View Full Version : Pet abuse at Petsmart.

10-09-2011, 01:43 PM
My pup is part of our family, I took my mini-schnauzer to petsmart and they cute her toe nails off and made all of them bleed. They also put burns on her face, neck, and stomache We will not be back to petsmart and make sure everyone knows what happened. My husband said he didn't care if she never got groomed agin she isn't going back there. I went to grooming school to make sure she never has to go back.

10-09-2011, 06:07 PM
did you talk to the store manager

10-14-2011, 07:53 AM
Sorry, I set my cigarette down on your dog when I had to pick up the phone.

10-14-2011, 09:13 AM
The word "smart" has more than one historical usage.
(e.g. "Ooooooh! That smarts!!!!)

Say! Just thought of this:
Maybe you could use that line in your letter to PetSmart, Corporate.
They might comp you a whole new puppy.
(Or at least a hamster.)

(Maybe the "blood" on your dog's claws was actually nail polish?)

10-14-2011, 11:15 PM

(Maybe the "blood" on your dog's claws was actually nail polish?)

It was indeed nail polish. I tried to explain it to the customer. It was a free gift. The customer freaked out thinking it was blood. As for the burns accusation, I explained it was the pup's natural skin coloration..not actual burn marks.


Button, be sure to be specific on which PetSmart store. Not the company in general. :-)