View Full Version : Indian Cultural Center OKC???

10-11-2011, 06:42 AM
Okay - help me out here. I keep seeing the commercials with high profile people (former governor Frank Keating and wife; Brad Henry and wife) urging the completion of the Indian Cultural Center in OKC. A couple of questions come to mind:

1. Why did this project begin without total funding to complete it?
2. Who actually got approval for this project?
3. If Oklahoma Indian tribes have ANY influence on this project why can't they use their millions in casino profits to pay for this uncompleted project?

Hope someone has some insight to this embarrassing issue....

PS -if there is already a thread started on this topic please combine this comment with it..

10-11-2011, 09:42 AM
If you do a search in the box in the upper right-hand corner of the page, you can find out if there's already a thread for a topic. Here's the link to the long thread on this subject.