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sgt. pepper
12-04-2012, 06:55 AM
installed the bridges incorrectly over the north canadian river

Which bridges are you talking about?

12-04-2012, 07:23 AM
Which bridges are you talking about?

The two bridges over the north canadian river that are like ten segments each, where the alignment of each segment causes a dip where they meet.

12-04-2012, 07:24 AM
Which bridges are you talking about?

I think they are talking about the flood plain bridges, not the N. Canadian river bridge. They are about a mile south of the NC River bridge. This is about a mile north of the 39th street exit on the Kilpatrick.

Those bridges have to much 'upward bow' built in for their length, and it's like a roller coaster ride or worse. Correct me if I'm wrong.

12-04-2012, 07:41 AM
I think they are talking about the flood plain bridges, not the N. Canadian river bridge. They are about a mile south of the NC River bridge. This is about a mile north of the 39th street exit on the Kilpatrick.

Those bridges have to much 'upward bow' built in for their length, and it's like a roller coaster ride or worse. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I guess I was not differentiating the approaches from those over the river, since they were not built in a style that is noticeably different in the three regions.

12-04-2012, 08:20 AM
I think they are talking about the flood plain bridges, not the N. Canadian river bridge. They are about a mile south of the NC River bridge. This is about a mile north of the 39th street exit on the Kilpatrick.

Those bridges have to much 'upward bow' built in for their length, and it's like a roller coaster ride or worse. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You are correct. The word in the engineering community is that the designer incorrectly calculated the weight of the deck (calculated it was heavier than it is). The beams were designed to carry a heavier dead weight (concrete and steel deck) than what was actually built. When the deck was done, it didn't deflect like the engineer thought it would.

sgt. pepper
12-04-2012, 09:51 AM
ahhhhh yes, I feel like I am trying to take off on a run way every time I go over that bridge. A design flaw makes since, I was hoping it wasn't design for that. Thanx.

Plutonic Panda
12-26-2012, 04:34 PM
Kilpatrick Turnpike, Lake Hefner Fly-Over Bridge To Reopen - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (

12-26-2012, 06:22 PM
Kilpatrick Turnpike, Lake Hefner Fly-Over Bridge To Reopen - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (

that was fast... Wonder how much of a bonus they get for finishing in only 2/3 the projected time. Hope we don't have a bridge built 2/3 of the expected quality though! lol

12-26-2012, 06:36 PM
Great job OTA!

Plutonic Panda
01-02-2013, 07:32 PM
Just FYI for anyone who doesn't know about the new pike passes. Time's Running Out For Old Oklahoma Pikepass Hard Cases - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (

Plutonic Panda
02-04-2013, 03:01 PM
This is pretty interesting. :)

Cable Barriers Installed On Oklahoma Turnpikes And Ripped Out - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (

02-04-2013, 04:48 PM
This is pretty interesting. :)

Cable Barriers Installed On Oklahoma Turnpikes And Ripped Out - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (

Old news PluPan....They ripped those out long before construction was started. You'd never driven the turnpike before then? Even when they were installing the cable barrier system, it was known that they were going to widen the turnpike so even then, there was no reason to install them. News9 just can't find any good stories so they're running news items that have already been discussed.

02-04-2013, 04:48 PM

Plutonic Panda
02-04-2013, 07:11 PM
Oh, my bad. tbh I really don't remember the cable barriers going up nor do I remember the story about it. Was there controversy over this or was it pretty quiet?

02-04-2013, 10:08 PM
Oh, my bad. tbh I really don't remember the cable barriers going up nor do I remember the story about it. Was there controversy over this or was it pretty quiet?

The average person didn't really pay attention or care. Some may not even be smart enough to realize their gone. lol

03-21-2013, 09:51 PM
I noticed today they have been adding lights along the western end of the barrier wall. It'll be nice to have this portion of the Kilpatrick lit up since it is very dark at night.

03-21-2013, 09:54 PM
I noticed today they have been adding lights along the western end of the barrier wall. It'll be nice to have this portion of the Kilpatrick lit up since it is very dark at night.

I believe there will be lights along the entire stretch of the widened road. I really like this!!

03-21-2013, 10:13 PM
I believe there will be lights along the entire stretch of the widened road. I really like this!!

That you are correct about. I noticed even around Western when I entered the turnpike that there are gaps for electrical conduits and future pouring of concrete in those gaps. I wondered if anyone else has noticed them, maybe, doing light installation on the east end as well. I figured they'll meet in the middle.

Plutonic Panda
04-06-2013, 05:33 AM
I wonder what the chances are of them redoing the "fly-over" going to eastbound on KP to Northbound I-35 so it actually "fly's" over and you enter from the right side of the highway instead of the left. I just don't like left entrances and exits. I know, I know, there are more important things for them to do at them moment, but I just wonder what the possibility of that is in the future. Also, does anyone know when they're going to widen it to I-35(that would be best time to do it to)?

04-06-2013, 07:10 AM
I wonder what the chances are of them redoing the "fly-over" going to eastbound on KP to Northbound I-35 so it actually "fly's" over and you enter from the right side of the highway instead of the left. I just don't like left entrances and exits. I know, I know, there are more important things for them to do at them moment, but I just wonder what the possibility of that is in the future. Also, does anyone know when they're going to widen it to I-35(that would be best time to do it to)?

The 8 year plan lists rehabilitation for i35 and work on it's bridges at various times between 2017-2020 (with the way there projections generally work plan on it slipping a few years) but it does not indicate they are adding any lanes at that time, though it may be planned/done in a way that makes it easier to do later.

The flyovers will be nowhere near needing total replacement then, it would even be early for ODOT's cycles to just be re-decking them. The crosstown's piers and steel spans that supported the deck was only halfway through their life expectancy as they were pulled out, if it were not already handling double it's capacity with no easy way to widen it and concerns about the lack of redundancy designed into it, it could have just been striped to the metal girders and re-decked for a fraction of the cost.

Plutonic Panda
04-06-2013, 07:55 AM
The 8 year plan lists rehabilitation for i35 and work on it's bridges at various times between 2017-2020 (with the way there projections generally work plan on it slipping a few years) but it does not indicate they are adding any lanes at that time, though it may be planned/done in a way that makes it easier to do later.

The flyovers will be nowhere near needing total replacement then, it would even be early for ODOT's cycles to just be re-decking them. The crosstown's piers and steel spans that supported the deck was only halfway through their life expectancy as they were pulled out, if it were not already handling double it's capacity with no easy way to widen it and concerns about the lack of redundancy designed into it, it could have just been striped to the metal girders and re-decked for a fraction of the cost.Yeah, I figured it wouldn't happen anytime soon anyways, esp. with all the new flyovers the OTA needs to build to complete it's interchanges on Broadway Ext. and Hefner Parkway. I've also thought it would be nice if they built the service roads across on both sides through the Broadway ext. interchange, something else I don't see happening. :(

04-06-2013, 11:42 AM
Yeah, I figured it wouldn't happen anytime soon anyways, esp. with all the new flyovers the OTA needs to build to complete it's interchanges on Broadway Ext. and Hefner Parkway. I've also thought it would be nice if they built the service roads across on both sides through the Broadway ext. interchange, something else I don't see happening. :(

Yeah, I think a westbound ramp from northbound would be higher up in priority. Can't believe they don't have one.

05-05-2013, 12:14 PM
any update of when this is suppose to be finished? getting really close

05-05-2013, 01:28 PM
any pics?

Plutonic Panda
05-05-2013, 03:55 PM
I might try and snap a few later. . . I almost got hit by a car last time I tried so yeeeeeeaaaaah.

Bill Robertson
05-06-2013, 08:12 AM
Can't be too long. Everything from the west end of the construction to around May looks complete except for striping and maybe a few details to wrap up. Haven't been east of Penn in a few weeks but that stretch wasn't far behind last time I was that way.

05-06-2013, 12:43 PM
Yup, pouring the center divide concrete barrier from west to east, almost done. Then will come the ramp for SB broadway.

05-06-2013, 01:14 PM

05-06-2013, 04:52 PM
Yup, pouring the center divide concrete barrier from west to east, almost done. Then will come the ramp for SB broadway.

Southbound to eastbound?? I sure hope so! That is desperately needed.

05-07-2013, 12:55 AM
Southbound to eastbound?? I sure hope so! That is desperately needed.

No, that's not what he was referring to. The westbound lanes are currently being used for bi directional traffic over the BNSF tracks while the eastbound bridge lanes are being worked on. There is a temp ramp from eastbound Kilpatrick to southbound Broadway Extension. Once the new bridge opens, there will be a new eastbound to southbound ramp.

Doubt you'll get a southbound Broadway Extension to eastbound Kilpatrick ramp at any point in our lifetimes. Notice I didn't say never...

Plutonic Panda
05-07-2013, 11:58 AM
No, that's not what he was referring to. The westbound lanes are currently being used for bi directional traffic over the BNSF tracks while the eastbound bridge lanes are being worked on. There is a temp ramp from eastbound Kilpatrick to southbound Broadway Extension. Once the new bridge opens, there will be a new eastbound to southbound ramp.

Doubt you'll get a southbound Broadway Extension to eastbound Kilpatrick ramp at any point in our lifetimes. Notice I didn't say never...You better be wrong about that!!!!!! lol

05-07-2013, 04:51 PM
You better be wrong about that!!!!!! lol

Prove me wrong and show me a rendering. It's just not needed.

Plutonic Panda
05-07-2013, 09:20 PM
Yeah, that was joke. Also, are you being serious, say that "it's just not needed"????????

05-09-2013, 09:44 AM
I agree it is not needed. Is it really that difficult to take 122nd exit and then drive under a bridge to go north maybe half a mile?

Not to mention that I rarely see anyone doing this, anyways.

05-09-2013, 09:53 AM
Yeah, that was joke. Also, are you being serious, say that "it's just not needed"????????

Yes, Memorial is pretty much a thruway for access to I-35/I-44. Why go south on 235 just to gain access to those highways when 235 sits on the southern fringe of Edmond? If you really wanna use the Kilpatrick to gain access, just use the Eastern Avenue gate, lol.

05-09-2013, 10:22 AM
I agree it is not needed. Is it really that difficult to take 122nd exit and then drive under a bridge to go north maybe half a mile?

Not to mention that I rarely see anyone doing this, anyways.

I work in that area, and have seen many people have to do this. Myself included. Not Needed? ... Why should you have to get off the highway only to get back on going the other direction. .. It wastes time and fuel, plus causes extra congestion on 122nd.

Same goes with northbound Hefner Parkway to westbound Kilpatrick.

Typical of the backwards thinking of our highway engineers.

Plutonic Panda
05-09-2013, 12:50 PM
Yes, Memorial is pretty much a thruway for access to I-35/I-44. Why go south on 235 just to gain access to those highways when 235 sits on the southern fringe of Edmond? If you really wanna use the Kilpatrick to gain access, just use the Eastern Avenue gate, lol.Man, I'm sorry, but that's just stupid lol. . . Maybe I'm not quite understanding what you're saying, but I think all interchanges on the highways should have complete interchanges, not half complete ones. Why would we have an interchange that allows you to go west, north, south, but not east!?!?!?!? Makes no sense to me. That's just my opinion though, so I guess we'll just have to disagree. :p

Plutonic Panda
05-09-2013, 12:50 PM
I work in that area, and have seen many people have to do this. Myself included. Not Needed? ... Why should you have to get off the highway only to get back on going the other direction. .. It wastes time and fuel, plus causes extra congestion on 122nd.

Same goes with northbound Hefner Parkway to westbound Kilpatrick.

Typical of the backwards thinking of our highway engineers.+1

05-09-2013, 12:54 PM
I am in this area every day as well, and there is no room for a ramp to come off SB Broadway and loop into the Kilpatrick. There is open land where one theoretically could be built, but I don't think one could meet standards in the area. The offramp from Kilpatrick to SB Broadway is too close to this area I speak of. I guess if there was a time it was to be done, it is now since they have to redo this ramp anyhow.

But like mentioned, it is not in the plans now when they are working on it - so it will probably will not happen in a long time.

Also turning right onto 122nd to turn right immediatly after going under the bridge to travel north on Broadwaycauses pretty much zero congestion. You were on 122nd for about 8 seconds tops. It is simply an inconvenience for the few who do do this. Like OKCis4Me said, if you are in Edmond, why not go a couple blocks further east to Boulevard/Eastern and use that onramp?

05-09-2013, 05:53 PM
I work in that area, and have seen many people have to do this. Myself included. Not Needed? ... Why should you have to get off the highway only to get back on going the other direction. .. It wastes time and fuel, plus causes extra congestion on 122nd.

Same goes with northbound Hefner Parkway to westbound Kilpatrick.

Typical of the backwards thinking of our highway engineers.This.

Both are totally needed. It is very inefficient to get over to the Eastern on ramp. And you can't be serious that it's acceptable to make a uturn under Broadway Extn on to go back northbound to get to eastbound Kilpatrick. There is no eastbound on ramp between Western and Eastern, so the very busy streets of Santa Fe, Broadway, and Kelly do not have on ramps.

Plutonic Panda
05-09-2013, 06:28 PM
I am in this area every day as well, and there is no room for a ramp to come off SB Broadway and loop into the Kilpatrick. There is open land where one theoretically could be built, but I don't think one could meet standards in the area. The offramp from Kilpatrick to SB Broadway is too close to this area I speak of. I guess if there was a time it was to be done, it is now since they have to redo this ramp anyhow.

But like mentioned, it is not in the plans now when they are working on it - so it will probably will not happen in a long time.

Also turning right onto 122nd to turn right immediatly after going under the bridge to travel north on Broadwaycauses pretty much zero congestion. You were on 122nd for about 8 seconds tops. It is simply an inconvenience for the few who do do this. Like OKCis4Me said, if you are in Edmond, why not go a couple blocks further east to Boulevard/Eastern and use that onramp?There is no room for a fly over? You can raise it up, up up up. There will be room lol. It probably won't happen for a long time though, like a lot of things. :/

05-10-2013, 02:06 PM
Sorry about the super technical drawing.

I would say go for the red solution, but like I said that would require some engineering to the ramp from EB Kilpatrick to SB Broadway

Plutonic Panda
05-10-2013, 04:58 PM
We don't need more cloverleafs. I'll take one over nothing, but I wish they would stay away from that and just build a flyover.

Also, isn't that why they're moving the ramp, or so it looks like it? To me, it looked like they were preparing to do what you drew in red, a new cloverleaf.

05-10-2013, 05:10 PM
Maybe they are planning for the future. Go OTA Go!

05-10-2013, 10:07 PM
I work in that area, and have seen many people have to do this. Myself included. Not Needed? ... Why should you have to get off the highway only to get back on going the other direction. .. It wastes time and fuel, plus causes extra congestion on 122nd.

Same goes with northbound Hefner Parkway to westbound Kilpatrick.

Typical of the backwards thinking of our highway engineers.
At the time that Lake Hefner Parkway and the Kilpatrick interchange was built the turnpike ended just west of the parkway. There was no money in the budget nor the expressed need at the time by the OTA to put a full interchange in there because the extension west of the parkway was one of those "way in the future" things that happened much quicker than expected when the parkway to I-35 leg of the Kilpatrick was designed and built.

My father was the design firm project manager for the parkway and interchange projects. OTA dictates what the project parameters are, many times it isn't the engineers (either design or OTA) that make those decisions, most of the time it is the bureaucrats, finance people and politicians. Pretty much engineers can only make recommendations and reports for future, major projects like that.

05-10-2013, 11:54 PM
At the time that Lake Hefner Parkway and the Kilpatrick interchange was built the turnpike ended just west of the parkway. There was no money in the budget nor the expressed need at the time by the OTA to put a full interchange in there because the extension west of the parkway was one of those "way in the future" things that happened much quicker than expected when the parkway to I-35 leg of the Kilpatrick was designed and built.

My father was the design firm project manager for the parkway and interchange projects. OTA dictates what the project parameters are, many times it isn't the engineers (either design or OTA) that make those decisions, most of the time it is the bureaucrats, finance people and politicians. Pretty much engineers can only make recommendations and reports for future, major projects like that.

My stepdad was project forman for Sewell Brothers which did various portions of the turnpike between I-35 and Hefner Parkway. It was so cool, as a kid, to get to be on a bulldozer with him on a Saturday, clearing land. Good times!

Bill Robertson
05-13-2013, 08:15 AM
From May to the west they've been painting the center divider and running street sweepers. From May to the east there is still a lot of work to be done. I wonder if they might open from May to the west or will they let is sit, finished, and open it all together?

06-03-2013, 07:55 AM
Came through here last night from 74 and going West, they were removing the concrete barriers. Looks like the West end is about ready to open.

Bill Robertson
06-04-2013, 04:12 PM
Came through here last night from 74 and going West, they were removing the concrete barriers. Looks like the West end is about ready to open.Yep. Taking down the concrete barriers, replacing them with orange cones and doing striping. Looks very close.

06-04-2013, 04:45 PM
I just hope the lights work!! Seems like A LOT of highway lights don't work I worry how long these will burn before they no longer work. Am I wrong?

Plutonic Panda
07-16-2013, 06:24 AM
"Motorists soon should see the end of a widening project on the John Kilpatrick Turnpike between MacArthur Boulevard and May Avenue in Oklahoma City, while motorists on the Creek Turnpike in Tulsa will have to wait until October for an end to driving through a work zone." -Read more: Segment of Kilpatrick to open soon | News OK (

Plutonic Panda
07-16-2013, 03:05 PM
"The ramp from eastbound John Kilpatrick Turnpike to southbound Broadway Extension will be closed for a few hours Tuesday night.

The ramp will be closed beginning at 9 p.m. Tuesday. The closure should last until just after midnight.

Crews will be re-striping the section of roadway in anticipation of changing traffic patterns at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway bridge."

Kilpatrick Turnpike ramp to close Tuesday night | News OK (

07-16-2013, 04:55 PM
I just hope the lights work!! Seems like A LOT of highway lights don't work I worry how long these will burn before they no longer work. Am I wrong?

Dead street lights are more often due to copper theft, or at least that's how it was in Charlotte. I don't really get people complaining about highway lights being dead in OKC. Yes there are some problem areas but its much worse in other cities.

08-21-2013, 01:27 PM
John Kilpatrick Turnpike motorists can get back up to speed in Oklahoma City

By Michael McNutt Modified: August 20, 2013 at 9:09 pm • Published: August 21, 2013

Oklahoma City motorists can get back up to speed on the John Kilpatrick Turnpike — at least during daytime hours.

All six lanes of the turnpike are open to traffic, slightly more than a year after the widening project started to add one lane in each direction.

Nighttime lane closures will continue in two areas through September as crews complete construction. During nighttime work, speed limits will be reduced from 70 mph to 55 mph, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority spokesman Jack Damrill said Tuesday.

During daytime hours, speed limits will be 70 mph, although there may be times through September that the speed might be lowered to accommodate finishing touches of the project, he said.

“People may still see some sporadic daytime closures, but very sporadic,” Damrill said.

Crews continue to work on portions of the turnpike between Pennsylvania and May avenues, adding an auxiliary lane in each direction, Damrill said. Crews also have begun work on an auxiliary lane from the Broadway Extension to the Santa Fe mainline toll plaza.

The auxiliary lanes are intended to help motorists enter and exit those two areas, Damrill said.

All work should be completed by the end of September.

Lanes added

The expansion of the Kilpatrick Turnpike was part of a nearly $58 million project to add lanes in each direction from MacArthur Boulevard to Eastern Avenue. Other improvements included added lighting of the expanded corridor, various ramp improvements and new signs.

Work started on the project in May 2012.

Construction on the seven-mile-long project was to have been finished in May, but the project was extended because of changes to deal with heavy traffic areas and to replace poor sections of the roadway, Damrill said. A wetter-than-normal summer this year also accounted for some of the delay.

Traffic has dropped off by about 5 percent on the busiest sections of the Kilpatrick construction project since work started, Damrill said. The decline is attributed to the extra time it took to get through the work zone. Traffic end-to-end on the turnpike, from Interstate 35 to Interstate 40, is down about 1.4 percent during the same time period.

“We think, though, that once the speed got back up and the lanes opened that those who bypassed the turnpike will come back,” he said. “We want them to come back. They're going to see a much improved and hopefully easier and safer, faster drive than what we had before.”

John Kilpatrick Turnpike motorists can get back up to speed in Oklahoma City | News OK (

Plutonic Panda
08-21-2013, 09:03 PM
Excellent. Now they just need to finish the interchanges of 235 and Hefner Parkway making flyovers in all directions and this will truly be a great highway. I also wonder if there is ever a plan in the long term to take the service road(memorial) and continue it down to I-35.

08-22-2013, 12:05 AM
Excellent. Now they just need to finish the interchanges of 235 and Hefner Parkway making flyovers in all directions and this will truly be a great highway. I also wonder if there is ever a plan in the long term to take the service road(memorial) and continue it down to I-35.

As much as we want it, probably not going to see ODOT and OTA cooperate to build stack interchanges for the foreseeable feature. Furthermore, no reason to have service roads on either side of the turnpike when you have NE 122nd a half mile to the south and Memorial a half mile to the north.

Plutonic Panda
08-22-2013, 12:35 AM
As much as we want it, probably not going to see ODOT and OTA cooperate to build stack interchanges for the foreseeable feature. Furthermore, no reason to have service roads on either side of the turnpike when you have NE 122nd a half mile to the south and Memorial a half mile to the north.For the life of me, I just didn't even factor those two roads in and now I think about it, you're completely right. It would make no sense at all to have service.

That sucks about the stack interchanges. Why is that? Do they not like each other or something?

08-22-2013, 01:04 AM
For the life of me, I just didn't even factor those two roads in and now I think about it, you're completely right. It would make no sense at all to have service.

That sucks about the stack interchanges. Why is that? Do they not like each other or something?

Oh, I don't know, that's just my honest opinion. If it did happen at either location, I'd bet on it happening at 74/Kilpatrick before 235/Kilpatrick, only because there's a lot more opportunity for growth in the NW quadrant of OKC (despite how much many of us here want the focus to be solely on downtown/urban for residential development) than there is in that immediate area of south Edmond/north OKC and the latter handles traffic flow quite well. When the former starts getting back logged with traffic that's literally popping the buttons off the shirt then they will only react as opposed to prepare for the onslaught.

Richard at Remax
08-22-2013, 08:42 AM
Problem is 122nd dead ends between Kelley and Eastern

08-22-2013, 09:46 AM
Oh, I don't know, that's just my honest opinion. If it did happen at either location, I'd bet on it happening at 74/Kilpatrick before 235/Kilpatrick, only because there's a lot more opportunity for growth in the NW quadrant of OKC (despite how much many of us here want the focus to be solely on downtown/urban for residential development) than there is in that immediate area of south Edmond/north OKC and the latter handles traffic flow quite well. When the former starts getting back logged with traffic that's literally popping the buttons off the shirt then they will only react as opposed to prepare for the onslaught.Problem is, you cannot go from southbound Broadway to eastbound Kilpatrick. At Hefner Pkwy and Kilpatrick you can go any direction without any backtracking or going through too many long Edmond lights.

If you want to go to eastbound Kilpatrick and you live off of, say, Santa Fe, you either have to backtrack to Western, or go through past Santa Fe, Kelly, and Broadway all the way over to Boulevard/Eastern. Especially if you are a couple miles north of the Kilpatrick, by that time you might as well have just gone over to I-35 and saved the toll cost. Additionally, it would help alleviate traffic trouble in morning rush hour on southbound Broadway and I-44 by making it easier to get to I-35 to get downtown.