View Full Version : Cafe Evoke to Downtown Edmond

02-06-2012, 04:57 PM
103 S. Broadway per their Facebook page, with target opening of mid to late March.

This is a great old building that used to be home to PrimeTime Travel and has been recently renovated.

02-06-2012, 06:12 PM
Moving or 2nd location?

02-06-2012, 08:34 PM
It's a second location. Been in the works for a while. Looking forward to Evoke goodness in Edmond!

02-06-2012, 10:44 PM
Now this is the kind of development I'm talking about in downtown Edmond! Great to see.

02-06-2012, 11:18 PM
Does their first location carry wine and eats ?

02-07-2012, 12:27 PM
I noticed a few months ago, something similar going in across the street and one block down, across from Italian Jim's and Around the Corner. I don't know if it's the same thing or not. I don't remember the name of the place, but it said something about a wine bar, desserts and coffees on the sign over the windows. I've got to go over there sometime soon anyway. I'll look and see if it's still there, or what's going on.

02-07-2012, 04:07 PM
I just drove down Broadway and saw the place I was speaking of. It's called Vin Dolce Wine Bar. I checked out their website and it looks really good. Wines, beers, small plates, desserts and live music. Apparently they opened the early December, but I just had not noticed it being actually open. Maybe I haven't been in that part of Edmond in the evenings.

I can't wait to check both of these 2 new places out. It's just what Edmond needs.

02-13-2012, 01:13 PM
This is their first retail location. They had an office in the Plaza District, but are a mobile catering company. I am pretty excited about this new shop. The Cafe Evoke people are top notch.

02-13-2012, 01:41 PM
The Cafe Evoke people are top notch.

Yes they are!

02-16-2012, 05:51 PM
Thank god, finally a decent cup of coffee in Edmond

02-18-2012, 01:27 PM
Been to Vin Dolce twice for drinks. Cool spot. Crowded both times. Nice wine and beer selection.

03-21-2012, 07:20 PM
Thanks for letting everyone know about our new location in downtown Edmond! We are happy to join this district and can't wait for the opportunity to serve people from our own bar in just a few weeks!

03-21-2012, 08:11 PM
This is their first retail location. They had an office in the Plaza District, but are a mobile catering company. I am pretty excited about this new shop. The Cafe Evoke people are top notch.

Yeah, their space in the Plaza District isn't really a real coffee shop, which is a huge shame--especially after losing the one across the street, which was a real coffee shop (and a good one! IMO).

03-21-2012, 08:22 PM
A smart developer would do well to build some dense housing in the downtown Edmond / UCO area.

With Sunflower Market, downtown, the school and the UCO Jazz Lab all in the immediate walking area, it's cool little enclave that could entice younger people and empty-nesters.

03-21-2012, 09:08 PM
Yeah, it would be nice to see a suburb start to go vertical. Norman is the closest to having anything of heighth downtown......grain elevators excluded.

03-22-2012, 01:16 AM
A smart developer would do well to build some dense housing in the downtown Edmond / UCO area.

With Sunflower Market, downtown, the school and the UCO Jazz Lab all in the immediate walking area, it's cool little enclave that could entice younger people and empty-nesters.

I agree, especially with this area also having the potential commuter rail station, but why is that large building they just built across from the Jazz Lab sitting empty?

03-22-2012, 04:51 PM
Cafe Evoke, Vin Dolce, Italian Jim's, Sunflower Market - all wonderful additions to downtown Edmond. Greater density with mixed-use housing between downtown and UCO would be great to keep them open. They may not survive otherwise. With commuter rail on the horizon, if local developers and the city don't take the initiative, outsiders will. Not that that is a bad thing, but some suburbs have regretted not planning for it well in advance.

05-02-2012, 08:21 PM
Evoke is open and it is awesome! Everyone should go check it out!

05-02-2012, 09:37 PM
Went there today. Beautiful urban space and great coffee. This is a real asset to Downtown Edmond, which is seeing its own renassiance. This weekend is the arts festival. Can't wait to visit it again! Spread the word.

05-02-2012, 09:59 PM
Yeah, it would be nice to see a suburb start to go vertical. Norman is the closest to having anything of heighth downtown......grain elevators excluded.

Meanwhile Edmond is moving forward with plans to build a convention center and hotel...Where? I-35 and Covell of course.

05-02-2012, 10:29 PM
Oooh CuatrodeMayo, don't get me started! See the Edmond Ideas thread. I keep hearing Edmond officials using Moore as an example to support thier argument for incentivizing this project, even though these two cities have nothing but one thing in common, I-35. I could see it at 2nd, 15th or 33rd, but not Covell. Projects like this, in my opinion, are counterproductive for downtown businesses and community identity. Back to topic. Evoke rocks!

05-04-2012, 10:26 PM
Went there today. Beautiful urban space and great coffee. This is a real asset to Downtown Edmond, which is seeing its own renassiance. This weekend is the arts festival. Can't wait to visit it again! Spread the word.

They are really setting the bar high with their design of the space! 1289

05-10-2012, 10:31 PM
Oooh CuatrodeMayo, don't get me started! See the Edmond Ideas thread. I keep hearing Edmond officials using Moore as an example to support thier argument for incentivizing this project, even though these two cities have nothing but one thing in common, I-35.

Woah, careful now. I think you're putting a little too much stock into Edmond's uniqueness (which IMO Edmond is not that unique, maybe a slightly nicer version of Moore).

While I agree with you that using Moore as a model city is a SCARY idea, I think it also shows what your community leaders are looking to get out of development. It's not about building a quality built environment that will last for decades to come, for them, it's obviously about boosting tax collections. Moore is an excellent model for boosting tax collections like no other. However, Moore clearly falls short on a lasting built environment. I even question the sustainability of Moore's windfall.

But there's no question that Moore is stealing the lunch money of people who aspire to sprawl. The question for Edmond should be whether they want to out-sprawl Moore, whether they want Moore to continue to steal their lunch money, or whether there is something else than just sprawl and sales tax collections and whether sales tax collections can be boosted without new strip malls and drive-thrus.

05-12-2012, 03:00 PM
Spartan, you are right, there are some similarities between Edmond and Moore, but not many. Edmond is 30,000 more in population, much higher education levels and income levels, as well as amazing parks and greenspace, UCO, dense forests, public transportation, and A DOWNTOWN - thanks to private entrepreneurs like the Cafe Evoke owners. My point for interjecting the I-35 discussion into this thread is IMO the short-sightedness of city leaders who think the key to Edmond's economic future is investing in I-35 development over the downtown. Cafe Evoke, other small businesses and nearby neighborhoods in the inner core deserve more investment from the city. I stopped by Edmond's Farmers Market today and Cafe Evoke, both of which were pretty busy - and I hope this lasts. One thing that stuck out, was the lack of stormwater drainage on 1st and several other areas. Way too much standing pools of rain water, even in wheelchair ramps. This should have been addressed when they replaced the sidewalks, gutters, trees and planting spaces. This lack of good planning and engineering speaks a lot to the city's priorities.

Again, I think there are benefits to the city investing in developing I-35, I just wish they would go further south and use half that $11 million investment downtown.

05-31-2012, 11:15 AM
Dropped by last week and was very impressed with the physical space - pretty large, including a patio at the rear. I don't drink coffee so I had a beer. Limited selection so far and a bit pricey ($5 and up). Would be nice if they had one beer that was reasonably priced (PBR for $3 perhaps?). The food menu looked upscale. Should be interesting competition between Vin Dulce and Cafe Evoke. On the surface, different styles, but the same underneath We will see how many hipsters Edmond really has!