the creation of a proposal to entice
a business to locate within their jurisdiction if
public disclosure of the matter discussed would
interfere with the development of products or
services or if public disclosure would violate
the confidentiality of the business; and
^ Never mind. That's been added since the last time I really had anything to do with the Act, or I just wasn't familiar with that particular provision.
BoulderSooner 04-18-2012, 07:23 AM ^ Never mind. That's been added since the last time I really had anything to do with the Act, or I just wasn't familiar with that particular provision.
thanks for looking that up i didn't know what the exact language was.
Skyline 04-18-2012, 09:50 AM Meanwhile, there continue to be secret/hidden documents and agenda items for both the Economic Development Trust and City Council.
Can you explain how these documents are being handled? Who is viewing these docs and are there votes being taken for the items outcome?
BoulderSooner 04-18-2012, 10:19 AM Can you explain how these documents are being handled? Who is viewing these docs and are there votes being taken for the items outcome?
the council and edt meeting packets are public ... these are documents that are in the packets that are "hidden" ... there are and can not be votes taken on hidden items .. just updates on legal matters/negotiations
the council and edt meeting packets are public ... these are documents that are in the packets that are "hidden" ... there are and can not be votes taken on hidden items .. just updates on legal matters/negotiations
But they can go into executive session to discuss matters they deem private.
Okieboy80 04-19-2012, 11:56 AM Has there been any conceptual sketches/plans for this "mystery" tower? It seems there are lots of debate on whether or not this is in fact a true possiblity?!? I think we could use another High-rise tower to offset the massive Devon tower for our skyline.
G.Walker 04-20-2012, 04:21 PM From the Oklahoma City Economic Development Foundation 3rd Quarter report, under Projects/Initiatives completed Jan 1 - March 31
"The project consultant for the Headquarters Strategy will be in OKC in early April for another purpose; the contract for this work has not been executed and has been put on hold due to the consultant working an active project in OKC; we anticipate that the work will be commence later this year."
maybe I am reading too much into this, maybe I'm not, just thought I would add some flame to the fire....
skanaly 04-20-2012, 05:02 PM Soooo, nothing big's going to happen soon
From the Oklahoma City Economic Development Foundation 3rd Quarter report, under Projects/Initiatives completed Jan 1 - March 31
"The project consultant for the Headquarters Strategy will be in OKC in early April for another purpose; the contract for this work has not been executed and has been put on hold due to the consultant working an active project in OKC; we anticipate that the work will be commence later this year."
maybe I am reading too much into this, maybe I'm not, just thought I would add some flame to the fire....
I can't even tell what that is saying. When it says "the contract for this work", is it talking about a contract for the consultant to work for the Headquarters Strategy, or is it talking about the "another purpose". By the same token, when it says "the work will be commence later this year", to what work are they referring: consulting work for the Headquarters Strategy or this other project for which the mystery consultant is in town.
More questions than answers, but someone is in town working on something and will start some other work some other time. : )
OKCRT 04-20-2012, 05:36 PM I can't even tell what that is saying. When it says "the contract for this work", is it talking about a contract for the consultant to work for the Headquarters Strategy, or is it talking about the "another purpose". By the same token, when it says "the work will be commence later this year", to what work are they referring: consulting work for the Headquarters Strategy or this other project for which the mystery consultant is in town.
More questions than answers, but someone is in town working on something and will start some other work some other time. : )
When it says that the work will commence later this year they must be talking about the new tower. Since that is what everyone wants it just has to be. I say get off your lazy azzses and get to work now. I want to see that shiny new tower start rising soon,at least by May...
Seriously,that little snippet could mean just about anything. Not enough inf. there to even make a guess to what they are talking about.
G.Walker 04-20-2012, 07:27 PM When it says that the work will commence later this year they must be talking about the new tower. Since that is what everyone wants it just has to be. I say get off your lazy azzses and get to work now. I want to see that shiny new tower start rising soon,at least by May...
Seriously,that little snippet could mean just about anything. Not enough inf. there to even make a guess to what they are talking about.
I don't know, but if you have to hire an out of town/state consultant for a project labeled "Headquarters Strategy", it must be something big.
Spartan 04-20-2012, 08:57 PM The headquarters project is nothing new though. There has been an ongoing focus on trying to attract new headquarters, similar to Houston's MO.
Yes, MidFirst swept up some failed banks in Phoenix in 2009 and employ a bunch of people out there. Have at least 20 branches now.
Their name is on top of a 28-story building in downtown Phoenix so they must occupy a good portion of it. Also, they are leasing that space when they obviously prefer to own their buildings.
The idea of consolidating that office with those in OKC is an interesting idea. They are definitely growing and have the money to build. And has been mentioned before, has a built-in buyer for it's present property in Chesapeake.
MidFirst is definitely up to something in the long-term. They just struck an interesting agreement with Arizona State to turn the school's ID cards into ID cards/debit cards connected with a MF bank account. Currently, ASU has 72,000 students and the deal is for 10 years. Basically, that's an entirely new market to bring in future customers. With over 10,000 freshmen each year, that's a big opportunity for MF to expand its banking presence in Arizona and maybe even California after that, as ASU gets kids from California like OSU/OU get kids from Texas.
It might not have a ton to do with the mystery tower, but I can see something like this really growing the company, which I'd think would bode well for them being the mystery tower company.
Skyline 04-24-2012, 09:33 AM Somewhere in this topic is the discussion of a rumor with Centex as a mystery corporation possibility.
After reading this story the name Centek comes up and was probably the international company name being discussed instead.
jedicurt 04-24-2012, 09:58 AM 1239
so i would assume the north west corner of the intersection is where they would build? or i wonder if they would just move into an already empty building... if $200,000 is all they need as an incentive, i would think they would be moving into an existing structure, right?
OklahomaNick 04-24-2012, 10:05 AM I can assure you that a "Headquarters Strategy" is not a plan to move a company here, but a strategic 10 to 20 year plan to attract and market companies to OKC for the purposes of establishing their headquarters here. This is NOT connected to all this mystery tower speculation.
I would imagine Centek will build on the property highlighted in yellow below, which is currently owned by Precor Ruffin (Pretakes).
All that vacant property on the west side of MacArthur is owned by the State. Just west of that is the massive Hobby Lobby complex.
That area is really becoming a significant center of distribution and light manufacturing facilities.
Skyline 04-24-2012, 10:16 AM I would imagine Centex will build on the property highlighted in yellow below, which is currently owned by Precor Ruffin (Pretakes).
All that vacant property on the west side of MacArthur is owned by the State. Just west of that is the massive Hobby Lobby complex.
That area is really becoming a massive center of distribution and light manufacturing facilities.
?^^ Pete, I think you just did it. That is how rumors get started, Lol. Centek is not Centex.
Thanks for pointing out the error! I've now corrected it.
GaryOKC6 04-24-2012, 10:31 AM Somewhere in this topic is the discussion of a rumor with Centex as a mystery corporation possibility.
After reading this story the name Centek comes up and was probably the international company name being discussed instead.
Centek is opening a manufacturing facility here to serve the US market. They manufacture a colar used in the oil and gas industry. Below is the news article from November 2011. They won't build anything downtown.
November 17 2011
OKLAHOMA CITY – Two oil-field service manufacturing companies, U.K.-based Centek Inc. and Oklahoma City-based UE Manufacturing, plan to create more than 250 new jobs in the city over the next five years to keep pace with increased demand for oil-field equipment in the region.
The Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust will consider entering into negotiations with both companies this week for job creation incentive money through the city’s $75 million Strategic Investment Program.
Based in southwestern England, Centek makes well casing stabilizers used in oil and gas drilling. The company plans to open its first manufacturing plant in the United States in Oklahoma City to serve its customers in the United States and Mexico.
“Oklahoma is kind of at the center geographically as to where they will provide equipment, so Oklahoma City made a lot of sense to them,” said Cathy O’Connor, general manager of the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust.
Attempts to contact company officials in Newton Abbot, Devon, in the U.K. were unsuccessful on Monday.
“I believe the proximity to their market was really a key factor,” said Robin Roberts-Krieger, executive vice president of economic development for the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber. “They liked what they saw, liked the cost of doing business here and we were able to make it work for them.”
Centek wants to begin negotiations with the city for $200,000 in job creation incentives for opening its new North American manufacturing plant here, according to a report to the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust. The company would create anywhere from 60 to 100 new jobs in Oklahoma City over the next three to five years. The jobs would have an average first-year wage of $41,850.
Oklahoma City-based UE Manufacturing, a subsidiary of oil-field equipment company UE Engines, has plans to add 170 new manufacturing jobs in the city over the next five years with an average first-year wage of $37,428.
The company manufactures oil-field service equipment that is distributed across the continental United States, with a concentration of customers in Oklahoma and Texas, said Ronnie Stover, vice president of UE Manufacturing.
The company is expanding to keep pace with growing demand because of new oil and gas activity across the country, Stover said.
“Business is good, along with activity in the oil field,” he said. “If it’s good, then we are too.”
The company had considered moving some of the new jobs to Texas, because of its customer base there. The availability of incentive money factored into the company’s decision to keep the jobs in Oklahoma City, Stover said.
The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber has recommended that the city give UE Manufacturing $340,000 in Strategic Investment Plan money for the new jobs.
The city’s Strategic Investment Plan was created in 2007 to encourage companies to expand or move their operations to the city by providing cash payments to companies that meet certain annual payroll and wage requirements.
bombermwc 04-26-2012, 07:55 AM It might not have a ton to do with the mystery tower, but I can see something like this really growing the company, which I'd think would bode well for them being the mystery tower company.
While it does create growth, it doesn't require any extra manpower. That sort of electronic transaction system is really a cash crop for the bank. It's a lot of transactions with little manpower requirements to support it. Yes, it will help the bank grow in terms of cash flow (on the transaction fee), but not in terms of bodies needing more room to a new building. Remember though, banks make money by making loans. Debit transactions like this aren't as big of a deal. You have to have an agreement with a major card carrier (mastercard in this case) and that takes away profit from the deal as well.
To be honest, it's not really a win for the school. If you're looking for an internal payment card for institution based facilties, an internal card system would be more beneficial and have far less overhead. Most of the major schools in the state already do it that way without requiring a bank to be part of the system. Then they leave the "OU Card" or whatever to the banks as an item seperate from student services. Or more clearly as an example, the student ID at OCU was used for copies/printing/library/etc as well as your payment for cafeteria/coffee/etc. While you could still get a credit card that had a big OCU logo on it from Mastercard (notice a pattern with the education instituations with mastercard and NOT visa?). Down side is, the mastercards carried a 20+% interest screw job.
Rover 04-26-2012, 09:58 AM Centek won't be building a tower. These are blue collar jobs. Good for Oklahoma City, but not a downtown addition. I know mgmt there. Trust me, not a tower unless it is a secret kept from the US management staff.
Somebody's been reading this thread:
April 26th, 2012 - Kelley Chambers
Whatever happened to that?!? (
In the Oklahoma City metro area and its surrounding communities, many development projects have been planned, talked about or reported as forthcoming. Some projects took off and did well, while others never came to fruition. Some just fell off the radar. okcBIZ takes a look at some of these commercial projects to see whether these deals are moving forward or dead in the water. Simply put, “Whatever happened to that?!?”
1. Mystery tower and Main Street Properties
Southwest corner of the intersection at Hudson Avenue and Main Street
The plan: While nothing ever was proposed for several properties along Main Street and Hudson Avenue Downtown, developer Nick Preftakes purchased the buildings for more than $12 million, closed a parking garage, and left the remaining space vacant. With the properties just across the street from the Devon World Headquarters, some speculated he bought them as the site for a future office tower due to the vacant space and no call for new tenants. Some ears perked up when, in February at the Commercial Real Estate Council’s yearly forecast, Mark Beffort, a commercial real estate broker with Grubb & Ellis Levy Beffort, told attendees that work on a new corporate headquarters would begin Downtown this year. The Preftakes properties were again mentioned, especially with their proximity to Devon.
The problem: Years have passed with no activity on the buildings. Preftakes’ only properties on the block that were occupied were by the Lunch Box on Sheridan Avenue, and the tower at 1 N. Hudson Ave. As of press time, no plans have been announced for a new tower Downtown.
The prospect: It seems unlikely that Preftakes has plans for a tower at the Main and Hudson site. In March, his firm, Precor Ruffin, advertised about 50,000 square feet of the vacant space for lease at a rate of $15 per square foot for properties in the 400 block of W. Main Street. Rick Pritchett, with Precor Ruffin, stated in the marketing materials that the buildings can be modified to suit tenant specifications. The properties include about a fourth of the block on the northeast corner.
lasomeday 05-01-2012, 08:02 PM So, is Blue Knight the company we have been talking about relocating to OKC? I hope not. They might be moving 10 people at most while leaving the rest in Tulsa.
king183 05-01-2012, 09:35 PM No, it's not. We've known about Blue Knight moving here for a very long time.
BoulderSooner 05-02-2012, 06:59 AM Somebody's been reading this thread:
April 26th, 2012 - Kelley Chambers
Whatever happened to that?!? (
In the Oklahoma City metro area and its surrounding communities, many development projects have been planned, talked about or reported as forthcoming. Some projects took off and did well, while others never came to fruition. Some just fell off the radar. okcBIZ takes a look at some of these commercial projects to see whether these deals are moving forward or dead in the water. Simply put, “Whatever happened to that?!?”
1. Mystery tower and Main Street Properties
Southwest corner of the intersection at Hudson Avenue and Main Street
The plan: While nothing ever was proposed for several properties along Main Street and Hudson Avenue Downtown, developer Nick Preftakes purchased the buildings for more than $12 million, closed a parking garage, and left the remaining space vacant. With the properties just across the street from the Devon World Headquarters, some speculated he bought them as the site for a future office tower due to the vacant space and no call for new tenants. Some ears perked up when, in February at the Commercial Real Estate Council’s yearly forecast, Mark Beffort, a commercial real estate broker with Grubb & Ellis Levy Beffort, told attendees that work on a new corporate headquarters would begin Downtown this year. The Preftakes properties were again mentioned, especially with their proximity to Devon.
The problem: Years have passed with no activity on the buildings. Preftakes’ only properties on the block that were occupied were by the Lunch Box on Sheridan Avenue, and the tower at 1 N. Hudson Ave. As of press time, no plans have been announced for a new tower Downtown.
The prospect: It seems unlikely that Preftakes has plans for a tower at the Main and Hudson site. In March, his firm, Precor Ruffin, advertised about 50,000 square feet of the vacant space for lease at a rate of $15 per square foot for properties in the 400 block of W. Main Street. Rick Pritchett, with Precor Ruffin, stated in the marketing materials that the buildings can be modified to suit tenant specifications. The properties include about a fourth of the block on the northeast corner.
is my memory bad or did we not discover that the properties were always being "advertised" .. and that it was not a new listing
They had listed some of those properties for a while but I don't think all of them.
I'm still not convinced that listing them now represents any sort of major shift. When Preftakes actually puts some money into one of those structures I'll believe that his intention is to renovate rather than scrape. He has already demolished the one building west of the Lunch Box.
He's sat on most of them for years and hasn't invested a dime as far as I can tell.
G.Walker 05-02-2012, 08:16 AM I believe this is still the location for the mystery tower. Acquiring the Union Bus Station was the last piece of a major puzzle Preftakes needed to complete before considering redeveloping the block. Everything is in place now, and with a new parking garage going across the street, and Project 180 wrapping up in this area, we might get an official announcement sooner than later.
BTW, for lots of reasons I'm still convinced Preftakes is operating as a proxy for Nichols/Devon.
BoulderSooner 05-02-2012, 08:33 AM BTW, for lots of reasons I'm still convinced Preftakes is operating as a proxy for Nichols/Devon.
i agree with you
OklahomaNick 05-02-2012, 08:52 AM BTW, for lots of reasons I'm still convinced Preftakes is operating as a proxy for Nichols/Devon.
But what would Devon want for that site? Other than to control what type of building is designed next to them..
Bellaboo 05-02-2012, 08:57 AM But what would Devon want for that site? Other than to control what type of building is designed next to them..
I remember when Preftakes was getting a demolition permit for the building on Sheridan, that some of Devon's corporate attorneys were present.
G.Walker 05-02-2012, 09:07 AM It could be a two-fold scenario. Preftakes acting as a proxy for Devon with Devon acting as a proxy for mystery company.
But what would Devon want for that site? Other than to control what type of building is designed next to them..
Several possible reasons: 1) general downtown improvement; 2) future expansion; and 3) brokering a deal to bring another large company downtown.
I will also say that the fact none of these properties have been improved -- especially assuming Devon's huge resources are behind all this -- is very telling.
Preftakes has owned some of those buildings for over six years.
metro 05-02-2012, 10:42 AM BTW, for lots of reasons I'm still convinced Preftakes is operating as a proxy for Nichols/Devon.
Me too
But what would Devon want for that site? Other than to control what type of building is designed next to them.. ding ding ding
Just the facts 05-02-2012, 11:46 AM Devon parking - on site
Devon food - on site
Devon entertainment - on site
Is it hard to imagine Devon residential - on site?
OKCisOK4me 05-02-2012, 05:54 PM Devon parking - on site
Devon food - on site
Devon entertainment - on site
Is it hard to imagine Devon residential - on site?
Granted, it's more of a campus, but isn't there something like that in the long term master plan for Chesapeake? IIRC, they were going to build housing units on the most eastern side of their property closest to the railroad tracks.
Rover 05-02-2012, 06:07 PM Devon parking - on site
Devon food - on site
Devon entertainment - on site
Is it hard to imagine Devon residential - on site?
Devon understands its core business is oil and gas, not real estate development. Smart companies know their core competency and don't stray. I also think that Larry wants others to share in the development of downtown. I do not believes he wants this to turn into Devon City, OK. I think their interest is more as Pete has suggested...hold a strategic property to enable a big dog to come to town. Or if Devon chooses to make a large acquisition soon, it gives them a place to fully expand with Energy Center II.