View Full Version : Halloween
Thunder 09-27-2011, 08:11 PM
It is that time of year again! Halloween!!!
List all the attractions happening across the state and also list any breaking news info regarding any cities changing Halloween from the 31st (Monday) to 29th (Saturday).
Frontier City (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all month of October.)
- Frightfest Family Fun: Hal & Scream's Dance Party, Measuring Mortician, and Magic of the Night. Time: 6pm to 8pm
- Freaky Frightfest Fun: Nightmare Haunted House (location of old Nightmare coaster) for $5 Entry, Proctor's Revenge, Dead Man's Party, and Monster Parade.
- Frightfest Food Drive: Bring any two nonperishable food items to enter the park for only $22.99. (City Rescue Mission)
We have our very own member on here with a real spooky haunted house in Guthrie. More info on that as soon he sees this topic and make a post.
On the last weekend of the month (29th and 30th), the Golden Goose Flea Market and East County Swap Meet will have Vendors passing out free candies to children in costumes!
BBatesokc 09-27-2011, 08:33 PM The Trail of Fear in Lawton has a pretty good Groupon going on - $80 value for $29 for 2 people. A few of us are getting these and heading to Lawton for the weekend (cabins in Medicine Park, hiking all day and then some haunted forest action at night).
Thunder 09-27-2011, 08:52 PM Don't forget the OKC Zoo!!!
Jesseda 09-28-2011, 12:59 PM orr family farm is having trick or treat night saturday october 29th..
haunt old town moore trick or treat is october 29th from 4-7.
also the haunted house that is going in at crossroads mall!!!!!
Thunder 09-28-2011, 01:33 PM Oh, yeah, totally forgot about Oklahoma's favorite #1 mall at Crossroads Mall!!!
rcjunkie 09-28-2011, 08:36 PM Oh, yeah, totally forgot about Oklahoma's favorite #1 mall at Crossroads Mall!!!
Thunder's right about Crossroads Mall, after all, it is a ghost town!!
Thunder 10-01-2011, 01:10 AM For those not following the other thread, here is the same info.
Pet Halloween Pix!
The lady of Sundance Pet Boutique, Becky, will be paying for a lot of ink and photo paper. I, Thunder, got the decorations and set up the area. Come support us! Each picture is only a Shocking Low $5!!! Bring your pets, either in costume or without (costumes available), and get them ready for pictures. Shop throughout the mall while I prepare the pictures.
(I will add another ghost on the background since some doggy are small.)
Thunder 10-26-2011, 08:32 PM There is a Halloween Superstore on Shields. Is there any others just like it somewhere else? Just wonder who own the Halloween Superstores. There is a party store on McArthur with a bunch of Halloween costumes. I'm looking for great Vampire costume also affordable. Max $30. :-)
BBatesokc 10-26-2011, 09:24 PM There's one on I-35 near Spencer (is also a fireworks retailer in June/July). They have awesome Batman and Superman costumes ($500). Lots of other stuff, but a bit pricey. The one on Shields has a huge selection, as does the one on MacArthur. Masquerade on Classen has a few things. We actually bought most of ours at the little costume shop on NW 23rd (east of MacArthur). Same guy has owned it for a long time. I like his stuff. Most is higher quality and at a good price. The final touches I ordered online and had overnighted for tomorrow.
Thunder 10-26-2011, 09:33 PM Spencer?
BBatesokc 10-26-2011, 09:35 PM Yes. Nice little community. I highly suggest you do a cross-dressing costume and skip door-to-door trick or treating there. Actually, guess that is closer to Forest Park.
I just seen when you started this thread Thunder. Are you gonna start one about Christmas on oh say, November 1st. Lol :-)
Thunder 10-26-2011, 10:32 PM Already started one. :LolLolLol
Already started one. :LolLolLol
:LolLolLol I need to find it.
Thunder 10-27-2011, 12:05 AM :LolLolLol
Visit my profile and click on ALL THREADS STARTED to explore the wonderful sensations I've brought to this glorious place. ;-)
Visit my profile and click on ALL THREADS STARTED to explore the wonderful sensations I've brought to this glorious place. ;-)
I should pray before I read all the threads you've started; there's no telling what kind of sin I'm gonna find. Lol :evilsmile
Thunder 10-28-2011, 01:50 AM Golden Goose Flea Market got listed on KOCO's Halloween Events page and even linked to the website! I have been sick for a while...including absense at the market last Sunday. I hope to God all vendors are prepared with candies. Just texted the owner about our listing on KOCO and told him to bring bags for some vendors not being prepared and charge them for the bags. I'm hoping to get my direct deposit tomorrow to grab a bunch of bags cuz I tend to give too much per kid. I will be there for the Halloween pix for pets and kids. Adults, too!
I'm gonna be a vampire in a cheap costume. Gonna try to do the makeup...first don't laugh!
There is a Halloween Superstore on Shields. Is there any others just like it somewhere else? Just wonder who own the Halloween Superstores. There is a party store on McArthur with a bunch of Halloween costumes. I'm looking for great Vampire costume also affordable. Max $30. :-)
Party Galaxy owns the Halloween Superstores. The same stores there on McArthur and also I-240.