View Full Version : The Great State Fair of Oklahoma 2011

09-16-2011, 04:37 PM
...and Pongo was his name-o!

It is that time of the year again where the kids flock to only come out crying, teenagers flock to only come out drunk, and the adults flock to only come out gaining more weight!

The Great State Fair of Oklahoma filled with carnival rides (hope there is no fatality), hundreds of food vendors (at high ABLE risk), countless of trickery games (where your dollars truly goes lost), and multiple buildings filled with thousands of items to shop (ATM machines available for your Credit/Debit cards)!

Thursday, September the 15th, was the grand opening day. And what do you know? RAIN!!!!! Hell yeah, just when Oklahoma suffer through severe drought, we all know that such relief will arrive the instant the Great State Fair of Oklahoma is in town! Exactly! The day the whole Fairgrounds opened, rain started to fall steadily. And it continues onto the second day! Chief Meteorologist Venture will give us a special Great State Fair of Oklahoma forecast of each day to better prepare us in our trip planning. Venture?

So, did you all go? Some may not. Share your stories! Don't hold back, cuz your guilt conscious will eat you alive if you do not share the stories! :-)

Edit Update - And don't forget to post pictures!!!

09-17-2011, 12:32 AM
1) Not a meteorologist.
2) Don't care about the redneck family reunion that happens off I-44 this time of year. :-P

09-17-2011, 12:37 AM
1) Not a meteorologist.
2) Don't care about the redneck family reunion that happens off I-44 this time of year. :-P

1. Well, not officially, but its a fun name for the forum. :-)
2. Can you explain more about this redneck family reunion?

I love going to the Great State Fair of Oklahoma. I like to shop first before the rides and randomly eat here and there during the whole day. My favorite time is seeing all the lights on the rides. Unfortunately, I won't go this year as I am budgeting money to open a fish store.

But, Venture, you seem like the kind of guy that would love the activities out there.

09-17-2011, 05:46 AM
Talked with a co-worker that works the State Fair every year. She said the first day was incredibly busy especially for Toy Story on Ice and the prices on just about everything have gone up. I went last year which was the first time in about 10 years. Just thankful that the rain arrived on schedule.

09-17-2011, 11:11 AM
Might go once just to sample the food. Totally forgot about Leon Russell performing last night and missed out what i heard was a great show.

09-17-2011, 05:57 PM
I've never been to the state fair (the Oklahoma one, anyway), so my boyfriend and I might go tonight, or tomorrow. Anything I should make sure to see/do?

09-17-2011, 06:39 PM
I've never been to the state fair (the Oklahoma one, anyway), so my boyfriend and I might go tonight, or tomorrow. Anything I should make sure to see/do?

That is an excellent question! Please refer to for complete details. I highly suggest you go to any events on any days on impulse. Don't wait for reviews, because those comes too late. Enjoy your fun thrill with your lovely boyfriend!

09-17-2011, 07:10 PM
I've never been to the state fair (the Oklahoma one, anyway), so my boyfriend and I might go tonight, or tomorrow. Anything I should make sure to see/do?

My best recommendation is just don't arrive with any high expectations. I'm not gonna knock it too much - it is what it is. But if you've ever been to the Texas State Fair, ours is tiny and amateurish by comparison, IMO. We go most years, but find we spend $40-$100 and leave feeling dissatisfied.

The people watching is good, there is a decent selection of 'fair food' and if the weather is nice its a reason to get out of the house and walk around.

If you have kids to take it can be fun just watching them pig out and ride rides. We used to all race each other on the potato sack slide over and over again. As 40-year old adults I find it a fairly lame fair for the price.

I still find parking on the NE side usually to be my best bet.

09-18-2011, 02:17 PM
Normally eat and run on Sundays before the massive after church crowd hits

Pancho dog and corn are a must every visit and normally switch between meatball sandwich and a gyro on the two visits a year...Didnt notice any price increases

09-18-2011, 02:47 PM
Awesome, thanks for the info! Especially about the parking, BBates.

I grew up a 4-Her, so it will be interesting to compare the Oklahoma State Fair to my home state's. After perusing the website, it looks like the emphasis is way more on entertainment and way less on the actual competitions...

09-18-2011, 02:55 PM
My best recommendation is just don't arrive with any high expectations. I'm not gonna knock it too much - it is what it is. But if you've ever been to the Texas State Fair, ours is tiny and amateurish by comparison, IMO. We go most years, but find we spend $40-$100 and leave feeling dissatisfied.

The people watching is good, there is a decent selection of 'fair food' and if the weather is nice its a reason to get out of the house and walk around.

If you have kids to take it can be fun just watching them pig out and ride rides. We used to all race each other on the potato sack slide over and over again. As 40-year old adults I find it a fairly lame fair for the price.

I still find parking on the NE side usually to be my best bet.

I've never been to the Texas State Fair, but I did go to the Arizona one a few years ago. It was pretty horrible; our fair is much better in comparison.

I'm not saying our fair couldn't be improved. I'm just saying there's always something better out there. Just because our fair isn't the greatest ever doesn't mean you can't have a fun time.

09-18-2011, 03:59 PM
We go to Texas for the weekend and visit theirs. I'm guessing its 3-4x the size of ours. Many vendors skip ours to do Texas instead.

09-18-2011, 04:39 PM
No doubt. Maybe I'll check it out if I have the time. I'm still looking forward to going to the OK fair tomorrow and I expect to have a good time.

09-18-2011, 10:42 PM
We go to Texas for the weekend and visit theirs. I'm guessing its 3-4x the size of ours. Many vendors skip ours to do Texas instead.

I've been to the Texas fair over 40 times. The grounds are smaller than ours if that's what you're talking about. They have some nice exhibit buildings with an attractive cohesive appearance but the exhibits are nothing special compared to ours. Their fair does not overlap the time frame for ours so there is no need for vendors to skip here for there. The Texas State Fair doesn't start until September 30th.

09-18-2011, 11:49 PM
I've been to the Texas fair over 40 times. The grounds are smaller than ours if that's what you're talking about. They have some nice exhibit buildings with an attractive cohesive appearance but the exhibits are nothing special compared to ours. Their fair does not overlap the time frame for ours so there is no need for vendors to skip here for there. The Texas State Fair doesn't start until September 30th.

The last day of the Great State Fair of Oklahoma is supposed to be on the 29th or shortly afterward. At least two weeks! I just checked, the last day is on the 25th. WTF?! That is at least 4 days lost which translate into millions of dollars lost in revenues. Oh well, their fault. Anyway... either date, the 25th or 29th, this does not give vendors much time to close down, prepare, drive, and setup in another state. They will have to pick one. Thanks for reading! :-)

09-18-2011, 11:51 PM
The last day of the Great State Fair of Oklahoma is supposed to be on the 29th or shortly afterward. At least two weeks! I just checked, the last day is on the 25th. WTF?! That is at least 4 days lost which translate into millions of dollars lost in revenues. Oh well, their fault. Anyway... either date, the 25th or 29th, this does not give vendors much time to close down, prepare, drive, and setup in another state. They will have to pick one. Thanks for reading! :-)


09-18-2011, 11:54 PM
I love you too, Maynard.

09-18-2011, 11:55 PM
I love you too, Maynard.


09-19-2011, 12:02 AM
I love you too, Maynard.

09-19-2011, 12:05 AM
The last day of the Great State Fair of Oklahoma is supposed to be on the 29th or shortly afterward. At least two weeks! I just checked, the last day is on the 25th. WTF?! That is at least 4 days lost which translate into millions of dollars lost in revenues. Oh well, their fault. Anyway... either date, the 25th or 29th, this does not give vendors much time to close down, prepare, drive, and setup in another state. They will have to pick one. Thanks for reading! :-)

They made that change a few years ago. The fair starts on a thursday now instead of monday. I doubt the amount of revenue generated changes that much since were talking about three weekdays. People are only going to go to the fair x amount of times if they go at all.

09-19-2011, 12:13 AM
Yes, Maynard, I know you have a fine lover. :-)

jn1780, I know, but still...cutting days still lessen the revenue. Especially for the vendors selling items.

09-19-2011, 12:14 AM
Yes, Maynard, I know you have a fine lover. :-)

jn1780, I know, but still...cutting days still lessen the revenue. Especially for the vendors selling items.


09-19-2011, 12:37 AM
The last day of the Great State Fair of Oklahoma is supposed to be on the 29th or shortly afterward. At least two weeks! I just checked, the last day is on the 25th. WTF?! That is at least 4 days lost which translate into millions of dollars lost in revenues. Oh well, their fault. Anyway... either date, the 25th or 29th, this does not give vendors much time to close down, prepare, drive, and setup in another state. They will have to pick one. Thanks for reading! :-)

Thunder, that is four days for a 3 hour trip. Any vendors who want to be at both fairs would have no problem. Unless it's something very complicated it shouldn't take more than one day to pack up from one location and one day to unpack and set up at a new location. Some vendors may choose to be at Texas and not here but it's not because of the dates involved.

A number of years ago our fair experimented with a fair covering three weekends. I think they found that many vendors didn't want to commit to being here that long so it caused a problem with the quality of the exhibits.

09-19-2011, 06:52 AM
I've been to the Texas fair over 40 times. The grounds are smaller than ours if that's what you're talking about. They have some nice exhibit buildings with an attractive cohesive appearance but the exhibits are nothing special compared to ours. Their fair does not overlap the time frame for ours so there is no need for vendors to skip here for there. The Texas State Fair doesn't start until September 30th.

I'd definitely say there are far more vendors of all types at the Texas State Fair, wider variety of foods (though most are a bit bizarre), the auto show is WAY bigger (which is a favorite of mine) and they attract way more attendance I'm guessing. The buildings also have a better section of vendors. I attend both fairs and the difference is pretty obvious. I've asked vendors when I've seen things I liked i didn't see in OKC and I am always told the fair dates are too close together and the cost of the OKC fair is too high compared to revenue generated.

Like I said before, I go to ours and its a reason to get out of the house and look around, but certainly not impressive.

09-19-2011, 01:57 PM
We go to Texas for the weekend and visit theirs. I'm guessing its 3-4x the size of ours. Many vendors skip ours to do Texas instead.

Yeah, I've been to the Texas State Fair once before. I was amazed by the huge car shows. Taking a ride on the country's biggest Ferris wheel was nice.

09-19-2011, 06:59 PM
Too many Texans around at the Texas fair...Kinda ruins the whole thing

09-19-2011, 08:10 PM
Too many Texans around at the Texas fair...Kinda ruins the whole thing

That's why you go during OU/TX weekend, a bit more Okies in the crowd. Amazing though, no matter what state you're in, "fair people" are all the same.

09-19-2011, 08:12 PM
That's why you go during OU/TX weekend, a bit more Okies in the crowd. Amazing though, no matter what state you're in, "fair people" are all the same.

With a sucker born every minute!


09-19-2011, 08:16 PM
I passed a convoy of trucks carrying rides during my drive to texas. So their already getting ready for the Texas State Fair.

09-19-2011, 08:27 PM
Does anyone remember about 20 or so yrs ago when they had a couple of characters dressed up in Saddam Hussien garb and you got to shoot paintballs at them while they tried to avoid getting shot?
I got in a good amount of head shots before i had to move on and find something to eat.
Long before PC set in as this would never be allowed in this day and age.

09-19-2011, 08:29 PM

09-19-2011, 08:44 PM
Does anyone remember about 20 or so yrs ago when they had a couple of characters dressed up in Saddam Hussien garb and you got to shoot paintballs at them while they tried to avoid getting shot?
I got in a good amount of head shots before i had to move on and find something to eat.
Long before PC set in as this would never be allowed in this day and age.

I vaguely remember them. I also remember when they had 'real' freak shows (mostly real depressing).

09-19-2011, 08:45 PM
I vaguely remember them. I also remember when they had 'real' freak shows (mostly real depressing).

What about the chicken that could play "tic-tac-toe"?

09-19-2011, 09:07 PM
I vaguely remember them. I also remember when they had 'real' freak shows (mostly real depressing).

I recall the lady that was supposedly decapitated in an auto accident and the head was still alive{supposedly lol}
I also recall seeing the lady that before your eyes morphed into a gorilla then busted out of the cage making all the customers run for their life.

09-19-2011, 09:25 PM
How about "Maneating Chicken"?

Actually I remember the real freak shows that were mostly disfigured animals people. Most were just in pictures or stuffed recreations. A few were alive. They were very un-PC.

09-19-2011, 09:36 PM
Brian, do you think I qualify to be in a freak show?

09-19-2011, 10:15 PM
I went to the fair this weekend. I bought a package of beef jerky from one of the made-in-Oklahoma booths. Later, I set down the plastic sack it was in and left it for 15-20 seconds and when I came back it was gone. *sigh* Then we decided to go get some fair food and I barely had time to digest my $7 chicken-on-a-stick and $5 lemonade when I saw two ghetto-fabulous girls get into a shouting match over a dollar bill one of them found on the ground. That pretty-much sums up the fair.

09-19-2011, 10:22 PM
I went to the fair this weekend. I bought a package of beef jerky from one of the made-in-Oklahoma booths. Later, I set down the plastic sack it was in and left it for 15-20 seconds and when I came back it was gone. *sigh* Then we decided to go get some fair food and I barely had time to digest my $7 chicken-on-a-stick and $5 lemonade when I saw two ghetto-fabulous girls get into a shouting match over a dollar bill one of them found on the ground. That pretty-much sums up the fair.

I am deeply saddened of your loss, MadMonk.

To the thief reading this post, there will be hell to pay! Curses on you for all eternity!

09-19-2011, 10:50 PM
I went to the fair this weekend. I bought a package of beef jerky from one of the made-in-Oklahoma booths. Later, I set down the plastic sack it was in and left it for 15-20 seconds and when I came back it was gone. *sigh* Then we decided to go get some fair food and I barely had time to digest my $7 chicken-on-a-stick and $5 lemonade when I saw two ghetto-fabulous girls get into a shouting match over a dollar bill one of them found on the ground. That pretty-much sums up the fair.

Hey......a dollar bill will buy a lot of grape kool aid.

09-19-2011, 10:57 PM
Hey......a dollar bill will buy a lot of grape kool aid.

If Don Imus said that they probably would ban him from the fair.

Just the facts
09-21-2011, 07:30 AM
I went to the fair this weekend. I bought a package of beef jerky from one of the made-in-Oklahoma booths. Later, I set down the plastic sack it was in and left it for 15-20 seconds and when I came back it was gone.

You probably lost that bad of jerky to a bird.

09-21-2011, 03:26 PM
You probably lost that bad of jerky to a bird.
I didn't mention that I had set it down in the passenger seat of one of the cars I was looking over (I think it was the Hyundai Genesis). There is the remote possibility that a particularly dextrous bird flew in, swooped down, opened the passenger door and nabbed the bag-o-jerky, but I doubt it. :LolLolLol

09-21-2011, 05:29 PM
I am just wondering when they are going to announce the demolition of the space needle. It's pretty much hidden behind the scenes and dark at night. I noticed none of the news outlets mentioned anything on it this year. They have had a year to fix it or replace it. I am thinking they are hoping people will not miss it after two fairs went without it. After all that space would make a good parking lot for horse trailers or if nothing else a big pit for the horsemen to use as a spittoon.

Then again they may never mention it and we will just wake up one morning and it will be gone.

09-21-2011, 10:25 PM
I am just wondering when they are going to announce the demolition of the space needle. It's pretty much hidden behind the scenes and dark at night. I noticed none of the news outlets mentioned anything on it this year. They have had a year to fix it or replace it. I am thinking they are hoping people will not miss it after two fairs went without it. After all that space would make a good parking lot for horse trailers or if nothing else a big pit for the horsemen to use as a spittoon.

Then again they may never mention it and we will just wake up one morning and it will be gone.

Actually KFOR had a news segment about the space needle. They interviewed someone with the fair who said that it was so old they had problems getting parts to fix it and there are evidently no current plans to do so.

09-23-2011, 02:57 PM
can someone tell me the name of the vendor selling the salad dressing in one of the buildings? i meant to pick some up and neglected to do so.

09-26-2011, 12:20 PM
Finally took in the fair on the last day (Sunday). Opinions will vary but, overall I found it to just be "okay."

1. Great weather.
2. Non-rowdy crowd (only there during the day).
3. Grounds seemed really clean.
4. Large/frequent police presence.
5. Isles were nice an wide in the food/midway areas.
6. Midway carni's were not overly annoying.
7. Good excuse to get out of the house and walk around.
8. Lots of free and convenient parking.
9. Saw a couple of newer/nicer rides than I've seen in the past.

1. Found the overall cost to be high for what you got. Can't imagine taking a hungry family with kids. My costs were right at $45 (tickets and food for two).
2. Too many smokers. We moved several times while trying to eat near the space needle. Way too many people with cigarettes and even two guys with cigars.
3. They looked to have spread the fair out more due to fewer vendors. Just didn't look like nearly as many vendors as years past.
4. Vendors inside the building were just plain boring in my opinion. Same stuff year after year (but, I have the same opinion of the Arts Festival).

Will most likely be visiting the Texas fair in the coming weeks. Curious to make a more conscious comparison.

Wife and I thought the same thing as we left..... Should have just gone to a nice restaurant instead and then gone for a walk.

10-02-2011, 03:55 PM
Wife and I thought the same thing as we left..... Should have just gone to a nice restaurant instead and then gone for a walk.

My wife and I were thinking the same thing. The food was not all that great this year and overpriced. The only thing worth the time was the cinnamon rolls. We can get cinnamon rolls anywhere. We will likely save our money next year and spend a weekend in Dallas for the Texas State Fair.