View Full Version : Debate on reducing state income tax

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05-10-2013, 01:37 PM
I agree it is a bit hypocritical. Even though I have been a life-long registered Repub (it was a tossup when I registered at 18) but it came down to the labels themselves. i knew we live in a Constitutional Republic/ Representational Democracy. Personally in the past few years I have little use or respect for either party. I have voted for both and been disappointed/betrayed with the votes.

Of course the argument goes that they aren't raising taxes but increasing fees. there was a court case a few years ago (but must have been in a dissenting opinion), that a tax was a tax was a tax no matter what euphemistic label they tried to slap on it. Think it had something to do with the super majority to raise taxes but fees etc don't have the same requirement.

Are you thinking of the Supreme Court's upholding of the Affordable Care Act? It was the Solicitor General (in support of the administration), who argued the opposite of what the administration had argued during the campaign, that the mandate was indeed a tax, John Roberts based his deciding decision on that very fact. A tax is a tax is a tax. So ironically, the mandate being a tax, which Obama had said it absolutely was not, but his own Solicitor General argued it WAS is what saved ObamaCare in the Supreme Court.

Larry OKC
05-10-2013, 01:40 PM
zookeeper: no, the one I saw was a Oklahoma court (probably State Supreme) a few years back now when the company I worked for printed the Oklahoma Bar Journal and we had to proof the files for formatting.

05-10-2013, 01:43 PM
zookeeper: no, the one I saw was a Oklahoma court (probably State Supreme) a few years back now when the company I worked for printed the Oklahoma Bar Journal and we had to proof the files for formatting.

That would have been an interesting job. I'm sure you literally saw all the fine print and had to shake your head.

Larry OKC
05-10-2013, 01:45 PM
Zoo: many many times to be sure...we also printed the bills for the House of Representatives during session...won't blame it for my receeding hair line but it didn't help matters any