Doug Loudenback
10-19-2011, 12:01 PM
In my estimation, the October 18, 2011, city council meeting involved 5 segments worthy of video being captured, and they are shown below:
Below, the Bricktown Study by AJ Kirkpatrick of the Okc Planning Department:
Below, the remarks by council member Ed Shadid querying why sexual preference was not included in the city's anti-discrimination ordinances, requesting that the municipal counselor consider the matter, and indicating that he would be presenting the matter to the city council in the near future:
Below, the remarks of council member Ed Shadid with regard to continuing the city's contract with EMSA for emergency medical response. He stood alone in his position and you can judge for yourself whether what he said made good sense (as I did):
Below, the request presented by members of the Occupy Oklahoma City (a stub of the Occupy Wall Street movement) for the daily $55 permit fees be waived or decreased for the use of Kerr Park ... the most articulate part is by Mark Faulk ( beginning at 6:55 of the video below ... and council member Shadid's remarks, beginning around 15:30, saying that it wouldn't be right to waive or reduce the fees, but that he invited Faulk to meet with him following the council meeting to discuss and find solutions for funding the group's permit expense (near the end of the video clip) ... this is interesting due to Shadid's opposition to plutocracy and that group's apparently shared goal:
Last, this otherwise small item would probably not be worth reporting but for one common theme which seems to me to have been established during the short tenure of Ed Shadid ... and that is that if a matter proposed by Ward 2's Ed Shadid it will be opposed by Ward 8's Patrick Ryan ... I've been watching closely, and maybe I'm wrong, but I can't think of an occasion that Shadid moved for something that it wasn't opposed by Ryan ... like I said, maybe I'm wrong and I stand to be corrected. This particular item had to do with Okc's snow plows causing $300 damage to the Edgemere Neighborhood Assn's sprinkler system during a heavy snow. The city counselor acknowledged that the city had caused the damage, but the question presented was whether the city had been negligent while causing the damage. Even council member Gary Marrs, more often than not a common ally of Ryan, disagreed with Ryan (watch Marrs' body language beginning at and following 21:39 of the video, particularly at the point [21:56] that Ryan interrupted him) and voted to approve the claim, approved by a 5-3 vote.
Another fun day at the races, but, I suspect with the anti-discrimination proposal which Shadid will apparently be bringing (, that the most fun days lay ahead. At his Facebook page, he said,
Next Tuesday I will introduce resolution prohibiting discrimination among 4300 city employees based on sexual orientation; please attend or call your councilperson in support (city currently prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, political affiliation, national origin and religion but not sexual orientation)
I'm thinking that we've not seen the funnest days yet.
Below, the Bricktown Study by AJ Kirkpatrick of the Okc Planning Department:
Below, the remarks by council member Ed Shadid querying why sexual preference was not included in the city's anti-discrimination ordinances, requesting that the municipal counselor consider the matter, and indicating that he would be presenting the matter to the city council in the near future:
Below, the remarks of council member Ed Shadid with regard to continuing the city's contract with EMSA for emergency medical response. He stood alone in his position and you can judge for yourself whether what he said made good sense (as I did):
Below, the request presented by members of the Occupy Oklahoma City (a stub of the Occupy Wall Street movement) for the daily $55 permit fees be waived or decreased for the use of Kerr Park ... the most articulate part is by Mark Faulk ( beginning at 6:55 of the video below ... and council member Shadid's remarks, beginning around 15:30, saying that it wouldn't be right to waive or reduce the fees, but that he invited Faulk to meet with him following the council meeting to discuss and find solutions for funding the group's permit expense (near the end of the video clip) ... this is interesting due to Shadid's opposition to plutocracy and that group's apparently shared goal:
Last, this otherwise small item would probably not be worth reporting but for one common theme which seems to me to have been established during the short tenure of Ed Shadid ... and that is that if a matter proposed by Ward 2's Ed Shadid it will be opposed by Ward 8's Patrick Ryan ... I've been watching closely, and maybe I'm wrong, but I can't think of an occasion that Shadid moved for something that it wasn't opposed by Ryan ... like I said, maybe I'm wrong and I stand to be corrected. This particular item had to do with Okc's snow plows causing $300 damage to the Edgemere Neighborhood Assn's sprinkler system during a heavy snow. The city counselor acknowledged that the city had caused the damage, but the question presented was whether the city had been negligent while causing the damage. Even council member Gary Marrs, more often than not a common ally of Ryan, disagreed with Ryan (watch Marrs' body language beginning at and following 21:39 of the video, particularly at the point [21:56] that Ryan interrupted him) and voted to approve the claim, approved by a 5-3 vote.
Another fun day at the races, but, I suspect with the anti-discrimination proposal which Shadid will apparently be bringing (, that the most fun days lay ahead. At his Facebook page, he said,
Next Tuesday I will introduce resolution prohibiting discrimination among 4300 city employees based on sexual orientation; please attend or call your councilperson in support (city currently prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, political affiliation, national origin and religion but not sexual orientation)
I'm thinking that we've not seen the funnest days yet.