Absolutely touching. The love of a mother is above any expression that could be used.
10-18-2011, 12:38 AM
Yup, I agree. I'll do the same for Taz, in any situations, to make sure he lives instead of me when it comes down to it.
“Her heart had stopped. She quit breathing. She was technically dead, and then they brought her back,” said Ray Phillips.
Nope. She wasn't technically dead until her brain finally died. This is a common error that people believe they have died when their heart stopped. Just because a heart stop does not mean the person is dead. Thought I'd point this out to everyone.
10-18-2011, 08:45 AM
Nope. She wasn't technically dead until her brain finally died. This is a common error that people believe they have died when their heart stopped. Just because a heart stop does not mean the person is dead. Thought I'd point this out to everyone.
If you want to be picky, she was clinically dead, the criteria of which is a cessation of the heart beat and breathing.
10-20-2011, 02:34 PM
Maybe we can change the title to Touching Stories.
Here is one...
Together to the end, even in one casket then eventually cremated together.
Maybe we can change the title to Touching Stories.
Here is one...
Together to the end, even in one casket then eventually cremated together.
That's a good way to leave this earth IMO, holding hands with the one you've been with your entire life.
10-20-2011, 06:14 PM
That's a good way to leave this earth IMO, holding hands with the one you've been with your entire life.
I know of someone I'd like to spend my entire life with if he didn't have so many personal issues. :-(
10-20-2011, 06:23 PM
I know of someone I'd like to spend my entire life with if he didn't have so many personal issues. :-(
YOu ought to sit down for a long sincere chat with that person T. Who knows, he might see things exactly the same as you.
YOu ought to sit down for a long sincere chat with that person T. Who knows, he might see things exactly the same as you.
kevinpate is the man with the plan. I agree with him Thunder.
10-20-2011, 06:25 PM
you ought to sit down for a long sincere chat with that person t. Who knows, he might see things exactly the same as you.
10-20-2011, 06:35 PM
YOu ought to sit down for a long sincere chat with that person T. Who knows, he might see things exactly the same as you.
We already did. Someone hurt him bad when the guy cheated on him. He wasn't ready then when I made the move after knowing him for a while. Now he's too busy with college. To make it worse, his parents lead a baptist church. Eventually, I got over him, such as intense feelings went away, but there's always a part of me that will always love him. We did have talks throughout time before. I guess you could say that I'm patiently and quietly waiting for him. But gawd, I love him so much. I don't think he realize just what I'd be willing to do for him...stop smoking is one of many things I'd do instantly. What I'd give for us to be working together at Crest again and have so much fun playing and laughing. I'd say he's my one true love. *sighs* I just watch him keep on being successful in college and have his fun with all the buddies stuff he do at college and church things. Maybe one day he will approach me...until then, I'll just keep my silence.