View Full Version : National Test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) today (10-28-11)

10-28-2011, 09:09 AM
We just got this email at work today and figured I'd pass the word along. I don't know if this will be anything different than what even seen and heard on the radio and TV, but just in case it catches anyone off-guard...


FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and*the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will conduct the*first nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) Test on November 9, at 1:00
p.m. *Central.

FEMA, the FCC, and NOAA's vision for improving the EAS is incremental, which*means testing the readiness and effectiveness of the EAS as it currently*exists today is the first step. A more effective and functional EAS requires*continual testing to identify necessary improvements so that all levels of*the system can better serve our communities and deliver critical information*that will save lives and property.

EAS Participants provide a critical public service to the nation as the
resilient backbone of alert and warning when all other means of
communication are unavailable. EAS Participants include all broadcasters,*satellite and digital radio and television, cable television and wireline*video providers who ensure the system is at a constant state of readiness.

The nationwide EAS Test is not a pass or fail measure, nor will it
specifically test Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) compliant equipment*(although CAP compliant equipment should pass the Emergency Action*Notification [EAN] live-code in the same manner as legacy EAS equipment).

FEMA and its federal partners understand that improving the EAS is a process*that takes time. IPAWS has compiled experiential lessons learned and best*practices from the Alaska EAS Tests in 2010 & 2011 as well as through the*EAS rebuilding effort and tsunami live-code test in the U.S. Virgin Islands*(located in the EAS Tests and Demonstrations section). *Laboratory research*is also being conducted at IPAWS.

IPAWS, in coordination with the FCC, is continually engaging the EAS*Community through many activities, including information updates, workshops,*roundtables, webinars, and on-site State and local EAS demonstrations to*continue a solutions-oriented dialogue. IPAWS has also developed an external*idea sharing website, A National Dialogue on the Emergency Alert System* to discuss best practices and lessons*learned from the EAS Community on a variety of topics that will support*discussions during webinar and roundtable events.

The alert and warning landscape is in an important state of transition; from*the current system of radio, television, cable, satellite, and wireline*broadcast media-based alerting to a future system that integrates new*technologies for a more universal access to alert and warning messages.*Future testing of the EAS will assess the effectiveness and reliability of*other technologies to achieve the ultimate goal of timely alert and warning
to American public in the preservation of life and property.** **
Here are the official links from FCC, FEMA and DHS.* This test of the*Nationwide Emergency Alert System is official and will kick off at Wednesday,*9 November 2011 at 1400 ET
Here is a video message about the test from the FCC -