View Full Version : New Construction at SW 104th and front of Crest?

12-12-2011, 10:03 AM
Hi, all...

There appears to be preliminary surveying and drainage work underway on the parcel immediately in front of the Crest at SW 104th and May Avenue.

This is not the corner parcel, but what I would imagine is the next parcel south along May. No signs, no building permit numbers, just survey stakes, a trench digger, and a pile of pipe, so something is clearly starting up. Anyone know of anything?

There were rumors here months ago about a Chili's going up on the corner, but nothing ever came of that...

old okie
12-14-2011, 03:25 PM
Not construction for anything in front of Crest; it's all for a new water line being installed down Brookline & then on to S.W. 111th in the Lake Ridge addition. The new line has to be laid on the opposite side of the street where the existing line is. It will be a really messy project [tearing up sidewalks, yards, sprinklers], but compared to the real mess that was having approx. 14 [may be low on that number] water outages in same location from April through Aug. this year, it will be worth it.

12-14-2011, 07:25 PM
Hi, all...

There appears to be preliminary surveying and drainage work underway on the parcel immediately in front of the Crest at SW 104th and May Avenue.

This is not the corner parcel, but what I would imagine is the next parcel south along May. No signs, no building permit numbers, just survey stakes, a trench digger, and a pile of pipe, so something is clearly starting up. Anyone know of anything?

There were rumors here months ago about a Chili's going up on the corner, but nothing ever came of that...

Just received a HOA email saying there will be a McDonalds built on the EAST side of May, somewhere along that 10 acres south of the cleaners. So excited..."YOU WANT THAT ORDER SUPERSIZED??" NOT...

12-15-2011, 05:07 AM
Wow, that's good information. Saw that they were tearing up quite a bit of grass, frontage area over there. Didn't know they were having so much trouble. I saw some survey stakes in that outparcel in front of Crest and thought that was where the work was heading. Thanks for the info.

12-15-2011, 08:06 AM
12/14/11...received an email from my HOA that a McDonalds is planned on the east side of May across from Crest.

12-16-2011, 07:38 AM
12/14/11...received an email from my HOA that a McDonalds is planned on the east side of May across from Crest.

Well, I'd be lying if I said that excited me. Not that I have anything against McDonald's per se, don't go there that often these days, but always hoping for something newer or different to come in. Oh well. Do enjoy the occasional breakfast there, however...

12-16-2011, 09:03 AM
12/14/11...received an email from my HOA that a McDonalds is planned on the east side of May across from Crest.

If nothing else, it ought to ease some of the congestion at the McD's sitting at SW 89th & S Penn. Busy place that one is.

12-16-2011, 09:03 AM
I know the IN thing is to knock McDonalds however, they are building nice stores with low profile signage. Not mention they have made a reasonable effort to offer healthy choices alongside the long time favorites. Healthy eating and reasonable portions lie in the hands of the consumer. I used to love the double patties, large fried and drinks now I go for smaller sizes and fewer visits to fast food places. Basically I'm following the diet my parents served at home. Plenty of veggies, a mix of beef, chicken and fish, less soda more water, milk and fruit juice. The old school diet and regular gym visit are shedding the fat and building muscle back. Anybody can eat well and exercise it just matter of forcing yourself to do it.

old okie
12-16-2011, 10:06 AM
12/14/11...received an email from my HOA that a McDonalds is planned on the east side of May across from Crest.

Wow, this IS news! Hadn't heard that, but often don't until after plans are approved. We always figured something would go in there; rough land lay-out, though, because of the creek.

Lots of people get really upset by eateries, shops, etc., moving in to an area, but that's the 'price' of city living. Shops & stores spring up where there are people and a demand.

We're still amazed about the rumor that a Sonic will be going in by Qdoba on 104th. That will be three Sonics in 2.5 miles!

12-16-2011, 10:20 AM
Lots of people get really upset by eateries, shops, etc., moving in to an area, but that's the 'price' of city living. Shops & stores spring up where there are people and a demand.

Exactly, if businesses being close to housing bothers people, they really don't need to be living in a city.

12-16-2011, 12:07 PM
Wow, this IS news! Hadn't heard that, but often don't until after plans are approved. We always figured something would go in there; rough land lay-out, though, because of the creek.

Lots of people get really upset by eateries, shops, etc., moving in to an area, but that's the 'price' of city living. Shops & stores spring up where there are people and a demand.

We're still amazed about the rumor that a Sonic will be going in by Qdoba on 104th. That will be three Sonics in 2.5 miles!

Yeah that Sonic threw me for a loop.

FWIW, I have no problem with good business coming in to serve a new area near existing residential areas. My lack of excitement re the McDonald's news was just that, as in "meh, another McDonald's, not exciting."

If I had my druthers, I'd get a Cheddar's right there on that corner of 104th and May. It'd be perfect. On the other hand, my wife would probably like a LaMadeline's cafe like those in Dallas/San Antontio, etc. For those not aware, think of it as a very frou-frou Panera with a bit wider selection. But its not likely; had heard they contemplated Tulsa but decided against it...,

old okie
12-16-2011, 07:21 PM
Yeah that Sonic threw me for a loop.

FWIW, I have no problem with good business coming in to serve a new area near existing residential areas. My lack of excitement re the McDonald's news was just that, as in "meh, another McDonald's, not exciting."

If I had my druthers, I'd get a Cheddar's right there on that corner of 104th and May. It'd be perfect. On the other hand, my wife would probably like a LaMadeline's cafe like those in Dallas/San Antontio, etc. For those not aware, think of it as a very frou-frou Panera with a bit wider selection. But its not likely; had heard they contemplated Tulsa but decided against it...,

A Cheddar's would be beyond fantastic. Ditto LaMadeline's; they are great. My "diet" would be gone, though, as I'd want hubby to take me out all the time. :kicking: At least with a McDonald's, I wouldn't be tempted. Having the Crest deli for "dining" is bad enough on the old waistline! It's SO convenient.

12-17-2011, 07:05 PM
Your welcome. Looks like I made a double post. It's been a while. Anyway, was just passing along an HOA email received from a board member. Can never be sure of the validity. I was told back in the day (by a Crest store manager), that Crest was going to be north of 104th, and we all know how accurate that info turned out to be. lol I'm not "upset," nor do I "really" need to live somewhere other than in "the city." I was only trying to have a bit of SUPERSIZED fun with it all. I'm fully aware that the area is zoned commercial, and the days of a quiet open field with no neighbors would someday come to an end. Time and quarter pounders move on... Oh, and the Crest Mkt? Sure glad it's there. After all the initial discussions, what a nice shopping area we now have for the neighborhood. McDees will probably turn out ok also. Peace

02-07-2012, 02:09 PM
Any new activity on this McDonald's reportedly going up across the street from Crest?