View Full Version : Governor Fallin's road plan
transport_oklahoma 10-04-2011, 10:33 PM Oklahoma must have safe bridges to ensure mobility and a functioning economy. It is commendable that Governor Fallin is re-investing in the state for the future.
Let's just remember going forward that all new state road funding the past decade or so, save a toll increase or two, have come from general taxpayer revenues.
Whether you fly, drive, take the train, ride the bus or walk, the public sector is making that trip possible!
Given that, shouldn't we design and deploy a transportation system that supports the needs of all Oklahomans and visitors to our state with context-appropriate choices of modes?
Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad she's trying to do something about the gawdy Oklahoma bridges.
bombermwc 10-05-2011, 09:00 AM One thing I was surprised to see her do. I honestly didn't expect much out of her, but this one pleasantly surprised me.
Of Sound Mind 10-05-2011, 10:11 AM I applaud the proposal. I just wonder where the money is going to really come from given how tight the state budget has been.
lasomeday 10-05-2011, 10:17 AM I am surprised by what Fallin is doing as well. She has far exeeded my expectations. She has earned my vote so far. I just hope she can keep the momentum going.
She is doing what is right. Roads and infrastructure should be one of the top priorities for a state, they not only increase commerce efficiency, but also increase safety as well as the other obvious reasons.
venture 10-05-2011, 10:46 AM One thing I was surprised to see her do. I honestly didn't expect much out of her, but this one pleasantly surprised me.
Or just surprised to see her do anything? LOL I am shocked she is being this aggressive considering the amount of Federal dollars she'll pull in to make it work.
I applaud the proposal. I just wonder where the money is going to really come from given how tight the state budget has been.
I think I remember reading that 60-70% if backed by Federal funding, so it isn't all coming from the State. Of course it is another example of Oklahoma being a leech state taking in more money than it pays out.
I am surprised by what Fallin is doing as well. She has far exeeded my expectations. She has earned my vote so far. I just hope she can keep the momentum going.
She is doing what is right. Roads and infrastructure should be one of the top priorities for a state, they not only increase commerce efficiency, but also increase safety as well as the other obvious reasons.
Don't disagree that roads and infrastructure are important. It is something that needs to be addressed and fix now. It is also a great way to create temporary job to at least get some people back to work - if a lot of projects are done at once. As far as Fallin goes. I'm surprised she is actually doing much of anything after being quiet and absent so far in her term. LOL Not that it is a big thing. I had zero expectations for her, believing she was just elected playing on the typical Oklahoman's values, and she has met those. She stays out of the news and really doesn't get in the way of much at all. Playing the figurehead role pretty good. Does she deserve my vote next time? Eh. We'll see. I much prefer split party control and not one party to rule them all. Of course if the other guy is a snake then I'll go with the lesser of two evils.
adaniel 10-05-2011, 11:27 AM I applaud the proposal. I just wonder where the money is going to really come from given how tight the state budget has been.
Agreed, especially considering she has a very antitax legislature that would just rather say that roads aren't "that bad" if it meant not spending the money. I really hope they are not that stupid since, as venture put it, a lot of this money is from the feds. And given the state of the national budget this may be the last opportunity for a while to make a big difference in our roads.
metro 10-05-2011, 02:03 PM Venture, I'd like to see UNBIASED info that Oklahoma has been a leech state. Most documentation shows we have been a donor state, and just recently a break even state. The only leach info I find, is radical democratic sites accusing all republican majority states for being leech states. No solid evidence. Not saying your wrong or right, but would like to see facts, not opinion.
Bellaboo 10-06-2011, 09:24 AM It seems like forever that we were a donor state, then to remedy, they ask for a 5 cent gas tax for feberal tax match collections....not sure our status now.
bombermwc 10-07-2011, 07:52 AM I'd say I-40 probably ate up a good chunk of the "donor" status, but we're still a donor on comparison. ODOT has had to work mostly of grants rather than normal funding over the last 30 years. As for other agencies, I can't imagine we're a big spender compared to somewhere like California or New York.
I'd actually still like to see a state 5cent gas tax though to allows us to do even more and spend some time on moving projects along that would otherwise take 10 the interchanges. And let the semi's start paying for the extra damage they cause by paying the use tax.
Edgar 10-07-2011, 11:30 AM Venture, I'd like to see UNBIASED info that Oklahoma has been a leech state. Most documentation shows we have been a donor state, and just recently a break even state. The only leach info I find, is radical democratic sites accusing all republican majority states for being leech states. No solid evidence. Not saying your wrong or right, but would like to see facts, not opinion. oklahoma recives $1.36 for every dollar paid to the feds. Like most other red states, Oklahoma is a moocher welfare state.
Bellaboo 10-07-2011, 03:06 PM Ed - not sure where you got this, maybe from some liberal rag ?
'oklahoma recives $1.36 for every dollar paid to the feds. Like most other red states, Oklahoma is a moocher welfare state. '
Found this from an article from 2010......talking about fuel tax here......
'Joyner said currently Oklahoma has been a donor state contributing to other states’ rail systems through the federal motor fuel tax.
“Out of every dollar generated from the federal fuel tax, 85 cents goes to us and 15 cents goes to other states’ rail passenger services,” said Joyner, a Midwest City Republican. “We could be using that 15 cents in our state towards a rail passenger system here.”'
Snowman 10-07-2011, 06:27 PM Let's just remember going forward that all new state road funding the past decade or so, save a toll increase or two, have come from general taxpayer revenues.
Whether you fly, drive, take the train, ride the bus or walk, the public sector is making that trip possible!
It does not matter what the call the line item in the budget; every state, federal, county or city dollar ever spent gets payed by the citizens, businesses and organizations somehow. Though fuel costs for transport are usually being somewhere behind labor and item cost, it still gets worked into everything have ever bought.
Given that, shouldn't we design and deploy a transportation system that supports the needs of all Oklahomans and visitors to our state with context-appropriate choices of modes?
This is not talking about anything but addressing points to keep the current road system from falling apart, many thousands of miles are not being touched in the next decade or two would need addressed as well to make it do anything more than it does now. Outside of both something happening with availability of petroleum fuels and every current alternative type of vehicle propulsion failing, getting political will to completely redesign and deploy an entire system is just not their. Your question is somewhat leading in that it indicates you feel that the the option should weigh more on the appropriate choice not being road.
On rail as it is really the only other practical intra-state solution (save bulk cargo along McClellan Kerr waterway): except for cities between OKC and Dallas & Tulsa (with longer shots on Kansas City, Amarillo & Tulsa to St Louis) then you are talking about a very expensive redundant system that is not as flexible as roads to get to nearby other areas in a sea of places with no public transportation once arriving. For many cities the entire rail bed was removed, many other locations it has not been maintained in years. They have been trying to get passenger rail into two most next most viable corridors which could have the volume to justify the expense for a while now and interested in high speed rail.
Walking between cities is not common state wide (it is not even that frequently done between closer cities in tulsa and okc metros).
Flying intra-state will need a major revolution to get purchase price down, operational costs down and made easier so requirements to pilot could be lowered to become a high volume between cities.
soonerguru 10-26-2011, 02:16 PM I applaud the proposal. I just wonder where the money is going to really come from given how tight the state budget has been.
The money is coming from the feds. Fallin is just choosing to spend it on roads and bridges.
soonerguru 10-26-2011, 02:19 PM Venture, I'd like to see UNBIASED info that Oklahoma has been a leech state. Most documentation shows we have been a donor state, and just recently a break even state. The only leach info I find, is radical democratic sites accusing all republican majority states for being leech states. No solid evidence. Not saying your wrong or right, but would like to see facts, not opinion.
Metro, the state has received a fortune in stimulus money, but I believe what you're saying is partially right -- as it relates to transportation. However, Oklahoma would cease to exist without federal money given all of the military bases, federal employees, FAA, Corps of Engineers, etc. We get a TON of federal spending per capita in Oklahoma.
Also, we have a large percentage of our population receiving food stamps, welfare, etc.
We do not have a terribly entrepreneurial business climate, outside of oil and gas.