View Full Version : Looking for a 32" 1080p tv

11-13-2011, 06:27 PM
I'm trying to find the best deal on a 32" or thereabouts LCD tv. It has to be 1080p because I plan to also use it as a computer monitor. The best I've found so far is about $280 plus tax & shipping from wal-mart but I figured I'd ask the experts on here to see if there are any other places that may have a bargain.


11-13-2011, 06:42 PM
Now is a good time of year to be in the market. Many retailers are trying to dump their LCD and Plasma's to make room for LED - which appears to be where many manufacturers are headed. Saw some great prices at Sam's. Plus, Sam's often has returns at 30-50% off retail. I've bought several TV's that away and they have all been fine. They will tell you there is no manufacturer warranty, but that isn't true.

Some of the online retailers will have good deals for Christmas too.

11-13-2011, 06:49 PM
If you go into a Best Buy, they often have floor models or returns a big discounts.

I did a lot of online research and ended up buying a great Samsung TV for less than I could find it anywhere.

11-13-2011, 07:10 PM
Target has similar or exact to what you are looking for at a great sale price.

11-13-2011, 08:01 PM
Looks like I'll have to go look around Sam's & Best Buy tomorrow.

Target as well since I'll be there anyway.

Thanks for the advice.

11-13-2011, 09:49 PM
You might check online for some of the "Black Friday ads" as some are posted earlier, Google "black friday 2011" and there are several sites with some of them. A couple of years ago I picked up a 32" Vizio (1080i) for the computer room at Walmart the weekend before Black Friday as WM started the sales early. It was about $75.00 cheaper than most places had the same TV at that time.

11-15-2011, 05:56 PM
Went with a Westinghouse 32" from newegg. Probably not the most amazing tv out there but with the price and no tax I couldn't pass it up. Can't wait to set it up.

11-15-2011, 07:54 PM

11-15-2011, 09:43 PM
Went with a Westinghouse 32" from newegg. Probably not the most amazing tv out there but with the price and no tax I couldn't pass it up. Can't wait to set it up.

I just bought a Westinghouse 32" (gasp) last week and I was going to recommend it but I haven't had it long enough to really say if it's good or bad and I didn't want to suggest a TV that I wasn't really familiar with. So far though it's been amazing but like I said, I've only had it for about a week now.

11-15-2011, 09:46 PM
Nice. For the price you can't really complain too much if the quality isn't top of the line.

Cool thing about newegg, they called me today and said the tv went down in price and they're going to credit my account with them the difference.

11-15-2011, 10:20 PM
Can you please link us to the page where the product resides?

11-15-2011, 10:23 PM

11-15-2011, 10:29 PM
Yep. Exact same one I've got. Now I feel silly for not suggesting it. Lol

11-15-2011, 10:56 PM

Thank you! I have a CRT television that was included in the new home I just recently bought. I am considering getting a flat screen to fit in that space for now (because it saves on electricity - will talk about it in another thread). Please, I ask you to aggressively use the television for a week with many different tests then post on here your own personal reviews. If its encouraging, I may get one. First, I need to measure if it will fit in a limited space.

11-15-2011, 10:59 PM
It'll be used mainly as a computer monitor but I will have the cable tv hooked up to it as well so I'll have quite a bit of use on it pretty quickly.

11-17-2011, 10:49 PM
Got the tv in and installed today. So far it's really nice. As a monitor with an HDMI input the text is very clear and colors are sharp.

If there's one thing I don't like about it so far is the speaker quality when watching tv isn't that great.

11-18-2011, 01:37 AM
Got the tv in and installed today. So far it's really nice. As a monitor with an HDMI input the text is very clear and colors are sharp.

If there's one thing I don't like about it so far is the speaker quality when watching tv isn't that great.

Very nice. You can't really appreciate its size until you look at the little monitor on the left side of the desk in your picture. Good luck and have fun!

11-18-2011, 05:13 AM
Got the tv in and installed today. So far it's really nice. As a monitor with an HDMI input the text is very clear and colors are sharp.

If there's one thing I don't like about it so far is the speaker quality when watching tv isn't that great.Nice!

Is that a new desk?

11-18-2011, 12:52 PM
just an FYI .. on a 32" TV there is little to no reason to go for 1080P ... 720p on that size screen it will be very hard to tell the difference

11-18-2011, 12:57 PM
just an FYI .. on a 32" TV there is little to no reason to go for 1080P ... 720p on that size screen it will be very hard to tell the difference

It comes off the tongue better if you say "I have a 1080p HD TV" rather than "I have a 720p TV." Just making up an excuse on the spot but you're right. =)

11-18-2011, 03:24 PM
As a computer monitor it's imperative that it was 1080p to be the right resolution(and it just sounds cooler to say). Now I just have to wait for this new game I'm waiting on to be released.

11-18-2011, 05:33 PM
Has it done ok for gaming or are you just waiting on Diablo 3 to test it out?

11-18-2011, 05:34 PM
It's worked well for Rift so far. I'm actually waiting on The Old Republic. Seems like it has a border around the actual screen that I can't get rid of without changing the aspect ratio and then it cuts off the top & bottom so I'll have to figure that out.

11-18-2011, 05:59 PM
The Old Republic has the border? Thats in beta right? Have you tried the offical forums or tweaking or looking for a user or ini file in the game?

11-18-2011, 10:59 PM
No sorry I meant the TV has a border around the actual screen. I can set the aspect to fill but then it cuts off a little of the edges.

I'll just have to tinker with it.

*edit* Figured it out. I had to adjust the Overscan scaling in my graphic card settings. Now it fills the screen nicely

11-19-2011, 09:37 AM
As a computer monitor it's imperative that it was 1080p to be the right resolution(and it just sounds cooler to say). Now I just have to wait for this new game I'm waiting on to be released.
I had a 25" 1080p monitor for my home desktop (in Austin, I brought it up to Denver to use as a second screen for my laptop) and do not like it as well as the pair of 24" Dell Ultrasharp monitors that I had at my former job which will run up to 1200 pixels vertical. Right now I have a couple of 20" Dell Ultrasharp (not widescreen) monitors that I picked up at Discount Electronics for around $100 each that do 1200 vertical. The screen height is about the same as the 24" widescreen (which run at almost $500 new) that I had on my old office computer. For Revit, 3DSMax and Photoshop type of work the higher resolution is much nicer.

I do agree the current 1080p monitors are a much better upgrade over the older screens and for gaming would probably work great since most games aren't going to render higher than 1080. Congrats, hope you enjoy it.

11-19-2011, 09:50 AM
Got the tv in and installed today. So far it's really nice. As a monitor with an HDMI input the text is very clear and colors are sharp.

If there's one thing I don't like about it so far is the speaker quality when watching tv isn't that great.

I connected a pair of old Dell computer speakers to mine, and they work quite well. Alternatively, Walmart has several small sound bars that would improve your audio.

11-24-2011, 05:59 PM
I'm sure this poster has allready gotten an LCD,but if not Best Buy has a 42" LCD on sale for Black Friday for only $199!

11-24-2011, 06:14 PM
I saw that. Sounds like a good deal but there's no way I'd even attempt to try to get one.

11-24-2011, 09:08 PM
Since they only allocate something like 5 per store, the odds of actually getting one is virtually nil.

11-24-2011, 09:50 PM
Looks like they will have 15 at the store, but still not enough. Amazon just ran a special for a 40" 1080p LCD HDTV for $199...went ahead and picked it up. They lasted all of 15 seconds. LOL Figured it is a good size TV and only $199, so why not.

11-29-2011, 12:30 PM
Avoided over paying on a 1080P TV. Picked up a Larger Computer Monitor, and use my SAT BOX as the Tuner!!! :) Works GREAT!! Saved a TON of money too.

11-29-2011, 06:19 PM
Went ahead and picked up the 40" plasma they have at Sam's right now for $399 for the extra room. Very nice TV for the price. Amazing how the prices have dropped.