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12-07-2011, 01:45 PM 3443446313737304132463330.htm

12-07-2011, 01:59 PM
Wow nice. Wish they would have put that amount towards the hotel at Riverwind.

12-07-2011, 02:08 PM
Wow, that's impressive.

12-07-2011, 02:13 PM

Wow nice. Wish they would have put that amount towards the hotel at Riverwind.

This... maybe one day they will do that.

12-07-2011, 02:18 PM
Yes, with the growing population in the Oklahoma City metro, I am sure RiverWind will expand in the near future.

12-07-2011, 11:31 PM
This project looks like cheesy Latin American and/or Soviet commie block architecture from the 80s/90s, glad it's not in the metro, truthfully. Although it would be nice to have a draw/mecca like the Winstar.

12-07-2011, 11:52 PM
This project looks like cheesy Latin American and/or Soviet commie block architecture from the 80s/90s, glad it's not in the metro, truthfully. Although it would be nice to have a draw/mecca like the Winstar.

Spartan, have you seen Winstar in person? The whole thing looks kinda cheesy. But remember it's a casino. What do you expect? Thats typical of US casinos which aren't known for being tasteful. It's certainly not Monte Carlo.

12-08-2011, 07:22 AM
Great news. God forbid Texas ever legalize gambling. :wink:

12-08-2011, 01:08 PM
The second Tricky Ricky leaves the governor's mansion down in Austin, that is a real possibility.

I know Foxwoods in CT (which at one point was the biggest Indian Casino in the nation) is bracing for their business to plunge from the NYCers now going to casinos in Pennsylvania, which just legalized gaming. That is the danger in placing your competitive advantage in something that others will eventually figure out.

12-13-2011, 06:54 PM
Yes, with the growing population in the Oklahoma City metro, I am sure RiverWind will expand in the near future.
More like DFW/North Texas, it's closer and more Texas traffic than anything.

Spartan, have you seen Winstar in person? The whole thing looks kinda cheesy. But remember it's a casino. What do you expect? Thats typical of US casinos which aren't known for being tasteful. It's certainly not Monte Carlo.

True, but casinos in other states outside Vegas are much nicer than OK's.

Great news. God forbid Texas ever legalize gambling. :wink:
yep, the death of OK casinos will be for the tribes not investing in quality, world class facilities, and then Texas legalizes it. They will do it right in Texas.

Just the facts
12-13-2011, 07:37 PM
How is the American Indian Cultural Museum fund raising doing?

12-13-2011, 08:37 PM
metro,Riverwind is not closer to the DFW metroplex and its OKC traffic!

Bill Robertson
12-14-2011, 07:50 AM
Something tells me that the people I see single-mindedly glued to the machines in the casinos couldn't give a rats if the outer building facades or even the inner decor look cheesy or not.

12-14-2011, 07:58 AM
Something tells me that the people I see single-mindedly glued to the machines in the casinos couldn't give a rats if the outer building facades or even the inner decor look cheesy or not.

To me it depends on the quality of the gaming and the perks offered. If I'm sitting down at a machine doing $27 or whatever a pull, I expect to get some kick backs. Free meals at world class restaurants, weekly free play, free trips, free gifts around this time of year, etc. Unfortunately we don't have the major casino chains here in OK so that will never happen.

12-14-2011, 08:20 AM
How is the American Indian Cultural Museum fund raising doing?

I don't know, but I can find you the address and number of the agency which oversees that legislatively approved project if you need assistance in locating it to ask them. It's a state creation, not a tribal one. Figure you knew that, but thought I'd mention it just in case you forgot. I hear excessive city walking can impact memory from time to time.

12-14-2011, 09:03 AM
i don't know, but i can find you the address and number of the agency which oversees that legislatively approved project if you need assistance in locating it to ask them. It's a state creation, not a tribal one. Figure you knew that, but thought i'd mention it just in case you forgot. I hear excessive city walking can impact memory from time to time.


01-27-2012, 06:54 PM
Spartan, have you seen Winstar in person? The whole thing looks kinda cheesy.

Kinda? haha

06-18-2012, 09:47 AM
The second Tricky Ricky leaves the governor's mansion down in Austin, that is a real possibility.

Rick Perry is Governor of Texas until January 2015. So at minimum, Texas won't have gambling legalize for 5 more years. By then Winstar could have another 2-3 more hotels built, and the complex could be even more massive. I doubt Winstar is worried about Texas gambling.

06-18-2012, 10:43 AM
Rick Perry is Governor of Texas until January 2015. So at minimum, Texas won't have gambling legalize for 5 more years. By then Winstar could have another 2-3 more hotels built, and the complex could be even more massive. I doubt Winstar is worried about Texas gambling.

How could they not be worried about it? If texas legalized it and they built a casino in DFW who would drive to OK to do their gambling.

Just the facts
06-18-2012, 11:22 AM
This may or may not be relevant at some point in the future.

Court won't stop lawsuit against tribal casino

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court won't stop a lawsuit seeking to shut down a Native American casino in Michigan.

The high court on Monday upheld a lower court decision that would allow casino foe David Patchak to sue to shut the casino down.

06-18-2012, 01:07 PM
How could they not be worried about it? If texas legalized it and they built a casino in DFW who would drive to OK to do their gambling.

Texas won't do it anytime soon. It's been proven, it doesn't help a state's economy. Just look at Oklahoma, Nevada, Mississippi, etc. (ok's good economy not because of gambling).
also, would you rather go to a nice weekend getta-way out of town with golf, several hotels to choose from, 2nd largest casino in the world (winstar) or some crappy new casino in rockwall in a few years? I live in dfw, would rather go to winstar.

06-18-2012, 01:41 PM
It drains your state's disposable income into a black hole that otherwise would have a domino effect in supporting businesses.

06-18-2012, 01:56 PM
Texas won't do it anytime soon. It's been proven, it doesn't help a state's economy. Just look at Oklahoma, Nevada, Mississippi, etc. (ok's good economy not because of gambling).
also, would you rather go to a nice weekend getta-way out of town with golf, several hotels to choose from, 2nd largest casino in the world (winstar) or some crappy new casino in rockwall in a few years? I live in dfw, would rather go to winstar.
I agree, I don't think it will be legal in Texas for many, many years. Too many extreme conservatives running the state, the rural block is much stronger than the city reps/senators and doesn't want them and more than likely will not let it pass even out of committee. They would much rather force their constituents to go "somewhere else" to get their gambling or drink on out os sight of their fellow parishioners eyes. I can guarantee you the tribes and/or casino operators invested in Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexico probably lobby the Texas legislature hard to prevent it while the ones who don't have operations there are probably lobbying the other way. Remember, there are still some "dry counties" in Texas out in the rural areas and just like Oklahoma (and most states, like Colorado) the rural voters tend to be much, much more socially conservative than those living in and around the cities and tend to have the numbers to outvote the cities when it comes to legislation.

I do remember a casino boat in Port Aransas that would sail out on "day cruises" to international waters and open the tables up. I think Abbott (Texas AG) finally found a way to shut them down.

The Winstar is light years ahead of what it was for many years, nothing but a sprung building off the highway. Even if it is a bit cheesy (as are most casinos, even in Vegas) they have made a substantial investment and made it into something that many in North Texas enjoy going to. There are also many in the DFW area who have bought lake property in Southern Oklahoma because of the value of the property (and lower property taxes) than you can typically find in Texas.

06-19-2012, 09:20 AM
Winstar is the 3rd largest casino in the world, it's not going anywhere anytime soon excepting getting bigger and bigger. Outside of the 2 Winstar hotels, there is about 4 other smaller ones down there too. Wouldn't be surprised if a small town/city is created with restaurants, shopping, and homes over the next 10 years. Heck, they're going to have 150 people alone working the new hotel.

06-19-2012, 10:10 AM
Is there any plan to build something of substance like this at Riverwind Casino in Norman? I know that being in Norman probably doesn't require the hotel because most people visiting are able to drive back home at night, but it would be nice to see something of a little higher quality be developed on their land.

06-19-2012, 11:42 AM
Is there any plan to build something of substance like this at Riverwind Casino in Norman? I know that being in Norman probably doesn't require the hotel because most people visiting are able to drive back home at night, but it would be nice to see something of a little higher quality be developed on their land.

Doubt it. The Chickasaw Nation runs both and they are wanting to turn Winstar in a mini-vegas, and put all of their eggs in this basket. No reason to put a hotel in Norman.

06-19-2012, 12:12 PM
would love for both riverwind and firelake to build golf courses ..

06-19-2012, 01:06 PM
would love for both riverwind and firelake to build golf courses ..

That would be a great addition. I just wish the Chickasaw Nation would do more to upgrade the area around Riverwind, be it a decent hotel, golf courses, etc.

06-19-2012, 01:11 PM
Riverwind has a small hotel at present, fairly nice I'm told. Also, someone else finally finished and opened another hotel just south of there. It would likely require a sustained uptick in business before anyone else bothered, especially in light of several other small hotels opening from one side of Norman to the other in recent years.

08-01-2012, 06:27 AM
From their facebook page in June.

08-01-2012, 07:03 AM
Riverwand has the benefit/drawback of being in-town. You can go gamble and then go home. No need for a hotel when most of your customers are residents of the area. Winstar, on the other hand, is in the middle of nowhere, halfway between two metros. So driving there, it makes sense to be able to stay. Although, i would say they probably need to do a bit more to make it a real destination resort first.

08-01-2012, 07:33 AM
New High Rise Hotel @ Firelake:

You can say the same thing about Firelake, being its so close to Oklahoma City and Shawnee, however, I noticed a few weeks ago while traveling to Shawnee, they are constructing a new 12 story hotel. If you follow casino development, most major casinos in this area eventually expand. With Riverwind and Firelake both constructed in 2006 are newer casinos compared to Winstar (2004) , I am sure expansion for Riverwind is inevitable.

08-01-2012, 02:09 PM
I like the idea of Firelake having a hotel. Id honestly rather go there for a big name concert and after having a few drinks, itd be kinda nice to not have to drive back to the city or risk even a short drive to Shawnee.

08-01-2012, 02:51 PM
Riverwand has the benefit/drawback of being in-town. You can go gamble and then go home. No need for a hotel when most of your customers are residents of the area. Winstar, on the other hand, is in the middle of nowhere, halfway between two metros. So driving there, it makes sense to be able to stay. Although, i would say they probably need to do a bit more to make it a real destination resort first.

Give Winstar time. Been open only 8 years. Already huge casino, 2 hotels and a golf course. They'll keep updating and building.

08-01-2012, 07:23 PM
Looks good. That casino looks like it's gotten loooonger and loooonger every time I drive by.

I've always thought the Riverwind hotel seemed completely random, like it fell out of the sky and blocked the entrance that is most heavily used (I know valet is on the other side, which is technically the main entrance, but most people park and walk in the entrance by the hotel). It ate up a chunk of the closest parking, and seems like it was such an afterthought. It's pretty decent inside, though.

08-02-2012, 08:01 AM
I wonder when Winstar is going to finally get rid of the huge tent behind the facade. That strikes me as humorous - kind of like "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." But they are obviously doing something right for that thing to grow so quickly into the large complex it has become.

08-02-2012, 08:41 AM
Looks good. That casino looks like it's gotten loooonger and loooonger every time I drive by.

I've always thought the Riverwind hotel seemed completely random, like it fell out of the sky and blocked the entrance that is most heavily used (I know valet is on the other side, which is technically the main entrance, but most people park and walk in the entrance by the hotel). It ate up a chunk of the closest parking, and seems like it was such an afterthought. It's pretty decent inside, though.

I absolutely agree with you. The layout of Riverwind is strange as hell. But the inside is decent.

08-03-2012, 02:45 PM
Winstar will be like Vegas when they start tearing down the original hotels to build bigger hotels. That is when we know that Winstar has made it!

Riverwind capitalize on the fact it is close to Norman and the game day rush that occurs. Building a massive 5 star hotel will be the #1 option for people to stay on game days!

01-03-2013, 12:06 PM
Photos from Tuesday:

Just the facts
01-03-2013, 12:14 PM
Traffic between Dallas and Exit 1 in Oklahoma was crazy during our trip to OKC. As soon as we passed the casino the traffic went away.

01-03-2013, 12:18 PM
They are really coming along with their plans down that way. It caught my eye as I was driving down to pick up my son on the 24th.

01-03-2013, 12:31 PM
Over the next few years, I could see the Winstar/Thackerville area booming down on the river. There is already some businesses/hotels/restaurants just south of the casino. Those will only increase as DFW Metroplex continues to expand north of Denton and McKinney.

01-03-2013, 12:47 PM
I wonder when they are going to get rid of the tent behind the facade?! Gotta hand it to the Chickasaw (?) tribe for making a TON of money down there and coming up with a pretty cool concept. If they don't already, Amtrak and Winstar should set up some sort of stop in Thackerville or bus service from Gainesville to Winstar. They could probably make a profit on a couple trains a day on weekends from Dallas and OKC.

01-03-2013, 01:35 PM
I wonder when they are going to get rid of the tent behind the facade?! Gotta hand it to the Chickasaw (?) tribe for making a TON of money down there and coming up with a pretty cool concept. If they don't already, Amtrak and Winstar should set up some sort of stop in Thackerville or bus service from Gainesville to Winstar. They could probably make a profit on a couple trains a day on weekends from Dalls and OKC.

They already have a bus service from Dallas to Winstar for like $10 or less I think.

The golf course there is really nice I hear too.

Just the facts
01-03-2013, 01:38 PM
The pick-up at WalMart. Perfect.

01-03-2013, 01:54 PM
I agree, I don't think it will be legal in Texas for many, many years. Too many extreme conservatives running the state, the rural block is much stronger than the city reps/senators and doesn't want them and more than likely will not let it pass even out of committee. They would much rather force their constituents to go "somewhere else" to get their gambling or drink on out os sight of their fellow parishioners eyes. I can guarantee you the tribes and/or casino operators invested in Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexico probably lobby the Texas legislature hard to prevent it while the ones who don't have operations there are probably lobbying the other way. Remember, there are still some "dry counties" in Texas out in the rural areas and just like Oklahoma (and most states, like Colorado) the rural voters tend to be much, much more socially conservative than those living in and around the cities and tend to have the numbers to outvote the cities when it comes to legislation.

Denton is a dry county...and that's not even rural!

01-03-2013, 03:08 PM
The pick-up at WalMart. Perfect.

Take that with a grain of salt. I know a lot of people that go there, and they are by no means the "WalMart" types. A lot of DFW people with money go there just to have a good time.

01-03-2013, 03:51 PM
Take that with a grain of salt. I know a lot of people that go there, and they are by no means the "WalMart" types. A lot of DFW people with money go there just to have a good time.

Indeed. Plus if there are a good amount of people taking these buses, the parking lot at Walmart would be enough to accommodate them all.

01-03-2013, 04:28 PM
Do any of you think we'll ever see a hotel closer to those in Thackerville ever built at Riverwind? Or does the location in Norman make it too convenient for a hotel that large?

01-03-2013, 07:21 PM
Do any of you think we'll ever see a hotel closer to those in Thackerville ever built at Riverwind? Or does the location in Norman make it too convenient for a hotel that large?

Probably too close to everything else. Though I would like to see Riverwind get some love and grow more, but just don't think it'll happen. They should have plenty of land out there to roll out a full scale resort with a golf course and such. I would like to see them take a play on the name and also include an indoor waterpark/hotel as well to make it more of a destination resort.

Not really related, but I really wish all of their casinos were on the same player's club system. It is annoying that credits don't transfer from Winstar to Riverwind to Goldsby to Newcastle. If I can go to the MGM in Detroit and get credit to the same account I use out in Vegas, it should be the same here.

01-03-2013, 07:25 PM
Winstar had best keep thinking bigger and bigger while increasing a following, so they can be better prepared for the competition should Texas permit casinos to be built in or near Dallas-Fort Worth in the future. Meanwhile, people love to assume that casino owners from Oklahoma and Louisiana are paying off Texas politicians not to permit any more casinos in Texas.

Jersey Boss
01-03-2013, 08:28 PM
Denton is a dry county...and that's not even rural!

Not quite.
Denton Liquor stores | Liquor stores in Denton, TX - (

Ya must be thinking of somewhere else.

Plutonic Panda
01-03-2013, 10:08 PM
Not quite.
Denton Liquor stores | Liquor stores in Denton, TX - (

Ya must be thinking of somewhere else.That is really strange considering I was talking to a 17 year veteran police officer about 2 weeks ago in Denton and we were talking about liquor laws in Oklahoma and he told me that Denton was a dry county. I am not saying you're lying or anything and I did look at your link, it's just I go through Denton all the time and have never seen a liquor store and a police officer whom I know pretty well and has no reason to lie to me told me it is a dry county. That is just weird man. lol

01-03-2013, 10:15 PM
"Dry" in Texas can have many different meanings, it could be like Dallas used to be with wet/dry voting precincts. It could have package stores but no "liquor by the drink" in restaurants, etc. but I do think I have seen alcohol in restaurants and I'm pretty sure they have some bars near the campus.

01-03-2013, 10:26 PM
This is getting quite a bit off subject from Winstar but here is a link about Denton.

01-03-2013, 11:38 PM
From what I've been hearing in Norman a plan for a higher-class hotel is already complete. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see this happen soon considering a similar project is nearing completion at Grand (formerly Firelake) Casino.

Do any of you think we'll ever see a hotel closer to those in Thackerville ever built at Riverwind? Or does the location in Norman make it too convenient for a hotel that large?

01-04-2013, 07:23 AM
There is already a thread on this, but with 100 new jobs coming to Marietta, its just another reason to see more growth along the border with businesses close to Winstar. (

01-04-2013, 10:28 AM
Probably too close to everything else. Though I would like to see Riverwind get some love and grow more, but just don't think it'll happen. They should have plenty of land out there to roll out a full scale resort with a golf course and such. I would like to see them take a play on the name and also include an indoor waterpark/hotel as well to make it more of a destination resort.

Not really related, but I really wish all of their casinos were on the same player's club system. It is annoying that credits don't transfer from Winstar to Riverwind to Goldsby to Newcastle. If I can go to the MGM in Detroit and get credit to the same account I use out in Vegas, it should be the same here.

Both good ideas. Chickasaw Nation has 18 casinos/game rooms spread around southern OK. They just recently started advertising Salt Creek on TV (that I noticed). They seem to be of a mind to expand the model rather than improve any aspects.

Plutonic Panda
01-04-2013, 11:24 AM
There is already a thread on this, but with 100 new jobs coming to Marietta, its just another reason to see more growth along the border with businesses close to Winstar. (, I couldn't figure out whether to post a new thread or just post on here since their fairly close.

02-08-2013, 09:44 AM
Images from recent FW Star-Telegram article.

Will Texas ever cash in on casino gambling? | Texas Legislature | News from Fort Worth, ... (