View Full Version : Faded Elegance (Havana)

10-03-2011, 07:46 AM
Here is something not to miss at the Art Museum.


We went primarily to see the "Passages" exhibition.
It was good.

This collection of photographs is breathtaking.

10-03-2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks for the post. I ran into a photographer friend at an estate sale this weekend and she recommended this exhibit, too.

10-03-2011, 05:27 PM
Were you there Sunday, Moderate? If so, we may have passed one another. I agree that both exhibits were great. Not a big fan of the exhibit on the second floor, though...

The photos were engaging, even if they were enhanced a bit. I was kind of surprised by the theme-park presentation of the Passages exhibit, however. That and the portion of the exhibit making Anne Boleyn out to be a great Christian martyr with little reference to Thomas More of the same period.

Double Edge
10-03-2011, 07:01 PM
Faded Elegance is great! I was there Saturday.


Somewhat of a different than usual crowd at the art museum and 99% of them were crammed in Passages. I gave up on seeing it. With the bus loads of people being brought in, they should have given it more room, put each object in a different case and spread them out.

10-03-2011, 10:33 PM

my favorite part
of the photo spread
into which you could
almost step and live
for awhile:

The "Staircases" Trio.

(especially, perhaps)

the faded poster
of Sarita Montiel
adorning the wall
adjacent to the staircase
leading to the balcony
of "Hollywood Theater"
in Havana.

we are familiar
with fading posters
of Ché the G-man
adorning walls
and teeshirts

but Sarita?


P.S. (as in "after the excursion of the suburban rubes"
to the Urban Core
to get some culture =)

(And playing off of the "Theme Park" reference, above =)

McNellies =/= McMediocres?
Kaiser's: Good,
yet with an apparent inability
to produce an actual "Vanilla" Malt (as ordered)
rather than the delicious "Chocolate" version
of the same sort of dessert.