View Full Version : Should mom stay at home?
CaptainAmerica 04-22-2006, 10:31 PM dangit, why cant i say something cool like that to stupid stuff like he said earlier.
As to the rest of that tripe, it's so innane that it's not worth replying to.
thats getting filed away for LATER USE!:tweeted:
bandnerd 04-22-2006, 10:53 PM Okay, so now I'm an unfit mother along with rude and unfriendly?
I'm a TEACHER. To think I wouldn't be good with children of all ages is laughable. I understand that not having children is fine, and I don't need anyone on this site to tell me that.
MY mother worked and supported our family. My father didn't really do anything to further the family, though he was there when needed. My sister and I turned out just fine.
Just because you aren't there 24/7 doesn't mean you are an unfit parent. Kids have to learn to make decisions for themselves, albeit with guideance from their elders.
Oh my god, I can't even type anymore on this. Midtowner is right--it's not even worth my time because it's like talking to a brick wall.
CaptainAmerica 04-22-2006, 10:57 PM to quote someone who has common sense; "oh snap!"
bandnerd 04-22-2006, 10:58 PM I just can't believe I'm reading this stuff. It's like I'm back in the "Father Knows Best" years when mom was an apron-wearing, cliche-slinging trophy wife who did nothing but make meatloaf for her husband while he spent his time smoking cigars with the boys down at the lodge.
CaptainAmerica 04-22-2006, 11:01 PM im going to have to telll my history teacher that the history book is wrong, the cult of domesticicty did not end! but has been living on in the shadows, growing in power.
bandnerd 04-22-2006, 11:06 PM And Uptown, as hard as this might be for you to understand, but I LOVE my work. I truly do. I work with lower-income teenagers, trying to help them make better futures for themselves. Am I supposed to tell the girls to go to college and find a rich man to marry and pop out their kids? I don't THINK so! They should get to do whatever they want with their lives, and I should get to do whatever I want, regardless of your opinion. Why should I give up doing what I love (teaching) when I can have both if I want?
Uptown 04-22-2006, 11:45 PM Problem is, if you work, you won't have enough time for your children, and they will suffer. It's your choice whether you want to leave a legacy through your children or through your work.
bandnerd 04-22-2006, 11:47 PM Uptown, I will NEVER agree with you on this. You can spout this all night long and it won't change a thing.
Simply saying the same thing over and over doesn't make it true.
2+2=5 2+2=5 2+2=5
There is more than one way to live a life, and I suggest that you try and realize that not everyone is going to live their lives according to your narrow-minded doctrine.
Uptown 04-22-2006, 11:51 PM Quit your job, and stay at home with your baby.
bandnerd 04-22-2006, 11:53 PM Would YOU quit YOUR job if your wife made more money?
Or can only those with *****es work in this world?
Uptown 04-22-2006, 11:58 PM Would YOU quit YOUR job if your wife made more money?
Or can only those with *****es work in this world?
Men are the head of the household. They should hold the job.
Midtowner 04-23-2006, 12:03 AM Uptown.. your posts are becoming inreasingly aggressive. Everything okay?
Is that wife (you know, the woman who looks like she's about 6" taller than you) of yours so subservient? Could you maybe get her on here to tell us what a good little housewife she is and how you keep her in line?
That would be most instructive.
-- of course, my bet is that if you asked her to do that she might hurt you. Were there that much of a size disparity between my fiancee and I, I would be very afraid.
Uptown 04-23-2006, 12:14 AM Uptown.. your posts are becoming inreasingly aggressive. Everything okay?
Is that wife (you know, the woman who looks like she's about 6" taller than you) of yours so subservient? Could you maybe get her on here to tell us what a good little housewife she is and how you keep her in line?
That would be most instructive.
-- of course, my bet is that if you asked her to do that she might hurt you. Were there that much of a size disparity between my fiancee and I, I would be very afraid.
Nah, I'm just trying to get bandnerd to prove her point with a good defense. I really don't have the opinions I stated here. I have a way of ruffling people's feathers sometimes, but it's because I'm trying to use dumbness to get people to put some intelligence in their posts.
I think you can tell I'm pretty intelligent by the way I debated you in another thread.
Midtowner 04-23-2006, 01:13 AM Uptown, dishonesty is not a very valid (or mature I might add) way to debate people. Your best policy is to let people know that you're arguing a point for the sake of arguing. If no one knows what you actually stand for, then you are an unknown quantity, and then what's the point of even being here?
You seem to be and claim to be capable of intelligent debate and dialogue. In the future, instead of trying to get a reaction out of people by "ruffling feathers" as you put it, or using "dumbness" as you put it another way, try to match wits with people. I think you'll find that it's much more interesting that way.
-- If your entire argument is based upon a lie, why even bother showing up to the conversation???
GrandMaMa 04-23-2006, 05:15 AM Would YOU quit YOUR job if your wife made more money?
Or can only those with *****es work in this world?
Can we say ***** in here? :tweeted:
CaptainAmerica 04-23-2006, 08:11 AM lol, grandmama is hilarious
bandnerd 04-23-2006, 08:58 AM It's just a body part, I used the correct name for it, not an offensive slang word ;)
Uptown--you know what? I'm done with you. If you're not going to represent yourself honestly, then I have no reason to even continue posting back and forth with you. You obviously have no use for my opinion, anyway. I don't really know why you would come here and try to "ruffle feathers" unless you are a troll. I may be unfriendly, rude, and an unfit future mother but at least I'm honest about my opinion!
Go working moms!
Karried 04-23-2006, 10:31 AM I agree completely. bandnerd shouldn't have children. She wouldn't have time to spend with them anyways, because she'd be too busy working. And it doesn't sound like she'd be interested in having to take off to take care of her children. Children simple require more time than cats, bandnerd.
Uptown, the way you might choose to debate is up to you. But, I take offense to a member personally referencing another member in lieu of addressing the argument.
It appears that many here have become defensive and are responding in personal ways. A debate is welcomed but leave the personal jabs and opinions about specific member's lifestyles out of the argument.
I know when I feel passionate about something, I can go overboard ( we all can) but I'm asking that we all remember to focus on the topic and present your views without insults.
bandnerd 04-23-2006, 11:37 AM I appreciate that, Karried. It's insulting that someone would think that I don't understand the difference between taking care of a child and taking care of my cats. I'm with CaptainAmerica--when did the people in this thread decide to lecture me on whether or not I have children, and what kind of mother I would be? TOTALLY not on topic.
GrandMaMa 04-23-2006, 12:46 PM lol, grandmama is hilarious
Many thanks, Captain America. I don't know how old you are, but I like you even though we have never met face to face. Wanna know why? Because you have found something constructive, something educational to do with your spare time, instead of walking the streets showing disrespect to anyone you meet and destroying property. That isn't easy during these times, but most of all, I like a young man that will post under the name that you have chosen. :congrats:
CaptainAmerica 04-23-2006, 01:00 PM thanks alot grandmama, i dont know if i can truthfully take that kind of complient, but here is for trying....
bandnerd 04-23-2006, 01:09 PM Now, CA, here's the real question--Does your mother stay at home or does she work? ;)
GrandMaMa 04-23-2006, 01:11 PM It's just a body part, I used the correct name for it, not an offensive slang word ;)
Uptown--you know what? I'm done with you. If you're not going to represent yourself honestly, then I have no reason to even continue posting back and forth with you. You obviously have no use for my opinion, anyway. I don't really know why you would come here and try to "ruffle feathers" unless you are a troll. I may be unfriendly, rude, and an unfit future mother but at least I'm honest about my opinion!
Go working moms!
You have to remember, we converse with all types of people in here, even trolls. [I didnt' point any fingers] and we have no idea why they are really here. If they aren't sincere about their posts, and they just like to cause reactions,[in other words, get attention] maybe it's due to their lack of ability to do so at home or in their work place or even face to face with another adult. I haven't been here very long, and even without the assistance of photos, I think that I could match up people just by what I get from them in this venue. We tend to develop a sort of "kin ship" for lack of a better term and become disappointed when someone's insincerity is exposed. I may just be speaking for myself, but it happens to me as well. Oh, about your term for a certain body part: It was succinctly correct in it's use and I found it hilarious. As for me, I'm not ready to remove Uptown's dust from my shoes yet.:please: Can't we just all get along? Wait, would that really be any fun?
CaptainAmerica 04-23-2006, 01:17 PM in response bandnerd, my mother has worked non-stop since my birth except for a 3 week maternity leave for my sitsters birth. other than that she has worked since i have been able to remember, also besides her main job as a school teacher, she comes hom and two days out of the five day workday works from 4:30-8:00 teaching piano.
bandnerd 04-23-2006, 01:18 PM I agree, GrandMaMa. I have issues with people who stir crap up just to get attention. There are positive and negative ways to get attention. I try and teach my students the difference, and usually it works, because they like getting positive attention from me instead of just getting in trouble. And these are teenagers, not little kids.
I have a friend right now (a bridesmaid in fact) who is very "me me me" about everything, and is currently a thorn in all our sides because she keeps acting childish in hopes of getting attention. It's frustrating, and immature, and I had hoped for better from her. But I guess she never got enough attention as a kid in a large family or something.
I'm an attention whore, but I'm a teacher so I have a healthy outlet for that ;)
And as for any fun if we all got along? Probably not. I like a good debate, but not name-slinging...excuse me, adjective-slinging haha.
Uptown 04-23-2006, 01:24 PM Okay, I'll be honest here. I was telling the truth. I wasn't trying to stir up anything. I was trying to calm things down a bit by saying I was making it up. bandnerd, you're a woman. Women are supposed to take care of the household. You are not to have authority over a man. Your body is designed to have children and take care of those children. Now you should do the duty you were made to do, just as all women should.
Uptown 04-23-2006, 01:26 PM Grandmama, you're retired, so this doesn't apply to you. But, I think grandmas should stay at home at bake cookies for the grandkids.
Patrick 04-23-2006, 01:31 PM Uptown, I sent you a PM. Please reply before you make another post. Failure to do so will result in an immediate banning of your account.
CaptainAmerica 04-23-2006, 01:32 PM this thread is no longer worth visiting, it is time to move to a different thread. i highly doubt i will post here again. this mom stay at home question has gone completely out of control and needs to closed/locked.
bandnerd 04-23-2006, 01:32 PM I'm so glad I'm marrying someone who loves me for my brain, and not my uterus.
Uptown 04-23-2006, 01:40 PM I think most of you have been pretty mean to me. I thought this would be a nice clean forum to discuss city topics, but it seems most of you aren't nice at all.
I'm leaving. Please delete my account.
Midtowner 04-23-2006, 01:44 PM Well Uptown, you're the one delving into topics where omigod, people disagree with you. You're the one starting things with posters by spewing judgmental tripe. You don't get to do that and then turn around and play the victim card once you're backed into a corner.
At any rate, Randy/Jack, I'm sure we'll see you back here in another form sooner than later.
Patrick 04-23-2006, 01:45 PM I'm leaving. Please delete my account.
Done deal. Sorry to see you go. :biggrin:
Keith 04-23-2006, 01:49 PM this thread is no longer worth visiting, it is time to move to a different thread. i highly doubt i will post here again. this mom stay at home question has gone completely out of control and needs to closed/locked.
I agree. This poor thread has been beaten to death. I believe that everyone has had a chance to give their opinions on this subject, so consider this thread closed.