View Full Version : The Rocky Horror Picture show
SoonerQueen 10-19-2011, 12:17 AM Quail Springs 24 is having midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture show the last week-end of October. I think my son read it was $5.00.It's been years since I've seen this movie on the big screen. It should be fun.
Thunder 10-19-2011, 01:56 AM Brian is so gonna love this! :LolLolLol
BBatesokc 10-19-2011, 05:27 AM Brian is so gonna love this! :LolLolLol
Nope. Not the same thing as a live show.
jstaylor62 10-19-2011, 08:27 AM Quail Springs 24 is having midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture show the last week-end of October. I think my son read it was $5.00.It's been years since I've seen this movie on the big screen. It should be fun.
Its just not the same as it was back in the day at the May Theatre on NW 16th and May Ave...then the Will Rogers Theatre at NW 43rd and Western...
Roadhawg 10-19-2011, 10:33 AM if you go don't forget to bring toast
kevinpate 10-19-2011, 12:46 PM Last time I saw this, away from home anyway, a poncho was a danged fine idea unless you prefer hanging out in the rear of the viewing room.
SoonerQueen 10-19-2011, 12:47 PM We used to go every week.
Thunder 10-19-2011, 12:53 PM Nope. Not the same thing as a live show.
Well, I think you should still go and enjoy the fun. So, go! I do care about you.
Wambo36 10-19-2011, 02:52 PM So out of curiosity, where were any of you the first time you saw it? For me it was in Providence, RI summer of 1979. Never even heard of it until then.
Thunder 10-19-2011, 03:17 PM I'm sure that I first saw it many years ago was at home via cable television. I don't remember much of it now and what it was specifically about. I do remember too many songs and weird dancing/dressing, etc.
rcjunkie 10-19-2011, 08:22 PM So out of curiosity, where were any of you the first time you saw it? For me it was in Providence, RI summer of 1979. Never even heard of it until then.
Late 70's in Austin Tx., double feature, Rocky Horror and Reefer Madness.
Roadhawg 10-20-2011, 07:26 AM Late 70's in Austin Tx., double feature, Rocky Horror and Reefer Madness.
The classics LOL
jstaylor62 10-20-2011, 10:27 AM So out of curiosity, where were any of you the first time you saw it? For me it was in Providence, RI summer of 1979. Never even heard of it until then.
Summer of 1978, in OKC at the May Theatre on NW 16th and May. Some guy from a church down the street would always be outside dragging a huge wooden cross and precahing to people standing in line waiting to get in. Before Rocky Horror, they would show the trailer for the X-rated version of Cinderella. The trailer was R-rated at least.
A couple of years later, they started showing Rocky Horror at Redding Square Theatre on South Western as part of their midnight movies. They added other movies like Tommy, Night of the Living Dead and some animated movie called Warriors.
SoonerQueen 10-21-2011, 12:45 AM I first saw it at the May Theater in OKC. I remember the man with the cross. It was also later shown at the Will Rogers Theater.I never saw it at the Redding though. This brings back memories of some of the fun I used to have before I had my kids.
Roadhawg 10-21-2011, 07:19 AM I first saw it at the midnight movies in Lincoln, NE. It was a blast and went several times. There were folks that dressed up as the characters and got up in front of the screen acting out the characters as the movie went along.
sacolton 10-25-2011, 09:46 AM Here's the info:
Click on MIDNIGHT to select which night: October 28 / October 29.
ljbab728 10-25-2011, 08:47 PM Also occuring in Norman.
Roadhawg 10-26-2011, 06:56 PM
SoonerQueen 10-30-2011, 03:04 AM We went to the Quail Springs 24 to see The Rocky Horror Picture show. It was cool seeing the movie on the big screen again, but some of the people there embarrassed me. I remember back in my day going when people sang along and there were some people saying things as part of the show. Back then it was pretty much PG rated. Today the people have added a lot of offensive language and said some just plain nasty things. I didn't appreciate it and we won't go again.
sacolton 10-30-2011, 07:00 AM I was a regular back in the early 80s and the audience participation was always vulgar and obnoxious. We went last night and had a great time. Glad Quail Springs allowed the use of props, but seriously it was rather tame.
On the other hand, I was very disappointed in the picture quality and sound. They obviously showed the DVD version. The colors and detail were washed out. I'm surprised they didn't use the high-resolution Blu-ray video. The audio was unforgivable too. There was a constant buzz in the speakers that was irritating.
Next year, we'll go to Sooner Theater to see Rocky Horror.
SoonerQueen 10-30-2011, 10:57 AM We would have had fun if about 3 people had kept their mouths shut. In the late 70's, early 80's, there was interaction with the movie but not the absolute filth that was said last night. There was just no place for the things that were said and it didn't even go with the movie. This one guy must have though he was on stage and it was his show.I enjoyed the movie part even though it wasn't the best quality, but rude comments and language kinda spoiled it for me. Glad that you had a good time.
sacolton 10-30-2011, 11:09 AM Can you tell me what was said that offended you? I may agree if I knew what was said.
SoonerQueen 10-30-2011, 11:19 AM If you were there, you had to have heard the same things I did. No need to go through everything.
venture 10-31-2011, 07:04 PM If you were there, you had to have heard the same things I did. No need to go through everything.
Maybe you are just overly sensitive and prefer being in a sheltered area away from reality? I've been to these before and they are normally always going to be rowdy and not PG rated. I've never really heard of anyone expecting a Rocky Horror showing to be PG rated. LOL
SoonerQueen 10-31-2011, 11:35 PM I didn't expect it to be PG rated and I'm no prude. But I didn't appreciate the F word yelled 50 times or more, the talk of masturbation over and over, the word **** used , cum was another good one. Interacting with the words on the screen and singing along was ok, but to me yelling obscenities throughout the movie kinda spoiled it. Most of the audience was pretty well behaved, it was just three people that had a dialog all their own. Enough said...
White Peacock 11-01-2011, 07:57 AM My buddy was one of the three you're speaking of, and if you didn't anticipate or were ill prepared for interaction of that nature, you should have stayed home and watched it on DVD. It's Rocky Horror FFS - a movie about the seduction of innocent youth by a group of debauched aliens headed by a transvestite. You went to a live showing of a movie like this, with a long history - nay, an entire institution - of crude audience participation, and you were offended by the dirty terms flying through the air from the mouths of those who were perhaps the only three people in the auditorium who were ever actually involved with the traditional midnight showings? Give me a break, girl. Maybe next year your church will have a showing of Rocky so you won't have to be subjected to the vulgar horrors of AP.
Everybody who didn't have a stick in their ass had a great time, despite the god awful audio quality and poor color.
ChuckE 11-01-2011, 01:16 PM @SoonerQueen.
I don't know what kindergarten version of Rocky Horror you went to in previous years, but I have been to Rocky at the May, the Will, and at the old Memorial Square 8, 'till they stopped showing it. Those callbacks were the ones that were used at all of those places with some adjustments for current events and location.
If you have watched Rocky at any of those places you would know what you were getting in to when you went, or your memory of those events is faulty.
I suggest you find someone with the Rocky Horror 25th aniversery DVD, and listen to it with the Audience participation track turned on, you will hear many of the same lines and some that are worse.
By the way I was one of the three you speak of that saturday night, I was setting up high near the back, with a group of friends from work.
Chuck E.
ljbab728 11-01-2011, 09:13 PM Chuck E. You may entirely accurate about what should have been expected. However, if there are only 3 people in a large audience who were participating in the manner you mentioned, my opinion is that they are only there to draw attention to themselves instead of having a great interactive experience with everyone.
ChuckE 11-01-2011, 10:43 PM @ljbab728
You are entitled to your opinion, and interpretation of the event.
However my take is that we were the only three that had been to Rocky and
knew/remembered the AP lines. The people around me were cracking up, no one was
asking any of us to shut up, or had the theater people ask us to leave. Audience participation
in RHPS is an institution, it just would not be the same movie without it.
As for the reasons for people doing the AP lines at Rocky, I suppose there are as many
reasons as there are people. And again the people around us were laughing at
the lines. Some of the fun of the AP is watching the reactions of others to people
saying things that they would not hear in the "Real World". Further, do you really
think that people dress up as the characters and act out the movie in front of the
screen, or do the AP lines because they are adverse to attention? Or that wanting
said attention is bad in some way?
As I stated previously if you go to RHPS you should expect someone to be doing the
AP lines, and for them to be crude and not PC. If you don't you are missing a big part
of the Rocky Horror experience, and you might as well stay home and watch it on a
DVD, where you can have full control of what you see and hear.
As for me I will be at Rocky Horror next year doing the AP lines just like I always do.
Have a great day
Chuck E.
ljbab728 11-01-2011, 11:10 PM Chuck, I'm sure you will. But I still contend that if you were one of only three people doing what you describe you were doing it mainly to draw attention to yourself since you were enjoying "your audience's" reaction. That may not necessarily be a bad thing to want attention, but that isn't just audience participation such as dressing in character. Who knows, I might have enjoyed your performance myself, but if I went it would be for the overall experience, not to just watch or hear 3 people in the audience. It's sort of like being in the stands of a football game. I get very envolved with the emotions of the crowd but can't stand some of the idiots who shout out things just to hear themselves talk.
Roadhawg 11-02-2011, 07:15 AM I'm waiting for ChuckE's response with antici............................................ .................................................. ......pation
White Peacock 11-02-2011, 08:06 AM Whether it was three people or a whole auditorium, those who shouted the AP lines were doing it because it's tradition. I doubt a need for attention has anything to do with it. My wager is that these three folks were the only ones who knew the traditional lines. If I knew them, I'd have been shouting along myself - for fun, not for attention.
ChuckE 11-02-2011, 11:53 AM I was there for the fun of it, and to show my coworkers what the RHPS Experience was like. In that respect I was successful, as both I and they had a great time.
As for what to expect at Rocky See this article:
Pay particular attention to point's 4 and 6
Chuck E.
ChuckE 11-02-2011, 03:31 PM Also, I am in agreement with Mr. White Peacock, what you should expect when going to a showing of RHPS does not and
should not change regardless of the number of people in the theater or their motives.
'Nuff said. I'm not going to respond further.
You Ladles and Gentlespoons have a great day.
Chuck E.
sacolton 11-04-2011, 08:59 AM I've seen RHPS over 100 times (4 different theaters) and all those words have been used frequently. I guess I've been desensitized.
I was very happy that ChuckE and friends participated in the callbacks. I brought my girlfriend who has never been to a live RHPS showing with an audience participation and she loved it. She was not prepared for what was in store for her that night and got a lot of great laughs out of it. Believe me, that night was EXTREMELY TAME over what I remember at the midnight screenings of RHPS in the early/late 80s. Heck, I remember seeing a couple having sex in the THIRD ROW at the May Theater! LOL!