View Full Version : Mystery Tower( speculation, news and ideas) post here!
soondoc 08-26-2014, 10:34 AM Something like that needs to be done on this site- love it! It would be about 500 plus feet and add so much to the skyline. It's unique, a conversation piece for people to want to see. I also think it would once again set the bar, as did Devon, for other future projects as well as buildings like the Cotter, which could be quite cool with some work.
adaniel 08-26-2014, 10:36 AM I love Vancouver, and that tower looks awesome. But why are they building a new res tower when the can't even fill the ones they already have because of prices?
A large % of condos in Van are sold to Chinese nationals looking to park their cash away from the leery eye of the Communists, not to mention its a nice little escape hatch should the **** hit the fan over there. So as long as China doesn't crater I'm sure these will sell.
Same with Miami with South Americans or NYC with Russians. While its cool to have gleaming condo towers everywhere, I'm sure this flood of international money is wreaking havoc on any sort of affordability in these places.
lasomeday 08-26-2014, 10:39 AM Maybe our convention center hotel could look like this hotel in Barcelona. A little color in our skyline would be amazing!
Hotel Porta Fira
Hotel Santos Porta Fira / Toyo Ito & Associates + b720 Arquitectos | Designalmic (
This skyscraper had me bending over backwards to take a pic when I was driving in Barcelona. It is amazing!
Plutonic Panda 08-26-2014, 10:47 AM It looks like a boot ;P
CuatrodeMayo 08-26-2014, 11:16 AM BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group (
Love. One of my current favorite starchitects.
CuatrodeMayo 08-26-2014, 11:24 AM This is a fun book: Yes Is More: An Archicomic on Architectural Evolution: Bjarke Ingels: 9783836520102: Books (
Here ya go, Sid: Yes Is More | The Seattle Public Library | BiblioCommons (
OKCisOK4me 08-26-2014, 12:53 PM Even if any new tower was like a Frost Tower, I'd still be happy.
Maybe our convention center hotel could look like this hotel in Barcelona. A little color in our skyline would be amazing!
Hotel Porta Fira
Hotel Santos Porta Fira / Toyo Ito & Associates + b720 Arquitectos | Designalmic (
This skyscraper had me bending over backwards to take a pic when I was driving in Barcelona. It is amazing!
Cool, but pretty risky in this market. I think we want more common design.
Teo9969 08-26-2014, 03:22 PM Run some streaks of white throughout that Barcelona tower and you could call it Tenderloin Tower!!!
metro 08-28-2014, 09:51 PM Even if any new tower was like a Frost Tower, I'd still be happy.
Absolutely, I'd love to see something like Frost Bank Tower in Austin here. Would really tie our skyline together nicely. We need something with a spire type feature.
zookeeper 08-28-2014, 09:55 PM Absolutely, I'd love to see something like Frost Bank Tower in Austin here. Would really tie our skyline together nicely. We need something with a spire type feature.
I agree, Metro, great tower! I'm posting a picture - has anybody ever thought it looks a little like a glass First National Bank building?
mmonroe 08-28-2014, 11:37 PM As long as the above ground parking garage is camouflaged to look like any other building and the bottom outside floor has retail.. i'm cool.
bombermwc 08-29-2014, 08:24 AM I've always liked Frost myself. The last time i said something about wishing we had something like that here instead of just a bunch of boxes, i got flogged on the forum.
Bullbear 08-29-2014, 10:00 AM I love that building. has anyone else ever heard the story of it being designed to look like an owl? one of the main architects being a Rice alumni designed the building to look like an own when veiwed from the corner angles. thus putting a RICE owl rignt smack in the middle of Longhorn country. .I think its a great story. .. Sorry off topic a bit
G.Walker 08-29-2014, 02:16 PM Hmmmm, this is interesting, from Steve's chat today:
11:45 a.m. Is Devon going to build and/or occupy the new tower on the Preftakes block? If not Devon, is it BOK? Both are rumored
Steve Lackmeyer 11:45 a.m. Devon has stated they will not be building a new tower.
Teo9969 08-29-2014, 02:42 PM I love that building. has anyone else ever heard the story of it being designed to look like an owl? one of the main architects being a Rice alumni designed the building to look like an own when veiwed from the corner angles. thus putting a RICE owl rignt smack in the middle of Longhorn country. .I think its a great story. .. Sorry off topic a bit
Once you hear the story you can totally see it! That's just beautiful artistry.
Hmmmm, this is interesting, from Steve's chat today:
11:45 a.m. Is Devon going to build and/or occupy the new tower on the Preftakes block? If not Devon, is it BOK? Both are rumored
Steve Lackmeyer 11:45 a.m. Devon has stated they will not be building a new tower.
Devon themselves won't be building it. Someone will build it and Devon will lease most of the space. That's the current rumor. :)
shawnw 08-29-2014, 04:02 PM Once you hear the story you can totally see it! That's just beautiful artistry.
I saw it right away never having heard the story. It seemed obvious (reminded me of the mechanical owl on the original Clash of the Titans). I doubt I have some kind of special perception or anything...
Thundercitizen 08-30-2014, 01:05 AM Oh...okay. Frost Tower, not Frozen Tower. Just got back from WDW and I thought, well...
Laramie 09-07-2014, 06:15 PM Are they going to revive the
Energy Tower "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.
ChrisHayes 09-07-2014, 06:39 PM I sure hope not! LOL
bombermwc 09-19-2014, 02:22 PM Is anyone else tired of seeing this junk show up on the NewsOK site via Steve? He's as speculative as the comments on this thread. "We're gonna see something in a few years". How less concrete can you be than that? I mean come one, that's about as solid of a lead as me saying I'm going to buy a car at some point in the next few years. It may happen, but it could be anything from a mini to a semi truck....big difference. UGH!
Steve Lackmeyer: OKC will likely see mid- to high-rise residential project within next few years | News OK (
SOONER8693 09-19-2014, 02:36 PM Is anyone else tired of seeing this junk show up on the NewsOK site via Steve? He's as speculative as the comments on this thread. "We're gonna see something in a few years". How less concrete can you be than that? I mean come one, that's about as solid of a lead as me saying I'm going to buy a car at some point in the next few years. It may happen, but it could be anything from a mini to a semi truck....big difference. UGH!
Steve Lackmeyer: OKC will likely see mid- to high-rise residential project within next few years | News OK (
I'll take it a step further, I believe we will likely see a new building built in downtown OKC in the future.
I shall now be know as Nostradumbass.
bchris02 09-19-2014, 02:52 PM Is anyone else tired of seeing this junk show up on the NewsOK site via Steve? He's as speculative as the comments on this thread. "We're gonna see something in a few years". How less concrete can you be than that? I mean come one, that's about as solid of a lead as me saying I'm going to buy a car at some point in the next few years. It may happen, but it could be anything from a mini to a semi truck....big difference. UGH!
Steve Lackmeyer: OKC will likely see mid- to high-rise residential project within next few years | News OK (
Steve's chats are fun speculation and enjoyable to read, but a lot of it is just educated speculation much like what happens on OKCTalk. Two things we do know. Something big is coming with the Clayco/OG&E development that we will likely know by the end of the year. In addition, a tower at Main/Hudson appears to be very imminent. Anything beyond that is pretty wild speculation at this point.
Plutonic Panda 09-19-2014, 03:06 PM Is anyone else tired of seeing this junk show up on the NewsOK site via Steve? He's as speculative as the comments on this thread. "We're gonna see something in a few years". How less concrete can you be than that? I mean come one, that's about as solid of a lead as me saying I'm going to buy a car at some point in the next few years. It may happen, but it could be anything from a mini to a semi truck....big difference. UGH!
Steve Lackmeyer: OKC will likely see mid- to high-rise residential project within next few years | News OK ( enjoy them.
It has been said time and time again and I don't know what it so hard to understand about this, skyscrapers take time to build and even more time to actually get to the point where they break ground.
I appreciate what Steve has reported on and when it gets built, you can't say you weren't warned.
dankrutka 09-19-2014, 03:26 PM Is anyone else tired of seeing this junk show up on the NewsOK site via Steve? He's as speculative as the comments on this thread. "We're gonna see something in a few years". How less concrete can you be than that? I mean come one, that's about as solid of a lead as me saying I'm going to buy a car at some point in the next few years. It may happen, but it could be anything from a mini to a semi truck....big difference. UGH!
Steve Lackmeyer: OKC will likely see mid- to high-rise residential project within next few years | News OK (
Steve's just answering questions asked of him to the best of his knowledge. Of course it's speculation because there really is nothing to report, but I'm sure he's talked with some folks in the know who anticipate it happening.
What do you want him to do? I'm sure the digital editor chose to highlight that answer in the story headline.
This kind of reminds me of people complaining about Bob Stoops answering questions about the SEC. It's not like Stoops is always bringing it up. He's just answering questions.
Rover 09-19-2014, 03:33 PM I guess people just want him to make crap up so they can criticize when it doesnt come true.
Steve does not write those headlines -- someone at NewsOK does that.
And in terms of his answers to the questions asked, that's all he can say at this time. No reason to turn frustration against him (or me!). :)
We will should have some great building porn come October 6th, so just hang in there.
turnpup 09-19-2014, 05:47 PM Word of the day: Building porn.
OKCRT 09-19-2014, 06:32 PM Need more porn
ljbab728 09-19-2014, 11:00 PM Is anyone else tired of seeing this junk show up on the NewsOK site via Steve? He's as speculative as the comments on this thread. "We're gonna see something in a few years". How less concrete can you be than that? I mean come one, that's about as solid of a lead as me saying I'm going to buy a car at some point in the next few years. It may happen, but it could be anything from a mini to a semi truck....big difference. UGH!
Steve Lackmeyer: OKC will likely see mid- to high-rise residential project within next few years | News OK (
Keep in mind that statement was made in response to a question in his weekly chat. It was not in a published article he wrote. There is a big difference.
Steve 09-19-2014, 11:37 PM Steve does not write those headlines -- someone at NewsOK does that.
And in terms of his answers to the questions asked, that's all he can say at this time. No reason to turn frustration against him (or me!). :)
We will should have some great building porn come October 6th, so just hang in there.
Thanks Pete. And yeah, I'm not the guy picking out what portions of the chat to highlight or the headlines.
jccouger 09-20-2014, 09:16 AM Yeah, there is really not point in attacking Steve for that. It may or may not come true, but Steve is usually pretty quiet on things unless he thinks there is a good chance they could happen. I'm thankful for it, even though the headline blows it out of proportion. Steve, I think you should make a case with the powers that be that you get to choose the headline of your articles. I don't want you to be associated with any "Mr. Unrealiable" tags. No offense to you, but your employer is a pretty big joke that will push volume of readers over quality of content 100% of the time.
Laramie 09-20-2014, 12:23 PM Yeah, there is really not point in attacking Steve for that. It may or may not come true, but Steve is usually pretty quiet on things unless he thinks there is a good chance they could happen. I'm thankful for it, even though the headline blows it out of proportion. Steve, I think you should make a case with the powers that be that you get to choose the headline of your articles. I don't want you to be associated with any "Mr. Unrealiable" tags. No offense to you, but your employer is a pretty big joke that will push volume of readers over quality of content 100% of the time.
So true,
We thought the Daily Oklahoman was bad when it was owned by the Gaylords. Now that the paper is owned by The Anschutz Corporation of Denver, Colorado has there really been that much of a change?
The cosmetic appearance of the paper itself does seem much better organized; we'll leave it at that... "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.
Jim Kyle 09-20-2014, 04:04 PM Steve, I think you should make a case with the powers that be that you get to choose the headline of your articles. I don't want you to be associated with any "Mr. Unrealiable" tags. No offense to you, but your employer is a pretty big joke that will push volume of readers over quality of content 100% of the time.Having once been one of those "other fellows" who put the headlines onto articles, I can tell you that there's no way in the world that any print publication would allow the writers to choose the headlines above the articles. The workload is divided up into areas of responsibility, and the job of the copy editors is to (1) make sure that the article is both grammatically correct and complies with the definee "style" of the publication, and (2) has a headline that both fits the space assigned for it by the editor higher up the chain and is catchy enough to hook readers into doing more than just scanning the article.
That word "style" refers to such things as capitalization, use of abbreviations, and so on. Most publications have their own defined stylebooks.
Urbanized 09-21-2014, 10:50 AM Jim is right; traditionally headlines are NEVER written by the story's author. This is because the reporter usually has no idea exactly where the article will appear on the page (or even which page), how many columns it will span, how much it will be featured, etc.. All of those decisions are made well after the reporter has turned in the story, and even after they have gone home for the night. After all of the stories for the day are turned in, edited, assigned importance, etc., THEN they are given a place on the page, and only THEN are the headlines assigned, usually to someone working late, up against a deadline.
Headline writing is becoming a lost art, and not just at that publication. Cuts/downsizing in the industry have transferred that responsibility many times to inexperienced personnel and even interns. Rather than dependable good headlines from an experienced writer, it instead is left up to an overworked page editor to catch bad ones generated by someone who might not even have a lot of common sense. If the "bad" headline is due mostly to nuance (the kinds of articles we all care about here are often heavily nuanced), it's easy to miss when scanning a page before putting it to bed.
If it is the electronic version, forget about it. In that case you can all but guarantee the headline is coming from an inexperienced youngster, in a hurry. Anytime you see someone blaming a writer for a bad headline you can bet on the fact that person complaining has no idea whatsoever how a newspaper works.
Not only that, but headlines have to be written all day, every day.
Used to be once, and then the paper was "put to bed". Now, they are loading articles all day long.
I'm doing some headline writing now for our News page, and like most things, it's not as easy as it seems when someone else is doing it. :)
Oh GAWD the Smell! 09-22-2014, 10:24 AM I was told there was porn here.
warreng88 09-22-2014, 10:29 AM I was told there was porn here.
Um, I'm pretty sure that's at The Edge in Midtown...
Oh GAWD the Smell! 09-22-2014, 10:34 AM *fires up car*
sroberts24 10-01-2014, 09:06 AM Any new news on Main and Hudson? Think maybe once OG&E tower is presented next week we might see some more activity on this site?
Any new news on Main and Hudson? Think maybe once OG&E tower is presented next week we might see some more activity on this site?
Haven't heard anything new but by all indications it's still going to happen.
HOT ROD 10-03-2014, 12:55 PM no updates on this? nothing has been leaked?
I'm so surprised. with what? 3 proposals to be announced yet nothing leaked (purpose or not) prior to the Oct 6 deadline. ....
Bellaboo 10-03-2014, 01:16 PM no updates on this? nothing has been leaked?
I'm so surprised. with what? 3 proposals to be announced yet nothing leaked (purpose or not) prior to the Oct 6 deadline. ....
I don't think the Main and Hudson proposal is supposed to be announced Oct 6, only those on the Sheridan and Hudson block.
But this is nice having multiple prospects in the same area.....
Lots of has been leaked about the OG&E and Clayco projects and we'll know all the details on Monday.
Lots has been leaked about Main & Hudson too.
catch22 10-03-2014, 02:50 PM Remember, everybody, that Devon had very little "leakage" on their project too. What information was available was very vague, and grossly underestimated than what was actually revealed.
It's no problem getting people to keep secrets on projects -- if it weren't for satellite imagery, Area 51 would still be a secret, despite thousands of individuals working there.
dankrutka 10-15-2014, 06:20 PM Not sure where this goes, but Steve tweeted this out a bit ago:
@stevelackmeyer: Everything I've hinted at this past year is starting to roll out ... get ready kids, a massive downtown transformation is set to start.
I guess his story for tomorrow should shed some light.
Rover 10-15-2014, 06:44 PM Good news. Going to Dallas for the weekend....I'll see if they are jealous.
Dustin 10-15-2014, 06:52 PM Not sure where this goes, but Steve tweeted this out a bit ago:
@stevelackmeyer: Everything I've hinted at this past year is starting to roll out ... get ready kids, a massive downtown transformation is set to start.
I guess his story for tomorrow should shed some light.
He says new projects will be announced "daily". GRRRRR.... What a tease!
Rover 10-15-2014, 07:15 PM Will his news tomorrow be in addition to the Canopy Hotel just announced in Bricktown?
Paseofreak 10-15-2014, 07:37 PM Will his news tomorrow be in addition to the Canopy Hotel just announced in Bricktown?
Steve just confirmed on Twitter that indeed it will be.
bchris02 10-15-2014, 07:40 PM So it looks like what was teased about in December may finally actually play out. This is exciting.
sooner88 10-15-2014, 07:41 PM "The new or converted hotels will appear in Miami, San Diego, Nashville, London, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Savannah, Ga., Portland, Ore., Ithaca, N.Y., Charlotte and Washington, D.C."
With OKC amongst those locations and with Texas completely being left out, I would think this would definitely qualify. It's big news that we're on the first leg and and just as big that OKC will be included on this list to a global audience.
Dustin 10-15-2014, 07:48 PM "The new or converted hotels will appear in Miami, San Diego, Nashville, London, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Savannah, Ga., Portland, Ore., Ithaca, N.Y., Charlotte and Washington, D.C."
I can't get over how cool that list is... Amazing for OKC.
adaniel 10-15-2014, 07:49 PM Good news. Going to Dallas for the weekend....I'll see if they are jealous.
Well OKC doesn't have ebola. That alone makes me jealous ;)
fromdust 10-16-2014, 04:55 AM I wonder what kind of affect a continuing downward trend from oil and wall street, which will influence the economy, will have on these projects? Tremendously scaled back or just kept in the dream stage.
coov23 10-16-2014, 08:00 AM I wonder what kind of affect a continuing downward trend from oil and wall street, which will influence the economy, will have on these projects? Tremendously scaled back or just kept in the dream stage.
According to a lot experts this downward trend hurts on a global scale. All the while, the U.S. making a massive move to become independent from oil imports( other than from Canada). So, Okc will continue to thrive as the U.S. moves towards indepency from foreign oil.
Oil And Gas Prices: How Low Will They Go? - Forbes (
Laramie 10-16-2014, 10:31 AM One of 11:
let's spike the football...
The Canopy brand is targeted for urban neighborhoods, and Oklahoma City is one of 11 to get the nod for the brand joining London, England; Bathesda North in Washington, D.C.; Portland's Pearl District; Uptown in Charlotte, N.C.; City Centre in Indianapolis; Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego; Brickell in Miami; Savannah, Ga., and The Commons in Ithica, N.Y.
New nine-story boutique hotel planned for Bricktown:
Our downtown hotel expansion has picked up momentum with reputable brands of late. This is great news when you consider that there was a period of time when the Sheraton Century was the only hotel downtown area.
Could this be a precursor of things to come for the CC hotel?
HangryHippo 10-16-2014, 10:38 AM Will his news tomorrow be in addition to the Canopy Hotel just announced in Bricktown?
Steve just confirmed on Twitter that indeed it will be.
I must have missed where Steve said there would be another announcement today of something beyond the Canopy Hotel. Does someone have a link to where he said there'd be something else new today?
PhiAlpha 10-16-2014, 10:54 AM I wonder what kind of affect a continuing downward trend from oil and wall street, which will influence the economy, will have on these projects? Tremendously scaled back or just kept in the dream stage.
Way too early to be concerned about projects being scaled back or not completed at all. The last time prices dropped it was part of a major national/global recession that was very detrimental to the real estate/construction industry which probably had more to do with our projects getting scaled back or postponed. OKC did much better than the rest of the country economically partially because of the energy industry which had just weathered a major price decline in both natural gas and oil. If you remember, two major construction projects were proposed and commenced by energy company during the recession, the Devon Energy Center and Sandridge Commons. Most of the projects that took a hit here were housing oriented, so as another national recession doesn't follow the downward trending energy prices, I think we'll be fine. Demand won't keep oil prices depressed that long and natural gas prices usually improve over winter (especially if we get a colder than average one).