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Omaha Cowboy
04-17-2005, 01:43 AM
This is something I put together and posted in our Omaha forum..The latest US Census 2004 metro population estimates:

Here she goes (hot from the US Census)..

Metro poplulations 2004:

Omaha: 803,801 (an increase of nearly 11,000 from 2003! )

Metros of similar size as Omaha:

Tulsa: 881,815
Albuquerque: 781,447
Tucson: 907,059
Grand Rapids, MI: 767,539
Honolulu: 889,593
Fresno: 866,772

Smaller metros of regional interest:

Little Rock: 636,636
Wichita: 584,671
Des Moines: 511,878
Lincoln: 278,201
Sioux Falls, SD: 203,324 (Sioux Falls cracks 200,000 )

Larger metros of regional interest:

Dallas-Ft Worth: 5,700,256
Kansas City: 1,925,319..

One other metro of regional interest:

Oklahoma City: 1,144,327

And for the record..Omaha's CMSA (includes Dodge county):839,897..Round it up to 840,000 ..

Your thoughts..


04-17-2005, 08:12 PM
I think you posted the MSA for Oklahoma City.

The Oklahoma City-Shawnee CSA was listed as close to 1,250,000 in 2004. The MSA was 1,150, as you posted. Shawnee adds about 85,000 to OKC's MSA, Im not sure why they split Shawnee out of the MSA and made a CSA for OKC?

But nice numbers. It is gratifying to see proper numbers, esp for Tulsa (who often inflates theirs by 100,000 or so - to get close to OKC).

I didnt realize Omaha was that big. Do your numbers include Lincoln to Council Bluffs? (Im sure they have to, as doesnt NE only have around 2mil for the whole state?) Nice numbers for OMA tho! Very similar to Tulsa, not bad at all!

Omaha Cowboy
04-18-2005, 12:36 AM
Combining Lincoln (a 45 minute drive from Omaha) togther into the Omaha MSA (which stands at 803,801 including Council Bluffs..The Omaha CMSA stands at 840,000) , the combined population would be 1,118,000..Since the Omaha and Lincoln metro areas already touch one another today, and because a large number of Linconites commute to Omaha on a daily basis for work, it is only a matter of time before the US Census adds Lincoln into the Omaha CMSA..

Omaha and Tulsa are about as close in population and demographics as 2 metros can get. As it relates to raw numbers, the 2 metros mirror each other in size, scope and importance..


04-18-2005, 12:58 AM
OKC 2004 CMSA 1,211,438

Tulsa 2004 CMSA 930,842

04-18-2005, 01:49 AM
That's quite a differance between Tusla's MSA and CSA. Omaha and Lincoln probably will be one CSA by 2010. By the time you get out of Omaha and see developments you are pulling into the edge of Lincoln.

04-18-2005, 03:15 AM
:) Yes OMA Luv, it really does appear that OMA and Tul are very similar. Nice.


Im just wondering what is different from Tulsa's MSA from its CMSA?

Not to knock the city or anything, I just dont see how it adds up. Tulsa city is 385k? And there is no suburb there over 100k. In fact, there arent many suburbs there at all for that matter. Is it because there is alot of unincorporated? Or could Tulsa MSA and CMSA be counting entire counties instead of just contiguous urbanized area?

I see how OKC adds up, as OKC is 530k ish, and has at least one suburb over 100k - being Norman. OKC has lots of 50k ers, and Edmond is near 85k?, MWC 65k?, Moore 50? OKC has about what? 20 suburbs not including the inner city suburbs. It seems like OKC CMSA should be larger than 1.211m with all of those suburbs.

So, how does Tulsa go from 385k? city, to 811k metro (which is sort of believeable), to 930k CMSA? Where is the 120,000 people coming from? OKC only goes from 530ish k city to 1.15m metro to 1.25m CMSA - barely 100k diff between metro and CMSA but it is explainable - the new Shawnee MSA adds this. What adds for Tulsa? There are not that many cities in NE Oklahoma are there? OR are they calling the entire NE Oklahoma, including Muskogee as CMSA Tulsa? That is the only way I can figure it out.

OKC barely doubles in pop of its city to metro, Tulsa more than doubles. HOW?? Without suburbs? Isnt there Broken Arrow (90K?), Supulpa (20?), Jenks (20?), Owasso (20?), ... ?? Where are the people coming from, i dont see how it adds up? I mean, the state of OK has what 3.6m and we know OKC Cmsa has 1.25 of that, leaving 1.95m. take out Tulsa CMSA and there is only 1m for the rest of the state? Lawton is 100k, Enid is what 50k, ditto that for Ardmore + Mac, so that leave 800k for the rest of the state?

Doesnt seem like it adds up with all of the towns in Oklahoma outside of OKC and Tulsa Metros with Tulsa CM that big.


04-18-2005, 09:18 AM
Is Omaha taking over this forum?

I thought this was an Oklahoma City forum.

04-18-2005, 10:14 AM
Actually Edmond is more like 76,000. just FYI

Omaha Cowboy
04-18-2005, 11:28 AM
'Or could Tulsa MSA and CMSA be counting entire counties instead of just contiguous urbanized area?'..

Tulsa, Omaha, OKC, Boston..ANY MSA and it's CMSA is counted as population of the counties included..Not just the urbanized area..FYI..


Sorry for 'taking over this forum'..Whatever..


04-18-2005, 12:04 PM
Hi, I'm new to this board, but I think I can explain this. Tulsa CMSA includes Bartlesville as well as the Tulsa MSA. Sort of like how OKC CMSA is OKC and Shawnee.

04-18-2005, 03:14 PM
Welcome adaniel, any input is appreciated, thanks!

04-18-2005, 07:11 PM
I am glad to see that OKC area is over 1mil and in a few years Tulsa will be too.........

04-19-2005, 08:25 AM
Actually, OKC has been over a million since 1996. Tulsa's population is about what OKC's was in 1980.

04-19-2005, 07:38 PM
The OKC AREA Has been over 1 mil since 1996 not OKC........The Tulsa area adds up to around 930k whic will be over a mil in a few years without a doubt.....The states fastest growing cities are suburbs of Tulsa.

04-19-2005, 08:08 PM
Hi, I'm new to this board, but I think I can explain this. Tulsa CMSA includes Bartlesville as well as the Tulsa MSA. Sort of like how OKC CMSA is OKC and Shawnee.

I agree, but Bartlesville is not 120k and Tulsa's CMSA is about 120k more than its MSA. Bartlesville is less than 50k, WA county (Bartlesville's county) is 50K but that still doesnt explain it.

Shawnee and Pott county are both bigger than Bartlesville and WA county, yet Shawnee only gives OKC about 90K to add to the CMSA. How could Tulsa get such an increase unless they are including Muskogee/Musk county also?

04-19-2005, 08:12 PM
Does this shed any light on anything? From the 2005 Economic Outlook:

The Tulsa metro area is expected to post another year of job losses totaling 0.6 percent in 2004, while the Oklahoma City area is expected to exceed job growth at the state and national levels by posting a 1.2 percent gain for all of 2004. Maybe the Tulsans came to OKC to look for work.

04-19-2005, 09:33 PM
Go to the census site

The Tulsa metropolitan area is Tulsa, Rogers, Wagoner, Okmulgee, Pawnee, Creek and Osage counties

The Bartlesville micropolitan area (which is added to the Tulsa MSA to create a CMSA) is Washington county only

Muskogee is also a micropolitan area, but is not in the Tulsa CMSA, it's independant

All MSAs and CMSA except for Hawaii, Alaska and some northeastern states with odd city/county relationships measure MSA boundies exclusively by county line. The rules for inclusion in a MSA (metro or micro) or to combine multiple MSAs into a CMSA have to with how often residents cross the lines between counties for commerce and jobs and such. This is all defined from the more comprehensive survey that was given the only like 1 in 10 census respondents.

04-19-2005, 10:47 PM
This is way to confusing...........
Can we agree that both cities are growing and growing is good?

04-19-2005, 11:40 PM
I agree! I'm glad that OKC is growing. It shows that all of the private and public investment in the economy over the past few years is paying off. And for a metro like Tulsa, one that got economically slammed over the past few years, is growing at all is a miracle unto itself. Cities that got caught up in the tech bust are still bleeding people badly (See San Jose, Boston Mass)

04-20-2005, 06:36 AM
Oklahoma City in a "boom?" I think not. When we start getting a lot of jobs that can support a family in the style inwhich we grew to enjoy in the 60's, THEN we can call it a "boom." Not as long as most of the jobs are low wage jobs that still force people to live on assistance programs.

04-20-2005, 07:19 AM
I'm happy that OKC and Tulsa are growing as well - I don't think we are in a boom but we have reason for optimism.

04-20-2005, 08:31 AM
Yes, I did mean the OKC Metro was over a million by 1996 and the city is currently around 550,000. Tulsa suburbs may be the fastest growing in terms of percentage, but that is relative to the population base there. Anyway, in terms of REAL growth(number of people added), the OKC suburbs added more people. I believe the OKC area doubled the Tulsa area in real growth during the past four years. I'm not trying to dog Tulsa, I'm just stating the facts as they are.

04-20-2005, 01:25 PM
Lets just admit that OKC area has abot 100-150k more people than tulsa.

04-20-2005, 02:52 PM
The estimate is 280,596 or you can say Tulsa is only 77% the size of OKC.

04-20-2005, 05:40 PM
Tulsa is bigger than 280,000 people......It is really 387,707.

04-20-2005, 10:11 PM
The difference between the metro areas is 280,596

04-21-2005, 07:57 AM
Size does not matter Tulsa is just a better city all around.

04-21-2005, 08:34 AM
That's the same thing my girlfriend thought until she met me. Obviously it matters in this thread, being that the discussion is about census data and population figures. Maybe you should start another pretty/arena/lovemaking with a building/fetish-like/upstroke thread on Tulsanow to further express the all around betterness that exists In_Tulsa.

04-21-2005, 09:23 AM

04-21-2005, 10:52 AM
Again, maybe I will have to take a weekend trip to Tulsa to see how AWESOME it is compared to our small hicktown.

04-21-2005, 11:42 AM
Johninokc you will be SHOCKED it is that much better.

04-21-2005, 01:55 PM
Look, how hick a city is has little to do with how big it is, OKC is more hick than Bartlesville or Lawrence KS, and they are much smaller.

04-21-2005, 03:57 PM
Look, how hick a city is has little to do with how big it is, OKC is more hick than Bartlesville or Lawrence KS, and they are much smaller.

Honestly, tulsa is NOTHING to brag about. Your little berg is nothing more than a few rich people who built a museum and a few skyscrapers. Other than that, Tulsa really doesnt have much quality of life to offer - especially in terms of a big city.

I can say that most people post negative comments about another city to make themselves look better. Tulsa has done this to OKC for far too long and now it is more apparent that your self esteem is severely hurt with all of the positives occuring with big bro to the SW. It seems like people from tulsa are nEVER happy! They always need to put someone down to make themselves feel better.

Since Tulsans are so mad, why dont you suceed from the state. Who cares? tulsa has NOTHING that OKC needs and really would be better off without the rude little sister.

And OKC is no hick town. Bartlesville is nothing to compare OKC with, as oKC is more than 20 times the size of Big B. Neither is Tulsa. If you think Bartlesville is something, then that just shows you how small time YOU ARE!

You may notice, that Tulsans try to put OKC down but OKC doesnt really say much - because OKC knows the reality and that Tulsa is just crying, like usual.

Aside from a few hills and planted trees, there is really nothing Tulsa has to offer anyone aside from residents whom Tulsa is all they know.

I think tulsa should pick on Wichita or Little rock, you know, regional cities of similar size and vain. On this forum, we appreciate constructive criticism about our city but will not stand for your bs. OKC is out of your league!

And yes, I live in Seattle but care much for and have very high regard for Oklahoma City!

04-21-2005, 04:16 PM
" Johninokc you will be SHOCKED it is that much better. "

Be prepared to be shocked -

Tulsa Economy 2005

While the U.S. economy experienced an approximately 5 percent total increase in real Gross Domestic Product between 2001 and 2003, Tulsa suffered a 1.1 percent decrease in real output over the same period.

Tulsa’s 7.8 percent decrease in non-farm wage and salary employment far exceeded the 2.1 percent decrease experience by the rest of the nation. The loss of 32,000 jobs pushed Tulsa’s unemployment rate to 6.5 percent in 2003, half a percentage point above the nation’s unemployment rate. Tulsa saw its unemployment rate rise by more than 3 percent while the nation’s unemployment rate went up by 1.2 percent. Finally, while the rest of America was experiencing a 5.0 percent increase in personal income between 2001 and 2003, Tulsans experienced a minimal 1.2 percent increase in personal income. Since reaching a post-oil bust peak of 100 percent (where Tulsa’s per capita personal income matched the national average) in 2002, Tulsa’s per capita income growth has fallen behind that of the U.S. Economy. In 2005, Tulsa metro area residents will earn, on a per capita basis, 95 percent of the national average. "

Just where I want to live, high unemployment and when you find a job you can expect to not make any money -

I can live without a hill and a tree (although we have those in abundance here in OKC and surrounding areas) but I can't live with a low income which is what you'll get in Tulsa

Actually, I have nothing against Tulsa, but why come to our board and insist that you are much more superior to us? That wouldn't go over well in any city - we are proud of our city and don't appreciate insults -

we can take constructive criticism but insults are, well.... insulting :surrender .

04-21-2005, 08:35 PM
In_Tulsa, I visit Tulsa more than a dozen times a year because of family, and I was never SHOCKED. Tulsa BETTER than OKC? No, sorry. Forget it. Oklahoma City BETTER than TULSA? No. We don't sit on the high horse.

Are you calling me a hick, swake? Because if you are, you had better get to know me or anyone else on this forum from Oklahoma City before you start putting cities down. Just in case you forgot, people live in cities. Not objects.

Talk of secession is not tolerated. Oklahoma cannot thrive while constantly split down the middle, which IS our problem.

04-22-2005, 12:58 AM
Thanks okcpulse for setting us back on good footing!

04-22-2005, 01:00 AM
I think this is the most rediculous thing I have ever read. I feel like I am watching a bunch of grade schoolers argue that their dad can beat up your dad.


Where did you come from In_Tulsa? How old are you and why do you feel that you have to knock OKC? I am from the Tulsa area and really like Tulsa, it is a beautiful city. But to say that Tulsa is a much better city is rediculous. What do you have to stake your claim on? If you wanted to argue that OKC is the better city right now, I think you would have something to stake your claim on. WHY? Does Tulsa have a downtown district as large and as traveled as Bricktown? Does Tulsa currently have 1.3 Billion dollars in future development for DT? At this point in time, OKC is rolling, the people here have positive attitudes toward their city. 20 Years ago, Tulsa was rolling and OKC was watching and wishing. Tulsa 3 years ago was watching and wishing, but now has V2025. BUT, Tulsa IS behind OKC.

Just a little wake up for In Tulsa...I would much rather see Tulsa become a great city...i know that probably wont go over well in this forum. But I grew up visiting in Tulsa and I love it. However, I have not been to DT Tulsa EVER in my life. On the other hand, I visit downtown OKC every couple of weeks because their is actually something to do.

Anyway, In_Tulsa I think you need to go back to the TulsaNow Forum and rant and rave over their about how great Tulsa is...I guarantee you they will like it. Not saying that they all feel the same way you do, because I think most of them are not BLIND and can see what OKC is becoming.

04-22-2005, 01:02 AM
ok sorry...i made the tone bad again.

OKC is an awesome city and we are supposed to be discussing the CENSUS reports!


04-22-2005, 01:03 AM
One thing I think everyone here is forgetting....having both cities makes our state incredibly unique. Without one, our state simply wouldn't be the same. Let's stop all of this bashing nonsense. I'm still not sure why Tulsans always have to bash OKC. Instead of bashing us and keeping your pride, lower your nose a little and work with us hand in hand to make this the best state in the union. Until you put down your fists, we'll continue to fall behind the rest.

04-22-2005, 01:37 AM
I like Tulsa, I really do. I would like to see it do well; downtown Tulsa is something that we should all be proud of in Oklahoma; you won't find better art deco era archetecture anywhere, other than maybe Chicago. That being said, I get mighty tired of hearing the "OKC sucks" refrain; the rivalry just makes us look ridiculous. How many people in the rest of the country do you think take either city seriously? We're stronger together than we'll ever be apart, and that means that we have to put away the snobbery and resentment and try to work together. The idea that OKC is sort of hick used to have some credibility to me; I would go to Tulsa to see the Philbrook and go to concerts, and I was pretty impressed. Now it just seems silly; I hate to say it, but Tulsa's days of being a happening cultural town seem to be behind it; both the Fred Jones in Norman and the OKCMOA are better than the phillbrook now (not archetecturally, obviously- you have us beat there, but keep tearing down your Bruce Goff masterpieces and you'll catch up soon enough), and last I checked Tulsa's one good record store moved to Denton. When the grass is greener in Denton, maybe it's time to take the attitude down a notch. Like I said, I really want Tulsa to be as prosperous as it once was, but I don't think that we in OKC should stand perpetually in awe of it's faded glory and wait for it to catch up.

On a slightly lighter note, I have a friend from Tulsa who kept going on about how OKC sucks; when I pressed her on it, it turned out that since Tulsa's downtown is at the northern edge of town, she just assumed that OKC was laid out in the same way and only saw the southside. If I only saw south OKC, I wouldn't be that impressed either (sorry southsiders- I do love capitol hill, but it's getting easier to get good carnitas on the northside, so I don't spend much time there anymore)

04-22-2005, 09:49 AM
That's the problem with people who base their opinions by what they see on I-35. I live in far southwest OKC(Westmoore) in a very affluent area of the city and I think the quality of life is superb. People from Tulsa need to try getting off the freeway and explore this city. If you drive around the city on the main arteries, you'll have a whole new perspective and appreciation for the area. Most of the growth in the OKC area is not visible from the freeways.

04-22-2005, 01:43 PM
Well, NewPlains, did you inform her that OKC largely exists northwest of our downtown?

04-22-2005, 03:06 PM
We've gotten off topic a little, but that's good.....I think the overall theme is an indepth look at both OKC and Tulsa, which started with the cnesus comparisons.

Anyways, the same could be said about Tulsa, I suppose. Personally, I don't think Tulsa is all that attractive from I-40, other than maybe the river stretch. The old Camelot Hotel is quit an eyesore, and other surrounding buildings aren't much better. But, I've taken the time to drive around Tulsa and see Philbrook, Gilcrease, the 71st St. stretch, Tulsa Promenade, several of the neighborhoods on the south side, Broken Arrow, etc. If I just based my opinion of Tulsa on the north side aroud the zoo, I wouldn't be too impressed.

Same with OKC, only here the sides are reversed.

Unfortunately, Tulsans have always had this mindset that Tulsa is the upscale artsy town and OKC is hickville. Well, as lnog as Tulsans continue to have that mindset, and refuse to work with us, they're going to continue to lose jobs and fall! We can work together as two cities to lift our entire state. But, it's gonig to take a lot to ovecome the obvious hatred Tulsa has for OKC. All one needs to do is go to Tulsa and tell them you're from OKC, and see the look on their face. Trust me...I've done that. Tulsans can be downright rude to people from OKC. Funny how it doesn't work like that the other way...we're just as friendly to Tulsans as we are to our own citizens.

You know, if it wasn't for Tulsa having their nose so high up in the air, they would've worked with us on building a huge joint airport on Stroud! What stopped that? Yup, you guessed it.....Tulsa's mayor and Airport Trust refused to work together with us.

04-22-2005, 04:47 PM
Wah, Tulsa's not being nice, they think they're better.

Come on, grow up, I said OKC was more hick than two small cities that are very white collar and not very diverse. I never mentioned Tulsa at all. My point was that "hickness" and size are not directly related.

What are you all so defensive about?

04-22-2005, 04:49 PM
They know their town SUCKS

04-22-2005, 05:21 PM
In Tulsa,

You certainly aren't presenting a very classy image with your well versed and thought provoking posts filled with factual information.

I can't wait to visit Tulsa if you are the representative of that city - sounds like it is filled with intellectuals - not.

There is a nice board for people from Tulsa, I think you will be better off there.

04-22-2005, 05:23 PM
What are you talking about I live in this crap town called OKC I wish I was In_Tulsa

04-22-2005, 05:51 PM
:fighting4 Well, in that case, I'm moving to Tulsa ....

04-22-2005, 07:36 PM
don't let the turnpike hit you on the way out...and let me know how that giant phantom statue turns out. And if you bought that load of crap, I've got some magic beans to sell you.

04-22-2005, 07:43 PM
How much for the beans?

04-22-2005, 09:04 PM
How comical this is!

I think we have some basic misunderstandings between the spammers and the REAL forum members.

For some reason the Northeast spammers think that when people respond abrasively to their posts, it's because we are offended or intimidated or upset or defensive or unsure of what we speak. No, that's not it. We are ANNOYED. Simple as that. You spammers are ANNOYING.

This forum is not a graffiti message board. People who frequently contribute to this forum are launching civil service campaigns, performing think tank oriented functions for this city, making friends, finding dwelling places, learning more about their future home, helping in defining the direction of this city and other IMPORTANT undertakings. You spammers on the other hand contribute absolutely nothing to these causes. Your aim is simply to make sure no one gets too happy or excited. Again, you contribute absolutely NOTHING to this forum. For my broadband connection I have Norton, AOL has a pop-up blocker, Outlook takes care of email spam. For you I have nothing. Again, YOU ARE ANNOYING. Do not mistake my annoyance for defensiveness. For instance:

There is a gnat in my house right now. It can't do anything harmful to me. I know it's not important.......I'm gonna kill it anyway....Not out of self defense....The gnat doesn't seem to understand it's place. It lands on the lip of my cup..Not a matter of life and death, but I have to wash it and pour another glass of OJ...ANNOYANCE.....It lands on the TV screen......I can still see the thread, I mean the show, but I'm gonna kill it anyway.....ANNOYANCE....You see, if a discussion is going on about something that is important to the forum and a spammer just sporadically decides to spray "TULSA'S BETTER OKC SUCKS" graffiti, it's annoying. Sure, we can argue, but we're not mad, we're annoyed..YOU'RE ANNOYING...Patrick can re-direct the thread, but Patrick has better things to be thinking and typing about....It's a waste of his time and it's annoying.

Still don't get it do you In_Tulsa? If we were defensive we would spam on Tulsanow. We're not unsure of ourselves so therefore, we don't. OKC comes up on just about every thread on Tulsanow and I don't see many flaming tirades in the capitols defense showing up.

Still don't get it? Maybe you don't think you're a spammer. Here's some help. This is your first quote from the first thread you ever started: Okc Trip

Well this is my first post and let me first say this is a very good site. Now I have read alot of posts on this site and so I took a little trip to OKC the (big city) and I was very surprised. OKC was not what I thought it was, now DON'T take this the wrong way but it feels like a run down Tulsa. Is it bigger than Tulsa? because it does not seem bigger at all. Tulsa seems more urban and traffic is ten times worse in Tulsa. Now I have been to Kansas City and Dallas many times and I have to say Tulsa seems more in line with those cities than OKC. I am NOT downing OKC it is a nice little town but I was not blown away. I do like Bricktown it was nice, so that what I have to say about OKC. Please don't hate me I just wanted to tell you what I thought of your city, now come to Tulsa and tell me what you thank of my city.

After being challenged, this was your response.

I was not trying to be mean and I never said Tulsa was better. It was just what went through my head when I went to OKC. It just seems like more people are in Tulsa when you drive through it and it is more compact which means it seems bigger. So Sorry if I upset anyone that was not what I was trying to do.

Where do you live again? Huh? I didn't hear you...Where?

Like I said. You are ANNOYING.

For you spammers who get excited when you think that you've shaken someone's confidence or rattled their resolve to continue to aid in the betterment of this city, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED and feel stupid. You're like a gnat. You're not intimidating, you're usually dead wrong. You almost never initiate threads yet consider yourselves the arbiter of everyone elses good ideas and forward thinking. Shame, shame, shame. You are not opposition. You're annoying. You're a waste of time. A thread highjacker. A distraction. Fly in the ointment. Graffiti on Pelli's new arena....yeah you could always wash it off, but for what? Why the hell was it sprayed in the first place. The artist may say that he was expressing himself.....You know, all the worlds a canvas....Nope...He was wrong and you're annoyed....You spammers are ANNOYING....Your opinion is rarely objective and even less frequently correct....Being called a hick is ANNOYING to someone who isn't hick..Not because you cracked their shell and made them aware of their inner hickness, they're just wishing you were a happier person and had something more constructive to CONTRIBUTE to this cause for your own sake.....They, of course, already know that you don't.

Remember, we could easily ignore you and......Nope you just got happy when I said that didn't you. We don't ignore the problems OKC has, we exist to aid in their correction. You know the saying. One bomb destorys a building but it takes tons of planning and skillful labor to erect one. So for the people who are future inhabitants of our city who are perusing this forum, we cannot let you gnats poison their minds by pooping on the dinner we've painstakingly prepared....Understand?.... Probably not. No matter. Just stopping feeling good about being pathetic or a least start a new thread when you feel like venting your frustration.

04-22-2005, 09:15 PM
Well it is time for the truth OKC is a nice city Tulsa is a nice city I do live in Tulsa and I do enjoy going to OKC. Now it's nice to meet all of you. I say we work together to make this state GREAT with two hot cities. I hope to post good news about Tulsa and I hope to read good news about OKC from all of you I look forward to getting to know all of you. In_Tulsa

04-22-2005, 10:13 PM
Thank you, we're looking forward to getting to know you too. I love hearing great things about Tulsa and there are plenty of great things to hear. This thread was originally about census estimates and I think Tulsa should be commended regarding the growth they've shown in light of the economic set backs they've had. They came through it with flying colors. They also have some great things planned for their CBD not to mention the projects YPTulsa is undertaking.

04-24-2005, 10:46 PM
'Or could Tulsa MSA and CMSA be counting entire counties instead of just contiguous urbanized area?'..

Tulsa, Omaha, OKC, Boston..ANY MSA and it's CMSA is counted as population of the counties included..Not just the urbanized area..FYI..


Sorry for 'taking over this forum'..Whatever..


I honestly don't know why someone would say Omaha is taking over this forum. To each there own however, as the saying goes.

04-24-2005, 10:47 PM
Wah, Tulsa's not being nice, they think they're better.

Come on, grow up, I said OKC was more hick than two small cities that are very white collar and not very diverse. I never mentioned Tulsa at all. My point was that "hickness" and size are not directly related.

What are you all so defensive about?

OKC actually is statistically more "white collar" than the rest of our nation.

04-24-2005, 10:48 PM
What are you talking about I live in this crap town called OKC I wish I was In_Tulsa

:busterbun = You.

Omaha Cowboy
04-25-2005, 03:12 AM
I honestly don't know why someone would say Omaha is taking over this forum. To each there own however, as the saying goes.

Agreed..I'm just here to share information and provide an 'outsider' perspective to this forum from time to time. No reason for anyone to get their panties in a bunch lol..


04-25-2005, 08:38 AM
Yes, Omaha Cowboy, we appreciate feedback and opinions from other places and people - it's just when it gets really insulting and childish, we start getting a little annoyed as you can see from the above posts.

Omaha Cowboy
04-25-2005, 10:24 AM
Is Omaha taking over this forum?

I thought this was an Oklahoma City forum.


I can appreciate that..But 7 posts into this thread, without ANY insults or unfriendly jabs of ANY kind, the above poster submitted the above quoted comment..

It kind of makes you feel a little more than a bit unwelcome around here..


04-25-2005, 11:40 AM
I wasnt stating that to be "unwelcoming" at all.

I guess a better post would have been...I appreciate all of the input from outsiders, but this is an OKC forum and posts need to be centered around OKC and not other cities.
