07-22-2015, 02:52 PM
Meanwhile over in my slums by Lake Overholser, this one had my curiosity since they remodeled in the last couple of years. Zillow says it was 3300 sq ft.
A recent building permit for the address says add 7000 + sq ft, 4 baths and an elevator.
I thought it might be a Thunder player wanted to live on the lake, since one part looks big enough to put a full size ball court inside. Turns out I was wrong.
Barlow seems to be the name. School system consultant?,-97.665395,3a,57.8y,70.61h,84.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRM6m2Esw16say41aAuFgHg!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656
What is the first name? There was a medical doctor that lived down the street in the Spanish style mansion named Ron Barlow. He died and his wife moved out of the house. They had two sons that are medical doctors-Todd and Jeremy. I wonder if one of them owns this house?
A recent building permit for the address says add 7000 + sq ft, 4 baths and an elevator.
I thought it might be a Thunder player wanted to live on the lake, since one part looks big enough to put a full size ball court inside. Turns out I was wrong.
Barlow seems to be the name. School system consultant?,-97.665395,3a,57.8y,70.61h,84.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRM6m2Esw16say41aAuFgHg!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656
What is the first name? There was a medical doctor that lived down the street in the Spanish style mansion named Ron Barlow. He died and his wife moved out of the house. They had two sons that are medical doctors-Todd and Jeremy. I wonder if one of them owns this house?