01-29-2012, 05:09 PM
View Full Version : Just a thought on a Sunday afternoon... SoonerQueen 01-29-2012, 05:09 PM RadicalModerate 01-30-2012, 08:46 AM I hope that I get put in this part of The Scofflaw Corral . . . (WARNING: DO NOT SKIP THE AD AT THE START AT RISK OF IMPRISONMENT) Or ignore the warning and go with the flow . . . =) JaHpHcCwMcc SoonerQueen 01-30-2012, 04:34 PM I would be in bad shape if I was put in the hip hip or rap section. I'd go crazy fast. I love Celtic music,country, easy listening,the oldies,bluegrass,the blues, and even some classical and rock, but please, no rap. rcjunkie 01-31-2012, 07:53 AM I would be in bad shape if I was put in the hip hip or rap section. I'd go crazy fast. I love Celtic music,country, easy listening,the oldies,bluegrass,the blues, and even some classical and rock, but please, no rap. I don't think you have anything to worry about, Rap isn't music. RadicalModerate 01-31-2012, 08:48 AM In fact . . . if you haven't already heard . . . the "c" in "rap" is silent. And, before we have to put on our sunglasses to shield our low IQs from the intellectual brilliance of those who will inevitably add the accusation of "racism" to the mix, I would suggest that it would be difficult to do a "rap" version of this song that would have the same effect. Think about how many budding artists of this talent level have been pushed aside to make room for the (C)rappers. 48K5Y0421Ig Tritone 01-31-2012, 06:40 PM Some texts on music (notably Copland's What to Listen for in Music) say music has four characterisric compenents, namely melody, harmony, rhythm, and tone color (timbre). Rap comes up short in at least area. Just my 40% of a nickel. (Db/C# to G) kevinpate 01-31-2012, 06:59 PM Spot on RM. and thank's for posting a bit of Cooke. MadMonk 01-31-2012, 07:14 PM LOL |