View Full Version : Anyone else get their property tax bill today?
Achilleslastand 11-05-2011, 04:22 PM O thank heaven for another increase. At least our kids will have cool new computers and new air conditioning when their in class in june and july.
Whoever thought of the idea of property taxes was a freaking genius.....and a crook.
bluedogok 11-05-2011, 07:54 PM Ours in Austin increased about $300 every year, my wife just got the new bill last week. The taxes for next year are a little over $3,100 (up $341 from last year) on an appraised value of $152,000.
What property taxes ensure is that the gov't is the real owner of your property....which Texas uses to its full advantage, somehow the "but we have no state income tax" argument is a bit meaningless when property taxes are outrageous and they fee you to death for everything. Last month I bought a $650 trailer to haul my motorcycle up to Denver and for general use. I had to pay a 6% sales tax and then $100 to tag it. I know in the past a 5x8 utility trailer didn't need a tag in Oklahoma, not sure if that has changed.
drumsncode 11-06-2011, 07:42 AM I'm glad someone brought this up, because I get so furious every year when I get the property tax bill it takes me hours to calm down. I live in the Deer Creek school district, and the last time I checked, my rate is higher than Nichols Hills! Imagine that.
And the breakdown they show you of where your money is going is an abomination. Francis Tuttle Vo-Tech -- are you kidding me? My share of that is $285 a year, just so someone can take an oil painting class for 25 dollars? $1418 is my share for Deer Creek schools, but I have no kids in school. Imagine that. How about making parents pay for the number of kids they have in school?
And yes, it goes up every year without fail. Don't you wish your own salary would do the same, regardless of your job performance? Who put these ridiculous laws into place? Who do we vote out, or how can we get them changed?
Oh, but it's even worse this year -- I got TWO bills! The second one appears to be something extra special; this one's just for the Deer Creek Fire District, another $140. Guess they all wanted raises this year too.
The thing that really offends me is that even when you own your property free and clear, you don't really own it, because you are taxed to death every year for eternity. In effect, you're really just renting the property from the government. Truly, whoever came up with the idea of taxing a purchase for eternity needs to be sent to prison as a domestic terrorist.
All that tax money and we STILL pay over 8% above purchase price at every store we visit. Then every year, all departments of government wail and moan about not having enough money. And you wonder why we have all these protests across the nation. It's going to get worse if they don't fix this broken, corrupt system.
Honestly, I don't know why the public does not revolt against all this. I guess everyone has reached the point where they feel helpless against the government and its greed and corruption.
Larry OKC 11-06-2011, 09:16 AM drumsncode: A few years back a 5% cap was put on property tax increases. The plain language meant that your property taxes couldn't go up more than 5% each year. But some county assessors thought it meant that they HAD to go up 5% each year. The Oklahoma County assessor at the time (Mike Means?) asked for an attorney general's opinion on it and according to the article in the Oklahoman (cant locate it now) said that they were required to raise it the 5% automatically every year (but you can protest it w/the county assessor and try to get it lowered). The article also said that the AG opinion has the force and effect of law unless the courts overturn his opinion. All of that said, the assessors site now says that the cap means what it says and it is NOT automatic or required and that was the AG's opinion. They strongly urge you to file a protest with them if you disagree with their assessment (most don't). So I don't know if it got over ruled or the Oklahoman article back then was in error or what. have also read recently that AG opinions are advisory only and don't have the force & effect of law unless overturned by the courts so don't know the answer to that one either.
I am with you on most of your post...seems we are taxed at each and every turn. Taxed when you earn it, spend it, save it etc etc etc. Taxed every time it sells, not just when "new". Property taxes should ONLY be collected when the property sells, then ONLY taxed on the selling price of the property (not based on surrounding "comps"). Every government entity seems to have their hand in your pocket and once they get it in, it is darn near impossible to get it back out again. Personally, think all taxes COMBINED (Fed/state/local) shouldn't exceed what God asks for which is 10%. LOL
Thunder 11-06-2011, 09:43 AM Do I have to pay anything on my 5th Wheel home? I see they put on the paper license plate with date of sale, so I need to get a license plate and tag. Problem is...I won't get my title until 19 months later when I pay it off, because I'm paying to the dealership direct in a special deal with the manager. So.... Just a sec, rushing to the toilet... Hi, I'm back. What should I expect?
Easy180 11-06-2011, 10:10 AM Property tax is one I don't mind paying since the majority goes to schools
Drums...You will recoup some of your money going to Deer Creek schools as when you sell you will get a premium price and sell within two weeks cause of parents desperate to get in over there
kevinpate 11-06-2011, 10:45 AM drumsncode: A few years back a 5% cap was put on property tax increases. The plain language meant that your property taxes couldn't go up more than 5% each year. But some county assessors thought it meant that they HAD to go up 5% each year. The Oklahoma County assessor at the time (Mike Means?) asked for an attorney general's opinion on it and according to the article in the Oklahoman (cant locate it now) said that they were required to raise it the 5% automatically every year (but you can protest it w/the county assessor and try to get it lowered). The article also said that the AG opinion has the force and effect of law unless the courts overturn his opinion. All of that said, the assessors site now says that the cap means what it says and it is NOT automatic or required and that was the AG's opinion. They strongly urge you to file a protest with them if you disagree with their assessment (most don't). So I don't know if it got over ruled or the Oklahoman article back then was in error or what. have also read recently that AG opinions are advisory only and don't have the force & effect of law unless overturned by the courts so don't know the answer to that one either.
I am with you on most of your post...seems we are taxed at each and every turn. Taxed when you earn it, spend it, save it etc etc etc. Taxed every time it sells, not just when "new". Property taxes should ONLY be collected when the property sells, then ONLY taxed on the selling price of the property (not based on surrounding "comps"). Every government entity seems to have their hand in your pocket and once they get it in, it is darn near impossible to get it back out again. Personally, think all taxes COMBINED (Fed/state/local) shouldn't exceed what God asks for which is 10%. LOL
I won't swear to my memory on the topic, but my recall is places often were not reassessed until sold, and then ba bang on a big increase. Then the world got tight and someone or three got the bright idea to start reassessing periodically. The 5% cap went in to stop that big hit on folks in one fell swoop. But, as so much was not assessed at current value, it triggered a series of capped increases each year trying to get property to present valuation. Of coruse, that might all be a bad poli-sci film too, so take it with a grain of salt, or a pinch of garlic, which suits your fancy.
Larry OKC 11-06-2011, 07:17 PM Do I have to pay anything on my 5th Wheel home? I see they put on the paper license plate with date of sale, so I need to get a license plate and tag. Problem is...I won't get my title until 19 months later when I pay it off, because I'm paying to the dealership direct in a special deal with the manager. So.... Just a sec, rushing to the toilet... Hi, I'm back. What should I expect?
I would check with the tag agent when you go to do that. You will probably owe the tax on the sale price of the trailer but it may be based on the new MSRP price with sliding scale of age factored in and not the price you actually paid (like you would if you bought a car). As far as I know, RVs are done like cars and trucks and there is no property tax on those items per se. however if you own the lot where you are putting your home on, you will be paying property tax on that. if you rent your lot (like in a trailer park), you aren't paying property tax directly but it is most likely factored into the rent...just like it is with an apartment etc.
adaniel 11-06-2011, 10:44 PM Not to sound like a jerk, but to the OP: so you want your kids to sweat and play on broken computers?
I agree completely with bluedog that taxes in this state are nothing compared to TX. My parents in Dallas will owe approximately $7000-7250 on a home worth about $250K, but if they put it on the market they might get $225K. And I just had some family friends buy a place in Long Island NY. Their tax bill will easily be in the 5 figures.
Midtowner 11-06-2011, 10:53 PM Your taxes fund important stuff. Imagine living in a state with no public education. If you don't think that is scary, you haven't thought it through. It costs a great deal of money to keep this safe and free society running and we all have to pay. Although I'll probably have my kids in private schools, I gladly pay my property taxes to help to ensure that at least the kids in Putnam City schools have a fighting chance.
mmonroe 11-09-2011, 02:08 AM budgets... i live on a budget and it doesn't increase every year, as a matter of fact, i'm constantly trying to find ways to reduce my budget in any way. Like it or not, everyone makes just a certain amount of money each month and everyone has to live within that means... (bankruptcy if you can't, dip and dots) but the government... every year, increases its budget. Didn't finish spending all the money from the previous year, hurry and spend it before the next budget proposal so you can ask for more money... vicious cycle.