View Full Version : Worker Comp while drivng to Work

01-23-2012, 01:00 AM
This is a great example of the smarmy politicians that Oklahoma has had forever. It doesn't matter if this guy is a Republican or Democrat. He's in it for whatever he can get for himself and takes no personal responsibility.

This is his an interesting statement and shows his state of mind in dealing with this.

Christian contends the only question in his latest accident is which insurer pays for his medical cost.

“It can be paid by my state-provided health insurance, my uninsured motorist insurance or workers' comp insurance,” he wrote Thursday. “It's not particularly important to me which ... pays for my medical bills, and I'm not sure why it's important to you.”

I suspect it's important to the insurance providers.

01-23-2012, 01:05 AM
maybe better off in the politics forum...oh and i noticed this was the top headline on the front page of the Sunday paper. Makes me wonder how this is the biggest issue of the week to garner such prime space! hmm

01-23-2012, 01:21 AM
maybe better off in the politics forum...oh and i noticed this was the top headline on the front page of the Sunday paper. Makes me wonder how this is the biggest issue of the week to garner such prime space! hmm

I don't necessarily see this as a political issue. That's why I said it doesn't matter if he's a Democrat or Republican. And I don't see a problem with the headline. We have had many here who say we don't have media who do much in the way of investigative journalism. Are we suppose to now think it's a bad thing to bring up an issue like this and give it promincence? hmmmm.

01-23-2012, 01:37 AM
okay fair enough. I don't know anything about this particular state rep or the issues he may or may not support, but given that the legislative session is beginning and the Oklahoman has decided to roll with this above the fold and right before the the session takes center stage I am skeptical. The space this issue takes up in the paper could have been given to something like "governor aims to abolish state income tax" or some other pressing state issue. First take leads me to believe this is some sort of political issue, that is all and I rarely go to read those topics in that section because they inevitably become ridiculous and filled with name calling and other forms of disgusting behavior.

01-23-2012, 07:09 AM
I learned something today. I dinna realize it was possible to have that much delay in filing a comp case.

01-23-2012, 08:19 AM
I learned something today... if I'm ever see my local legislators driving around in my district, I'd better watch out. They may decide to run their car into me so they can collect worker's comp.

That said, I don't really begrudge someone who is trying to collect on an insurance policy, at least so long as the law allows.

--even though I find Christian to be a detestable political hack.

01-23-2012, 08:22 AM
--even though I find Christian to be a detestable political hack.

So, how do you really feel about him? lol

01-23-2012, 09:01 AM
One of the many, many things that I don't understand is how someone can even attempt to access Workers Compensation insurance money, for an injury as a result of operating a motor vehicle, unless the injured party is actually employed to operate that motor vehicle as a primary function of his (or her) employment (e.g. truck driver, cab driver, police officer, fireperson).

Just about everyone has to drive TO and FROM work (Or bicycle . . . Or take a bus . . .) so I just don't get why this guy is attempting to go this route.

Even an admirable political hack should know better than to try that scam.

01-23-2012, 10:09 AM
One of the many, many things that I don't understand is how someone can even attempt to access Workers Compensation insurance money, for an injury as a result of operating a motor vehicle, unless the injured party is actually employed to operate that motor vehicle as a primary function of his (or her) employment (e.g. truck driver, cab driver, police officer, fireperson).

Just about everyone has to drive TO and FROM work (Or bicycle . . . Or take a bus . . .) so I just don't get why this guy is attempting to go this route.

Even an admirable political hack should know better than to try that scam.

Just 'cuz he's claiming he's covered doesn't make it so. That's why we have courts. There are protections for insurers and insureds. This is an interesting question. I can certainly see it from both sides. We'll see what the judges say.

01-23-2012, 11:45 AM
I didn't read the story in depth, so my apologies if this was answered already. Why doesn't he seek compensation for injuries through the other motorist's insurance company or his own?

Jersey Boss
01-24-2012, 12:02 PM
I didn't read the story in depth, so my apologies if this was answered already. Why doesn't he seek compensation for injuries through the other motorist's insurance company or his own?

Because if he was injured while "on the job", they won't cover him.

01-24-2012, 01:01 PM
I'm not backing his play, but as I read it, the position he advances is not that he was driving to work, but that his work place is his district, and he was at work, then in an accident while driving from one work site to another work site.

01-24-2012, 01:13 PM
Was he also "on the job" when he was drunk at the Oklahoma City Country Club and shooting off his mouth about the seat-swapping deal that was underway?