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12-03-2011, 12:22 PM
Similarities between this group and the Tea Party folks who couldn't really answer what freedoms were supposedly being taken away from them

12-03-2011, 01:00 PM
Similarities between this group and the Tea Party folks who couldn't really answer what freedoms were supposedly being taken away from them

Double Edge
12-03-2011, 01:06 PM

12-03-2011, 01:09 PM

12-03-2011, 01:12 PM
Similarities between this group and the Tea Party folks who couldn't really answer what freedoms were supposedly being taken away from them

They had no problem saying what they want and simply because you don't agree that what they think is important doesn't mean they couldn't articulate it. No one is talking about the freedom in terms of being locked up. They are talking about freedom from intrusive regulation by the government. And I am not talking necessarily about Wall Street. I am talking about Main Street.

Many of us grew up with a great deal of freedom that came with it a sense of optimism about the future. We didn't think in terms of the anything getting in our way other than bad luck or a lack of trying on our part. The idea that we couldn't get ahead, start a business or make a good life for ourselves wasn't shifted so that it was others' fault unless you were a real loser. Because someone who blamed the world for their problems used to be considered just that - a loser. The optimism and confidence in their own ability to get ahead might not have been realistic in many cases, but it was actually the way many of us approached the world.

These days, everytime we turn around, we are faced with government regulation "for our own good." What it gets right down to, Easy, is that the federal government - especially the adminstrative agencies - have to do something, constantly, to continue to justify their existence. It is what they do. It has nothing to do with being public servants.

It saddens a lot of us that we look around and see young people convinced that life is stacked against them to the point where they are their own worst enemy when it comes to getting ahead. Many have given up and simply don't want to put the effort into a system they don't believe in. A lot of that pessimism is self imposed and not based on reality. Take a look at new immigrants who get ahead when they start with nothing, including a grasp of the English language. New businesses are started all the time by people willing to make the effort.

I keep hearing the complaints that the young are getting a raw deal because they are the first generation that can't expect to have a better standard of living than their parents. I tend to agree that is likely to happen, but don't see how whining and complaining about it will help a bit. Or that it is even appropriate. Why aren't they complaining that they are the generation that has grown up in the safest world - ever? Why aren't they complaining that they don't have enough car bombs and religious percecution? Why aren't they complaining that they can vote without being harassed at the polls? (if you can ignore the Black Panthers situation, of course ; )). Why aren't they complaining because they are the generation most likely to have gotten regular medical care as children? Why aren't they complaining that they are the richest American generation of children - ever. Why aren't they complaining that they are the recipients of the most affluent parents - ever? Why aren't they complaining that they have educational opportunities undreamed of by even their parents' generation? Sure, it is more expensive but the difference is that they have been willing to pay it while their parents often just got a job, instead. Why aren't they complaining that they have more discretionary income than any generation of young people - ever?

No. They bitch about the fact that they are envious of their parents. They are envious of the very wealthy. They spit on a system that has coddled them from the cradle. They spit on people who have tried their best to be good citizens and raise good citizens - and nothing they can do is ever enough for these people. They have their lips out and are angry because they aren't happy. They are angry because it looks like they might not be able to pass along the same type of debt they've inherited. But ask them what sort of benefits they want to drop to pay for all that debt and watch them have a complete breakdown at the thought of paying for their own birth control or abortions. Or college. Or health care. Or housing.

Most people who use good sense, watch their money and make sensible personal choices are going to have a good life, assuming they don't have the bad luck to have a serious illness or something like that. These people don't want a good life. They already have that. No, they want the best life. And they don't care what they have to destroy, or who they have to hurt, to get it. That is the way they come across.

As an aside, just this week - since Tuesday, I learned the following: Tried to order some boots from a small bootmaker in Arizona but he is closing shop after 25 years in the business. The government insists that he test and send in all the amounts of dye he uses in his boots. This is a small operator and can't afford it. There is just no way he is set up for that sort of thing. A victory for the EPA but a tragedy for a small businessman who has 12 employees he is laying off. He is considering moving to Mexico in order to continue to make a living. He is physically disabled but has never collected from the government, preferring to build a business and pull his own weight. And this is the thanks he gets.

My husband's tobacco supplier went out of business because the government no longer will allow them to sell online. 14 employees put out of work. They directed him to some underground sources. Reminds me of prohibition.

This is the kind of crap that is overlooked by the OWS crowd, quite often. Wall Street is sexy and full of big money and Hedge Fund Operators that is easy to hate. But it is the little guys this administration is killing. For no good reasons than because they have to justify their existence. And because they can.

12-03-2011, 01:14 PM
A little Tom in everyone's afternoon makes for a better day!


12-03-2011, 02:09 PM
when would a prtest go from a group exercising their const. right of free assembly to a Mob, violence not being an issue in either question?
Not being argumentative just wondering the members individual thoughts on the above question.

Some of that depends on whether or not the media is supportive of the cause. That aside, I find the law is usually the line that must be crossed to go from being a peaceful protest to a mob. I do however think that there are occasions when the law can and should be broke when making a point.

12-03-2011, 03:35 PM
Similarities between this group and the Tea Party folks who couldn't really answer what freedoms were supposedly being taken away from them

Some folks will never get it, there are NO similarities.

12-03-2011, 03:39 PM
Some folks will never get it, there are NO similarities.

Just one...Both groups are full of people who don't really know what they are bitching about...Just bitching for the hell of it

12-03-2011, 05:45 PM
Just one...Both groups are full of people who don't really know what they are bitching about...Just bitching for the hell of it

Keep telling yourself that. It fits your chosen belief system and that way, you don't have to face reality.

12-03-2011, 10:15 PM
I grew up earning every penny I have. I have the nice things I do today because I worked my ass off for them. Patients, Time, Education and Diligence are why and who I am today.

If I were a lazy, hand me everything, work for nothing POS. I wouldn't be the success that I am today.

Instead of bitching, I learned and I worked... I guess I could have taken the easy road and just threw a temper tantrum like a baby until I got what I wanted... but wait, it's the real world and sh!t doesn't work like that. Someone's parents should have disciplined them more with tough love instead of losing patients and giving in.

Glad I could get that off my chest.

12-03-2011, 10:55 PM
I grew up earning every penny I have. I have the nice things I do today because I worked my ass off for them. Patients, Time, Education and Diligence are why and who I am today.

If I were a lazy, hand me everything, work for nothing POS. I wouldn't be the success that I am today.

Instead of bitching, I learned and I worked... I guess I could have taken the easy road and just threw a temper tantrum like a baby until I got what I wanted... but wait, it's the real world and sh!t doesn't work like that. Someone's parents should have disciplined them more with tough love instead of losing patients and giving in.

Glad I could get that off my chest.

They were raised in a soceity where everyone got a trophy, where you can't get bad grades because your feelings might get hurt. We have been predicting a melt down of these kids when they actually hit 'the real world' for some time now.

12-03-2011, 11:06 PM
Don't get me wrong, i'm 24 and apart of this idiotic generation.. i'm just trying to figure out where I came out on top of the nonsense.

12-03-2011, 11:20 PM
They were raised in a soceity where everyone got a trophy, where you can't get bad grades because your feelings might get hurt. We have been predicting a melt down of these kids when they actually hit 'the real world' for some time now.

What went wrong with the generation that caused this whole mess?

12-03-2011, 11:51 PM
Don't get me wrong, i'm 24 and apart of this idiotic generation.. i'm just trying to figure out where I came out on top of the nonsense.

My son is about your age and he turned out pretty level headed, for which my husband and I are very grateful.

12-04-2011, 01:16 AM
I read a study some years back during my freshman year of college about the effects of the most frequented hormonal/chemical/stimulant use in our products and foods and how the chemical makeup of the brain was affected. This was coupled with a chart showing the increase of the use of these items and their years. Layered on top of this chart was the increased cases of depression, suicide and birth deformations and their years. I found it no coincidence that with the increase of these and the way the chemical imbalances of the brain were affected to be the cause of most problems related to the psychological and physical disorders in teens and children. An increase never before heard of in years prior.

I encourage anyone to read the chemical makeup of energy drinks and their side effects as well as the same for cigarettes, caffeine, animal hormones, drugs, and even alcohol. Decide for yourself what you think is wrong with this generation and the ones ahead.

Redskin 70
12-04-2011, 07:07 AM
When (if) they break the law...

than the Occupy group is a mob..........They are breaking the law now.

12-04-2011, 07:58 AM
Then the Occupy group is a mob..........They are breaking the law now.I personally wouldn't use the term "mob" to describe the OKP group..... That conjures up visions of men wearing western clothing with torches and clubs attempting to convince the sheriff to give up the guy inside the jail so they can lynch him sans trial before the Regional Judge can get there.

In any event...if they are breaking the law...they should stop.

12-04-2011, 10:54 AM
I personally wouldn't use the term "mob" to describe the OKP group..... That conjures up visions of men wearing western clothing with torches and clubs attempting to convince the sheriff to give up the guy inside the jail so they can lynch him sans trial before the Regional Judge can get there.

In any event...if they are breaking the law...they should stop.

I don't think the law is the end all defining line and I certainly don't think by simply breaking the law they should be stopped. Imagine the civil rights many groups wouldn't have if they had not defied the law.

That said, this Occupy group isn't a mob so much as a nuisance.

Double Edge
12-04-2011, 10:59 AM
Mob :,0,531216.story

12-04-2011, 02:19 PM
Mob :,0,531216.story

Ha! Yup. : )

12-13-2011, 12:09 AM

Beginning of the end for this largely irrelevant group, I'm thnking.

Of Sound Mind
12-13-2011, 07:29 AM
Finally, the voices of the 98.9% (i.e. those not in the top 1% nor in the vocal, but fruitless 0.1%) have been heard ...

12-13-2011, 08:57 AM
I hope those 6 people that are camped there can find a place to live. On that note, when does construction start on the park?

12-13-2011, 06:21 PM
I would bet that first they have to 1) tear down the building and then 2) build the new one. Maybe about the time they are almost finished with the new building they will re-do the park. No sense in doing all the landscaping just to tromple it with the construction. But does anyone know if they plan on completely removing all the tiles and going with grass only?

12-13-2011, 06:31 PM
I heard a rumor today that if OKC kicks them out that they will try and move to Norman.

12-13-2011, 06:50 PM
I heard a rumor today that if OKC kicks them out that they will try and move to Norman.

Last I drove by Andrews, there was already a small contingent there near the splash park. Not sure how many or how long they have been there, but several tents looked as though it wasn't there first week at the site.

12-13-2011, 07:05 PM
I would bet that first they have to 1) tear down the building and then 2) build the new one. Maybe about the time they are almost finished with the new building they will re-do the park. No sense in doing all the landscaping just to tromple it with the construction. But does anyone know if they plan on completely removing all the tiles and going with grass only?

The park is being redone by the city not Sandridge.

12-13-2011, 08:41 PM
The park is being redone by the city not Sandridge.

Oh ok. I thought Sandridge was going to take care of it and landscape it, like Kerr McGee did with it before.