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09-12-2012, 01:25 PM
Just because they put in big box stores, it doesn't mean they have to all be in ugly strip malls. I don't think anyone wants anymore of those. Shopping Centers can be done nicely.

09-12-2012, 04:17 PM
But some of places might have been need. Big Box stores are okay by I-35.

I'm assuming you typed this on a phone. Not sure what you're trying to say here.

It would be very difficult to get a nice looking big box store built. They would need a new design, different materials, they would have to disturb the existing land as little as possible, they would need to have good landscaping. This is far outside their norm. Big box stores just wanna come in and slam down their cookie cutter and be done. If you won't let them build the way they want to, then they're on to the next town. Plus, I'm not sure that Edmond wants a Best Buy that will be empty in 18 months.

No, to get something that's built with nice materials, well kept and well landscaped, you need a landlord who will take care of the property and just rent the spaces out to businesses. Either that or a company that is local or has a conscience. Most big box stores don't.

09-12-2012, 04:56 PM
I'm assuming you typed this on a phone. Not sure what you're trying to say here.

It would be very difficult to get a nice looking big box store built. They would need a new design, different materials, they would have to disturb the existing land as little as possible, they would need to have good landscaping. This is far outside their norm. Big box stores just wanna come in and slam down their cookie cutter and be done. If you won't let them build the way they want to, then they're on to the next town. Plus, I'm not sure that Edmond wants a Best Buy that will be empty in 18 months.

No, to get something that's built with nice materials, well kept and well landscaped, you need a landlord who will take care of the property and just rent the spaces out to businesses. Either that or a company that is local or has a conscience. Most big box stores don't.

UNP is a perfect example on the how the City can implement design standards on big box retailers. I don't know if you have been to UNP lately but ALL their stores are held at a high design standard, from Academy to Target to Mathis Bros they all have the same type of architecture, nice landscaping, and a pedestrian friendly environment. All new developments in UNP are held at a high standard, so your assumption about big box retailers in not entirely true.

09-12-2012, 05:05 PM
I haven't been to UNP since Academy was built. So unless things have changed drastically since then, my point stands.

09-12-2012, 05:42 PM
I haven't been to UNP since Academy was built. So unless things have changed drastically since then, my point stands.

UNP was touted as an upscale development when the economy was in a much different place.

The developers got blindsided by national conditions, but I wouldn't say the rug was pulled beneath them. There were countless similar proposals across the nation that weren't even built. Many of the upscale stores that were touted for UNP originally are pretty much in survival mode and will not be expanding anytime soon, if they make it that long.

I actually agree the UNP design is done very tastefully, considering it's big box. They've made the best out of a crappy situation.

09-13-2012, 10:41 AM
UNP was touted as an upscale development when the economy was in a much different place.

The developers got blindsided by national conditions, but I wouldn't say the rug was pulled beneath them. There were countless similar proposals across the nation that weren't even built. Many of the upscale stores that were touted for UNP originally are pretty much in survival mode and will not be expanding anytime soon, if they make it that long.

I actually agree the UNP design is done very tastefully, considering it's big box. They've made the best out of a crappy situation.
You make good points. Maybe you're right. I do still feel that some of the crappiness of UNP started before the economy went South but there is truth to what you say.

09-13-2012, 08:50 PM
Earlier in this thread someone suggested Bryant Square should be remodeled. I'd beg to differ. The parking is very simple, makes sense. So what if you want to hit the fabric shop and Steinmart? Unless you have a disability, you WALK, which is generally good for you. Might be nice if there were stores on both sides but that would mean turning it into something else and that intersection, imo, is the worst in Edmond already.

Also, Bryant Square seems to have a decent occupancy rate unlike, say, Kelly Square (whatever it's called) just south of Edmond Rd, where there's a Curves and a few unremarkable specialty shops, and lots of vacancies.

09-14-2012, 01:24 PM
Earlier in this thread someone suggested Bryant Square should be remodeled. I'd beg to differ. The parking is very simple, makes sense. So what if you want to hit the fabric shop and Steinmart? Unless you have a disability, you WALK, which is generally good for you. Might be nice if there were stores on both sides but that would mean turning it into something else and that intersection, imo, is the worst in Edmond already.

Also, Bryant Square seems to have a decent occupancy rate unlike, say, Kelly Square (whatever it's called) just south of Edmond Rd, where there's a Curves and a few unremarkable specialty shops, and lots of vacancies.

That shopping center is just ugly, no way around it. Its cheap and tacky looking. That is the exact kind of shopping center that Edmond does not need. Just a big ugly, cheap looking strip mall. It could at least be dressed up a bit. Look how much better the smaller center across the street, where Panda Express looks since they revamped it. It's still a strip mall, but at least it looks nicer.

And that parking lot is huge and people drive across it like there's not one else around. It's just dangerous because people just drive crazy across it. Maybe they could at least put in a few islands, and plant some decent trees or something which would help it look better, add a bit of shade and maybe force people to not drive diagonally across the entire lot at 30mph.

09-14-2012, 04:20 PM
I have to agree, I wouldn't be mad if Bryant Square was demolished. That parking lot is pathetic, the huge slope - cracks and potholes everywhere. Honestly the parking lot is way too big and the store frontage is tacky. However, across the street is that little strip next to 7-Eleven and that building next to TacoBell/KFC, both extremely ugly.

Speaking of Bryant, when is this road going to be repaved? It is getting ridiculous. Now that Coltrane is brand new and nobody drives on it, it would work as a detour for Bryant construction/repave.

09-14-2012, 09:30 PM
I have to agree, I wouldn't be mad if Bryant Square was demolished. That parking lot is pathetic, the huge slope - cracks and potholes everywhere. Honestly the parking lot is way too big and the store frontage is tacky. However, across the street is that little strip next to 7-Eleven and that building next to TacoBell/KFC, both extremely ugly.

Speaking of Bryant, when is this road going to be repaved? It is getting ridiculous. Now that Coltrane is brand new and nobody drives on it, it would work as a detour for Bryant construction/repave.

Oh man, that thing where the the 7-11 is just needs a bulldozer. It's deplorable.

I agree about the sttreets. Bryant is getting pretty bad. I take Coltrane as a detour most of the time anyway. There's so much less traffic, and less stop lights. They did Danforth a couple of weeks ago, so maybe they will get around to Bryant soon. I wish they would come repair the streets in my neighborhood. There's a pot hole big enough to loose a small child in near my house. They came and fixed some small ones, but never did a thing about the big one.

Plutonic Panda
09-25-2012, 08:58 PM
Yet another article I have come across! Edmond wants to protect green infrastructure | (

Plutonic Panda
10-16-2012, 03:28 PM
Does anyone know if this convention/conference center on Covell and I is going to come with any retail development?

10-20-2012, 06:33 AM
Does anyone know if this convention/conference center on Covell and I is going to come with any retail development?

There will be retail in that area.

Going to add an idea onto the thread. With the new Public Safety Center coming, the city admin staff will later be moved into a refurbished building which is the current police station. Maybe it's just me, but doesn't that seem to just extend the issues of using a building which has been remodeled as much as it can be. The new Public Safety Center is going to lay the ground work for government "downtown" buildings. Wouldn't it be smart to demolish the old police station and also build a true City Hall which matches the architecture and the vision of revising downtown? When one comes to Edmond for business, be it an individual or a commercial business, they need to be welcomed to our city buildings by a positive image, something that looks "government"! Could even add the City Attorneys Office, Court Clerk, and City Courts to the multistory building allowing for attractively designed parking garages to be built on the NE and SW corners of 1st and Littler. Maybe even freeing up space for a new and modernized Downtown Community Center on one of the corners with a parking garage going it at the current DCC location.

10-26-2012, 03:57 PM
There will be retail in that area.

Going to add an idea onto the thread. With the new Public Safety Center coming, the city admin staff will later be moved into a refurbished building which is the current police station. Maybe it's just me, but doesn't that seem to just extend the issues of using a building which has been remodeled as much as it can be. The new Public Safety Center is going to lay the ground work for government "downtown" buildings. Wouldn't it be smart to demolish the old police station and also build a true City Hall which matches the architecture and the vision of revising downtown? When one comes to Edmond for business, be it an individual or a commercial business, they need to be welcomed to our city buildings by a positive image, something that looks "government"! Could even add the City Attorneys Office, Court Clerk, and City Courts to the multistory building allowing for attractively designed parking garages to be built on the NE and SW corners of 1st and Littler. Maybe even freeing up space for a new and modernized Downtown Community Center on one of the corners with a parking garage going it at the current DCC location.

I agree. We should do something like Fairview, Texas (North Dallas suburb) that went from a single story 1950's ranch style home to this:

Or Frisco, TX city hall (near Fairview):2810

Both towns are smaller than Edmond but growing quickly. Fairview has a fairly small but very upscale tax base.

That being said, I would much rather Edmond focus on Downtown first. If they were going to do something with Town Hall, I would hope they would keep it downtown so that employees can help form a core of consumers for lunch, dinner, and shopping.

10-28-2012, 05:27 AM
I agree. We should do something like Fairview, Texas (North Dallas suburb) that went from a single story 1950's ranch style home...

Both towns are smaller than Edmond but growing quickly. Fairview has a fairly small but very upscale tax base.

That being said, I would much rather Edmond focus on Downtown first. If they were going to do something with Town Hall, I would hope they would keep it downtown so that employees can help form a core of consumers for lunch, dinner, and shopping.

I only mentioned doing it now, after the PSC is finished as a way to limit the relocation and moving around of employees and services. Not to mention, limit the amount of rent and improvements made to temporary facilities as is being done for Admin staff while the PSC is constructed. City needs to do their part downtown (forgetting the art!) while private business takes the step on their side working concurrently.

11-01-2012, 02:26 PM
Didn't want to say anything about the design until it had gone public, but here are two of the final renderings for the two new police facilities;

This design for the headquarters was what I was eluding to when I mentioned using it as a base for other new government buildings in the downtown area. Instead of occupying each corner with a facility, a larger, more attractive and modern building could be build in place of the current police station and house utilities, IT, Mayor/Council (and Chambers), HR, and the Municipal Courts and Clerk. Freeing up the NE and SW corners for parking garages (of matching architecture) to alleviate parking issues especially when there are events held downtown. If one parking structure would suffice, a new Downtown Community Center could be built on one of the corners essentially creating a "City Center" at 1st and Littler. Could even approach the issue in a MAPS style to reenergize downtown simultaneously while the I-35 Corridor is created.

Plutonic Panda
01-15-2013, 09:08 PM
Didn't know where to post this. Construction, tax revenue on the rise in Edmond » Local News » The Edmond Sun (

Plutonic Panda
01-18-2013, 05:16 PM
Task force discusses frontage road needs » Local News » The Edmond Sun (

I wish Edmond would make the service roads one way widen the roads at the intersections. Two left turn lanes and dedicated right turn lanes. Almost every service road in Dallas is like that and traffic flows very smoothly. Even during rush hour.

01-18-2013, 10:29 PM
I'm having trouble starting a new thread with this new IE.. Go figure. Anyways, does anyone know what on earth is going on with the water tower on 33rd & broadway?

01-19-2013, 09:20 PM
They are just repainting it. That is what the process of repainting a water tower looks like. This was recently done to one in norman that I saw. I believe they apply some type of sealant on the entire thing, then paint it. Looks like the sealant is about done then they will paint it soon and be done.

01-21-2013, 09:09 AM
I really wish they'd open up Lake Arcadia for development in a portion like Lake Hefner and get several restaurants on the lake. They could do a lot with that lake.

Plutonic Panda
02-09-2013, 10:50 AM
Well I typed a short letter to the city. This is what I wrote:

I have few questions about the new Covell. Why did the City not include the city seal on the traffic lights? I think it looks better and the majority of cities do that now. Also regarding the street names, why weren't the illuminated models used? I'll post a picture of what I am talking about. I just thought that was something Edmond would do. :( ...Also, the underpass portion that goes under the train track is not lighted, are there plans to install lights on this section along with the new redesigned portion of Blvd.? Esp. the trail that goes under. I love the new Covell and thanks for doing this, but I think these small amenities would make a world difference.

Also, just out of curiosity, I've noticed plans to reconstruct some intersections on Broadway in concrete, are there any long term plans to completely reconstruct Broadway in concrete pavement?

This was the response:

I am not aware of the City of Edmond installing the seal on any public infrastructure. It makes the signs bigger, which increases the cost so I do not know of any plans to incorporate the seal into street signs in the future. The internally illuminated signs are very nice, but they also are very expensive not just to install but to maintain. The City of Edmond uses a high grade retro-reflective sheeting on our street name signs so they are easily visible at night. Since there are no driveways from the Thomas Drive to Boulevard there is no need for street lighting. Street lighting is installed to help cars see possible obstructions or cars turning in front of them.

Broadway from the south city limits to 2nd street is actually a state highway and is under the jurisdiction of the State of Oklahoma Department of Transportation. We have plans to widen the 33rd street intersection and yes we will be replacing the existing asphalt pavement with concrete. Since this is a state road they will not help fund the needed improvement the City has planned so the entire cost of the concrete will have to be paid by the city of Edmond. We believe this is a wise investment at this location with the large number of vehicles using this intersection every day. However the remainder of Broadway will remain the existing asphalt pavement.

Not exactly what I wanted to hear. lol It just seems strange that they didn't light the portion of Covell that goes under the railroad. Esp. with the new wide trails, it is so uninviting when it gets dark. I also wish they would've buried the utility lines and I hate those things. I think that, if they planned it right, when the time comes to widen Covell to six lanes, they utilities wouldn't need to be relocated. The illuminated street sign was bust and disappointing to say the least.

It also seems weird they didn't light the new portion of Boulevard. They made the landscaping very nice, but no lighting. :/ Edmond just isn't being innovative. It's strange that the cost were pointed out when they installed all of these cameras everywhere, designed the road in concrete, and put in these black old fashioned style traffic lights. I'm sure those weren't cheap and cost a little bit more than generic traffic lights.

Plutonic Panda
03-11-2013, 05:10 PM
This is pretty crazy, read some of the views by the different candidates and talk about anti-bike lol. . .

Mayoral candidates differ on bike lane plan » Local News » The Edmond Sun (

03-13-2013, 01:05 AM
It also seems weird they didn't light the new portion of Boulevard. They made the landscaping very nice, but no lighting. :/ Edmond just isn't being innovative. It's strange that the cost were pointed out when they installed all of these cameras everywhere, designed the road in concrete, and put in these black old fashioned style traffic lights. I'm sure those weren't cheap and cost a little bit more than generic traffic lights.

That whole area with the street going under the railroad, the traffic lights, and onto Covell/Kelly looks very nice, but I agree, not paying attention to every detail is a problem. I can't help but compare the railroad bridge to those in the DFW suburbs. They spiff them up down there and have them all painted and looking nice, and Edmond's looks very rusty and unappealing. Maybe I'm missing something they were going for though. Even Norman has started using the illuminated street signs in the University Park shopping center area, so hopefully Edmond will catch on.

Plutonic Panda
03-13-2013, 01:58 AM
That whole area with the street going under the railroad, the traffic lights, and onto Covell/Kelly looks very nice, but I agree, not paying attention to every detail is a problem. I can't help but compare the railroad bridge to those in the DFW suburbs. They spiff them up down there and have them all painted and looking nice, and Edmond's looks very rusty and unappealing. Maybe I'm missing something they were going for though. Even Norman has started using the illuminated street signs in the University Park shopping center area, so hopefully Edmond will catch on.Maaaaan, I hear you loud and clear.. haha. I really wish Edmond would get on the game and they did really good with Covell. The only thing I have is illuminated street signs, burring the utility lines, and going all out on these projects like the underpass. Adding artistic features and doing things like encasing the bridge in cement. As you said, I too have seen how the suburbs in Dallas do their work and Frisco is an amazing example. Frisco in the 90s used to be almost all farmland and now it is just amazing. Beautiful streets by the Stonebriar Mall and Dr. Pepper Ballpark. Edmond as well as Norman has the tax base to support these kind of projects.

03-14-2013, 11:26 PM
I don't travel this direction often, but I heard about it, so I had to go see. My observation/opinion: Covell and Kelly are two of the worst examples of Edmond public works projects that I've ever seen. The lights along Kelly are too tall, they are the wrong types of lamps and there are way too many of them. Are the neighbors on Kelly not throwing a fit? I would be! I can't tell if the sidewalks are truly sidewalks (for pedestrians) or if they are also supposed to be trails, but they have serious design flaws if they are meant for cyclists. The bollards and fences are what made me spew my drink. Does anyone know if the city plans to stripe the streets with sharrows or bike lanes? There is definitely room. Both are pretty much freeways now. A lot of money was wasted on this.

Plutonic Panda
03-14-2013, 11:44 PM
I don't travel this direction often, but I heard about it, so I had to go see. My observation/opinion: Covell and Kelly are two of the worst examples of Edmond public works projects that I've ever seen. The lights along Kelly are too tall, they are the wrong types of lamps and there are way too many of them. Are the neighbors on Kelly not throwing a fit? I would be! I can't tell if the sidewalks are truly sidewalks (for pedestrians) or if they are also supposed to be trails, but they have serious design flaws if they are meant for cyclists. The bollards and fences are what made me spew my drink. Does anyone know if the city plans to stripe the streets with sharrows or bike lanes? There is definitely room. Both are pretty much freeways now. A lot of money was wasted on this.I like the of the width lanes. I do wish they would've widened the road a little more for bike lanes, but I don't think narrowing them is the right way in this case. However, I don understand your frustration with the amount of street lamps. Also, I really hope these are LED, if they aren't, that is really stupid. Kelly and Covell was a really nice project, IMO, but I think it could be a little better. They are going to do the entire length as said on their website and make it 6 lanes over I-35. I however, like the wide sidewalks.

03-15-2013, 11:39 PM
I don't travel this direction often, but I heard about it, so I had to go see. My observation/opinion: Covell and Kelly are two of the worst examples of Edmond public works projects that I've ever seen. The lights along Kelly are too tall, they are the wrong types of lamps and there are way too many of them. Are the neighbors on Kelly not throwing a fit? I would be! I can't tell if the sidewalks are truly sidewalks (for pedestrians) or if they are also supposed to be trails, but they have serious design flaws if they are meant for cyclists. The bollards and fences are what made me spew my drink. Does anyone know if the city plans to stripe the streets with sharrows or bike lanes? There is definitely room. Both are pretty much freeways now. A lot of money was wasted on this.

jesus christ. Lights are too tall? Wrong type of lamp? Question: Do they light up? Yes, they do. Some people...

03-16-2013, 11:08 PM
I don't travel this direction often, but I heard about it, so I had to go see. My observation/opinion: Covell and Kelly are two of the worst examples of Edmond public works projects that I've ever seen. The lights along Kelly are too tall, they are the wrong types of lamps and there are way too many of them. Are the neighbors on Kelly not throwing a fit? I would be! I can't tell if the sidewalks are truly sidewalks (for pedestrians) or if they are also supposed to be trails, but they have serious design flaws if they are meant for cyclists. The bollards and fences are what made me spew my drink. Does anyone know if the city plans to stripe the streets with sharrows or bike lanes? There is definitely room. Both are pretty much freeways now. A lot of money was wasted on this.

Just a passer-by, I am, and rather like the idea of freeways through Edmond.

03-21-2013, 11:45 PM
I enjoy new roads like anyone else, especially when they include decorative lights, trees, medians, bicycle lanes and sidewalks. Edmond does a good job of making things pretty. But anyone familiar with road and highway construction knows that Edmond designs and builds roads to freeway widths which is a waste of tax dollars and encourages dangerous speeds, more cars, sprawl and less walkers and cyclists. Appropriate lighting and ADA appear to be afterthoughts.