View Full Version : Purple Burrow thoughts

12-09-2011, 04:54 PM
Purple Burrow is on Coltrane south of 2nd. My wife and I tried it a few weeks ago and were very disappointed.

They served homemade chips which were tough to choke down. Every entree is served on a tortilla which was dry and broke apart. The atmosphere is pretty weak.

PB is in our part of town so we drive by it frequently and notice that there are few cars out front. I'm afraid it won't make it very long.

12-09-2011, 06:06 PM
Our thoughts exactly. We live close by as well, and were really excited to see it open. We love New Mexican food, so it was a plus. However, when we tried it we just were not impressed at all. It didn't seem New Mexican to us. I was hoping for lots of green chili stuff, but no. It was just weird. We drive by it all the time as well, and every time we do, we comment on how we don't expect it to make it very long.

12-14-2011, 02:24 PM
Ate there a couple of months ago, and thought it was absolutely terrible. With the name/look, I was expecting the menu to be something unique (big truck tacos type of place). I can't imagine when you are starting a restaurant and put the menu together, you think to yourself, this is the type of food that will be a success. The queso (if thats what you want to call it), is nothing more than pretzel cheese out of a can with a little rotel thrown in. I can guarantee you'd I could throw a few of my mexican recipes together and outdo this place.