12-01-2011, 09:31 AM
For some reason the whole zombie meme seems to be very popular these days. But how realistic is it to think that a virus, bacteria or parasite could significantly alter the behavior of its host? It turns out it is very likely, and may even be a common occurrence in many host animals. Here's some of the more interesting ones I've run across over the last couple years.
Zombies IRL
Sticklebacks infected with a parasite that changes their behavior so that the parasite can finish its life cycle.
A fungus that infects ants forces them to walk to a specific part of a leaf and bite down at a specific time of day as their last act.
A really odd one: A parasite that makes the sexual attraction portion of a rats brain light up (as opposed to the flight or fight response)when it encounters a cat.
A parasitic wasp reprograms a spider's brain to build a cocoon that it will die in instead of a web.
Zombies IRL
Sticklebacks infected with a parasite that changes their behavior so that the parasite can finish its life cycle.
A fungus that infects ants forces them to walk to a specific part of a leaf and bite down at a specific time of day as their last act.
A really odd one: A parasite that makes the sexual attraction portion of a rats brain light up (as opposed to the flight or fight response)when it encounters a cat.
A parasitic wasp reprograms a spider's brain to build a cocoon that it will die in instead of a web.