View Full Version : 2012 and trains still have to blow horns?

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12-29-2011, 09:25 PM
Well I guess many of you will think: Here we go again!

I would rather say: Trains still blow again.

12-30-2011, 08:19 AM
Forcing train engineers to blow the loud horns 4 times before every railroad crossing makes in my humble opinion no sense.
But that's exactly what the FRA enforced when their new rules became final in 2006. Many people living around these railroads noticed this noise level change and frequency level.

This new FRA rule does not reduce the number of accidents.
People who want to cross railroads while red lights are flashing, bells are ringing and arms are down will not stop for the noise of these horns. They are drunk, stupid or suicidal.

I don't understand why the US is the only place in the world where trains are forced to create this kind of noise pollution.

Could someone please explain? (Without emotional arguments)

12-30-2011, 09:29 AM
Word on the street has it that horns on trains are so effective that they are going to start putting them on police helicopters.

12-30-2011, 09:44 AM
It's simple. Yes, barring limited exceptions, trains do still have to blow horns. And now that the question has been answered, I'll leave ya to who knows how many pages of whining about not liking the answer might happen to follow.

But, as it pertains to OKC, perhaps a certain civic leader might donate some maps to be sold to cover the cost of the quiet zone some desire. He and the city fathers can call it MAPS 4 Shhhhh and the detractors can refer to it as hush money.

12-30-2011, 09:58 AM
The relevant part is at :30.

The short answer to the thread question is: Yes.
(and i say that with even less emotion than mr. spock.)

12-30-2011, 10:59 AM
The relevant part is at :30.

The short answer to the thread question is: Yes.
(and i say with even less emotion than mr. spock.)

Skipper !!!!!!

12-30-2011, 11:01 AM
Well I guess many of you will think: Here we go again!

I would rather say: Trains still blow again.

The whining about something from 350 miles away is like jock itch... never really goes away lol

12-30-2011, 11:09 AM
Skipper !!!!!!

Not now, Gilligan . . . I have to blow the whistle . . . OK . . . What's on your mind?

Is "CANNONBALL EXPRESS" written backwards on the boiler so people can read it in their rear view mirrors right after they raced us to a rail crossing and won? Or is it just bad film editing?

12-30-2011, 11:14 AM
Not now, Gilligan . . . I have to blow the whistle . . . OK . . . What's on your mind?

Is "CANNONBALL EXPRESS" written backwards on the boiler so people can read it in their rear view mirrors right after they raced us to a rail crossing and won? Or is it just bad film editing?

I saw that and wondered the same thing

12-30-2011, 11:27 AM
I always wondered about "The Shady Rest 'Hotel'" . . .

If the train didn't blow it's horn, how would the girl's know that bath time was over and take appropriate measures to avoid getting stuck in the pipe when it was lowered to take on water?

One thing I DO know . . .
W.C. Fields would have made the show about a hundred times funnier than Edgar Buchannan.

12-30-2011, 11:36 AM
Word on the street has it that horns on trains are so effective that they are going to start putting them on police helicopters.

I've heard the same thing. Only difference is the helicopters will have to blow their horn at all times instead of just 4 times at each crossing.

12-30-2011, 11:40 AM
But only when they are flying low . . .
Like below 10,000 feet.

12-30-2011, 11:42 AM
But only when they are flying low . . .
Like below 10,000 feet.

Ahhh, I misunderstood. Thanks for clearing that up. LOL

12-30-2011, 11:47 AM
I'm not sure if above shown movies are relevant in this blog ... except: they are silent movies! Thanks for your considerate attention.
Also in the time of these black and white movies a clear warning sign is the thick black smoke. No Need for federal imposed honking rules.

12-30-2011, 01:03 PM
I'm not sure if above shown movies are relevant in this blog ... except: they are silent movies! Thanks for your considerate attention.
Also in the time of these black and white movies a clear warning sign is the thick black smoke. No Need for federal imposed honking rules.

Hate to break this to ya but the shows posted are more relevant than you are to this thread :tiphat:

12-30-2011, 02:28 PM!!! Please, stop acting like this. The other one got locked and I do not want to see this locked. Learn how to be an adult and be civil in a serious discussion. We're talking about train horns!!!

12-30-2011, 02:30 PM
Personally I'm hoping this one gets deleted

12-30-2011, 02:54 PM
Currently train engineers are forced to blow the loud train horns 4 times before every railroad crossing.
This makes in my humble opinion no sense.
And that's exactly what the FRA enforced when new rules became final in 2006.
Many people living around railroads noticed this noise level and frequency change.

This new FRA rule does not reduce the number of accidents.
People who want to cross railroads while red lights are flashing, bells are ringing and arms are down will not stop for the noise of these horns. They are drunk, stupid or suicidal.

Living in 2012, I don't understand why the US is the only civilized country in the world where trains are forced to create this kind of noise pollution.

Could someone please explain? (Without emotional arguments)

12-30-2011, 04:37 PM
Personally I'm hoping this one gets deleted

So far this one has been the same as the other; torea is complaining/repeating himself with good intentions, RM is being RM and making the thread easier on the rest of us, Thunder is telling us to grow up and act civilized, only thing missing is OKCisOK4me and this would be a party. LOL

01-01-2012, 12:20 AM
Well I guess many of you will think: Here we go again!

I would rather say: Trains still blow again.

i would rather say
as The Trains
silenced their horns
and whistles,
in honor of
the illegal fireworks
and firearms displays
in recognition of
the New Year

[insert no train noise]

the next time
that I hear
a train "whistle" blow
it will remind me of
my unpaid debt
Local Public Television (OETA)
Entertainment Provided Tonight.

Of course,
none of this applies
to anyone
from Kansas
or in the immediate vicinity
of any point
in the nostaglic
yet forwardthinkin'
of Belgium
or thereabouts . . . =)

01-01-2012, 08:26 AM
I'm setting in my cabin at lake Tenkiller, enjoying a cup of coffee, reading the paper and watching the birds enjoy the food and water I put out yesterday. The only thing missing is the lovely sound of a train whistle to make it perfect.

01-01-2012, 09:29 AM
[QUOTE=RadicalModerate;494987]i would rather say
as The Trains
silenced their horns
and whistles,
in honor of
the illegal fireworks
and firearms displays
in recognition of
the New Year


You mention Europe and illegal fireworks.
As we all know, The USA is far more advanced in many areas compared to the rest of the world.

Not for unnecessary train horn noise since this does not improve safety. Not for fireworks neither:
The selling of fireworks has been halted and made illegal in many countries in Europe.
Hundreds of kids were loosing fingers and eyes every year again.

01-01-2012, 10:45 AM
[QUOTE=RadicalModerate;494987]You mention Europe and illegal fireworks.
As we all know, The USA is far more advanced in many areas compared to the rest of the world.

Not for unnecessary train horn noise since this does not improve safety. Not for fireworks neither:
The selling of fireworks has been halted and made illegal in many countries in Europe.
Hundreds of kids were loosing fingers and eyes every year again.
I won't speak for Europe but having spent over six months in England I have seen many brick and mortar fireworks stores all over Great Britain and last night I was talking (via skype) to my friend in London and it sounded like world war III in her little gated community. They are legal everywhere.
C. T.

01-01-2012, 11:07 AM
I won't speak for Europe but having spent over six months in England I have seen many brick and mortar fireworks stores all over Great Britain and last night I was talking (via skype) to my friend in London and it sounded like world war III in her little gated community. They are legal everywhere.
C. T.

I don't know how many victims you can count in GB but in a small country like Holland there were this year 23 victims with serious eye damage .. this is more than the eye damage done by the war in Iraq to all the GI's!

The article is in Dutch but I will be glad to translate it for you:

01-01-2012, 11:35 AM
I kind of miss the thread being dated at least a year behind the times.

01-01-2012, 12:37 PM

I don't know how many victims you can count in GB but in a small country like Holland there were this year 23 victims with serious eye damage .. this is more than the eye damage done by the war in Iraq to all the GI's!

The article is in Dutch but I will be glad to translate it for you:

Just goes to show if you're not smart enough to handle fireworks then you should wear safety glasses.

01-01-2012, 06:10 PM
I'm setting in my cabin at lake Tenkiller, enjoying a cup of coffee, reading the paper and watching the birds enjoy the food and water I put out yesterday. The only thing missing is the lovely sound of a train whistle to make it perfect.

There's an app for that

01-05-2012, 04:17 PM
Here is a link allowing you to add your name & comments for the train honking pollution experienced by people in Denver:

"Petition to stop the train horn noise pollution at private crossings in Denver and surrounding areas"

01-05-2012, 04:33 PM
Here is a link allowing you to add your name & comments for the train honking pollution experienced by people in Denver:

"Petition to stop the train horn noise pollution at private crossings in Denver and surrounding areas"

When did Denver relocate to Oklahoma?

01-05-2012, 08:59 PM
When did Denver relocate to Oklahoma?

When Oklahoma City became a suburb of Dallas.

01-06-2012, 12:41 PM
OKC, Dallas, Denver, Philadelphia, KC and many more cities have lots of people disturbed by these loud honking trains and noise pollution imposed by the FRA.
Many people also state that this day and nightly noise increased only a few years ago.
Maybe we could join forces to tell the FRA that they did not improve security but only worsened the living conditions for millions of people living in the neighborhood of a railroad (and long before the new FRA train honking rules were introduced).

01-06-2012, 01:46 PM
If you want to join forces I would suggest going someplace where a majority of the people agree with you. I don't think this is the place.

05-09-2012, 06:30 PM
If you want to join forces I would suggest going someplace where a majority of the people agree with you. I don't think this is the place.

Well, here is some more reading for you, honk liking guys:

Sure thing. trains are very heavy machines but why forcing them to make more noise than their engines do already?

I would encourage the increasing number of bikers to do the same as follows (since they are extremely vulnerable):

Please be advised that the FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) made Kansas City and its suburban area totally polluted by frequent and extremely loud train horn honking:

The Federal Railroad Administration is only looking at the interests of the large train companies. The people (taxpayers) get only noise pollution from this bureaucratic FRA.

An example of useless decisions and activities is a recent rule, invented and imposed by this FRA:
All trains in the USA are now required to loudly blow the horns four (4) times at every crossing.
Trains have to produce 2 long honks, 1 short honk an again a long honk before passing every railroad crossing, day and night.

This is disturbing the sleep of millions of hard working citizens and is not improving railroad crossing safety at all.
Did someone in the FRA study the noise pollution impact of this rule? Did someone study the railroad safety measures in the rest of the world?

Democrats and Republicans are looking to cut spending and optimize the use of tax payer’s money.

The FRA honking rule is a world famous example of useless and wasted tax payer's money.

I sincerely hope the Federal Railroad Administration will finally start serving the interests of the people paying taxes to pay their salaries.

05-09-2012, 06:40 PM
This is disturbing the sleep of millions of hard working citizens and is not improving railroad crossing safety at all.
Did someone in the FRA study the noise pollution impact of this rule? Did someone study the railroad safety measures in the rest of the world?

Don't live next to railroad tracks? If they don't and the sound is still getting to them, then their insulation in the house is poor and they are probably paying through the roof for electricity and gas. If anything that would keep me up at night instead of a train.

05-09-2012, 07:05 PM
He must have been run off the KC boards again.

05-09-2012, 11:57 PM
LMGTFY ( +horns%3F)

Return 1 yields your 2010 thread.
Return 2 yields an article I'm positive that was written by you and has zero comments, lol.
Return 3 yields a proclamation I assume you've completely read and yet can't understand why others don't.
Return 4 yields a computing query.
Return 5 yields a List of Stupid Laws in America and Around the World, which was pretty interesting, but it had nothing about your whistles on it.

Keep on working though bro! ;-)

Larry OKC
05-10-2012, 09:19 AM
From #5:

If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.
Presuming that either train is still on the tracks and able to proceed after the collision...LOL

05-10-2012, 09:24 AM
Good News Torea!: I hear that railroad engineers, conductors, switchmen/persons and porters are complaining about the effects of second-hand train horn noise so I think a ban is just around the bend.

05-10-2012, 10:08 AM

05-10-2012, 10:56 AM
(after skipping the ad, note the importance of train whistles--even in Imaginationland)


05-10-2012, 11:31 AM
Gotta admit. That made me smile RM

05-10-2012, 05:01 PM
(after skipping the ad, note the importance of train whistles--even in Imaginationland)


This video loses all credibility because the train goes through downtown (a highly populated area) and he still has to blow his horn and disturb the hard working citizens.

Zero points for you RM.

05-11-2012, 08:30 AM
If I were one of the hard working citizens of the downtown pictured in the documentary, I would be more concerned about the giant, DRIVERLESS, car blocking both lanes of traffic at the railroad crossing. I mean, even after the train passes--after blowing its horn for the sake of safety--where you gonna be able to go? With that giant car just sitting there.

Frankly, I must admit that the video lost a little credibility with me during the part showing the train going up and down hills in a manner that runs counter to all the principles of railroad track grading.

05-11-2012, 09:07 AM
If I were one of the hard working citizens of the downtown pictured in the documentary, I would be more concerned about the giant, DRIVERLESS, car blocking both lanes of traffic at the railroad crossing. I mean, even after the train passes--after blowing its horn for the sake of safety--where you gonna be able to go? With that giant car just sitting there.

Ya know, that caught my eye as well. Wherever that "city" is, I'm staying away from that craphole.

05-11-2012, 09:26 AM
The architecture depicted is reminicent of Kansas City . . .
Down near the freight yards.

I really think that whoever is running the railroad in the documentary should tell passengers to refrain from putting their shoes up on the windows of the passenger cars and leaving shoeprints. It causes extra work for the maintenence crews in order to facilitate the viewing of the breathtaking scenery by other patrons.

05-21-2012, 02:23 PM
A few years ago the FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) imposed the following new train honking rules :

Trains have to produce 2 long honks, 1 short honk an again 1 long honk before passing every railroad crossing, day and night.
The penalties collected by the FRA are huge for railroad companies and train engineers not producing this load disturbing and polluting noise.

This is disturbing the sleep of millions of hard working US citizens and is not improving railroad crossing safety at all.

Could someone please study the train safety measures in the rest of the world?

Please stop trains to honk and honk and honk again loudly for every crossing, anytime of the day and night.

If the FRA doesn't understand this nuisance and noise pollution it created, the Federal Railroad Administration should soon be considered as the most useless government agency in the USA

Democrats and Republicans are looking to cut spending and optimize the use of tax payers money.

The FRA honking rule is currently a "world class" example of useless and wasted tax payers money.

05-21-2012, 03:00 PM
Simply as an exercise in Paradigm Alignment . . .
(and humor evacuation)

Which is "more frightening"/"annoying" to you:
A) Trains honking at railroad crossings
B) Driving south on Prospect Ave. in KC
trying to get back onto 71S.
C) The lack of good BBQ spots in KC
D) Misuse of FRA (a Belgian abr. for one Catholic Office or another)
as applied to Railroad Safety
E) If Mitt(erand) Romney said he would make the trains stop honking
would you stop drinking anything containing caffeine (Ovaltine=no caffeine)?
F) All of the above
G) None of the above
H) Some of the above
I) If H) explain your answer

Note: The biggest payoff at Riverwind and Newcastle are that trains don't go there no more.

05-21-2012, 03:16 PM
I wonder if Watcher and Torea are more closely related than I thought.

05-21-2012, 03:29 PM
If you added a little THUNDER to the mix . . .
Who knows . . . They are all simply computers anyways.
Not satisified at winning on Jeapordy already. =)
(did i spell the J-word rite?)

If you added a little THUNDER to the mix . . . =)
Who knows . . .

"They"/"De'Bot' o' dem are all simply computer compilers anyways.
Not satisified at winning on Jeapordy already. =)
(did i spell the J-word rite?)

Prob'ly they are both AlexTreeback. =)

(sorry, that programming just started in the other room.
actually i am on my way to the store t' get the fixins
fer the best non-restaurant chicken dinner ever
[Italianesque Chicken Thighs w/PastaPesto =)

Sorry about the syntax/etc. in the above . . .
Obviously, living within a mile of train whistles takes its toll.

So, Torea . . . Just out of curiosity . . .
Are there still overhead power lines in the vicinity of KC?
How close are they to the railroad tracks?

(Of course, when this guy moved to Minnesota, TARGET changed . . . =)

05-21-2012, 04:19 PM
LOL, Keep on honking guys, you behave like little dogs pooping in their own nest.
Except ... millions of other people have to live and stay awake in your useless honking train noise pollution day and night.

And yes, the FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) is (ab)used to justify this useless train noise creation

05-21-2012, 04:40 PM
When did dogs start building nests?
About the time that pigs started to fly?
(Or toasters?)

For the record:
I have never pulled the chain or pushed the button
to blow the horn/whistle on a train.
Therefore, I take exception to your labeling
["the problem"]
as mine in the "sense" of "your train".

And (re: "pollution") I'm learning to recycle to save the environment.
Even if the city doesn't seem to ever pick up the stuff.

Edited to Add:
Do not expect a formal response to further quips
until I have had the opportunity to see and evaluate
your answers to the Pop Quiz, above.

Please be advised that this will have no net effect
on the legal sounding of train horns in your vicintiy
regardless of who is president.

05-21-2012, 04:59 PM
Excellent! You are finally learning to recycle and save the environment instead of trashing and creating more and more pollution.

But besides paper, glass, water and other waste products, noise is another important pollution factor.

Maybe you don't realize this since not so long ago most people here in the US were living in tepee's and train "whistle" was a romantic sign of the future to come.

I just want to mention that the future is now ... too many people are disturbed by the 4 times loud train honks produced by trains for each of the thousands of railroad crossings ... day and night.

I would like a Federal Agency (like the FRA) to stop instead of impose this noise. Unless they prove to be useless and want to go back to live in tepee's.....

05-21-2012, 05:02 PM
I would think the people living in tepee's didn't consider trains as a romantic sign of the future. They saw it as the white man invading and stealing their land. Maybe we could recycle train whistles and use them for the small trains they have at zoo's and other places.

05-21-2012, 05:06 PM
Thank you.
I feel better now.


Nothing beats External Validation.
(except maybe mandating the sound
at the start of the video as a replacement
for Train Whistles)

Oh. Wait:

05-21-2012, 05:18 PM

05-21-2012, 10:57 PM
(donde estan los prequntos viceversaros)

If I had a train, I would energize its horn to celebrate the Paradigmal Union Pacific/Gulf/Whatever

(back to the quiz answering....)

05-22-2012, 07:45 AM
My quiz answer is:
Let's work together to create a county where everyone can sleep, live and work in peace .... without aggressive loud and completely useless train honking.

05-22-2012, 07:50 AM
embrace your inner horn.

05-22-2012, 08:01 AM
My quiz question(s) is why are you on an OKC message board when you live in KC? Were you banned from the boards up there?

05-22-2012, 08:16 AM
embrace your inner horn.

Familiar with Shooby Taylor, 'the human horn'?


RIP, Shooby