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04-18-2014, 08:59 AM
Bombermwc - are you under the impression that police officers are sitting in their patrol cars in the headquarters parking lot waiting for a call to come in and then tear out of the parking lot with lights and sirens blaring like it is the police equivalent of a fire station?

No. But fact of the matter is, between the jail and HQ being right there, it's got noise with it. You don't have to believe me, but if you want to confirm it, just go down there some time during the day and sit. And if you don't think it collects a higher crime base either, again, look for yourself and make your own determination. You don't have to take my word for're obviously free to form your own opinion of the subject, I'm just voicing mine. Doesn't mean it's the ONLY now pull your panties out of the wad they got stuck in please.

05-08-2014, 01:09 PM
Steel going up (from

05-12-2014, 05:56 PM
Steel going up (thanks to Metro for the snaps):

05-15-2014, 08:42 AM
Wow impressive to see this moving along.

05-15-2014, 04:41 PM
This is a zoomed/cropped photo from MadMonk's uploads on the Devon Tower thread.

Main Street Arcade is center bottom.

05-15-2014, 04:47 PM
I never realized that besides the uninviting exterior, the building itself is at a different setback than the other nearby buildings. Another swing and a miss.

05-17-2014, 08:27 PM
From earlier today.

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06-18-2014, 03:39 PM

06-18-2014, 03:45 PM
Sorry if this has been asked and answered already but, what do they plan to do with the former police hq?

06-18-2014, 03:48 PM
Sorry if this has been asked and answered already but, what do they plan to do with the former police hq?

Secured parking (looks like just a surface lot at this stage of planning):

06-18-2014, 03:58 PM
Thanks Pete! Once again sorry if this has been asked and answered already, what/who currently occupies the old city jail?

06-18-2014, 04:03 PM
Thanks Pete! Once again sorry if this has been asked and answered already, what/who currently occupies the old city jail?

Never any need to apologize for asking questions. Trust me, I keep an extensive database and I still have a hard time keeping track of all this stuff.

The old City Jail has been vacant for quite a while and is currently used as storage.

In 2012, the City put out an RFP for redevelopment but did not receive any proposals. I believe the place is a bit of a wreck.

However, once the old police/courts building is razed, the property might be more valuable. It's a cool old structure and deserves a new life.

06-18-2014, 04:19 PM
Never any need to apologize for asking questions. Trust me, I keep an extensive database and I still have a hard time keeping track of all this stuff.

The old City Jail has been vacant for quite a while and is currently used as storage.

In 2012, the City put out an RFP for redevelopment but did not receive any proposals. I believe the place is a bit of a wreck.

However, once the old police/courts building is razed, the property might be more valuable. It's a cool old structure and deserves a new life.

Seems like it would be hard to solicit interest being so close to the jail. Maybe it could be a bail bond building for one stop shopping.

06-18-2014, 04:23 PM
Never any need to apologize for asking questions. Trust me, I keep an extensive database and I still have a hard time keeping track of all this stuff.

The old City Jail has been vacant for quite a while and is currently used as storage.

In 2012, the City put out an RFP for redevelopment but did not receive any proposals. I believe the place is a bit of a wreck.

However, once the old police/courts building is razed, the property might be more valuable. It's a cool old structure and deserves a new life.

I really hope something happens with the jail (other than a demolition). I spent some time at The Liberty in Boston and it was awesome. Great example of how to repurpose an old jail. They had a little more to work with than we do, but ours still has major potential.

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06-18-2014, 04:31 PM
Here is the Old City Jail -- I'll create a new thread for it.

06-19-2014, 02:15 PM
Looks like it could be the downtown middle school. Beautiful building! And I bet middle schoolers would get a kick out of going to school in an old jail.

06-19-2014, 02:25 PM
Looks like it could be the downtown middle school. Beautiful building! And I bet middle schoolers would get a kick out of going to school in an old jail.

Not a bad idea. Once the numbers get up there, build a high school on the SW/C of Dewey and Main and then all three would be only a block apart. Also, you would have the Civic Center between the middle and high school so plenty of people to use the green space in front.

06-19-2014, 11:54 PM
that's a sensational idea, old jail = middle school. You probably could also have high school there as well, isn't the building quite large?

06-20-2014, 02:51 AM
Yes this building needs to be reserved as a future combined MS/HS until the population is large enough to split them or to relocate.

Just the facts
06-20-2014, 07:46 AM
Looks like it could be the downtown middle school. Beautiful building! And I bet middle schoolers would get a kick out of going to school in an old jail.

I love the idea of using it as a school but I'll bet $100 it would be against the law to be a public school. Maybe a private school with a voucher program for children who live in the area would work. And no, it doesn't have to be a religious affiliated school - just a day school. It might make a good classroom for a local college/vo-tech that has majors in criminal justice, court reporting, etc...

06-20-2014, 08:22 AM
Just curious why you think it would be against the law. It would of course have to be gutted, but like any building, it's a steel grid so take it down to that and you can make it into whatever you want.

I think it would be better as office space, but only because if it were a MS/HS, you are seriously lacking space for a gym/cafeteria/sports fields/etc. And putting those in downtown would be incredibly expensive. Plus Douglas HS is seriously close so I don't know that OCPS could justify yet another small footprint high school when there's a larger one in proximity that has the room. It would really have to be a push from an outside group like JTF said.

Correct me if I'm wrong though because I don't have law enforcement experience and certainly have never been to a jail, but isn't a city jail typically an overnight type no long-term stays? If that's the case, the "security" measures in the building wouldn't be nearly as involved as say a county jail. Meaning the walls wont be as thick, the windows aren't port-hole sized, etc. It's really just office space with cell-block "rooms" added in. That should help the renovation for whatever it becomes for sure. Are there any city departments that have outgrown their current office space that need to expand? Since the city owns it, it would be an easy choice for them to move to, with renovation.

Just the facts
06-20-2014, 08:47 AM
Just curious why you think it would be against the law. It would of course have to be gutted, but like any building, it's a steel grid so take it down to that and you can make it into whatever you want.

I think it would be better as office space, but only because if it were a MS/HS, you are seriously lacking space for a gym/cafeteria/sports fields/etc.

You answered your own question. The laws and regulation regarding a public school are off the charts.

06-22-2014, 09:48 PM (
OKC Police HQ ( by lazio85 (, on Flickr

06-23-2014, 07:26 PM
Never any need to apologize for asking questions. Trust me, I keep an extensive database and I still have a hard time keeping track of all this stuff.

The old City Jail has been vacant for quite a while and is currently used as storage.

In 2012, the City put out an RFP for redevelopment but did not receive any proposals. I believe the place is a bit of a wreck.

However, once the old police/courts building is razed, the property might be more valuable. It's a cool old structure and deserves a new life.

What happened to Marva's interest? I keep hearing she is onto something huge, and the Mesta Park affordable housing clearly isn't it.

06-23-2014, 07:35 PM
Marva is involved with the housing directly north of The Rise but absolutely nothing has happened there.

Remember, she was also involved with the Mideke group at the beginning but they she dropped out early on.

06-23-2014, 11:05 PM
Classen SAS' campus is 6.5 acres
Harding Charter Prep/Fine Arts Academy is 5.5 acres
The block the old jail is on and the adjacent block to the south is 5 acres. Adding the block to the west would add another 4 acres for fields. It's doable.

Just the facts
06-23-2014, 11:17 PM
How about just get rid of the public school requirements that eat up so much land. Somehow students were able to learn at the old Central High School without 5 acres of athletic fields - and many would argue they got a better education.

06-23-2014, 11:31 PM
How about just get rid of the public school requirements that eat up so much land. Somehow students were able to learn at the old Central High School without 5 acres of athletic fields - and many would argue they got a better education.

Man, can I ever agree with that. Athletics has almost become the reason for the existence of so many schools. It takes the money, all the priorities, all the passion, excitement, and it makes a mockery of the true purpose of secondary education as academics takes, not just a back seat, but is left behind while athletics brings the glitz. Kids don't take mathematics seriously, but they cry when the football team loses on the multimillion dollar turf/stadium. It's all out of whack.

06-24-2014, 12:20 AM
I think that this may have something to do with the OP/Thread Topic. (and some other stuff too)
(in a metaphorical sense of non-sense =):


I ain't even thought o' that tune fer a long, long while . . .
(btw: no "okies" were involved nor harmed in the production of that video.
it was strictly from Georgia.)

06-24-2014, 03:23 AM
Classen SAS' campus is 6.5 acres
Harding Charter Prep/Fine Arts Academy is 5.5 acres
The block the old jail is on and the adjacent block to the south is 5 acres. Adding the block to the west would add another 4 acres for fields. It's doable.

There is also the large old school off western and 7th or 8th that is only being used as an administration building right now. I could probably work as a near downtown highschool as well with much fewer issues than the jail.

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06-24-2014, 06:47 AM
We are WAY off topic, gang.

Back to discussing the new Police HQ, please.

06-25-2014, 12:46 PM
Is it really off topic? I thought folks are talking about the jail bldg an its possible adaptive reuse. Doesn't that fit with the police HQ?

Wouldn't you expect this conversation here, along with construction updates/photos?

07-29-2014, 08:49 AM
From Twitter (

New police headquarters is moving quickly! #OKC

Incidentally, that's a pretty good account to follow if you like cool building pictures.

08-05-2014, 11:08 AM
From the ADG Facebook page: ?oh=91ac602ed4b445abc92170ed11fd1b0d&oe=543CB5B9&__gda__=1414058497_073e706024ad220010ebb0f8dc50308 3

08-05-2014, 12:47 PM
It's going crazy fast. Am surprised every time I go by it.

08-05-2014, 12:51 PM
What a cool picture.

08-05-2014, 12:55 PM
I'm going to the Civic Center for "A Little Night Music" tonight and will try to take a couple of pics.

08-22-2014, 02:35 PM
This thing is really moving. Brick is already going up. I sent Pete a pic. Looks like leftover bricks from the last building though.

08-22-2014, 06:52 PM

08-29-2014, 05:00 PM

From Downtown Development twitter.

08-29-2014, 09:22 PM
Looks somewhat familiar. :..

08-29-2014, 11:28 PM
Looks like an elementary school =p.

08-29-2014, 11:40 PM
Looks like an elementary school =p.

Yes, and the recess periods can get kinda wild. LOL

08-31-2014, 12:19 AM

09-22-2014, 03:44 PM

11-06-2014, 02:14 PM
To be honest I hated the renderings, but in person it's not THAT bad

11-22-2014, 09:27 AM
From the OKC PD Facebook page: pg?oh=77441c4b895ad5abfa366176fa205510&oe=54DAF525&__gda__=1428000880_2084f4a3afc095235c3004b8ec02b71 1

11-27-2014, 05:14 PM
I like it. I just wish the striking front faced the busier street.

11-27-2014, 08:26 PM
Shartel will become way busier in the near future with all the residential construction going in just north.

11-28-2014, 11:53 AM
Busier than Main Street? Shartel in front of the jail?

11-28-2014, 12:00 PM
Busier than Main Street? Shartel in front of the jail?

Don't know that it will be busier, but considering the development around Shartel and that it could easily become a well traveled corridor between mid-town and Sosa and film row/new boulevard, etc. I think it will have a nice amount of traffic in 5 years. When you drive it and look at development happening I think you will see what I am talking about.

Just the facts
11-28-2014, 12:10 PM
Shartel/Main St - what's the difference. The nice entrance faces Colcord. The entrance should have been placed at the busiest intersection (see Edmond's new police station).

11-28-2014, 12:18 PM
Don't know that it will be busier, but considering the development around Shartel and that it could easily become a well traveled corridor between mid-town and Sosa and film row/new boulevard, etc. I think it will have a nice amount of traffic in 5 years. When you drive it and look at development happening I think you will see what I am talking about.

I understand what you mean, and I'm familiar with the potential deals that are hanging in the balance involving OCURA (at least four including Sycamore, Shartel and 4th, Couch lofts, and possibly the old jail) but that requires for all of these deals to happen, which I'm not so sure about. Main Street, the northern side of the 21c complex, still has more development.

As for Main Street, that's literally our downtown's Main Street and shouldn't require more justification. OKC could have harnessed the Devon Tower process and reconnected Main Street all the way through from Film Row to Bricktown. That would have been incredible and could have accomplished all of Devon's needs and then they'd get to sit on top of a vital east/west connection (a thing we lack in our downtown). But now we have it chopped up, will likely continue to erase the last remaining Main Street storefronts, and now on the western end the public safety campus turns its back to Main Street.

I try not to get too impassioned these days, but what does bother me are stupid decisions, decisions made in a vacuum without drawing connections around you, and a growing rift between what could be and what will be. The OKC I grew up in what a community that had aspirations but not the means to realize them. I prefer that OKC to one that has the means but not the aspirations to mobilize those means.

We are in the process of really screwing up on Main Street, period. We will never even see the potential of what could have been.

11-28-2014, 12:38 PM
I totally agree with your assesment of what COULD have happened to Main with changes at Devon. We seemed to have moved that main corridor one street south though. Sheridan is becoming that street with development from Classen through to Lincoln/235. Development spreads from the Steelyard to Film Row. With redevelopment of the Cox Center and the Preftakes site, along with the Clayco development, this can become a great street you describe. It just won't be called MAIN street. And Shartel can be a great connection from the north should all develop as proposed.

Just the facts
11-28-2014, 12:41 PM
I totally agree with your assesment of what COULD have happened to Main with changes at Devon. We seemed to have moved that main corridor one street south though. Sheridan is becoming that street with development from Classen through to Lincoln/235. Development spreads from the Steelyard to Film Row. With redevelopment of the Cox Center and the Preftakes site, along with the Clayco development, this can become a great street you describe. It just won't be called MAIN street. And Shartel can be a great connection from the north should all develop as proposed.

In that regards, what would be a better business address - Shartel or Hudson?

11-28-2014, 12:58 PM
Better business address for what?

Just the facts
11-28-2014, 01:02 PM
Better business address for what?

Some companies/residents target a specific street so they can have the address - I was just wondering if you thought Shartel is becoming THE address in OKC. I posed a question a few years ago that every major city in the world has at least one street all visitors should see, and speculated that Sheridan was that street in OKC.

11-28-2014, 01:21 PM
Sheridan, Broadway, or Robinson would be that street for OKC right now. E-W it's definitely Sheridan.

11-28-2014, 01:29 PM
I totally agree with your assesment of what COULD have happened to Main with changes at Devon. We seemed to have moved that main corridor one street south though. Sheridan is becoming that street with development from Classen through to Lincoln/235. Development spreads from the Steelyard to Film Row. With redevelopment of the Cox Center and the Preftakes site, along with the Clayco development, this can become a great street you describe. It just won't be called MAIN street. And Shartel can be a great connection from the north should all develop as proposed.

Sheridan ahem Grand is also a great street. It just isn't Main Street. OKC used to have several great corridors. After the urban renewal era, when most of us long time Okies formed our understanding of downtown OKC, Sheridan was the E/W arterial that dumped you into I-40 West. We have built off of that understanding and moved forward with the new OKC, rather than use our new street grid configuration to reformulate some basic understandings. Where Sheridan dumped you into I-40 to carry you to points south, west, and north - Main Street actually continues all the way to Penn with relatively decent and unknown urban fabric. I'd argue that's the corridor we should have emphasized, especially with an opportunity to reconnect through the Devon site that we didn't take advantage of.

North Broadway was never as special as it is today, really it's just a successful version of what we could have done (maybe even still could) with West Main, East Sheridan, and South Robinson - as a great urban corridor with a dramatic skyline approach. Whenever the public is making investments downtown, we need to draw connections outward to existing and potential pockets of investment, and think with placemaking in mind. As long as are building bridges we will get more of these projects right, but for now we have stopped doing that due to our relative success so far and the sheer volume of work we are just pushing through the pipeline right now. This OCPD HQ is a prime example of that. We have good architects, good designers, good planners, good growth, good resources - but we have stopped making the connections that leverage all of these things.

11-29-2014, 08:06 PM
Drove by it today and thought it looked good. The architecture definitely fits the rest of the neighborhood without the fake look.