View Full Version : Your child's diet?

04-05-2005, 02:15 AM
If you have children do you control their diet, or do you allow them to eat what they wish? Those that don't childen may also chime in and give their opinions.

04-05-2005, 11:02 AM
After the experience I have been through on my quest to lose the weight I need, I would do the following.

Put the kids on a proper diet. Restrict their intake of sweets, make sure they workout and have plenty of playtime. Restrict sedentary activities like television and the internet.

With this in mind, it will teach them a proper lifestyle.

04-06-2005, 01:12 AM
I agree. When I was growing up, my parents limited the amount of candy I could eat, and provided nutritious meals. Fast Food was never part of our diet except on special occasions, and then it was always a treat. Love your kids...feed them healthy foods and they will live longer, to take care of you when you're older!

04-06-2005, 05:58 AM
I agree. When I was growing up, my parents limited the amount of candy I could eat, and provided nutritious meals. Fast Food was never part of our diet except on special occasions, and then it was always a treat. Love your kids...feed them healthy foods and they will live longer, to take care of you when you're older!
When I was growing up, back in the late 60's, early 70's, there was always more emphasis on eating a home cooked meal, made by mom, instead of going out to eat fast food. I remember most every evening, sitting together as a family, eating a nutritious meal.

Man, time sure has changed. Now, we may get a home cooked meal three times a week, and that is if we are lucky. When we do eat out, we try to eat something that is good for us. Unfotunately, though, many times the meal we eat is not as nutritious as it should be. We still eat too many burgers and fries, so my kids don't eat as good as they should.